Anyone notice the lack of something the left could not get enough of when Obama was president?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
During Obama's presidency there was hardly a day that went by where the presidents team, the media & every other leftist on this forum couldn't wait to blame shit on Bush. It was near every day for some posters like RDerp.

Here we are halfway into the First year of Trumps administration, and the only time I hear Obama's name mentioned is when yet another one of his policies bite the dust via this administrations actions. There is a bit of the blame game for Obamacare but that's to be expected since it's his legacy. Then there are a couple people on here who aren't smart enough to leave Obama to the historians, but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama for their own failures the way the previous one CONSTANTLY blamed Bush.

Also of note is that all the gloom & doom about Obama stirring up shit in DC after he left office has so far proven to be completely unfounded.

Obviously this is just my observation so what say you?
How tone deaf do you have to be, this pustule blames Obama for everything. Look at the posts here, it has been constant attempts to blame something on Obama. And the difference is, Trump is to blame for his own mess. He created it himself. The poor boy shouldn't have kissed Putin on the lips.
How tone deaf do you have to be, this pustule blames Obama for everything. Look at the posts here, it has been constant attempts to blame something on Obama. And the difference is, Trump is to blame for his own mess. He created it himself. The poor boy shouldn't have kissed Putin on the lips.
How bout offering a few examples or should I just "take your word" for it?

I don't watch a lot of news but I seldom hear this administration blame Obama for anything.
How tone deaf do you have to be, this pustule blames Obama for everything. Look at the posts here, it has been constant attempts to blame something on Obama. And the difference is, Trump is to blame for his own mess. He created it himself. The poor boy shouldn't have kissed Putin on the lips.
How bout offering a few examples or should I just "take your word" for it?

I don't watch a lot of news but I seldom hear this administration blame Obama for anything.
Just recently, Trump blamed Obama for Russia, for Ottos death, healthcare crisis, for the Syria chemical attacks... the list goes on, do a simple google search if you want to see quotes.

Not to mention Obama inherited a horrible recession and economic crash, while Trump inherited "slow growth"
How tone deaf do you have to be, this pustule blames Obama for everything. Look at the posts here, it has been constant attempts to blame something on Obama. And the difference is, Trump is to blame for his own mess. He created it himself. The poor boy shouldn't have kissed Putin on the lips.
How bout offering a few examples or should I just "take your word" for it?

I don't watch a lot of news but I seldom hear this administration blame Obama for anything.
Just recently, Trump blamed Obama for Russia, for Ottos death, for the Syria chemical attacks... the list goes on, do a simple google search if you want to see quotes
Pointing out failures=/=blaming someone for your actions.

Obama KNEW about Russian interference but did nothing because he thought Hillary would win anyway.

If other Americans die after being kidnapped under Trump I would blame Trump for not getting them out. Common sense.

Obama drew a red line in Syria regarding chemical weapons. He put America's credibility on the line and walked away. Trump rectified that.

But thanks for a reasoned response. It's better than the usual tripe that's spewed on here.
How tone deaf do you have to be, this pustule blames Obama for everything. Look at the posts here, it has been constant attempts to blame something on Obama. And the difference is, Trump is to blame for his own mess. He created it himself. The poor boy shouldn't have kissed Putin on the lips.
How bout offering a few examples or should I just "take your word" for it?

I don't watch a lot of news but I seldom hear this administration blame Obama for anything.
Did you miss the 8 years of blaming everything on Clinton? 9/11?
How tone deaf do you have to be, this pustule blames Obama for everything. Look at the posts here, it has been constant attempts to blame something on Obama. And the difference is, Trump is to blame for his own mess. He created it himself. The poor boy shouldn't have kissed Putin on the lips.
How bout offering a few examples or should I just "take your word" for it?

I don't watch a lot of news but I seldom hear this administration blame Obama for anything.
Did you miss the 8 years of blaming everything on Clinton? 9/11?
If it happened then yes I did. I didn't start paying attention until the economy collapsed.
And no, I don't believe 9/11 was Clintons fault.
How tone deaf do you have to be, this pustule blames Obama for everything. Look at the posts here, it has been constant attempts to blame something on Obama. And the difference is, Trump is to blame for his own mess. He created it himself. The poor boy shouldn't have kissed Putin on the lips.
How bout offering a few examples or should I just "take your word" for it?

I don't watch a lot of news but I seldom hear this administration blame Obama for anything.
Just recently, Trump blamed Obama for Russia, for Ottos death, for the Syria chemical attacks... the list goes on, do a simple google search if you want to see quotes
Pointing out failures=/=blaming someone for your actions.

Obama KNEW about Russian interference but did nothing because he thought Hillary would win anyway.

If other Americans die after being kidnapped under Trump I would blame Trump for not getting them out. Common sense.

Obama drew a red line in Syria regarding chemical weapons. He put America's credibility on the line and walked away. Trump rectified that.

But thanks for a reasoned response. It's better than the usual tripe that's spewed on here.
Are you saying that those who blamed bush didn't have reason or justifications like you just listed for Trump?

I will point out one thing... Trump was president for about 6 months before Otto came home so you can go ahead and do what you said and assign him some blame.
Did you miss the 8 years of blaming everything on Clinton? 9/11?

I don't recall Bush ever pointing a finger at Clinton for any of his mistakes, nor has he ever criticized Obama.
During Obama's presidency there was hardly a day that went by where the presidents team, the media & every other leftist on this forum couldn't wait to blame shit on Bush. It was near every day for some posters like RDerp.

Here we are halfway into the First year of Trumps administration, and the only time I hear Obama's name mentioned is when yet another one of his policies bite the dust via this administrations actions. There is a bit of the blame game for Obamacare but that's to be expected since it's his legacy. Then there are a couple people on here who aren't smart enough to leave Obama to the historians, but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama for their own failures the way the previous one CONSTANTLY blamed Bush.

Also of note is that all the gloom & doom about Obama stirring up shit in DC after he left office has so far proven to be completely unfounded.

Obviously this is just my observation so what say you?

Bush's disaster in Iraq was still ongoing when Obama took office.

The deficit consequences of Bush's disastrous tax policies were still occurring when Obama took office.

What's the problem with blaming those to blame?
During Obama's presidency there was hardly a day that went by where the presidents team, the media & every other leftist on this forum couldn't wait to blame shit on Bush. It was near every day for some posters like RDerp.

Here we are halfway into the First year of Trumps administration, and the only time I hear Obama's name mentioned is when yet another one of his policies bite the dust via this administrations actions. There is a bit of the blame game for Obamacare but that's to be expected since it's his legacy. Then there are a couple people on here who aren't smart enough to leave Obama to the historians, but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama for their own failures the way the previous one CONSTANTLY blamed Bush.

Also of note is that all the gloom & doom about Obama stirring up shit in DC after he left office has so far proven to be completely unfounded.

Obviously this is just my observation so what say you?

Bush's disaster in Iraq was still ongoing when Obama took office.

The deficit consequences of Bush's disastrous tax policies were still occurring when Obama took office.

What's the problem with blaming those to blame?
If you run on "elect me to fix it" and then fail to fix it who's fault is that?

If the GOP fails to deal with Obamacare as far as I'm concerned THEY OWN IT. They have the power but if they lack the will, well then fuck them. No more pointing back at that point.

It's like the term accountability is gone from the American vernacular.
but by and large I never really hear the Trump administration blaming Obama

Because Obama did a good job.
If that were the case they wouldn't have constantly blamed Bush for everything. Why would there be blame to place if he was so good at the job?
Dubya wasn't constantly blamed for everything. Just collapsing the economy and sending our soldiers to die for more votes.
Bush didn't collapse the economy. The ENTIRITY of Washington for decades had a hand in it.
War for votes? Fuck off with that bullshit. Bush was a compassionate man so regardless of how you think he was as a president what you just said is undignified tripe.
Someone's forgotten that Trump decided that he would pretend he thought the Iraq War was stupid.

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