Anti-gun talking points ….


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A list of the anti-gun talking points that anti-gun extremists use instead of facts, truth and reality…..

White6, the Mitt Romney of our gun debates, Captain caveman,joe, and the other anti-gun extremists are represented on the list……

A. Gun owners are never trained enough so are dangerous and shouldn’t be armed at all.

B. Gun owners who do train are crazy psychos living out their wannabe fantasies itching to shoot someone.

C. Even though it takes orders of magnitude more effort to become marginally effective with martial arts than a gun, you are better off using martial arts and not having a gun.

D. Real Men use their hands. This is why your mom and grandma shouldn’t have guns either.

E. Twitter randos who have never been punched in the face are experts on real life violence, and whatever you have personally experienced doesn’t count.

F. No matter how trained you are, it is never enough for the hypothetical attacker they make up. Sure, your concealed handgun might be enough to stop a regular robber or rapist, but what about if you get attacked by 20 Chechen terrorists with AKs, huh? Huh? (we call this the Dracula Riding Godzilla rule)

G. If the anti-gun vulture was ever in the military, this makes them a Military Trained Expert. Even though most of the time this means they got to put 20 rounds through an M-16 once in 1992.

H. No matter how many certified MMA bad asses or combat vets go “lol wut, dork? I’d rather have a gun.” the anti-gun Twitter vulture will remain undeterred.

I. Goldilocks Rules apply. No matter how much you know about guns, you’re either too ignorant and dangerous, or you know too much and that makes you dangerous. Whatever amount the anti-gun zealot knows is Just Right.

K. Whatever stats they pull out of their ass are sacrosanct. If you cite any numbers they reflexively scream “SOURCE?!” and then have some reason they won’t accept that source when provided. “The actual FBI Crime Statistics? LAME!”

L. At some point they’ll need to talk about how big our penises are, because guns are for compensation. Obviously the female gun owners are compensating for their tiny uteruses.

M. “I believe in the Second Amendment BUUUUUUUUT-” (insert statist bullshit here)

N. If you insist on using terms correctly and words having actual definitions, clearly this demonstrates you are a fanatic. Words mean whatever they need to mean in that moment, especially legal ones.

S. AR-15s are the most dangerous gun that’s ever existed. It can fire ten thousand ultra deadly murder bullets a second and each one can explode a moose from a thousand yards away. There is nothing this miracle death machine can’t do.

T. lol your AR-15s are utterly useless against a tyrannical government.

U. The NRA is an all-powerful, super evil entity which has tricked innocent Americans into wanting ultra deadly assault rifles, to satisfy their incessant blood lust. They do this through their ultra powerful marketing, like giving out free hats.

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tl; dr; dc.

We have 30K gun deaths a year. No other advanced society has anywhere near as many.

Clearly they are doing something right and we are doing something wrong.
And most of those countries have been invaded by their neighbors and mega-millions murdered. You idiots have been fooled into thinking that disarming law abiding citizens is going keep you safe. Criminals and a tyrannical government don't follow laws.
Wow, 2TinyGuy has finally flipped, hasn't he?

White6, the Mitt Romney of our gun debates, Captain caveman,joe, and the other anti-gun extremists are represented on the list……
Most of these arguments I've never seen made, and certainly not in the hyperbolic way you did.
A. Gun owners are never trained enough so are dangerous and shouldn’t be armed at all.
Mostof them aren't well trained, it's why we have so many accidents, or guns used in domestic violence incidents.

B. Gun owners who do train are crazy psychos living out their wannabe fantasies itching to shoot someone.
Some of you ARE crazy psychos. We should probalby do something about that.
C. Even though it takes orders of magnitude more effort to become marginally effective with martial arts than a gun, you are better off using martial arts and not having a gun.

D. Real Men use their hands. This is why your mom and grandma shouldn’t have guns either.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.. so that's a good reason.

I know a lady who kept a gun in the home for that reason, and came home from dinner with her husband to find her teenage son used it on himself.

E. Twitter randos who have never been punched in the face are experts on real life violence, and whatever you have personally experienced doesn’t count.

I've been in more than a few fistfights... buy you know what, everyone walked away from that alive. You can't say the same if a gun was in the mix.

F. No matter how trained you are, it is never enough for the hypothetical attacker they make up. Sure, your concealed handgun might be enough to stop a regular robber or rapist, but what about if you get attacked by 20 Chechen terrorists with AKs, huh? Huh? (we call this the Dracula Riding Godzilla rule)

Again, this is largely true because the attacker has the advantage of a plan. Unless you are a paranoid loon fondling your gun every second (which I kind of suspect describes you, I don't know a man who loved a woman the way you love guns) the attacker always has the element of surprise and iniative.

K. Whatever stats they pull out of their ass are sacrosanct. If you cite any numbers they reflexively scream “SOURCE?!” and then have some reason they won’t accept that source when provided. “The actual FBI Crime Statistics? LAME!”

The actual FBI Crime statistics show that Defensive Gun Uses are rare.

L. At some point they’ll need to talk about how big our penises are, because guns are for compensation. Obviously the female gun owners are compensating for their tiny uteruses.
Well, you are compensating for something, aren't you?
M. “I believe in the Second Amendment BUUUUUUUUT-” (insert statist bullshit here)

The Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership. Militias are clearly mentioned, Guns are not.

S. AR-15s are the most dangerous gun that’s ever existed. It can fire ten thousand ultra deadly murder bullets a second and each one can explode a moose from a thousand yards away. There is nothing this miracle death machine can’t do.
Sandy Hook. Aurora. Stoneman High School. Uvalde. Highland Park. We've seen what AR-15's can do in the wrong hands.
T. lol your AR-15s are utterly useless against a tyrannical government.
Um, yeah, because they have tanks, bombers, and usually, the tacit support of most of the population.

U. The NRA is an all-powerful, super evil entity which has tricked innocent Americans into wanting ultra deadly assault rifles, to satisfy their incessant blood lust. They do this through their ultra powerful marketing, like giving out free hats.

Actually, the ironic thing is the NRA used to be a sane organization. When violence increased in the 1960's, the NRA and Republican Governors signed sensible laws like the Mulford Act to keep the Black Panthers from walking around with guns threatening people.

The NRA doesn't give a shit about regular gun owners, it's there to promote gun sales, and the best way to do that is to keep people scared. How do you scare people? Make it easy for crazy people to get guns.
Yep no reason to invade the US, we're killing 30K a year on our own.
Historically speaking all governments at some point turn on it's citizens and I'm going to call bullshit on that number you pulled out of your ass the majority of gun deaths are suicides. The majority of homicides are criminal related. Criminals will not follow any bans or laws. So what you morons are really calling for is disarming law abiding citizens. As luck would have it I live in an area where the local LEO's will tell the Fed and or State Government to get fucked.
The NRA doesn't give a shit about regular gun owners, it's there to promote gun sales, and the best way to do that is to keep people scared.

The NRA is more about “send us money or they are going to take your guns” than stimulating gun sales.

NRA used to be about hunting, gun safety, the sport, training

After JFK was assassinated, calls for gun control swept the country.
NRA saw $$$$$
Most of those are self inflicted.

About eight-in-ten U.S. murders in 2021 – 20,958 out of 26,031, or 81% – involved a firearm. That marked the highest percentage since at least 1968, the earliest year for which the CDC has online records. More than half of all suicides in 2021 – 26,328 out of 48,183, or 55% – also involved a gun, the highest percentage since 2001.

About eight-in-ten U.S. murders in 2021 – 20,958 out of 26,031, or 81% – involved a firearm. That marked the highest percentage since at least 1968, the earliest year for which the CDC has online records. More than half of all suicides in 2021 – 26,328 out of 48,183, or 55% – also involved a gun, the highest percentage since 2001.

Less that 50% of gun deaths are murders.

Murders are down 11% as of mid-year.

Overall gun deaths are down this year.

Gun ownership is the highest ever.

Guns aren't the problem.
A list of the anti-gun talking points that anti-gun extremists use instead of facts, truth and reality…..

White6, the Mitt Romney of our gun debates, Captain caveman,joe, and the other anti-gun extremists are represented on the list……

A. Gun owners are never trained enough so are dangerous and shouldn’t be armed at all.

B. Gun owners who do train are crazy psychos living out their wannabe fantasies itching to shoot someone.

C. Even though it takes orders of magnitude more effort to become marginally effective with martial arts than a gun, you are better off using martial arts and not having a gun.

D. Real Men use their hands. This is why your mom and grandma shouldn’t have guns either.

E. Twitter randos who have never been punched in the face are experts on real life violence, and whatever you have personally experienced doesn’t count.

F. No matter how trained you are, it is never enough for the hypothetical attacker they make up. Sure, your concealed handgun might be enough to stop a regular robber or rapist, but what about if you get attacked by 20 Chechen terrorists with AKs, huh? Huh? (we call this the Dracula Riding Godzilla rule)

G. If the anti-gun vulture was ever in the military, this makes them a Military Trained Expert. Even though most of the time this means they got to put 20 rounds through an M-16 once in 1992.

H. No matter how many certified MMA bad asses or combat vets go “lol wut, dork? I’d rather have a gun.” the anti-gun Twitter vulture will remain undeterred.

I. Goldilocks Rules apply. No matter how much you know about guns, you’re either too ignorant and dangerous, or you know too much and that makes you dangerous. Whatever amount the anti-gun zealot knows is Just Right.

K. Whatever stats they pull out of their ass are sacrosanct. If you cite any numbers they reflexively scream “SOURCE?!” and then have some reason they won’t accept that source when provided. “The actual FBI Crime Statistics? LAME!”

L. At some point they’ll need to talk about how big our penises are, because guns are for compensation. Obviously the female gun owners are compensating for their tiny uteruses.

M. “I believe in the Second Amendment BUUUUUUUUT-” (insert statist bullshit here)

N. If you insist on using terms correctly and words having actual definitions, clearly this demonstrates you are a fanatic. Words mean whatever they need to mean in that moment, especially legal ones.

S. AR-15s are the most dangerous gun that’s ever existed. It can fire ten thousand ultra deadly murder bullets a second and each one can explode a moose from a thousand yards away. There is nothing this miracle death machine can’t do.

T. lol your AR-15s are utterly useless against a tyrannical government.

U. The NRA is an all-powerful, super evil entity which has tricked innocent Americans into wanting ultra deadly assault rifles, to satisfy their incessant blood lust. They do this through their ultra powerful marketing, like giving out free hats.

Unfortunately, the antigun policy suggestions of years gone by, are now endorsed, and promoted by today's so called 2A supporters...
Wow, 2TinyGuy has finally flipped, hasn't he?

Most of these arguments I've never seen made, and certainly not in the hyperbolic way you did.

Mostof them aren't well trained, it's why we have so many accidents, or guns used in domestic violence incidents.

Some of you ARE crazy psychos. We should probalby do something about that.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.. so that's a good reason.

I know a lady who kept a gun in the home for that reason, and came home from dinner with her husband to find her teenage son used it on himself.

I've been in more than a few fistfights... buy you know what, everyone walked away from that alive. You can't say the same if a gun was in the mix.

Again, this is largely true because the attacker has the advantage of a plan. Unless you are a paranoid loon fondling your gun every second (which I kind of suspect describes you, I don't know a man who loved a woman the way you love guns) the attacker always has the element of surprise and iniative.

The actual FBI Crime statistics show that Defensive Gun Uses are rare.

Well, you are compensating for something, aren't you?

The Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership. Militias are clearly mentioned, Guns are not.

Sandy Hook. Aurora. Stoneman High School. Uvalde. Highland Park. We've seen what AR-15's can do in the wrong hands.

Um, yeah, because they have tanks, bombers, and usually, the tacit support of most of the population.

Actually, the ironic thing is the NRA used to be a sane organization. When violence increased in the 1960's, the NRA and Republican Governors signed sensible laws like the Mulford Act to keep the Black Panthers from walking around with guns threatening people.

The NRA doesn't give a shit about regular gun owners, it's there to promote gun sales, and the best way to do that is to keep people scared. How do you scare people? Make it easy for crazy people to get guns.
The Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership. Militias are clearly mentioned, Guns are not.
Wow, 2TinyGuy has finally flipped, hasn't he?

Most of these arguments I've never seen made, and certainly not in the hyperbolic way you did.

Mostof them aren't well trained, it's why we have so many accidents, or guns used in domestic violence incidents.

Some of you ARE crazy psychos. We should probalby do something about that.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.. so that's a good reason.

I know a lady who kept a gun in the home for that reason, and came home from dinner with her husband to find her teenage son used it on himself.

I've been in more than a few fistfights... buy you know what, everyone walked away from that alive. You can't say the same if a gun was in the mix.

Again, this is largely true because the attacker has the advantage of a plan. Unless you are a paranoid loon fondling your gun every second (which I kind of suspect describes you, I don't know a man who loved a woman the way you love guns) the attacker always has the element of surprise and iniative.

The actual FBI Crime statistics show that Defensive Gun Uses are rare.

Well, you are compensating for something, aren't you?

The Second Amendment was about militias, not gun ownership. Militias are clearly mentioned, Guns are not.

Sandy Hook. Aurora. Stoneman High School. Uvalde. Highland Park. We've seen what AR-15's can do in the wrong hands.

Um, yeah, because they have tanks, bombers, and usually, the tacit support of most of the population.

Actually, the ironic thing is the NRA used to be a sane organization. When violence increased in the 1960's, the NRA and Republican Governors signed sensible laws like the Mulford Act to keep the Black Panthers from walking around with guns threatening people.

The NRA doesn't give a shit about regular gun owners, it's there to promote gun sales, and the best way to do that is to keep people scared. How do you scare people? Make it easy for crazy people to get guns.
A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.. so that's a good reason.

How does the "gun" do that?
Less that 50% of gun deaths are murders.

Murders are down 11% as of mid-year.

Overall gun deaths are down this year.

Gun ownership is the highest ever.

Guns aren't the problem.
20,950 gun murders
80 percent of all murders use guns
50 percent of suicides involve guns

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