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Are you really pro-choice?

There's no such thing as "pro-choice". Ripping the limbs off defenseless babies letting them bleed out in the womb and severing their spine from their heads in barbaric abortion procedures made people uncomfortable so they invented the sugar coated label "pro-choice". That's like calling the ovens in Auschwitz Jew warmers.
This is a ridiculous lie.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby,’ government’s authority to interfere in citizens’ personal lives is limited, where government seeking to compel a woman to give birth against her will is un-Constitutional.

It’s this sort of baseless demagoguery and hostility to privacy rights which illustrates the importance of the Constitution to safeguard a woman’s protected liberty of choice.
There's no such thing as "pro-choice". Ripping the limbs off defenseless babies letting them bleed out in the womb and severing their spine from their heads in barbaric abortion procedures made people uncomfortable so they invented the sugar coated label "pro-choice". That's like calling the ovens in Auschwitz Jew warmers.
This is a ridiculous lie.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby,’ government’s authority to interfere in citizens’ personal lives is limited, where government seeking to compel a woman to give birth against her will is un-Constitutional.

It’s this sort of baseless demagoguery and hostility to privacy rights which illustrates the importance of the Constitution to safeguard a woman’s protected liberty of choice.

Suck on it lib, go browse your collection of butchered babies.
I've stated my position several times. If the developing baby can feel pain, it should be illegal. Only sadistic bastards would disagree.
There's no such thing as "pro-choice". Ripping the limbs off defenseless babies letting them bleed out in the womb and severing their spine from their heads in barbaric abortion procedures made people uncomfortable so they invented the sugar coated label "pro-choice". That's like calling the ovens in Auschwitz Jew warmers.
This is a ridiculous lie.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby,’ government’s authority to interfere in citizens’ personal lives is limited, where government seeking to compel a woman to give birth against her will is un-Constitutional.

It’s this sort of baseless demagoguery and hostility to privacy rights which illustrates the importance of the Constitution to safeguard a woman’s protected liberty of choice.
Why are people charged with murder or other similar crimes if they kill a developing child in an act of violence?
Are you pro death penalty ? I always find it ironic that "pro life " people will fight tooth and nail for a zygote , but then are perfectly fine wh killing a living breathing human being begging for his life .

What did the unborn human do that warrants its death?

What did the criminal do that warrants its death?

For one you are talking a potential human being . The other is undoubtably a living breathing self viable human .

Both are human, both are beings, both are human beings

What did the unborn do that warrants its death? The unborn doesn't even get a trial.

What did the criminal do that warrants its death?

It is a settled, accepted fact of Constitutional law that prior to birth an embryo/fetus is not entitled to 14th Amendment protections (Planned Parenthood v. Casey).

This is yet another false comparison fallacy: an individual charged with a crime is entitled to due process, an embryo/fetus is not; abortion is not ‘murder,’ where a woman’s right to decide whether to have a child or not is immune from attack by the state.

You’re confusing criminal law and procedural due process with civil law and substantive due process, as the latter protects a woman’s right to privacy.
Everyone is pro-life, everyone wishes to see the practice of abortion end.

That’s not the conflict.

The conflict concerns how to indeed end the practice of abortion, where any solution ending abortion must be consistent with the Constitution and its case law, recognizing citizens’ right to privacy.

And seeking to ‘ban’ abortion as those hostile to privacy rights advocate doing is not a ‘solution,’ it is in fact un-Constitutional.
How pro-choice are pro-choice people when they fight against laws that would force doctors to inform the patient of all the consequences of their decision to terminate their pregnancy. Don't you want them to have an informed choice? The government already forces warning on cigarettes so people can be fully informed of their choice. The government also forces credit card companies to inform people of how long it would take to pay it off. Those are helping people make informed choices but the minute the issue comes to abortion then the government has to but out of our affairs. The people who push this crap aren't really being that consistent in their arguments. It is my body and my right to abort but my body and my right not to have health care insurance doesn't exist. The left really doesn't believe in this rhetoric. They just use it as an argument to persuade people to shoot out dead babies from their vaginas.

How is informing the woman what happens to the unborn human during an abortion lying?

You seem confused. There is no "unborn human being", so that's the first lie you want to mandate.

Pro-lifers also want to mandate telling the woman "abortion increases breast cancer risk." That's a flat-out lie.

Pro-lifers also want to mandate telling the woman "an early term fetus feels pain." That's a flat-out lie.

Why don't you want women to have all information so they can make an informed decision?

I do. And a doctor will do that, without the Stalinist coercion that you demand.

And I just listed some of the outright lies that you support telling women.

And you haven't explained why you don't support mandated official government speeches for every medical procedure. If "having all information" is so important, shouldn't AnOfficialSpeech be mandated for every single procedure of any type?

Pro-choicers are honest and consistent. Pro-lifers are dishonest and hypocritical.
Stalin? The guy that starved his population to death? Horrible reference.
Everyone is pro-life, everyone wishes to see the practice of abortion end.

That’s not the conflict.

The conflict concerns how to indeed end the practice of abortion, where any solution ending abortion must be consistent with the Constitution and its case law, recognizing citizens’ right to privacy.

And seeking to ‘ban’ abortion as those hostile to privacy rights advocate doing is not a ‘solution,’ it is in fact un-Constitutional.
Keep dodging. Swerving.

I've stated my position several times. If the developing baby can feel pain, it should be illegal. Only sadistic bastards would disagree
Are you pro death penalty ? I always find it ironic that "pro life " people will fight tooth and nail for a zygote , but then are perfectly fine wh killing a living breathing human being begging for his life .

What did the unborn human do that warrants its death?

What did the criminal do that warrants its death?

For one you are talking a potential human being . The other is undoubtably a living breathing self viable human .

Both are human, both are beings, both are human beings

What did the unborn do that warrants its death? The unborn doesn't even get a trial.

What did the criminal do that warrants its death?

Well when you get into it, that fetus is constantly assaulting it's host mom. And can potentially kill her .

There are monsters on death row . But you don't have to kill them. Ya know , they were fetus at one time !

That was only true in your case because you are a 'liberal'. I would want one of those things out of my body as soon as it is processed.
Everyone is pro-life, everyone wishes to see the practice of abortion end.

That’s not the conflict.

The conflict concerns how to indeed end the practice of abortion, where any solution ending abortion must be consistent with the Constitution and its case law, recognizing citizens’ right to privacy.

And seeking to ‘ban’ abortion as those hostile to privacy rights advocate doing is not a ‘solution,’ it is in fact un-Constitutional.

I really don't care that much about abortion but if you really felt that abortion was incredibly immoral wouldn't you want to make it illegal? It is kind of like cock fighting. I agree that making it illegal drives it underground where it can't be found but I don't think it should be legal because it is so cruel to do to animals. Their may be a lot of advantages to legalizing cock fighting and it may even reduce it (which it could) but I don't know if I would be OK with letting it be legal because it is kind of cruel to do to animals.
I would like to know why most abortion clinics are in low income black neighborhoods. It could be coincidence but the same people who push for easy access to abortion in poor neighborhoods also object to allowing advertisement for booze and the lottery for people. It just seems like that the same people who care so much about the poor being taken advantaged of by the rich should also fight for informing the same people about the consequences of their choice.
The unwanted pregnancy is treated like a disease until it has developed far enough along to start considering it a viable potential human being with rights.

What the so called "Pro Lifers" suggest is that the zygot has more rights than the host woman. That is a position that will NEVER become law here in the U S. The Pro Lifers had better get used to that fact.

As brutal as an abortion is suggesting that the woman doesn't know what the procedure entails is rubbish. It must be very difficult for any woman to conclude that her life will be so damaged carrying the potential human being to term that she decides to have the zygot ripped from her womb.

The bottom line, as I see it, is that the procedure called abortion happens way too often. Unwanted pregnancies happen way too often. Unprotected sex happens way too often.

Why don't the "Pro-Lifers" wage a huge and continuous media campaign informing women AND men the consequences of unprotected sex instead of crying and hand wringing when the unwanted pregnancy is terminated?

Put your money where your mouth is. Sure, it would be expensive. But the best way to stop many if not most abortions is to work on preventing unwanted pregnancies.

We saw massive media campaigns concerning AIDS. Why are we not seeing the same for unprotected sex leading to the butcher of zygots?
Are you pro death penalty ? I always find it ironic that "pro life " people will fight tooth and nail for a zygote , but then are perfectly fine wh killing a living breathing human being begging for his life .

Easy - one is totally innocent and the other?
I'm pro the life of the child. Children getting slaughtered in the womb is disgusting, sick, and wrong. Poor babies. And here you libs claim to be a compassionate bunch.
I've stated my position several times. If the developing baby can feel pain, it should be illegal. Only sadistic bastards would disagree.

Well, since it can't, it would appear you're okay with abortion.

Well, that is a huge lie. A fetus can feel pain. It has been measured enzymaticlly, hormonally, electronically, visually...

You care more about that %^&*!@# cat of yours than human life.
Dr. Liley's observation is graphically demonstrated in Dr. Bernard Nathanson's classic film, The Silent Scream, the first widely circulated ultrasound of an actual abortion. [4] It shows a child serenely resting in her mother's womb. Suddenly the child is alarmed because of the intruding abortion device. She moves as far away as she can, trying desperately to save her life. Just before her body is torn to pieces and sucked out through the vacuum tube, her tiny mouth opens in an unheard scream of terror. After the abortion the doctor who performed it was invited to view the ultrasound. He was so upset with what he saw that he left the room. Though he had performed over ten thousand abortions, he never performed another one. [5]

Fact #13: The 8 week+ unborn baby feels real physical pain during an abortion.

Well, that is a huge lie. A fetus can feel pain. It has been measured enzymaticlly, hormonally, electronically, visually...

You can pass such nonsense off on your fellow pro-life imbeciles, but not normal people laugh at it, as we know the actual science.

Feeling pain requires a brain developed enough to have consciousness. 28 weeks, minimum. Stress hormones and EEG activity are not pain, not unless there's a brain to process it.

You care more about that %^&*!@# cat of yours than human life.

And given that you've fallen for something as stupid as the silent scream fakery, I don't know it will be possible to educate you. You seem to lack the necessary brainpower to do anything except regurgitate cult propaganda.

If you show a sharp blade to an infant, he or she will most likely ... try to grab it. Amazingly, according to pro-lifers, fetuses know better. They have magic psychic powers. In the dark, they can sense a knife nearby, know what it means, and try to run away.

Back in the real world, if I'm trying to get the last Cheerio out of the cereal bowl, it's hard to get it into the spoon. Pro-lifers would tell me the Cheerio is trying to avoid its fate. Normal people see it's just fluid mechanics.

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