Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Absolutely true. I find racism of any stripe, and from any color of person to be stupid, and intellectually dishonest. The evidence is simple and unequivocal. No race is superior to any other. Period.
Similar, is not sameness...

For example; humans are purported to share up to 98 percent of the same DNA as chimps, and Bonobos.
Bonobos Join Chimps as Closest Human Relatives

"differences in the genomes of the three species—differences that may explain how bonobos and chimpanzees don't look or act like us even though we share about 99% of our DNA.

"We're so closely related genetically, yet our behavior is so different," says team member and computational biologist Janet Kelso of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany."

Obviously even such a small variance in the genetic commonality can produce very profound differences. It doesn't take much.

Then couple the realization that small differences can and do have a profound effect on the outcome of a species; with the difference between sub-saharan negro populations, and humans.

Non subsaharan negro populations are comprised of as much as 2 percent neanderthal, and denisovan DNA. Native subsaharan negros have none.

Humans Today Have Even More Neanderthal DNA Than We Realized

"modern populations carry between 1.8 to 2.6 percent Neanderthal DNA—that’s higher than the previous estimates of about 1.5 to 2.1 percent. More specifically, East Asians have about 2.3 to 2.6 percent Neanderthal DNA, while people from western Europe and Asia have retained about 1.8 to 2.4 percent DNA. African populations have virtually none because their ancestors did not mate with Neanderthals."

At the risk of stating the obvious; negros arent the same as the rest of humanity, as genetics bear out. We clearly see the difference even 2 percent can make. In truth... The difference was obvious even before genetics proved it out.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
So who was living in South Africa before the Dutch got there LOL? I guess you fell for the Boer propaganda too...
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...

The other thing I foundvinteredting isvtheir belief that they are not inherently violent, that they became violent because of the white man. There is mountains of evidence that prove that belief to be ridiculous. As you note, the bantu came after, and tried to exterminate the Busmen, long before the white man ever set foot in Africa.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?

Yes, why feel pride for something you didn't do?

Harriet Tubman was a extraordinary human being. Her accomplishments were because of HER, and her extraordinary will power.

Not the color of her skin.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
totally agree--the blacks are so obsessed with color, it warps their minds
ie -Smollet
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Nope...I'd tell a Black person they were wrong if they used that sense of pride to attempt to prove that they were inherently superior to white people....or any other race, for that matter. Taking and using good examples in history is proper.
Pride is one thing..using historical "fact" to attempt to prove inherent superiority to any other race is quite another.
It's 2019 and in 2 months it will be 2020. It's time to end beliefs from the 1700's.This is from Henry Louis Gates. You know, the guy you racists love to quote in order to talk about black slaveowners.

You are right they did a lot-warred with each other, created slaves and probably slavery too-sold Africans into slavery to the European traders, and cultivated exotic diseases. What a legacy!
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...

The other thing I foundvinteredting isvtheir belief that they are not inherently violent, that they became violent because of the white man. There is mountains of evidence that prove that belief to be ridiculous. As you note, the bantu came after, and tried to exterminate the Busmen, long before the white man ever set foot in Africa.
All humans are exactly the same degree. It is our nature.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
Oh Gawd! Are they going to start with the great San (Hottentot) civilization now? :)
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Nope...I'd tell a Black person they were wrong if they used that sense of pride to attempt to prove that they were inherently superior to white people....or any other race, for that matter. Taking and using good examples in history is proper.
Pride is one thing..using historical "fact" to attempt to prove inherent superiority to any other race is quite another.
..undeniable, the whites were superior in technology/writing/etc...anyone that does not think so is hiding their head in the sand
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

The reason why I found this thread interesting is the basic belief that these nutjobs have that all history is from blacks, that all culture and technology is from blacks, and that because blacks were the first people that gives them the right to murder interlopers. This Paul essien fool basically said that even though dutch settlers beat blacks to South Africa by over 100 years, because they are white, their descendants should be killed and their land stolen.

That is such an extreme viewpoint that there is no reasoning with the sort of person who holds those beliefs. You simply kill them and move on.
LOL! Well...many like to think that the Bantu migration was the first time Africans were in that part of Africa..of course..they are wrong:

San people - Wikipedia

Again..this preoccupation with though it has any real relevancy...
totally agree--the blacks are so obsessed with color, it warps their minds
ie -Smollet
Not what I said at all..racist. Nice try at twisting. I've read your posts...YOU are so obsessed with has warped YOUR proven in your posts on the subject.
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Nope...I'd tell a Black person they were wrong if they used that sense of pride to attempt to prove that they were inherently superior to white people....or any other race, for that matter. Taking and using good examples in history is proper.
Pride is one thing..using historical "fact" to attempt to prove inherent superiority to any other race is quite another.
..undeniable, the whites were superior in technology/writing/etc...anyone that does not think so is hiding their head in the sand
The outcome speaks for itself...
Kinda ran through this thread..I have to wonder..just why this is all?? Genetic testing shows..conclusively...that all of humanity.....came from Africa. Yes, I know my link is Wikipedia...I could drown the thread in science..but..given that most here don't care..and wouldn't read it...I didn't bother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia

My point is..for both sides in this lil that our common humanity and common point of origin renders moot any cultural credit or deficit attributed to them.

Why it would matter in the least as to the color of the skin...or cultural heritage of...historical personages totally escapes me. Dividing humans up into smaller historical subsets simply invites exactly what is going on infinite splitting of 'facts' that can never be proven..and are just fodder for people's preconceptions.

OK...carry on may continue with the poo flinging!

African Americans want to believe that their people contributed something of great significance to ancient history and not just as slaves. It's sad, really. It truly is.
And you want to prove the reverse...that Africans contributed nothing...which is, of course, total bullshit.
My point is that it doesn't really matter..your point is that it matters whole it helps prop up your false sense of cultural superiority. Which..BTW, you were born into and did nothing to earn. We are not our history...we are what me make of ourselves. Losers prop themselves up with deeds of their provide their ancestors with something to talk about!

Would you tell a black person that they're wrong for feeling a sense of pride at Harriet Tubman's accomplishments? Or is your attitude towards culture only reserved for white people?
Nope...I'd tell a Black person they were wrong if they used that sense of pride to attempt to prove that they were inherently superior to white people....or any other race, for that matter. Taking and using good examples in history is proper.
Pride is one thing..using historical "fact" to attempt to prove inherent superiority to any other race is quite another.
..undeniable, the whites were superior in technology/writing/etc...anyone that does not think so is hiding their head in the sand
LOL! And away you go, eh? Hmmm...did 'White' people invent writing? Were the first examples of tech invented by 'White" people?

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