AOC Ticked GND Not Being Debated in Congress - Who Controls Congress?

Pogo said:
But this guy has been flooding the board with whiny thread after whiny thread after whiny thread about one
Well That's Just Too Gawd-Damned Bad
He's Not Posting A Whiny Thread About YOU
Is He ??
who's approximately one gazillion districts away from his own.
And Distance Or District Of The US Congress
Is Not A "Point" Of Any Kind
Anywhere But The Befuddled Mind Of Your's

Hey !!
This Is All Clear Over In Washington, DC
So You Shouldn't Be Bothered With Any Of It At All

Do YOU Live In Washington, DC ??
Then YOU Shouldn't Care !!

Maybe You Should Just Post
In Then Arts And Crafts Board

You are correct, "distance from" is not relevant. Nor is my distance from Greenland.
It just emphasizes by how much the target missed his own area of relevance. What matters is not "distance from", it's "difference from his own".
You are. Would you like me to list the AOC threads you've started? She's all you think about.

You don't even get that Time cover is an ode to rightards like you. :lol:
You freaks keep quoting her and putting her on magazine covers and you’re pissed she’s quoted!? :lmao:
All I;ve said about her was in response to rightards like you posting about her.

You can't quit her.

Tell her to shut up and we won’t quote her.

In The meantime she’s 2020 Gold.

Cute thought, but I'm afraid she's too young.

As far as quoting her though --- how do you essplain your fellow AOCDS traveller wanting to give her a nose job?

Pretty sure noses are not in the qualification list. Much the same as "bartender".

See what I did there?
She’s getting Trump elected was the takeaway.

Dems got Trump elected in 16, and doing the same again.

Why would anyone's vote for POTUS be influenced by somebody who's not even qualified to run for that office let alone actually running for it?


"You know what, I really cannot stand that Harold Stassen guy. That's why I'm gonna vote for Gary Johnson".

You freaks keep quoting her and putting her on magazine covers and you’re pissed she’s quoted!? :lmao:
All I;ve said about her was in response to rightards like you posting about her.

You can't quit her.

Tell her to shut up and we won’t quote her.

In The meantime she’s 2020 Gold.

Cute thought, but I'm afraid she's too young.

As far as quoting her though --- how do you essplain your fellow AOCDS traveller wanting to give her a nose job?

Pretty sure noses are not in the qualification list. Much the same as "bartender".

See what I did there?
She’s getting Trump elected was the takeaway.

Dems got Trump elected in 16, and doing the same again.

Why would anyone's vote for POTUS be influenced by somebody who's not even qualified to run for that office let alone actually running for it?


"You know what, I really cannot stand that Harold Stassen guy. That's why I'm gonna vote for Gary Johnson".

You really think Trump won on his own merit?

The blindness is a God send.
You are aware that this board is not a reasonable representation of any particular group.

I would say it's a fair representation of Bitter Old Men. But sure.
And most people are not bitter old men.

Don't go trying to use threads here as an argument about the larger political picture. It is disingenuous.
AOC is constantly being put front and center by the left.

Ain't seeing it. All I'm seeing is this constant panic fixation by the Rumpbots, a perfect example of which just got posted, to wit:

What’s the makeup budget to make that nose appear smaller than a cantaloupe?

Apparently this one wants to control her appearance as well. Bizzaro. I guess it says something about misogyny too.
But there it is, isn't it. Neither her appearance nor her activity in Congress is any of his business, yet --- there it is, isn't it.
And such has nothing to do with my points at all - and why I acquiesced the point about the post I responded to being about a specific poster. My point is not about one poster's fixation but rather why AOC is out there and on the national stage. The core of the democrat party is elivating her.
The right takes it from there because she is so easy to rip on. Just because you were not aware of her is not really relevant. Of course, I do admit that I misread your original quote a bit as it was specific to that poster so - my bad there :D

And no, it is not a fake times cover. She was on the cover of time magazine because how much the democrat base has gone goo goo over her. It is no surprise that the right has jumped all over her - she is a really easy target.

Yeah that's Time Magazine noting the same thing I am. Soooooo no, not buying it.
That is the left covering her non-stop.

You being blind to it is not relevant.
Actually --- full disclosure --- when I was forced to go investigate why she gets so much rent-free space it became apparent why they're so spooked. She's sharp and she's got energy. They're scared shitless. I'd like to think if I were a partisan hack I'd be at least cognizant that she's somebody else's rep, not mine, but if that didn't occur to me I'd be scared shitless too. I'm not that person, but when somebody spends their time posting thread after thread after meme after meme after caricature after caricature --- it's pretty clear that's called panic.

Beyond the fact that 'sharp' is one of the most laughable things I have ever herd describing that train wreck, I had thought we put all that asinine 'panic' talk. No one on the right is panicking over her even if they should. This tired line is used for almost every politician - the partisans are never panicked because they live in their own universe - the rest of us don't panic over politicians. Ever.

I would liken her to the tea party candidates the right was all over during Obama's years.

Hmm, possibly. I get the comparison. But I can't remember a similar obsession panicking about them. I can't even remember those candidates' names.

What I find interesting here ---- it's always the psychology that's intriguing ---- is that this is the same faction that kept bleating "drain the swamp, ,drain the swamp", and here's a brazen hussy who did just that, and they have nothing but diaper rash, yearning for the swamp Democrat she replaced. That's very telling.
Seriously? The left was in melt down mode for at least a year over the tea party. I STILL hear the occasional complaint about Norquest AND HE WAS NOT EVEN IN OFFICE. They looked almost exactly like this AND Pelosi is having very similar problems that republican leadership faced with the tea party.

She MUST give AOC her due (and several others) because the pull she has with young democrats and the core of the party but wants to keep as much room as possible to wiggle away from anything that they touch. That is why the senate voting for the GND was a sham but does not reject it. It is why she is riding the line on impeachment. To her credit, I think she is FAR better at this than her republican counterparts were but this will damage the party.
Pogo said:
You are correct, "distance from" is not relevant. Nor is my distance from Greenland.
It just emphasizes by how much the target missed his own area of relevance. What matters is not "distance from", it's "difference from his own".
Hey !!
This Is All Clear Over In Washington, DC
So You Shouldn't Be Bothered With Any Of It At All

Do YOU Live In Washington, DC ??
Then YOU Shouldn't Care !!
Because It's The Difference From Your Own

You've Confused The US Congress
For State Legislatures
And Democrats give us the urgency of maybe later.
Nancy, the world needs saving!

Green New Deal: Democrats Afraid to Vote for It | National Review
You're really obsessed with her, huh?

Who’s obsessed, shitforbrains?

View attachment 252605
You are. Would you like me to list the AOC threads you've started? She's all you think about.

You don't even get that Time cover is an ode to rightards like you. :lol:
You freaks keep quoting her and putting her on magazine covers and you’re pissed she’s quoted!? :lmao:
All I;ve said about her was in response to rightards like you posting about her.

You can't quit her.


I believe that's true for me too. And all I've even looked into has been the obvious fixation.

Pogo said:
You are correct, "distance from" is not relevant. Nor is my distance from Greenland.
It just emphasizes by how much the target missed his own area of relevance. What matters is not "distance from", it's "difference from his own".
Hey !!
This Is All Clear Over In Washington, DC
So You Shouldn't Be Bothered With Any Of It At All

Do YOU Live In Washington, DC ??
Then YOU Shouldn't Care !!
Because It's The Difference From Your Own

I do not, no. Nor do I care who's running Washington DC, or Helsinki or Irkutsk or Recife.

But I do have a Rep in DC, who actually represents me, and he's doing a fucked-up job and I let him know, since I'm actually qualified to let him know. I actually have standing to whine about him. And yet, amazingly, I don't see posters from 2000 miles away in East Jipip on here whining about him. Strange isn't it?
Where I live "GND" means either "girl next door" or "earth".

But hey it's good to know you're still valiantly holding on in your desperate struggle to remain obsessed with a freshman Congresscritter whose district is further away from you than I am from Greenland.
It is not really the right that is obsessed with AOC.

So, is the right supposed to ignore the supposed rising star on the left?

Don't be silly. Of course it is. At the risk of repetition I would never have heard of her if not for the billions of butthurt threads on this site started by whiners like the OP ---- who lives a continent away from her district. In the same way I wouldn't know who the Congresscritter of New Mexico's Fourth or Iowa's Third or even my own state outside my own district.

By the way is that a fake Time cover? You never know.....

I actually counted the OP's AOCDS threads at one point. I think it was like thirty-something. That's thirty-something more threads that I've ever started crying the blues about who the Congresscritter for the Memphis area is.
You are aware that this board is not a reasonable representation of any particular group.

AOC is constantly being put front and center by the left. The right takes it from there because she is so easy to rip on. Just because you were not aware of her is not really relevant. Of course, I do admit that I misread your original quote a bit as it was specific to that poster so - my bad there :D

And no, it is not a fake times cover. She was on the cover of time magazine because how much the democrat base has gone goo goo over her. It is no surprise that the right has jumped all over her - she is a really easy target.

I would liken her to the tea party candidates the right was all over during Obama's years.

She has more
You are aware that this board is not a reasonable representation of any particular group.

I would say it's a fair representation of Bitter Old Men. But sure.
And most people are not bitter old men.

Don't go trying to use threads here as an argument about the larger political picture. It is disingenuous.
AOC is constantly being put front and center by the left.

Ain't seeing it. All I'm seeing is this constant panic fixation by the Rumpbots, a perfect example of which just got posted, to wit:

What’s the makeup budget to make that nose appear smaller than a cantaloupe?

Apparently this one wants to control her appearance as well. Bizzaro. I guess it says something about misogyny too.
But there it is, isn't it. Neither her appearance nor her activity in Congress is any of his business, yet --- there it is, isn't it.
And such has nothing to do with my points at all - and why I acquiesced the point about the post I responded to being about a specific poster. My point is not about one poster's fixation but rather why AOC is out there and on the national stage. The core of the democrat party is elivating her.
The right takes it from there because she is so easy to rip on. Just because you were not aware of her is not really relevant. Of course, I do admit that I misread your original quote a bit as it was specific to that poster so - my bad there :D

And no, it is not a fake times cover. She was on the cover of time magazine because how much the democrat base has gone goo goo over her. It is no surprise that the right has jumped all over her - she is a really easy target.

Yeah that's Time Magazine noting the same thing I am. Soooooo no, not buying it.
That is the left covering her non-stop.

You being blind to it is not relevant.
Actually --- full disclosure --- when I was forced to go investigate why she gets so much rent-free space it became apparent why they're so spooked. She's sharp and she's got energy. They're scared shitless. I'd like to think if I were a partisan hack I'd be at least cognizant that she's somebody else's rep, not mine, but if that didn't occur to me I'd be scared shitless too. I'm not that person, but when somebody spends their time posting thread after thread after meme after meme after caricature after caricature --- it's pretty clear that's called panic.

Beyond the fact that 'sharp' is one of the most laughable things I have ever herd describing that train wreck, I had thought we put all that asinine 'panic' talk. No one on the right is panicking over her even if they should. This tired line is used for almost every politician - the partisans are never panicked because they live in their own universe - the rest of us don't panic over politicians. Ever.

I would liken her to the tea party candidates the right was all over during Obama's years.

Hmm, possibly. I get the comparison. But I can't remember a similar obsession panicking about them. I can't even remember those candidates' names.

What I find interesting here ---- it's always the psychology that's intriguing ---- is that this is the same faction that kept bleating "drain the swamp, ,drain the swamp", and here's a brazen hussy who did just that, and they have nothing but diaper rash, yearning for the swamp Democrat she replaced. That's very telling.
Seriously? The left was in melt down mode for at least a year over the tea party. I STILL hear the occasional complaint about Norquest AND HE WAS NOT EVEN IN OFFICE. They looked almost exactly like this AND Pelosi is having very similar problems that republican leadership faced with the tea party.

She MUST give AOC her due (and several others) because the pull she has with young democrats and the core of the party but wants to keep as much room as possible to wiggle away from anything that they touch. That is why the senate voting for the GND was a sham but does not reject it. It is why she is riding the line on impeachment. To her credit, I think she is FAR better at this than her republican counterparts were but this will damage the party.[/QUOTE]

Pogo likes contradicting himself. He’s telling us that we’re needlessly obsessed with her, and at the same time he’s telling us how formidable she is and how we have good reason to be concerned. Fact is she has more twitter followers than anyone in the house, and it’s liberals that are incessantly fawning over her there. She’s a idiot, and she needs to be exposed.
Bet you regret having posted this huh. Too late, let's get to work.

You are aware that this board is not a reasonable representation of any particular group.

I would say it's a fair representation of Bitter Old Men. But sure.
And most people are not bitter old men.

And that's not what I was answering, is it. Reeding is harde.

Don't go trying to use threads here as an argument about the larger political picture. It is disingenuous.


AOC is constantly being put front and center by the left.

Ain't seeing it. All I'm seeing is this constant panic fixation by the Rumpbots, a perfect example of which just got posted, to wit:

What’s the makeup budget to make that nose appear smaller than a cantaloupe?

Apparently this one wants to control her appearance as well. Bizzaro. I guess it says something about misogyny too.
But there it is, isn't it. Neither her appearance nor her activity in Congress is any of his business, yet --- there it is, isn't it.
And such has nothing to do with my points at all - and why I acquiesced the point about the post I responded to being about a specific poster. My point is not about one poster's fixation but rather why AOC is out there and on the national stage. The core of the democrat party is elivating her.

You didn't MAKE any point. None of that is your posting.
And there is no such thing as "the democrat party".

The right takes it from there because she is so easy to rip on. Just because you were not aware of her is not really relevant. Of course, I do admit that I misread your original quote a bit as it was specific to that poster so - my bad there :D

And no, it is not a fake times cover. She was on the cover of time magazine because how much the democrat base has gone goo goo over her. It is no surprise that the right has jumped all over her - she is a really easy target.

Yeah that's Time Magazine noting the same thing I am. Soooooo no, not buying it.
That is the left covering her non-stop.

You being blind to it is not relevant.


"IS TOO! IS NOT!" Cool argument dood.

Actually --- full disclosure --- when I was forced to go investigate why she gets so much rent-free space it became apparent why they're so spooked. She's sharp and she's got energy. They're scared shitless. I'd like to think if I were a partisan hack I'd be at least cognizant that she's somebody else's rep, not mine, but if that didn't occur to me I'd be scared shitless too. I'm not that person, but when somebody spends their time posting thread after thread after meme after meme after caricature after caricature --- it's pretty clear that's called panic.

Beyond the fact that 'sharp' is one of the most laughable things I have ever herd describing that train wreck, I had thought we put all that asinine 'panic' talk. No one on the right is panicking over her even if they should. This tired line is used for almost every politician - the partisans are never panicked because they live in their own universe - the rest of us don't panic over politicians. Ever.

You just proved my point all over again. Check out your own dribble here --- all emotion, no cattle.

I would liken her to the tea party candidates the right was all over during Obama's years.

Hmm, possibly. I get the comparison. But I can't remember a similar obsession panicking about them. I can't even remember those candidates' names.

What I find interesting here ---- it's always the psychology that's intriguing ---- is that this is the same faction that kept bleating "drain the swamp, ,drain the swamp", and here's a brazen hussy who did just that, and they have nothing but diaper rash, yearning for the swamp Democrat she replaced. That's very telling.

Seriously? The left was in melt down mode for at least a year over the tea party. I STILL hear the occasional complaint about Norquest AND HE WAS NOT EVEN IN OFFICE. They looked almost exactly like this AND Pelosi is having very similar problems that republican leadership faced with the tea party.

Don't really know what you're on about here. Nothing in the above was about the tea party or a "Pelosi" or a "Norquest".

Pogo likes contradicting himself. He’s telling us that we’re needlessly obsessed with her, and at the same time he’s telling us how formidable she is and how we have good reason to be concerned. Fact is she has more twitter followers than anyone in the house, and it’s liberals that are incessantly fawning over her there. She’s a idiot, and she needs to be exposed.

"Twitter"? You want to measure anything by "Twitter"? :rofl:
Bet you regret having posted this huh. Too late, let's get to work.

You are aware that this board is not a reasonable representation of any particular group.

I would say it's a fair representation of Bitter Old Men. But sure.
And most people are not bitter old men.

And that's not what I was answering, is it. Reeding is harde.

Don't go trying to use threads here as an argument about the larger political picture. It is disingenuous.


AOC is constantly being put front and center by the left.

Ain't seeing it. All I'm seeing is this constant panic fixation by the Rumpbots, a perfect example of which just got posted, to wit:

What’s the makeup budget to make that nose appear smaller than a cantaloupe?

Apparently this one wants to control her appearance as well. Bizzaro. I guess it says something about misogyny too.
But there it is, isn't it. Neither her appearance nor her activity in Congress is any of his business, yet --- there it is, isn't it.
And such has nothing to do with my points at all - and why I acquiesced the point about the post I responded to being about a specific poster. My point is not about one poster's fixation but rather why AOC is out there and on the national stage. The core of the democrat party is elivating her.

You didn't MAKE any point. None of that is your posting.
And there is no such thing as "the democrat party".

The right takes it from there because she is so easy to rip on. Just because you were not aware of her is not really relevant. Of course, I do admit that I misread your original quote a bit as it was specific to that poster so - my bad there :D

And no, it is not a fake times cover. She was on the cover of time magazine because how much the democrat base has gone goo goo over her. It is no surprise that the right has jumped all over her - she is a really easy target.

Yeah that's Time Magazine noting the same thing I am. Soooooo no, not buying it.
That is the left covering her non-stop.

You being blind to it is not relevant.


"IS TOO! IS NOT!" Cool argument dood.

Actually --- full disclosure --- when I was forced to go investigate why she gets so much rent-free space it became apparent why they're so spooked. She's sharp and she's got energy. They're scared shitless. I'd like to think if I were a partisan hack I'd be at least cognizant that she's somebody else's rep, not mine, but if that didn't occur to me I'd be scared shitless too. I'm not that person, but when somebody spends their time posting thread after thread after meme after meme after caricature after caricature --- it's pretty clear that's called panic.

Beyond the fact that 'sharp' is one of the most laughable things I have ever herd describing that train wreck, I had thought we put all that asinine 'panic' talk. No one on the right is panicking over her even if they should. This tired line is used for almost every politician - the partisans are never panicked because they live in their own universe - the rest of us don't panic over politicians. Ever.

You just proved my point all over again. Check out your own dribble here --- all emotion, no cattle.

I would liken her to the tea party candidates the right was all over during Obama's years.

Hmm, possibly. I get the comparison. But I can't remember a similar obsession panicking about them. I can't even remember those candidates' names.

What I find interesting here ---- it's always the psychology that's intriguing ---- is that this is the same faction that kept bleating "drain the swamp, ,drain the swamp", and here's a brazen hussy who did just that, and they have nothing but diaper rash, yearning for the swamp Democrat she replaced. That's very telling.

Seriously? The left was in melt down mode for at least a year over the tea party. I STILL hear the occasional complaint about Norquest AND HE WAS NOT EVEN IN OFFICE. They looked almost exactly like this AND Pelosi is having very similar problems that republican leadership faced with the tea party.

Don't really know what you're on about here. Nothing in the above was about the tea party or a "Pelosi" or a "Norquest".

Pogo likes contradicting himself. He’s telling us that we’re needlessly obsessed with her, and at the same time he’s telling us how formidable she is and how we have good reason to be concerned. Fact is she has more twitter followers than anyone in the house, and it’s liberals that are incessantly fawning over her there. She’s a idiot, and she needs to be exposed.

"Twitter"? You want to measure anything by "Twitter"? :rofl:

Twitter is more of a microcosm of our country than this board. You’re using this board as a reflection of viewpoints of conservatives
Where I live "GND" means either "girl next door" or "earth".

But hey it's good to know you're still valiantly holding on in your desperate struggle to remain obsessed with a freshman Congresscritter whose district is further away from you than I am from Greenland.
It is not really the right that is obsessed with AOC.

So, is the right supposed to ignore the supposed rising star on the left?

Don't be silly. Of course it is. At the risk of repetition I would never have heard of her if not for the billions of butthurt threads on this site started by whiners like the OP ---- who lives a continent away from her district. In the same way I wouldn't know who the Congresscritter of New Mexico's Fourth or Iowa's Third or even my own state outside my own district.

By the way is that a fake Time cover? You never know.....

I actually counted the OP's AOCDS threads at one point. I think it was like thirty-something. That's thirty-something more threads that I've ever started crying the blues about who the Congresscritter for the Memphis area is.
You are aware that this board is not a reasonable representation of any particular group.

AOC is constantly being put front and center by the left. The right takes it from there because she is so easy to rip on. Just because you were not aware of her is not really relevant. Of course, I do admit that I misread your original quote a bit as it was specific to that poster so - my bad there :D

And no, it is not a fake times cover. She was on the cover of time magazine because how much the democrat base has gone goo goo over her. It is no surprise that the right has jumped all over her - she is a really easy target.

I would liken her to the tea party candidates the right was all over during Obama's years.

Pogo is blowing smoke out of his nether regions when he claims that the only reason he ever heard of Ocasio-Cortez is because conservative posters here brought her up! She was the "poster child" for the progressive wing of the Democartic party's wins in the midterm...a harbinger of what was to come for the country! Only then she started talking about her plans for the country and a whole bunch of liberals hit the pause button because it turns out she's clueless. Now people like Pogo are claiming they don't know who she is!

Oh I know who she is but only because I hang out here. I had to go find out what all the fixation was about.

Amazingly she was not on my ballot here. Actually she was not on the ballot in 440 other district ballots either.

You'd never know that from this fuckin' board though.

She wasn't on my ballot either, Pogo but it's kind of hard to "MISS" someone who is on every single late night talk show and the front page of scores of newspapers and magazines. Admit're already embarrassed by the little ditz and she hasn't been in office for four months! You're going to be stuck defending her nonsense for a long, long time because those idiots in New York City are so clueless that they'll send her back to Washington just like they sent Charlie Rangel and Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner!
It is not really the right that is obsessed with AOC.

So, is the right supposed to ignore the supposed rising star on the left?

Don't be silly. Of course it is. At the risk of repetition I would never have heard of her if not for the billions of butthurt threads on this site started by whiners like the OP ---- who lives a continent away from her district. In the same way I wouldn't know who the Congresscritter of New Mexico's Fourth or Iowa's Third or even my own state outside my own district.

By the way is that a fake Time cover? You never know.....

I actually counted the OP's AOCDS threads at one point. I think it was like thirty-something. That's thirty-something more threads that I've ever started crying the blues about who the Congresscritter for the Memphis area is.
You are aware that this board is not a reasonable representation of any particular group.

AOC is constantly being put front and center by the left. The right takes it from there because she is so easy to rip on. Just because you were not aware of her is not really relevant. Of course, I do admit that I misread your original quote a bit as it was specific to that poster so - my bad there :D

And no, it is not a fake times cover. She was on the cover of time magazine because how much the democrat base has gone goo goo over her. It is no surprise that the right has jumped all over her - she is a really easy target.

I would liken her to the tea party candidates the right was all over during Obama's years.

Pogo is blowing smoke out of his nether regions when he claims that the only reason he ever heard of Ocasio-Cortez is because conservative posters here brought her up! She was the "poster child" for the progressive wing of the Democartic party's wins in the midterm...a harbinger of what was to come for the country! Only then she started talking about her plans for the country and a whole bunch of liberals hit the pause button because it turns out she's clueless. Now people like Pogo are claiming they don't know who she is!

Oh I know who she is but only because I hang out here. I had to go find out what all the fixation was about.

Amazingly she was not on my ballot here. Actually she was not on the ballot in 440 other district ballots either.

You'd never know that from this fuckin' board though.

She wasn't on my ballot either, Pogo but it's kind of hard to "MISS" someone who is on every single late night talk show and the front page of scores of newspapers and magazines. Admit're already embarrassed by the little ditz and she hasn't been in office for four months! You're going to be stuck defending her nonsense for a long, long time because those idiots in New York City are so clueless that they'll send her back to Washington just like they sent Charlie Rangel and Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner!

How in the fuck would I be "embarrassed"? She's got nothing to do with me. AGAIN I have my own Congresscritter and AGAIN so do you and so does the OP and so do all the AOCDS butthurt brigade that have been flooding this board with their obsession for the last six months.
Bet you regret having posted this huh. Too late, let's get to work.

You are aware that this board is not a reasonable representation of any particular group.

I would say it's a fair representation of Bitter Old Men. But sure.
And most people are not bitter old men.

And that's not what I was answering, is it. Reeding is harde.

Don't go trying to use threads here as an argument about the larger political picture. It is disingenuous.


AOC is constantly being put front and center by the left.

Ain't seeing it. All I'm seeing is this constant panic fixation by the Rumpbots, a perfect example of which just got posted, to wit:

What’s the makeup budget to make that nose appear smaller than a cantaloupe?

Apparently this one wants to control her appearance as well. Bizzaro. I guess it says something about misogyny too.
But there it is, isn't it. Neither her appearance nor her activity in Congress is any of his business, yet --- there it is, isn't it.
And such has nothing to do with my points at all - and why I acquiesced the point about the post I responded to being about a specific poster. My point is not about one poster's fixation but rather why AOC is out there and on the national stage. The core of the democrat party is elivating her.

You didn't MAKE any point. None of that is your posting.
And there is no such thing as "the democrat party".

The right takes it from there because she is so easy to rip on. Just because you were not aware of her is not really relevant. Of course, I do admit that I misread your original quote a bit as it was specific to that poster so - my bad there :D

And no, it is not a fake times cover. She was on the cover of time magazine because how much the democrat base has gone goo goo over her. It is no surprise that the right has jumped all over her - she is a really easy target.

Yeah that's Time Magazine noting the same thing I am. Soooooo no, not buying it.
That is the left covering her non-stop.

You being blind to it is not relevant.


"IS TOO! IS NOT!" Cool argument dood.

Actually --- full disclosure --- when I was forced to go investigate why she gets so much rent-free space it became apparent why they're so spooked. She's sharp and she's got energy. They're scared shitless. I'd like to think if I were a partisan hack I'd be at least cognizant that she's somebody else's rep, not mine, but if that didn't occur to me I'd be scared shitless too. I'm not that person, but when somebody spends their time posting thread after thread after meme after meme after caricature after caricature --- it's pretty clear that's called panic.

Beyond the fact that 'sharp' is one of the most laughable things I have ever herd describing that train wreck, I had thought we put all that asinine 'panic' talk. No one on the right is panicking over her even if they should. This tired line is used for almost every politician - the partisans are never panicked because they live in their own universe - the rest of us don't panic over politicians. Ever.

You just proved my point all over again. Check out your own dribble here --- all emotion, no cattle.

I would liken her to the tea party candidates the right was all over during Obama's years.

Hmm, possibly. I get the comparison. But I can't remember a similar obsession panicking about them. I can't even remember those candidates' names.

What I find interesting here ---- it's always the psychology that's intriguing ---- is that this is the same faction that kept bleating "drain the swamp, ,drain the swamp", and here's a brazen hussy who did just that, and they have nothing but diaper rash, yearning for the swamp Democrat she replaced. That's very telling.

Seriously? The left was in melt down mode for at least a year over the tea party. I STILL hear the occasional complaint about Norquest AND HE WAS NOT EVEN IN OFFICE. They looked almost exactly like this AND Pelosi is having very similar problems that republican leadership faced with the tea party.

Don't really know what you're on about here. Nothing in the above was about the tea party or a "Pelosi" or a "Norquest".

Pogo likes contradicting himself. He’s telling us that we’re needlessly obsessed with her, and at the same time he’s telling us how formidable she is and how we have good reason to be concerned. Fact is she has more twitter followers than anyone in the house, and it’s liberals that are incessantly fawning over her there. She’s a idiot, and she needs to be exposed.

"Twitter"? You want to measure anything by "Twitter"? :rofl:

Twitter is more of a microcosm of our country than this board. You’re using this board as a reflection of viewpoints of conservatives

What I always say is ---
If a wrecker is for wrecks, what's Twitter for?
You're really obsessed with her, huh?

Who’s obsessed, shitforbrains?

View attachment 252605
You are. Would you like me to list the AOC threads you've started? She's all you think about.

You don't even get that Time cover is an ode to rightards like you. :lol:
You freaks keep quoting her and putting her on magazine covers and you’re pissed she’s quoted!? :lmao:
All I;ve said about her was in response to rightards like you posting about her.

You can't quit her.

Tell her to shut up and we won’t quote her.

In The meantime she’s 2020 Gold.
Why would I want her to shut up when her speaking triggers you?
They wont even support their own proposal...

The socialists know they would be bludgeoned to death with it..

Yup. If I were a Dem member of the House I wouldn't have supported that POS either.

Seem the Dems are a little smarter than we all thought.

Of course the voters know that dingbat Dem proposed that stupidity and you can bet they will remember come 2020.
She is a media creation - pure and simple. She is also a great gift to the Republicans.
Who’s obsessed, shitforbrains?

View attachment 252605
You are. Would you like me to list the AOC threads you've started? She's all you think about.

You don't even get that Time cover is an ode to rightards like you. :lol:
You freaks keep quoting her and putting her on magazine covers and you’re pissed she’s quoted!? :lmao:
All I;ve said about her was in response to rightards like you posting about her.

You can't quit her.

Tell her to shut up and we won’t quote her.

In The meantime she’s 2020 Gold.
Why would I want her to shut up when her speaking triggers you?

I know, right. It's like giving the kids TV to keep them busy.

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