Another White Kid on a School Shooting Spree

Well when you describe a white kid who shot 2 people as a good kid and describe a black kid who stole $2 cigars a might be a racist
Well except the report I saw says 3 students were shot and it is gang RELATED, IT DID NOT SAY ANY STUDENTS MUCH LESS WHITE STUDENTS SHOT ANYONE.
It is a school shooting where more than one white person was it is fair to assume this is another white kid going on a shooting spree
You lied, got caught in your lie and now double down, we understand.....
I lied? How did I lie? Be specific, if you can.
At no point has any report I have seen said a white student did the shooting, yet you claim it is so with your thread title.
Well when you describe a white kid who shot 2 people as a good kid and describe a black kid who stole $2 cigars a might be a racist
Well except the report I saw says 3 students were shot and it is gang RELATED, IT DID NOT SAY ANY STUDENTS MUCH LESS WHITE STUDENTS SHOT ANYONE.
It is a school shooting where more than one white person was it is fair to assume this is another white kid going on a shooting spree
You lied, got caught in your lie and now double down, we understand.....
I lied? How did I lie? Be specific, if you can.
At no point has any report I have seen said a white student did the shooting, yet you claim it is so with your thread title.
You mean like the way your ilk does it? Like McGarrett the other day, claiming a black man lit a white girl on fire? If I am wrong, I will readily admit it. But it doesn't change the fact that there is an epidemic of white kids shooting up schools.

Because it does look like I may be wrong in this case.
Did you know canadian puss can burn your tongue.
Uh oh Nutz :biggrin:
Wait...i thought you said they were in a car? ;)


Anyway, wish me luck. I am out of beer. I have to walk to the store. Hope I don't get a WWB on the way! Pray for hands are up.
Something tells me you're going to regret the the thread title and OP in the next few minutes. :lol:
Not really. I was entertained. And the truth is, there is an epidemic of white kids shooting up at least I got you guys to discuss the fatal issues in the white family!

And think of it like this, I kept the gun haters out of the discussion. I deserve a cookie.
there is no epidemic of school shooting but lets see some numbers Nutz . More kids die in swimming pools than in school shootings .
Racism? Where's the racism here, I mean besides yours and Closed Caption's?
Obviously, you don't know herewegoagain...he called me a ****** a number of times.

Just because he did so previously doesn't mean there is any racism in the thread so far. YOU brought the only racism so far to this thread.

Jesus christ...So forget about how often he called you a ****** in the past. Be nice to him because ...what now?

I didn't say be nice to him, Jesus how bad IS your reading comprehension problem anyway? The OP said he was trying to justify his racism but the post had nothing racist in it.

You dumb shit.

I know and since this is a new thread his previous racism doesnt count and Nutz is wrong for remembering it


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Obviously, you don't know herewegoagain...he called me a ****** a number of times.

Just because he did so previously doesn't mean there is any racism in the thread so far. YOU brought the only racism so far to this thread.

Jesus christ...So forget about how often he called you a ****** in the past. Be nice to him because ...what now?

I didn't say be nice to him, Jesus how bad IS your reading comprehension problem anyway? The OP said he was trying to justify his racism but the post had nothing racist in it.

You dumb shit.

I know and since this is a new thread his previous racism doesnt count and Nutz is wrong for remembering it
I know, right! He was only a racist when he called me a ******. Now he is a card carrying member of the new black panthers.
None of you racist morons know how to read.
Well when you describe a white kid who shot 2 people as a good kid and describe a black kid who stole $2 cigars a might be a racist
Well except the report I saw says 3 students were shot and it is gang RELATED, IT DID NOT SAY ANY STUDENTS MUCH LESS WHITE STUDENTS SHOT ANYONE.
It is a school shooting where more than one white person was it is fair to assume this is another white kid going on a shooting spree
You lied, got caught in your lie and now double down, we understand.....

Wow, the OP was attacking white people specifically before any facts were in.

The OP hates white people, par for the course for the PC Police.

Like most black people here, he probably is white.
Well when you describe a white kid who shot 2 people as a good kid and describe a black kid who stole $2 cigars a might be a racist
Well except the report I saw says 3 students were shot and it is gang RELATED, IT DID NOT SAY ANY STUDENTS MUCH LESS WHITE STUDENTS SHOT ANYONE.
It is a school shooting where more than one white person was it is fair to assume this is another white kid going on a shooting spree
You lied, got caught in your lie and now double down, we understand.....

Wow, the OP was attacking white people specifically before any facts were in.

The OP hates white people, par for the course for the PC Police.

Like most black people here, he probably is white.

Yep. The white guilt/self loathing thing is strong with the PC Police.

there is no epidemic of school shooting but lets see some numbers Nutz . More kids die in swimming pools than in school shootings .
So how many white kids shootin up schools makes an epidmic? I guess you just excuse them all because negroes exist!

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