Zone1 atheists don't have proof of God... because they refuse to look at the proof

You realize that to an atheist, to an unbeliever, a virgin becoming pg is just as ridiculous as God creating the world in seven days.
Of course, though most atheists are as polite as any person of faith. They note that a virgin birth is improbably (not ridiculous) and the discussion continues from there. For a literal 'seven days' I explain how it is just as likely the original author was using a different definition of the Hebrew 'day' than the more common definition in their time as sunset to sunset (24 hours).
If God is God, the talking donkey, the Virgin Birth, Noah's Ark, is all possible. To scoff at any of it is to scoff at all of it.
As I explained before, looking more deeply into word usage and definitions of the time is not an example of scoffing. It is taking an interest in what the original author intended--not how a minister thousands of years later reading a translation into another language determined it meant.
Actually, "he made the whole thing up" is an alternative. Far more likely, he borrowed some from others and embellished upon it.
That is not a bad example. Jesus had told a parable about a man named Lazarus who died and was in the netherworld. However, that would be some embellishment as the two named Lazarus were not at all alike. Still, embellishment is something to look for when studying a story. The account of the sun standing still readily comes to mind.
Really? Raising the dead was customary at that time? Not considered miraculous? If so, why would a Jesus bother?
I am speaking of the other customs mentioned...the stone, the weeping and mourning, wrapping the body. Raising the dead is the miracle in the account.
I would take exception to the notion that anyone’s opinion is as valid as any other. One may have the opinion that the earth is flat or that the sun revolves around the earth but that is hardly an informed opinion.
I take your point. I was thinking of issues that cannot be proven--such as the virgin birth. Even so, people can hold the opinion of the flat earth, and it still rates as a valid opinion while at the same time an opinion that can be disproved by facts. (That brings us to 'Those convinced against their will, hold the same opinion still'.) Knowing they are incorrect does not make me any less respectful that they hold that opinion. People can opine on how they see the world.
You may have an opinion that selected biblical “miracles” took place but that opinion is unsupported and is contrary to all rational existence. You have just hit upon the fatal flaw of biblical miracles as opinion. Never, in all of human history, has any claimed “miracle” ever been substantiated. As long as you must appeal to divine intervention for the explanation of an event, that event can never be provable (or even comprehensible), and therefore can never be part of any rational discussion.
Yep, no proof of miracles. There is no proof the miracles that took place in my own life, either. Since I am unable to dismiss miracles in my own life, I do not dismiss miracles in the Bible. Supernatural events do occur, and the very definition of 'beyond what is natural' assures us there is no proof (or evidence) to be found.

It is understandable that those who have not experienced a miracle in their own life that cannot be explained naturally, will hold the opinion no one else (either Biblical or today) experience miracles either.
I take your point. I was thinking of issues that cannot be proven--such as the virgin birth. Even so, people can hold the opinion of the flat earth, and it still rates as a valid opinion while at the same time an opinion that can be disproved by facts. (That brings us to 'Those convinced against their will, hold the same opinion still'.) Knowing they are incorrect does not make me any less respectful that they hold that opinion. People can opine on how they see the world.
It may be quibbling over definitions but a valid opinion is not valid when there is no plausible connection to reason and rationality. An opinion that the earth is flat is hardly a valid opinion. In regard to biblical stories such as the virgin birth, you cannot escape the fact, (not mere opinion), you have to invoke miracles, and otherwise inexplicable acts of a God.

It’s a dangerous thing when (in)valid opinion rises to the level that someone thinks he has the god-ordained truth.

"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God holds other people in contempt. Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God, there is in that man no spirit of compromise. He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature; he has the arrogance of theological certainty."
"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God holds other people in contempt.
True. Experience the love of God, and that goes hand-in-hand with the knowledge of how much God loves all.
Zuul Kneecap Destroyer.jpg

^^^This is Love^^^
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True. Experience the love of God, and that goes hand-in-hand with the knowledge of how much God loves all.
I think the supposed actions of the God clearly shows that such love is selective and capricious. Reality can be harsh and unforgiving. And yes, one can make some oblique case that the ugly, brutal death of a loved one somehow fulfills some better, higher purpose. However, we’re left with the fact that across the natural world, we see nothing that indicates any God provides for humans being any more likely to be saved from a devastating car crash than an Antelope will saved from being a meal for a pride of lions.
I think the supposed actions of the God clearly shows that such love is selective and capricious. Reality can be harsh and unforgiving. And yes, one can make some oblique case that the ugly, brutal death of a loved one somehow fulfills some better, higher purpose. However, we’re left with the fact that across the natural world, we see nothing that indicates any God provides for humans being any more likely to be saved from a devastating car crash than an Antelope will saved from being a meal for a pride of lions.
God's love is neither selective nor capricious. The same love is there whatever our experiences under the heavens. It is that love that brings good out of evil. It does not ignore the evil, it brings good out of it.
God's love is neither selective nor capricious. The same love is there whatever our experiences under the heavens. It is that love that brings good out of evil. It does not ignore the evil, it brings good out of it.
Good is the result of a drunk driver plowing into and killing a family of four.
“It is that love that brings good out of evil. It does not ignore the evil, it brings good out of it.”

Somehow, I’m not feelin’ the love.
We clearly haven't studied religion enough to appreciate its subtle absolutisms.;)
They are liberals in that sense

and of course most liberals are politically liberal

I've heard of a few who are pro life, so that's a good thing :)

But as someone once said, it takes more faith to believe in atheism than to believe in Christ...

there is no proof regarding whats written by the crucifiers in their 4th century c-bible regarding the heavens - or of any written or etched articles in the hand of jesus a claim to be a god or a messiah ...

nor the liberation theology, self determination jesus and those persecuted in the 1st century were willing to die for.
Life, itself, for starters. No atheist has EVER given a good explanation as to how life came about. I've heard a few, very weak possibilities, but even those flimsy explanations can't explain how nothing produced something. The human body and all of its intricate parts and pieces are a work & result of pure design. All designs are produced by a designer.
Can you prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that it was your version of this Designer and not someone else's version that's responsible for everything?
Can you prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that it was your version of this Designer and not someone else's version that's responsible for everything?
I don't need to prove it. The Designer proved it for Himself.
Think about that Judge's statement.

"I can't define pornography, but I know it when I see it."

Apply that.
Stupidity can prompt the victim to see something that's not there for others to see. That is the stick-and-carrot of religion, a self-glossing pathology par excellence.

President Xi to Macron: "Just keep looking out there, Emmanuel, do you see those rabbits?"

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