Armed nut stopped before reaching Kavanaugh's home.

You can't be convicted of terrorizing, unless it can be proved you terrorized the person. Shocking, upsetting, or even flabbergasting them isn't sufficient.
You are completely out of your element.
Come to Pennsylvania and threaten to kill someone - you will be convicted of Terroristic Threats 10 out of 10 times.
Perhaps I should add that I have 2 degrees in Criminal Justice and have worked in the field for over 15 years.
And, just for my own amusement, what is the difference between "terrorizing" and "shocking" or "upsetting"
and how might one PROVE it?
The phrase ‘Pay the Price’ means to suffer the consequences of someone’s actions. Example of Use: “Jack drank so much last night! Now he’s paying the price for it.”
Yes, and what Chucky was saying is just what this Demafascist brownshirt was trying to do.
“If the conservative justices are considering rolling back a precedent that protects what people choose to do with their own bodies, she says, then no home address is out of bounds.

And, just for my own amusement, what is the difference between "terrorizing" and "shocking" or "upsetting"
and how might one PROVE it?
terrorizing (present participle)

create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress in (someone); fill with terror
“If the conservative justices are considering rolling back a precedent that protects what people choose to do with their own bodies, she says, then no home address is out of bounds.
Conservative newspaper the New York Post, actually posted a picture of Kavanaughs house, showing the street number.

"I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have unleashed the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you!" Chucky S....ordering his Brownshirts to attack Justices.

When groups of Demafascist brownshirts, stormed Justices homes....a crime....the Xiden admin turned a blind eye, and refused to even investigate, let a lone prosecute.

When a bipartisan bill to beef up security at these Justices homes passed the Senate, Nancy P set on it and refused to the green light for this sort of act.

The DNC is clearly encouraging, and has encouraged this sort of violent behavior.

Who can forget when their Demafascist brownshirts broke past police lines, to enter the Capitol to disrupt and stop the hearing for a Justice??

The Dems are at war with the Judicial branch, because the law and Constitution they are required to uphold, gets in the way of their quest for tyrannical Govt.
Nobody should have a worry assassins are sitting outside your house.
You can't terrorize by indirect communication.

I told this guy, that told that guy, that told the person he was being threatened.

Yeah... that's will meet the threshold of beyond a reasonable doubt.
terrorizing (present participle)

create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress in (someone); fill with terror
And that differs from "upsetting" how? Are you seriously going to argue that the victim has to prove his degree of distress? You would be laughed out of court.
I have already explained my knowledge and experience related to this issue. What is yours?
I repeat: threaten to kill someone in Pennsylvania, you will be convicted of Terroristic Threats.
And that differs from "upsetting" how? Are you seriously going to argue that the victim has to prove his degree of distress? You would be laughed out of court.
I have already explained my knowledge and experience related to this issue. What is yours?
1st amendment cases before the USSC.
The difference between a plausible threat, and theatre.

If everybody who told somebody "i'm going to rip off your head, and shit down your neck" could be convicted. Everybody would be in jail.

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