Argument That Illegals don't Vote Continues To 'Die' a 'Slow Death'

I believe that the actual argument is that "illegals or non-citizens don't vote in significant numbers to alter Trumphs loss of the popular vote.

Non-citizens are voting illegally in Ohio, but the number is tiny

While the numbers may look significant, a tiny percentage of those discovered in two previous inquiries were pursued and prosecuted for voter fraud.

Of 44 people referred for prosecution in two previous elections, Attorney General Mike DeWine's office said eight were prosecuted and five were convicted. one was reported to a diversion program, and the records were sealed in two cases so the disposition is not known.

Of five convictions, one person was fined $300 on a falsification charge and four were sentenced to community control. None received jail time.

The five convictions compare to more than 8.2 million combined votes cast in the 2012 and 2014 election cycles.

Another seven cases were found where the individual was not a citizen when they registered, but became a citizen by the time they cast their ballot. There were another 29 people investigated by the Bureau of Criminal Identification who county prosecuting attorneys declined to prosecute or were not indicted by a grand jury.
well I tell you what, you tell the fascists mayors and governors who feel they can violate federal laws that they will be arrested if they don't stop, then perhaps we can move on from all of this other bullshit, until that happens, party of country shit is unamerican. and each and everyone who violates our laws should be punished. period, I give two shits the party affiliation.

Mayors tell fascist so-called President "CYa in court."

Opinion | Why Trump’s executive order on sanctuary cities is unconstitutional

The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that the federal government may not “commandeer” state and local officials by compelling them to enforce federal law. Such policies violate the Tenth Amendment.

Section 1373 attempts to circumvent this prohibition by forbidding higher-level state and local officials from mandating that lower-level ones refuse to help in enforcing federal policy. But the same principle that forbids direct commandeering also counts against Section 1373. As the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia explained in Printz v. United States, the purpose of the anti-commandeering doctrine is the “[p]reservation of the States as independent and autonomous political entities.” That independence and autonomy is massively undermined if the federal government can take away the states’ power to decide what state and local officials may do while on the job.
we'll be watching right?
I believe that the actual argument is that "illegals or non-citizens don't vote in significant numbers to alter Trumphs loss of the popular vote.
Since I am the OP, 'THE ARGUMENT' for this thread is that illegals do and are voting. 'THE' overall argument for snowflakes is that there aren't enough (proven...yet) doing so to make a difference...according to them.

Once again the snowflakes bring up the insignificant 'Popular Vote', which matters naught.

If it matters not, why does the so-called president keep making the false claims?
Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Ohio, Investigation Finds

"Hundreds of non-citizens are registered to vote in Ohio and some have even cast ballots, a state investigation of its voter rolls reveals.

According to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, his office has identified a total of 821 non-citizens registered to vote in the Buckeye State since 2011 — 126 of whom voted in at least one election.

“In light of the national discussion about illegal voting it is important to inform our discussions with facts,” Husted said in a statement. “The fact is voter fraud happens, it is rare and when it happens, we hold people accountable.”

'Voter fraud happens...We hold people accountable', NOT IGNORE IT and claim it DOESN'T happen.

Snowflake response to the law being broken:
'It doesn't happen that much - what's a couple hundred illegals voting? No need to do anything to ensure it doesn't happen any more... Just ignore it.'

Nonsence, nobody ever said that there are ZERO instances of someone somewhere voting improperly.

Trumsters talk about 3-5 million illegals voting in last election for Clinton and these 126 identified votes is not collaborative evidence, but rather CONTRADICTORY evidence against Trump's lies. DUH.

Thanks for making our case for us dumbass.
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I believe that the actual argument is that "illegals or non-citizens don't vote in significant numbers to alter Trumphs loss of the popular vote.

Non-citizens are voting illegally in Ohio, but the number is tiny

While the numbers may look significant, a tiny percentage of those discovered in two previous inquiries were pursued and prosecuted for voter fraud.

Of 44 people referred for prosecution in two previous elections, Attorney General Mike DeWine's office said eight were prosecuted and five were convicted. one was reported to a diversion program, and the records were sealed in two cases so the disposition is not known.

Of five convictions, one person was fined $300 on a falsification charge and four were sentenced to community control. None received jail time.

The five convictions compare to more than 8.2 million combined votes cast in the 2012 and 2014 election cycles.

Another seven cases were found where the individual was not a citizen when they registered, but became a citizen by the time they cast their ballot. There were another 29 people investigated by the Bureau of Criminal Identification who county prosecuting attorneys declined to prosecute or were not indicted by a grand jury.
well I tell you what, you tell the fascists mayors and governors who feel they can violate federal laws that they will be arrested if they don't stop, then perhaps we can move on from all of this other bullshit, until that happens, party of country shit is unamerican. and each and everyone who violates our laws should be punished. period, I give two shits the party affiliation.

Voting more than once is a FELONY. You lose your right to vote FOREVER, you can get fined and do jail time over it.

So I suggest we start with these two.


Officers: Trump supporter tried to vote twice in Fort Bend


Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa

And look for a lot more since Trump was campaigning on a RIGGED election.
I believe that the actual argument is that "illegals or non-citizens don't vote in significant numbers to alter Trumphs loss of the popular vote.

Non-citizens are voting illegally in Ohio, but the number is tiny

While the numbers may look significant, a tiny percentage of those discovered in two previous inquiries were pursued and prosecuted for voter fraud.

Of 44 people referred for prosecution in two previous elections, Attorney General Mike DeWine's office said eight were prosecuted and five were convicted. one was reported to a diversion program, and the records were sealed in two cases so the disposition is not known.

Of five convictions, one person was fined $300 on a falsification charge and four were sentenced to community control. None received jail time.

The five convictions compare to more than 8.2 million combined votes cast in the 2012 and 2014 election cycles.

Another seven cases were found where the individual was not a citizen when they registered, but became a citizen by the time they cast their ballot. There were another 29 people investigated by the Bureau of Criminal Identification who county prosecuting attorneys declined to prosecute or were not indicted by a grand jury.
well I tell you what, you tell the fascists mayors and governors who feel they can violate federal laws that they will be arrested if they don't stop, then perhaps we can move on from all of this other bullshit, until that happens, party of country shit is unamerican. and each and everyone who violates our laws should be punished. period, I give two shits the party affiliation.

Voting more than once is a FELONY. You lose your right to vote FOREVER, you can get fined and do jail time over it.

So I suggest we start with these two.


Officers: Trump supporter tried to vote twice in Fort Bend


Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa

And look for a lot more since Trump was campaigning on a RIGGED election.
I agree, now let's go after the judges and those running ballots as well. ok?
They are the poorest among us and the disabld among us and the elderly among us, and you actually think they gt on airplanes and travel and ned a govt id with a picture?

and the point is, they have lived their entire lives in the USA, without needing a govt issued photo id and have voted their entire lives without needing a govt issued photo id, by using other forms of id to prove they are the person registered to vote, that now, all of a sudden, are not allowed.

And also, since illegals can get driver's licenses, exactly how does this voter id at the polls stop them from voting?

This measure is simply a measure to prevent or curb the POOR, DISABLED, AND ELDERLY citizens who do not drive, from voting.

All the States should do, is check every registered voter, against e-verify to see if they are citizens or not, and if they are NOT, then do not approv their registration, and or remove them from the voter rolls, so their names ar not evn on the voter rolls.

Every state that I have read of with Voter ID laws has put into effect ways of even house bound people to get voter IDs.

This is just a ballyhoo to protect dead Democrats from being purged from the voter rolls.
No it isn't...

All the States need to do to remove Dead people from the voter rolls is when they issue a death certificate for a person who has died, is to notify the keepers of the voter rolls, to take them off of the voter list... remove them from the active list when they die....AND this will take these dead people off of the voter rolls so they can not vote absentee ballot as well!

This song and a dance about govt issued photo voter ID needed is truly one of the biggest voter fraud schemes going on out there, by Republicans disenfranchising citizens, of their vote....who usually are Democratic leaning voters....

Republican politicians SAID SO, and we have it on video of them SAYING SO.
Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Ohio, Investigation Finds

"Hundreds of non-citizens are registered to vote in Ohio and some have even cast ballots, a state investigation of its voter rolls reveals.

According to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, his office has identified a total of 821 non-citizens registered to vote in the Buckeye State since 2011 — 126 of whom voted in at least one election.

“In light of the national discussion about illegal voting it is important to inform our discussions with facts,” Husted said in a statement. “The fact is voter fraud happens, it is rare and when it happens, we hold people accountable.”

'Voter fraud happens...We hold people accountable', NOT IGNORE IT and claim it DOESN'T happen.

Snowflake response to the law being broken:
'It doesn't happen that much - what's a couple hundred illegals voting? No need to do anything to ensure it doesn't happen any more... Just ignore it.'

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote. Trump's claim that 3 to 5 million illegals voted is as much a fraud as he is. If Ohio wasn't checking status like most states DO--then this is their problem, and the illegals who registered are in serious trouble of deportation. That is considered a FELONY and reason for immediate deportation.
They would be more likely to vote illegally if they were fairly certain they would not face a concerted effort to detect their fraud. There are places in this country where they could be thus certain.
No, there is not. However, plenty of places exist for Trumpers to vote repeatedly.
Do you really think an illegal alien casting an illegal vote is as likely to face detection and arrest in San Francisco as they are in say, Tempe, Arizona? SF is a sanctuary city that flouts federal immigration law.
Nonsence, nobody ever said that there are ZERO instances of someone somewhere voting improperly.
Yes, actually they did...on this board. I am glad you agree that making such a statement, evidently stated while emotion had gotten the best of them, is ridiculous.
They are the poorest among us and the disabld among us and the elderly among us, and you actually think they gt on airplanes and travel and ned a govt id with a picture?

and the point is, they have lived their entire lives in the USA, without needing a govt issued photo id and have voted their entire lives without needing a govt issued photo id, by using other forms of id to prove they are the person registered to vote, that now, all of a sudden, are not allowed.

And also, since illegals can get driver's licenses, exactly how does this voter id at the polls stop them from voting?

This measure is simply a measure to prevent or curb the POOR, DISABLED, AND ELDERLY citizens who do not drive, from voting.

All the States should do, is check every registered voter, against e-verify to see if they are citizens or not, and if they are NOT, then do not approv their registration, and or remove them from the voter rolls, so their names ar not evn on the voter rolls.

Every state that I have read of with Voter ID laws has put into effect ways of even house bound people to get voter IDs.

This is just a ballyhoo to protect dead Democrats from being purged from the voter rolls.
No it isn't...

All the States need to do to remove Dead people from the voter rolls is when they issue a death certificate for a person who has died, is to notify the keepers of the voter rolls, to take them off of the voter list... remove them from the active list when they die....AND this will take these dead people off of the voter rolls so they can not vote absentee ballot as well!

This song and a dance about govt issued photo voter ID needed is truly one of the biggest voter fraud schemes going on out there, by Republicans disenfranchising citizens, of their vote....who usually are Democratic leaning voters....

Republican politicians SAID SO, and we have it on video of them SAYING SO.
So apply the same standard to everyone. Supply and require one photo ID for voting. Heck, give it a raised seal and microchip just like a credit card. Make it free and readily available to citizens. Don't have it, don't vote. What's wrong with that? If democrats would get behind an effort to ensure only eligible citizens vote, they could make sure it's not done by partisans who will pervert it for their advantage. Instead, they're seen as wanting to deny ANY means of ensuring votes are cast only by eligible citizens.
The article does not state that illegal immigrants are voting, it states that people are ILLEGALLY registering and some are illegally voting....

Legal, Documented Immigrants that vote, are illegally voting....Felons that register to vote and vote, are illegally voting, citizens that vote twice, are illegally voting...

To imply these are all illegal immigrants is simply wrong...

Not one to quibble but why did you post this? You don't help your case when you say this...

The article does not state that illegal immigrants are voting, it states that people are ILLEGALLY registering and some are illegally voting.... The actual article says this...

"The secretary of state announced Monday that this year his office discovered 385 non-citizens registered to vote in Ohio, 82 of whom have cast at least one ballot. In 2013, Husted’s office uncovered 291 non-citizens registered to vote and found another 145 in 2015. Of those non-citizens registered to vote, the office found 17 had voted in 2013 and 27 voted in 2015.

By definition, if you are a non citizen, and you vote illegally, you are an illegal alien.

What percentage of the vote are 27 votes? About .000010%!
Nice thread Easyt.:2up:

Who cares. As the Sec of State said, 112 ELECTIONS were decided by one vote. All it takes is ONE.

Is suppressing the vote a good excuse because of .00001% percent of the vote is illegal?

Voter suppression does happen thanks to organizations like ALEC, who have written or effected the laws in many states. Those eliminated from their Constitutional right to vote, make up much more than .00001% of the vote.
I believe that the actual argument is that "illegals or non-citizens don't vote in significant numbers to alter Trumphs loss of the popular vote.

Non-citizens are voting illegally in Ohio, but the number is tiny

While the numbers may look significant, a tiny percentage of those discovered in two previous inquiries were pursued and prosecuted for voter fraud.

Of 44 people referred for prosecution in two previous elections, Attorney General Mike DeWine's office said eight were prosecuted and five were convicted. one was reported to a diversion program, and the records were sealed in two cases so the disposition is not known.

Of five convictions, one person was fined $300 on a falsification charge and four were sentenced to community control. None received jail time.

The five convictions compare to more than 8.2 million combined votes cast in the 2012 and 2014 election cycles.

Another seven cases were found where the individual was not a citizen when they registered, but became a citizen by the time they cast their ballot. There were another 29 people investigated by the Bureau of Criminal Identification who county prosecuting attorneys declined to prosecute or were not indicted by a grand jury.
Generally speaking, the fraud on both sides tends to cancel the other out. But since we know there is fraud, that means that there will be occasions when fraud on one side can tip the balance in crucial districts. Think Fla, 2000. Had a few more dead democrats managed to get to the polls in a few places, we might have had <shudder> an Algore, aka Forest Gump, presidency.
They are the poorest among us and the disabld among us and the elderly among us, and you actually think they gt on airplanes and travel and ned a govt id with a picture?

and the point is, they have lived their entire lives in the USA, without needing a govt issued photo id and have voted their entire lives without needing a govt issued photo id, by using other forms of id to prove they are the person registered to vote, that now, all of a sudden, are not allowed.

And also, since illegals can get driver's licenses, exactly how does this voter id at the polls stop them from voting?

This measure is simply a measure to prevent or curb the POOR, DISABLED, AND ELDERLY citizens who do not drive, from voting.

All the States should do, is check every registered voter, against e-verify to see if they are citizens or not, and if they are NOT, then do not approv their registration, and or remove them from the voter rolls, so their names ar not evn on the voter rolls.

Every state that I have read of with Voter ID laws has put into effect ways of even house bound people to get voter IDs.

This is just a ballyhoo to protect dead Democrats from being purged from the voter rolls.
No it isn't...

All the States need to do to remove Dead people from the voter rolls is when they issue a death certificate for a person who has died, is to notify the keepers of the voter rolls, to take them off of the voter list... remove them from the active list when they die....AND this will take these dead people off of the voter rolls so they can not vote absentee ballot as well!

This song and a dance about govt issued photo voter ID needed is truly one of the biggest voter fraud schemes going on out there, by Republicans disenfranchising citizens, of their vote....who usually are Democratic leaning voters....

Republican politicians SAID SO, and we have it on video of them SAYING SO.
still don't get why you hate IDs so much. why please explain?
Once again EasyRed picks up the downed ball and runs in to the Endzone, spikes the ball and declares "Touch Down" while everyone watches.
No, snowflake - you made a comment that had nothing to do with the thread topic, attempting to deflect / change the focus. Again, 'surrender' accepted.
Nonsence, nobody ever said that there are ZERO instances of someone somewhere voting improperly.
Yes, actually they did...on this board. I am glad you agree that making such a statement, evidently stated while emotion had gotten the best of them, is ridiculous.

You have a quote?

If you do have such a quote form anyone, yes it is ridiculous, but posters here are not the President of the United States of America spreading blatant bullshit to the public.
Nonsence, nobody ever said that there are ZERO instances of someone somewhere voting improperly.
Yes, actually they did...on this board. I am glad you agree that making such a statement, evidently stated while emotion had gotten the best of them, is ridiculous.

Yes, it is ridiculous, but they are not the President of the United States of America spreading blatant bullshit to the public.
well it's good obummmer is finally out.
Nonsence, nobody ever said that there are ZERO instances of someone somewhere voting improperly.
Yes, actually they did...on this board. I am glad you agree that making such a statement, evidently stated while emotion had gotten the best of them, is ridiculous.

You have a quote?

If you do have such a quote form anyone, yes it is ridiculous, but posters here are not the President of the United States of America spreading blatant bullshit to the public.
Feel free to dig through the historic posts on USMB. We agree - yes it is ridiculous.

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