Another lie debunked-Africans did nothing before the white man

America has been around for almost 250 years and the nation still struggles with extreme wealth inequality, corruption in government and private business, crime and poverty. So don't talk that shit about Africa having 50 years and it's the blacks fault. That continent was doing very well until whites did what they did.

Whoa hang on a minute here now. Weren't you clowns crowing about a black leader who "was the richest evah".

What do you think the wealth gap was with him?

Can't have it both ways dude.
Atlantic Slave Trade: Fallacy of Blacks selling Blacks

I really appreciated this video.

I often think about this issue when folks list reasons why the black community should have reparations, lists are made why.

But the only ethnic groups in the U.S. that are guilty of the sins, are in fact, the English, the Jewish families, and maybe the Welsh.

Not the Scots, not the Irish, not the French, not the Germans, not the Italians, not the Chinese, not other Asian groups, not the Hispanics, not the Natives, not the Russians, and not the Eastern Europeans. They were either indentured, mercenaries, or came over at the end of the 19th century. The were not given the benefits of the great social programs. These were reserved, primarily for the WASP's. Stereo typing "whites" into a mass categorization is just as bad as mass stereo typing "blacks" or "Hispanics." I love how he pointed this out.

So why should all of America be penalized, stereo-typed and accused of "white privilege" for the sins of two or three ethnic groups? All ethnic groups have suffered from crimes against the elites. It gets tiresome, and folks react poorly when they are accused of gaining benefit from something they have never gotten benefit from.

I also loved this statement;

"You can't take a 20th century mind set and apply it to 16th, and 17th century people." I SO agree with that statement. WE HAVE TO LET THE PAST GO ALREADY. It applies to everyone, and everything.

It's easy to let the past go..when it's not riding on your your back. I'm against financial reparations..for a number of reasons.

But an acknowledgment of wrongdoing....a formal apology from our Govt.? Yes.....I...think that would mean a lot. There is precedent..we did for the Japanese-American internees of WWII--why not for our black citizens?

Is that really necessary at this point? If it would make white liberals feel better, sure. I doubt anyone in the black community gives a shit what the government does or does not do.

Do Japanese Americans care? Does it mean anything to them? For the smart ones, I doubt it.

Would it mean anything to Chinese Americans for the government to apologize for the wrong it did to them?

The government has, one way or another, wronged many ethnic groups. Apologies are meaningless.

I am sure the Natives would far rather their treaties be honored than have an apology, what does it matter?

The government uses and abuses people, to blame whole ethnic groups for that is a divide and conquer strategy that the elites have been using since before this nation even existed. And if you quit trying to keep the government honest and accountable and accept an apology as a equitable substitute? :71:

Apologies are empty words by disingenuous politicians.

We must reveal history as it is, find out the truth, and just strive to do better going forward.
900 posts on a thread where white supremacists fight to prove that black folk amount to nothing.
Racism is dead right ?

What debate ? It was over from the first post.
Atlantic Slave Trade: Fallacy of Blacks selling Blacks

I really appreciated this video.

I often think about this issue when folks list reasons why the black community should have reparations, lists are made why.

But the only ethnic groups in the U.S. that are guilty of the sins, are in fact, the English, the Jewish families, and maybe the Welsh.

Not the Scots, not the Irish, not the French, not the Germans, not the Italians, not the Chinese, not other Asian groups, not the Hispanics, not the Natives, not the Russians, and not the Eastern Europeans. They were either indentured, mercenaries, or came over at the end of the 19th century. The were not given the benefits of the great social programs. These were reserved, primarily for the WASP's. Stereo typing "whites" into a mass categorization is just as bad as mass stereo typing "blacks" or "Hispanics." I love how he pointed this out.

So why should all of America be penalized, stereo-typed and accused of "white privilege" for the sins of two or three ethnic groups? All ethnic groups have suffered from crimes against the elites. It gets tiresome, and folks react poorly when they are accused of gaining benefit from something they have never gotten benefit from.

I also loved this statement;

"You can't take a 20th century mind set and apply it to 16th, and 17th century people." I SO agree with that statement. WE HAVE TO LET THE PAST GO ALREADY. It applies to everyone, and everything.

It's easy to let the past go..when it's not riding on your your back. I'm against financial reparations..for a number of reasons.

But an acknowledgment of wrongdoing....a formal apology from our Govt.? Yes.....I...think that would mean a lot. There is precedent..we did for the Japanese-American internees of WWII--why not for our black citizens?

Has Africa apologized for past slavery? Has Africa apologized for its rampant CURRENT slavery? Why is the US singled out to apologize for shit that every nation did, and some still do?
America has been around for almost 250 years and the nation still struggles with extreme wealth inequality, corruption in government and private business, crime and poverty. So don't talk that shit about Africa having 50 years and it's the blacks fault. That continent was doing very well until whites did what they did.

Whoa hang on a minute here now. Weren't you clowns crowing about a black leader who "was the richest evah".

What do you think the wealth gap was with him?

Can't have it both ways dude.

He and his black supremacist cohorts here also excused Mansa Musa's practice of slavery and wars of conquest.
Atlantic Slave Trade: Fallacy of Blacks selling Blacks

I really appreciated this video.

I often think about this issue when folks list reasons why the black community should have reparations, lists are made why.

But the only ethnic groups in the U.S. that are guilty of the sins, are in fact, the English, the Jewish families, and maybe the Welsh.

Not the Scots, not the Irish, not the French, not the Germans, not the Italians, not the Chinese, not other Asian groups, not the Hispanics, not the Natives, not the Russians, and not the Eastern Europeans. They were either indentured, mercenaries, or came over at the end of the 19th century. The were not given the benefits of the great social programs. These were reserved, primarily for the WASP's. Stereo typing "whites" into a mass categorization is just as bad as mass stereo typing "blacks" or "Hispanics." I love how he pointed this out.

So why should all of America be penalized, stereo-typed and accused of "white privilege" for the sins of two or three ethnic groups? All ethnic groups have suffered from crimes against the elites. It gets tiresome, and folks react poorly when they are accused of gaining benefit from something they have never gotten benefit from.

I also loved this statement;

"You can't take a 20th century mind set and apply it to 16th, and 17th century people." I SO agree with that statement. WE HAVE TO LET THE PAST GO ALREADY. It applies to everyone, and everything.

It's easy to let the past go..when it's not riding on your your back. I'm against financial reparations..for a number of reasons.

But an acknowledgment of wrongdoing....a formal apology from our Govt.? Yes.....I...think that would mean a lot. There is precedent..we did for the Japanese-American internees of WWII--why not for our black citizens?

Has Africa apologized for past slavery? Has Africa apologized for its rampant CURRENT slavery? Why is the US singled out to apologize for shit that every nation did, and some still do?

Do you not find your post a false equivalency? I do.

I do someone a wrong...I apologize..are you saying that I should not apologize because other people did the same wrong and did not?

That's a bit wrong-headed, don't you think? You are against an apology...that costs you nothing and could have profound positive effect on the world that you live in.....

Tsk, tsk, tsk.......
Atlantic Slave Trade: Fallacy of Blacks selling Blacks

I really appreciated this video.

I often think about this issue when folks list reasons why the black community should have reparations, lists are made why.

But the only ethnic groups in the U.S. that are guilty of the sins, are in fact, the English, the Jewish families, and maybe the Welsh.

Not the Scots, not the Irish, not the French, not the Germans, not the Italians, not the Chinese, not other Asian groups, not the Hispanics, not the Natives, not the Russians, and not the Eastern Europeans. They were either indentured, mercenaries, or came over at the end of the 19th century. The were not given the benefits of the great social programs. These were reserved, primarily for the WASP's. Stereo typing "whites" into a mass categorization is just as bad as mass stereo typing "blacks" or "Hispanics." I love how he pointed this out.

So why should all of America be penalized, stereo-typed and accused of "white privilege" for the sins of two or three ethnic groups? All ethnic groups have suffered from crimes against the elites. It gets tiresome, and folks react poorly when they are accused of gaining benefit from something they have never gotten benefit from.

I also loved this statement;

"You can't take a 20th century mind set and apply it to 16th, and 17th century people." I SO agree with that statement. WE HAVE TO LET THE PAST GO ALREADY. It applies to everyone, and everything.

It's easy to let the past go..when it's not riding on your your back. I'm against financial reparations..for a number of reasons.

But an acknowledgment of wrongdoing....a formal apology from our Govt.? Yes.....I...think that would mean a lot. There is precedent..we did for the Japanese-American internees of WWII--why not for our black citizens?

Has Africa apologized for past slavery? Has Africa apologized for its rampant CURRENT slavery? Why is the US singled out to apologize for shit that every nation did, and some still do?

Do you not find your post a false equivalency? I do.

I do someone a wrong...I apologize..are you saying that I should not apologize because other people did the same wrong and did not?

That's a bit wrong-headed, don't you think? You are against an apology...that costs you nothing and could have profound positive effect on the world that you live in.....

Tsk, tsk, tsk.......

No one alive today has any reason to apologize for slavery in the US. It was an entirely different age. Do you expect nordic nations to apologize for vikings? This apology thing is just silly.
Atlantic Slave Trade: Fallacy of Blacks selling Blacks

I really appreciated this video.

I often think about this issue when folks list reasons why the black community should have reparations, lists are made why.

But the only ethnic groups in the U.S. that are guilty of the sins, are in fact, the English, the Jewish families, and maybe the Welsh.

Not the Scots, not the Irish, not the French, not the Germans, not the Italians, not the Chinese, not other Asian groups, not the Hispanics, not the Natives, not the Russians, and not the Eastern Europeans. They were either indentured, mercenaries, or came over at the end of the 19th century. The were not given the benefits of the great social programs. These were reserved, primarily for the WASP's. Stereo typing "whites" into a mass categorization is just as bad as mass stereo typing "blacks" or "Hispanics." I love how he pointed this out.

So why should all of America be penalized, stereo-typed and accused of "white privilege" for the sins of two or three ethnic groups? All ethnic groups have suffered from crimes against the elites. It gets tiresome, and folks react poorly when they are accused of gaining benefit from something they have never gotten benefit from.

I also loved this statement;

"You can't take a 20th century mind set and apply it to 16th, and 17th century people." I SO agree with that statement. WE HAVE TO LET THE PAST GO ALREADY. It applies to everyone, and everything.

It's easy to let the past go..when it's not riding on your your back. I'm against financial reparations..for a number of reasons.

But an acknowledgment of wrongdoing....a formal apology from our Govt.? Yes.....I...think that would mean a lot. There is precedent..we did for the Japanese-American internees of WWII--why not for our black citizens?

Has Africa apologized for past slavery? Has Africa apologized for its rampant CURRENT slavery? Why is the US singled out to apologize for shit that every nation did, and some still do?

Do you not find your post a false equivalency? I do.

I do someone a wrong...I apologize..are you saying that I should not apologize because other people did the same wrong and did not?

That's a bit wrong-headed, don't you think? You are against an apology...that costs you nothing and could have profound positive effect on the world that you live in.....

Tsk, tsk, tsk.......

I agree with you.

. . . but, in this case, it is an irrelevant discussion. The U.S. has already made a formal apology, and I don't think anyone cares.

Five Times the United States Officially Apologized | Smart News | Smithsonian

"An Apology for Slavery and the Jim Crow laws

Few things compromised the core values of the U.S. Constitution and left as lasting a mark on American society as 246 years of institutionalized slavery and the subsequent discrimination of the Jim Crow laws that marked African-Americans as second-class citizens. As such, few people were more deserving of a formal apology than the millions of black Americans whose ancestors were forcibly brought to this country and had their freedoms stolen from them.

The formal apology for slavery and Jim Crow issued by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008 was unprecedented, even after decades of lawmakers trying to push the government to finally apologize, NPR reported at the time. In introducing the resolution, Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn), noted that despite the government issuing an apology for interning Japanese citizens and later pressuring Japan to apologize for forcing Chinese women to work as sex slaves during World War II, the American government had never formally recognized and apologized for slavery. While the apology was primarily symbolic, by officially recognizing its role in perpetuating the horrors of slavery and Jim Crow, the American government took a step forward in addressing and atoning for one of its greatest wrongs."
Atlantic Slave Trade: Fallacy of Blacks selling Blacks

I really appreciated this video.

I often think about this issue when folks list reasons why the black community should have reparations, lists are made why.

But the only ethnic groups in the U.S. that are guilty of the sins, are in fact, the English, the Jewish families, and maybe the Welsh.

Not the Scots, not the Irish, not the French, not the Germans, not the Italians, not the Chinese, not other Asian groups, not the Hispanics, not the Natives, not the Russians, and not the Eastern Europeans. They were either indentured, mercenaries, or came over at the end of the 19th century. The were not given the benefits of the great social programs. These were reserved, primarily for the WASP's. Stereo typing "whites" into a mass categorization is just as bad as mass stereo typing "blacks" or "Hispanics." I love how he pointed this out.

So why should all of America be penalized, stereo-typed and accused of "white privilege" for the sins of two or three ethnic groups? All ethnic groups have suffered from crimes against the elites. It gets tiresome, and folks react poorly when they are accused of gaining benefit from something they have never gotten benefit from.

I also loved this statement;

"You can't take a 20th century mind set and apply it to 16th, and 17th century people." I SO agree with that statement. WE HAVE TO LET THE PAST GO ALREADY. It applies to everyone, and everything.

It's easy to let the past go..when it's not riding on your your back. I'm against financial reparations..for a number of reasons.

But an acknowledgment of wrongdoing....a formal apology from our Govt.? Yes.....I...think that would mean a lot. There is precedent..we did for the Japanese-American internees of WWII--why not for our black citizens?

Has Africa apologized for past slavery? Has Africa apologized for its rampant CURRENT slavery? Why is the US singled out to apologize for shit that every nation did, and some still do?

Do you not find your post a false equivalency? I do.

I do someone a wrong...I apologize..are you saying that I should not apologize because other people did the same wrong and did not?

That's a bit wrong-headed, don't you think? You are against an apology...that costs you nothing and could have profound positive effect on the world that you live in.....

Tsk, tsk, tsk.......

I agree with you.

. . . but, in this case, it is an irrelevant discussion. The U.S. has already made a formal apology, and I don't think anyone cares.

Five Times the United States Officially Apologized | Smart News | Smithsonian

"An Apology for Slavery and the Jim Crow laws

Few things compromised the core values of the U.S. Constitution and left as lasting a mark on American society as 246 years of institutionalized slavery and the subsequent discrimination of the Jim Crow laws that marked African-Americans as second-class citizens. As such, few people were more deserving of a formal apology than the millions of black Americans whose ancestors were forcibly brought to this country and had their freedoms stolen from them.

The formal apology for slavery and Jim Crow issued by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008 was unprecedented, even after decades of lawmakers trying to push the government to finally apologize, NPR reported at the time. In introducing the resolution, Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn), noted that despite the government issuing an apology for interning Japanese citizens and later pressuring Japan to apologize for forcing Chinese women to work as sex slaves during World War II, the American government had never formally recognized and apologized for slavery. While the apology was primarily symbolic, by officially recognizing its role in perpetuating the horrors of slavery and Jim Crow, the American government took a step forward in addressing and atoning for one of its greatest wrongs.

"...and no one really cares."

EXACTLY! Its meaningless nonsense.
900 posts on a thread where white supremacists fight to prove that black folk amount to nothing.
Racism is dead right ?

Racism is as British as a cup of tea
By Kehinde Andrews
Updated 1:52 PM ET, Thu April 19, 2018

(CNN)Britain is meant to be celebrating 70 years since the arrival of the steamship Windrush, which brought with it 500 people from the Caribbean and marked the start of mass migration to the UK from the British Empire.

But the festive mood has been broken by the realization that a number of the Windrush generation -- who migrated as children and have spent decades in Britain -- have been classified as illegal immigrants, and are therefore losing jobs, being detained in immigration centers and even facing deportation to countries of which they have no memory.
During May's time as home secretary, the UK Home Office instituted some of the most draconian immigration policy in British history, which included sending out vans to tell undocumented immigrants to "go home," making regular deportations and allowing Africans to drown in the Mediterranean as a deterrent to potential migrants.

Racism is as British as a cup of tea (Opinion) - CNN


The reality of being black in today’s Britain
Sat 29 Oct 2016 19.03 EDT
David Olusoga

David Olusoga grew up amid racism in Britain in the 70s and 80s. Now, in a groundbreaking new book and TV series, he argues that the story of black Britons, from Afro-Roman times to the present, is key to showing the depth of their Britishness. And, while we exult in black Britons’ success in culture, fashion and sport, discrimination still blights their lives

The reality of being black in today’s Britain | David Olusoga


White people may deny it, but racism is back in Britain
Discrimination, prejudice, violence and common bigotry raise no concern these days
White people may deny it, but racism is back in Britain


Maybe you need to fix your own house before throwing stones at others.

The caste system is alive and well in Britain. That's okay!!
I really appreciated this video.

I often think about this issue when folks list reasons why the black community should have reparations, lists are made why.

But the only ethnic groups in the U.S. that are guilty of the sins, are in fact, the English, the Jewish families, and maybe the Welsh.

Not the Scots, not the Irish, not the French, not the Germans, not the Italians, not the Chinese, not other Asian groups, not the Hispanics, not the Natives, not the Russians, and not the Eastern Europeans. They were either indentured, mercenaries, or came over at the end of the 19th century. The were not given the benefits of the great social programs. These were reserved, primarily for the WASP's. Stereo typing "whites" into a mass categorization is just as bad as mass stereo typing "blacks" or "Hispanics." I love how he pointed this out.

So why should all of America be penalized, stereo-typed and accused of "white privilege" for the sins of two or three ethnic groups? All ethnic groups have suffered from crimes against the elites. It gets tiresome, and folks react poorly when they are accused of gaining benefit from something they have never gotten benefit from.

I also loved this statement;

"You can't take a 20th century mind set and apply it to 16th, and 17th century people." I SO agree with that statement. WE HAVE TO LET THE PAST GO ALREADY. It applies to everyone, and everything.
It's easy to let the past go..when it's not riding on your your back. I'm against financial reparations..for a number of reasons.

But an acknowledgment of wrongdoing....a formal apology from our Govt.? Yes.....I...think that would mean a lot. There is precedent..we did for the Japanese-American internees of WWII--why not for our black citizens?
Has Africa apologized for past slavery? Has Africa apologized for its rampant CURRENT slavery? Why is the US singled out to apologize for shit that every nation did, and some still do?
Do you not find your post a false equivalency? I do.

I do someone a wrong...I apologize..are you saying that I should not apologize because other people did the same wrong and did not?

That's a bit wrong-headed, don't you think? You are against an apology...that costs you nothing and could have profound positive effect on the world that you live in.....

Tsk, tsk, tsk.......
I agree with you.

. . . but, in this case, it is an irrelevant discussion. The U.S. has already made a formal apology, and I don't think anyone cares.

Five Times the United States Officially Apologized | Smart News | Smithsonian

"An Apology for Slavery and the Jim Crow laws

Few things compromised the core values of the U.S. Constitution and left as lasting a mark on American society as 246 years of institutionalized slavery and the subsequent discrimination of the Jim Crow laws that marked African-Americans as second-class citizens. As such, few people were more deserving of a formal apology than the millions of black Americans whose ancestors were forcibly brought to this country and had their freedoms stolen from them.

The formal apology for slavery and Jim Crow issued by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008 was unprecedented, even after decades of lawmakers trying to push the government to finally apologize, NPR reported at the time. In introducing the resolution, Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn), noted that despite the government issuing an apology for interning Japanese citizens and later pressuring Japan to apologize for forcing Chinese women to work as sex slaves during World War II, the American government had never formally recognized and apologized for slavery. While the apology was primarily symbolic, by officially recognizing its role in perpetuating the horrors of slavery and Jim Crow, the American government took a step forward in addressing and atoning for one of its greatest wrongs.
"...and no one really cares."

EXACTLY! Its meaningless nonsense.
I was unaware, but now that i know..I care---sad that is was not publicized more. Or sad that it meant little. Maybe just sad..because words can be empty with out-action..but I'm glad that we did it.....
Atlantic Slave Trade: Fallacy of Blacks selling Blacks

I really appreciated this video.

I often think about this issue when folks list reasons why the black community should have reparations, lists are made why.

But the only ethnic groups in the U.S. that are guilty of the sins, are in fact, the English, the Jewish families, and maybe the Welsh.

Not the Scots, not the Irish, not the French, not the Germans, not the Italians, not the Chinese, not other Asian groups, not the Hispanics, not the Natives, not the Russians, and not the Eastern Europeans. They were either indentured, mercenaries, or came over at the end of the 19th century. The were not given the benefits of the great social programs. These were reserved, primarily for the WASP's. Stereo typing "whites" into a mass categorization is just as bad as mass stereo typing "blacks" or "Hispanics." I love how he pointed this out.

So why should all of America be penalized, stereo-typed and accused of "white privilege" for the sins of two or three ethnic groups? All ethnic groups have suffered from crimes against the elites. It gets tiresome, and folks react poorly when they are accused of gaining benefit from something they have never gotten benefit from.

I also loved this statement;

"You can't take a 20th century mind set and apply it to 16th, and 17th century people." I SO agree with that statement. WE HAVE TO LET THE PAST GO ALREADY. It applies to everyone, and everything.

It's easy to let the past go..when it's not riding on your your back. I'm against financial reparations..for a number of reasons.

But an acknowledgment of wrongdoing....a formal apology from our Govt.? Yes.....I...think that would mean a lot. There is precedent..we did for the Japanese-American internees of WWII--why not for our black citizens?

Has Africa apologized for past slavery? Has Africa apologized for its rampant CURRENT slavery? Why is the US singled out to apologize for shit that every nation did, and some still do?

Do you not find your post a false equivalency? I do.

I do someone a wrong...I apologize..are you saying that I should not apologize because other people did the same wrong and did not?

That's a bit wrong-headed, don't you think? You are against an apology...that costs you nothing and could have profound positive effect on the world that you live in.....

Tsk, tsk, tsk.......

I agree with you.

. . . but, in this case, it is an irrelevant discussion. The U.S. has already made a formal apology, and I don't think anyone cares.

Five Times the United States Officially Apologized | Smart News | Smithsonian

"An Apology for Slavery and the Jim Crow laws

Few things compromised the core values of the U.S. Constitution and left as lasting a mark on American society as 246 years of institutionalized slavery and the subsequent discrimination of the Jim Crow laws that marked African-Americans as second-class citizens. As such, few people were more deserving of a formal apology than the millions of black Americans whose ancestors were forcibly brought to this country and had their freedoms stolen from them.

The formal apology for slavery and Jim Crow issued by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008 was unprecedented, even after decades of lawmakers trying to push the government to finally apologize, NPR reported at the time. In introducing the resolution, Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn), noted that despite the government issuing an apology for interning Japanese citizens and later pressuring Japan to apologize for forcing Chinese women to work as sex slaves during World War II, the American government had never formally recognized and apologized for slavery. While the apology was primarily symbolic, by officially recognizing its role in perpetuating the horrors of slavery and Jim Crow, the American government took a step forward in addressing and atoning for one of its greatest wrongs."

Thanks..that one slipped right by me.....
900 posts on a thread where white supremacists fight to prove that black folk amount to nothing.
Racism is dead right ?

What debate ? It was over from the first post.

Were that true you wouldn't be here bleating....
I am a student of right wing idiocy. There is a rich seam to be mined here.
No love for Left wing idiocy? because that's a pretty rich vein as well......Factionalists in general are a hoot--until the blood spills anyway.
Atlantic Slave Trade: Fallacy of Blacks selling Blacks

I really appreciated this video.

I often think about this issue when folks list reasons why the black community should have reparations, lists are made why.

But the only ethnic groups in the U.S. that are guilty of the sins, are in fact, the English, the Jewish families, and maybe the Welsh.

Not the Scots, not the Irish, not the French, not the Germans, not the Italians, not the Chinese, not other Asian groups, not the Hispanics, not the Natives, not the Russians, and not the Eastern Europeans. They were either indentured, mercenaries, or came over at the end of the 19th century. The were not given the benefits of the great social programs. These were reserved, primarily for the WASP's. Stereo typing "whites" into a mass categorization is just as bad as mass stereo typing "blacks" or "Hispanics." I love how he pointed this out.

So why should all of America be penalized, stereo-typed and accused of "white privilege" for the sins of two or three ethnic groups? All ethnic groups have suffered from crimes against the elites. It gets tiresome, and folks react poorly when they are accused of gaining benefit from something they have never gotten benefit from.

I also loved this statement;

"You can't take a 20th century mind set and apply it to 16th, and 17th century people." I SO agree with that statement. WE HAVE TO LET THE PAST GO ALREADY. It applies to everyone, and everything.

Some whites are forever looking for excuses to say how their group is not responsible. All whites benefited from the laws and policies enacted. And this bullshit about how you can't apply a 20th century mindset to the 17th and 18th centuries is another excuse whites reserve for discussing racism. We apply 20th century mindset to those days all the time. No one makes this excuse when defending whatever the so-called founders believed for one thing. This argument is not about holding on to the past. Some of you whites need to stop lying to yourselves. We are talking about a continuing problem that was created by past and present policy. So what needs to happen is that whites need to end the racism instead of pretending it's gone and a thing of the past.

How the Irish Became White
Art McDonald, Ph.D.

Irish and Africans Americans had lots in common and lots of contact during this period; they lived side by side and shared work spaces. In the early years of immigration the poor Irish and blacks were thrown together, very much part of the same class competing for the same jobs. In the census of 1850, the term mulatto appears for the first time due primarily to inter-marriage between Irish and African Americans. The Irish were often referred to as "Negroes turned inside out and Negroes as smoked Irish." A famous quip of the time attributed to a black man went something like this: "My master is a great tyrant, he treats me like a common Irishman." Free blacks and Irish were viewed by the Nativists as related, somehow similar, performing the same tasks in society. It was felt that if amalgamation between the races was to happen, it would happen between Irish and blacks. But, ultimately, the Irish made the decision to embrace whiteness, thus becoming part of the system which dominated and oppressed blacks. Although it contradicted their experience back home, it meant freedom here since blackness meant slavery.

An article by a black writer in an 1860 edition of the Liberator explained how the Irish ultimately attained their objectives: "Fifteen or twenty years ago, a Catholic priest in Philadelphia said to the Irish people in that city, 'You are all poor, and chiefly laborers, the blacks are poor laborers; many of the native whites are laborers; now, if you wish to succeed, you must do everything that they do, no matter how degrading, and do it for less than they can afford to do it for.' The Irish adopted this plan; they lived on less than the Americans could live upon, and worked for less, and the result is, that nearly all the menial employments are monopolized by the Irish, who now get as good prices as anybody. There were other avenues open to American white men, and though they have suffered much, the chief support of the Irish has come from the places from which we have been crowded."

Once the Irish secured themselves in those jobs, they made sure blacks were kept out. They realized that as long as they continued to work alongside blacks, they would be considered no different. Later, as Irish became prominent in the labor movement, African Americans were excluded from participation. In fact, one of the primary themes of How the Irish Became White is the way in which left labor historians, such as the highly acclaimed Herbert Gutman, have not paid sufficient attention to the problem of race in the development of the labor movement.

And so, we have the tragic story of how one oppressed "race," Irish Catholics, learned how to collaborate in the oppression of another "race," Africans in America, in order to secure their place in the white republic.

How the Irish Became White

How do you become “white” in America?
Sarah Kendzior

“Here it is important to understand how, exactly, Americans ‘become white’. The history of Polish-Americans is an illuminating example. Upon arriving in the U.S. en masse in the late 19th and early 20th century, Poles endured discrimination based on their appearance, religion and culture. In 1903, the New England Magazine decried the Poles’ “expressionless Slavic faces” and “stunted figures” as well as their inherent “ignorance” and “propensity to violence”. Working for terrible wages, Polish workers were renamed things like “Thomas Jefferson” by their bigoted Anglo-Saxon bosses who refused to utter Polish names.

The Poles, in other words, were not considered white. Far from it: they were considered a mysterious menace that should be expelled. When Polish-American Leon Czolgosz killed President William McKinley in 1901, all Poles were deemed potential violent anarchists. “All people are mourning, and it is caused by a maniac who is of our nationality,” a Polish-American newspaper wrote, pressured to apologize for their own people. The collective blame of Poles for terrorism bears great similarity to how Muslims (both in the U.S. and Europe) are collectively blamed today.

But then something changed. In 1919, Irish gangs in blackface attacked Polish neighborhoods in Chicago in an attempt to convince Poles, and other Eastern European groups, that they, too, were “white” and should join them in the fight against blacks. As historian David R. Roediger recalls, “Poles argued that the riot was a conflict between blacks and whites, with Poles abstaining because they belonged to neither group.” But the Irish gangs considered whiteness, as is often the case in America, as anti-blackness. And as in the early 20th century Chicago experienced an influx not only of white immigrants from Europe, but blacks from the South, white groups who felt threatened by black arrivals decided that it would be politically advantageous if the Poles were considered white as well.

With that new white identity came the ability to practice the discrimination they had once endured.

Over time, the strategy of positioning Poles as “white” against a dark-skinned “other” was successful. Poles came to consider themselves white, and more importantly, they came to be considered white by their fellow Americans, as did Italians, Greeks, Jews, Russians, and others from Southern and Eastern Europe, all of whom held an ambivalent racial status in U.S. society. Also, intermarriage between white ethnic groups led some to embrace a broader white identity.”

How do you become “white” in America?
Atlantic Slave Trade: Fallacy of Blacks selling Blacks

I really appreciated this video.

I often think about this issue when folks list reasons why the black community should have reparations, lists are made why.

But the only ethnic groups in the U.S. that are guilty of the sins, are in fact, the English, the Jewish families, and maybe the Welsh.

Not the Scots, not the Irish, not the French, not the Germans, not the Italians, not the Chinese, not other Asian groups, not the Hispanics, not the Natives, not the Russians, and not the Eastern Europeans. They were either indentured, mercenaries, or came over at the end of the 19th century. The were not given the benefits of the great social programs. These were reserved, primarily for the WASP's. Stereo typing "whites" into a mass categorization is just as bad as mass stereo typing "blacks" or "Hispanics." I love how he pointed this out.

So why should all of America be penalized, stereo-typed and accused of "white privilege" for the sins of two or three ethnic groups? All ethnic groups have suffered from crimes against the elites. It gets tiresome, and folks react poorly when they are accused of gaining benefit from something they have never gotten benefit from.

I also loved this statement;

"You can't take a 20th century mind set and apply it to 16th, and 17th century people." I SO agree with that statement. WE HAVE TO LET THE PAST GO ALREADY. It applies to everyone, and everything.

It's easy to let the past go..when it's not riding on your your back. I'm against financial reparations..for a number of reasons.

But an acknowledgment of wrongdoing....a formal apology from our Govt.? Yes.....I...think that would mean a lot. There is precedent..we did for the Japanese-American internees of WWII--why not for our black citizens?

Has Africa apologized for past slavery? Has Africa apologized for its rampant CURRENT slavery? Why is the US singled out to apologize for shit that every nation did, and some still do?

Do you not find your post a false equivalency? I do.

I do someone a wrong...I apologize..are you saying that I should not apologize because other people did the same wrong and did not?

That's a bit wrong-headed, don't you think? You are against an apology...that costs you nothing and could have profound positive effect on the world that you live in.....

Tsk, tsk, tsk.......

An apology on behalf of dead men means nothing. No thinking person would waste their time...
IM2 said:
Because you are too stupid to understand how white colonization created problems in African countries that still affect them now.
Paved Roads, Schools, Hospitals, Actual Medicine
Net Exporters Of Abundant Food
The Ability To Over-Populate Beyond Their Natural Means

Left To Themselves
They Would Return To Their Pre-Colonial Populations
They Still Rely On Western Money And Food Imports To Survive
Because European Descendant Whites Are The Only Ones
That Actually Care About The Condition Of Their Fellow Man
And Have The Wherewithal To Do Something About It


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