Zone1 atheists don't have proof of God... because they refuse to look at the proof

For a country that mocks the belief in God so easily, it's pretty crazy to see so many atheists seem to believe that the United States has some kind of god given right to tell the rest of the world how they have to live and to punish them for not obeying us.
Hard to argue against.
The following is from someone confused about the infamous "exception that proves the rule":
“For all X (if X is a swan, then X is white).”

This is actually a real and famous example. It used to be an expression in England, which expression communicated rarity, to call something a Black Swan. The force of the term came from the fact that, as far as they knew, no such thing actually existed. But then, a Dutch explorer actually found black swans in Australia.
He gets into deductive vs. inductive reasoning, but that's just self-distraction imo. Once a fixed pattern is identified and widely acknowledged -- it becomes a rule, law, established theory, etc. One exception is all that's required to disprove it. One black swan. So what does one do? Acknowledge that it's no longer a rule! Call it a "rule of thumb" if one still must,.. Better yet come up with a better rule! Other than a small minority of black swans, all swans are white until further notice.

Which is the rule, Intelligent Design or Unintelligent Design? I'd argue the latter, given "Intelligent Design" means supports human life. Earth is just the infamous exception. New Rule: Unintelligent Design proven given one ignores Earth.
The word "proof" itself is used by Satan to blind the atheists, single handedly. In reality, humans don't rely on evidence/proof to get to a truth of any kind.

Historical truth:
President Lincoln won majority vote. 99.99% human populations don't have the evidence. It's mostly from a history book and broadcast by our education and mass media.

Current truth:
Joe Biden won the majority vote (or didn't he). 99.99% human populations don't have the evidence. Again, you choose a mass media to believe, either Biden or Triump had the majority vote.

Scientific truth:
Black holes exist. 99.99% human populations don't have the evidence. They acquired the info again, from education and mass media.

In the contrary, humans rely exclusively on human testimonies to get to a truth. Black holes are a testimony from the eyewitnesses (which are our scientists dedicated on studying the cosmos). Lincoln, it's because humans kept records in papers, a form of testimony. Biden and Triump, broadcast by mass media, again in another form of human testimony.

In a nutshell, only the eyewitnesses have the proof/evidence. The mass majority rely on something else but never the proof/evidence to get to a truth. Atheists are played by Satan like fools.

The truth of God now is broadcast by Christianity which is God's mass media.

Who said Bible prophecies don't come to pass.
2 Corinthians 4:4 (NIV)
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
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Who then commits injustices. That's apparently the bit they don't see. Well, won't comment upon, justly...
Keep in mind what God does is for the benefit of all. Imagine going out to prune a plant, which is done for the good of the plant. The plant might not see pruning in the same light.

Also, when one sees God as love and goodness, two things emerge: First, acting against love and goodness brings about what is known as Newton's third law of motion. That is, when the hate and evil force acts against the love and goodness force, each force applies to the other the equal force and equal magnitude in the opposite direction.
See, here's the problem. How do you decide when the word of god has stopped being allegorical?
As any Jewish Rabbi will tell you, it takes a life-long study not a brief read-through followed by a quick conclusion.
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Keep in mind what God does is for the benefit of all. Imagine going out to prune a plant, which is done for the good of the plant. The plant might not see pruning in the same light.

Also, when one sees God as love and goodness, two things emerge: First, acting against love and goodness brings about what is known as Newton's third law of motion. That is, when the hate and evil force acts against the love and goodness force, each force applies to the other the equal force and equal magnitude in the opposite direction.
I see God's goodness with every "act of God" that kills and destroys.

Seems like a poor design choice to create the planet with a peculiar tilt and rotation with an atmosphere and convection currents when combined cause tornadoes. He must have known the consequences, right?
Seems like a poor design choice to create the planet with a peculiar tilt and an atmosphere and convection currents when combined cause tornadoes. He must have known the consequences, right?
What are the positive effects of this tilt? What would be the negative effects if there were no tilt?
What are the positive effects of this tilt? What would be the negative effects if there were no tilt?
What were the positive effects of a poor design?

Why design the moon and place it where it where it is relative to the earth? The influence of the moon's gravity exaggerates flooding.

He must have known the consequences, right?
What were the positive effects of a poor design?
First, you need to show the positive and negative effects of another design compared and contrasted with the positive and negative effects of what is.
First, you need to show the positive and negative effects of another design compared and contrasted with the positive and negative effects of what is.
I'll do that.

First, you need to do more than presume your particular God had any material hand in the design of the planet, and, you need to demonstrate why I should share that presumption.

Even first'er, show us something that connects a God (any of them), to the existence of this planet.

I'll be glad to show the effects of the planet's rotation and orbit around the sun. Those effects are both positive and negative, however and the conditions on this planet don't seem to have any particular bias toward positive or negative as they affect biological life.

I'm not aware of any designer Gods, other than your designer Gods, designing another habitable planet. In order to provide you with the comparison you requested, I would need to compare the demonstrated design of this planet with the demonstrated competing design of another planet by different Gods.

I'll look for the design of another habitable planet designed by Gods other than your Gods. In the meantime, can you lay out the defendable case for your God's design of this planet and why they got things so wrong?
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Keep in mind what God does is for the benefit of all. Imagine going out to prune a plant, which is done for the good of the plant.
No, YHWH does for the benefit of the chosen people. I mean, all the smiting is written down...
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What were the positive effects of a poor design?

Why design the moon and place it where it where it is relative to the earth? The influence of the moon's gravity exaggerates flooding.

He must have known the consequences, right?
The earth was perfect when first created. See Gap Theory.

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