As a Democrat, Im ecstatic how happy I am this morning; 2024 looks better than ever

The people coming to the border are not responsible for the increase in crime. Nor are they here to suck off the US government teet. They are here to work. To escape the shit hole they came from (that we, ironically, had a hand in making).
Address the immigration issue instead of just kicking the can down the road. And yes, that is the responsibility of both parties.

But you just said that the R's have no plans? So now you're saying that the D's don't either?? That they need to meet with the R's (that have no plans) to come up with a plan of their own? And that's why you support the D's? Can't make this shit up... :laughing0301:

And as far as why they come here, awesome, let's get rid of the southern border altogether, the US doesn't need sovereignty anyway, right? Why have any border patrol at all, let's defund it!
The House is pretty much a given that the GOP will own it. We only need two more votes to own the Senate. One could could come from Arizona, and the other from the Georgia runoff next month. There may be some more close elections that haven't been called, but I'd have to check.
I thought Fetterman losing was pretty much a given also.
The Original Tree appears to be literally a poster child for WHY Republicans just CANNOT win elections anymore!

Americans are fed up with zany shit like that last post.
Fricken Pat Robertson, holy roller wannabe with all the superstitious mumbo jumbo.
I was prepared for a very depressing day today, and the exact opposite occurred. Yes things havent gone great the last 2 years, and all presidents suffer their first midterm losses; BUT WE BARELY LOST ANYTHING!! We are keeping the Senate, and in an absolute stunning turn, at worst we will be about a 49.5% minority in the House. Trump is flirting a 3rd party run in 2024, so a guaranteed Dem win.

WHY??? Well basically we have shown America that yes, you can survive the energy transition. Gas is higher sure. But you all are adapting and accepting electric vehicles. Border is a mess? Yeah it is. But guess what? America is accepting it and our new residents are working out fine. So what, lots of people wanna move here. The voters showed they care more about WOMENS CHOICE than poor Venezuelans looking for refuge. Crime? Sure the gangs are going at it. But most voters apparently cared more about the criminals of Jan 6th and the Trump admin than the poor peoole stealing food from WalMart.

And NOW, we will see in full display what a disaster Republican leadership in the House looks like, just to remind everyone for 2024.

I cant say enough about how great today feels compared to what I expected just 3 days ago.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are losing the House and Senate.
I do think Biden probably doesnt run again in 2024. Seeing how relatively successful last night actually was for us, I think the door is open for Gavin Newsome for one.

Watching Liz Cheney, Trump and DeSantis tear the GOP apart the nexr 2 years will be delicious.

My optimism has never been higher. What a difference one election night can make
Liz Cheney is NOT a Republican.
Senate not in play. We will win it.

I know what Republicans will focus on. “Muh guns muh border” and plastering Gomers on Fox News like John Kennedy to remind the young generation that the GOP is basically the grandpa at the old general store whining about people paying for stuff with their cell phones.
Yeah, that's why you are going to lose at least 51-48 with the Georgia runoff possible making it 52-48.
Your King, The AntiChrist will eventually appear. As America goes into Moral, Ethical, and Economic Decline, Democrats like you will become increasingly happy, EUPHORIC even as you know soon that your Satanic Messiah will arrive on the scene to grant your every wish for a Godless Utopia. Your 666 New World Order and Great Reset are just around the corner.

Then comes your sudden destruction when the true King arrives to claim His throne.
May Jesus come soon.

Right, and bees die after they sting you.
S'pose you're all wrong?
:spinner: They're working on ensuring the "correct" outcome as we wait. They just need time to know how many "votes" they'll need
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