Attention Deitists: Please Post Irrefutable Evidence that Your God Exists

Um .... what part of "you asked for it" did you not understand?

Your original post was no less offensive, shorter yes, less offensive no.

Oh, so your answer to her/his answer is a non-answer, too..thanks for you input. You shouldn't have wasted your time...

The original point of this thread was in response to Mad's similar thread. I hope you put your Holier-Than-Thou 2 cents in on his thread too...

And if anybody was truly interested in what I was asking, that is the tangent this thread would have taken instead of somebody like "amanda" trolling. As I said to her in my original response to her, the subject interests me. How it can offensive to ask somebody to provide proof of something they believe in is beyond me. I'm not one of those flamers like JB who ridicule people for their beliefs. I only go down that road 1) if they start on me first 2) or they demand I kowtow to their god.

In short, you're off mark in your supposition....

I add a lot of "holier than thou" sense ... however, this is a case of "I'm sick of us v them bullshit". In these antitheist threads of yours you are doing the exact same thing preachers of several religions do that pisses me the hell off. You are taunting and preaching, nothing more.
I agree KK. They start threads like this and at the same time bash on my "why are libs grouchy" thread. The double standard is glaringly obvious. Everyone knows God isn't provable, just like the non-existence of God isn't provable. The whole thing is a fools errand.

Where are the great liberal thinkers here like editec and Jillian to put grumps in his place for starting such a non-sensical, divisive thread? Chilling in partisan hack land I'd wager. Makes me laugh when I'm called a partisan hack because I have no trouble speaking up as pro-choice when the subject comes up. I know I piss off my conservative friends when I do it, but I do it anyway. I guess that shows what a tool I am. I have several issues I'm liberal on, but that doesn't mean jack around here, especially when the name calling starts. What a bunch of loser jackasses.

The longer I'm here the more discouraged I become that anything like unity can ever emerge from this mess.

If this thread has become divisive it's down to you. If you look at my first few posts here, there is nothing inflammatory about them. It only got a little inflammatory when KK misconstrued what I said....Outsida that, any bad feelings on here can be put down to you coming on here all guns blazing...go figure...
Course they do...heh....Nothing wrong with that, long as they don't demand my kids get taught Bible class, or Koran class or whatever class at school......

This is offensive, and that's just your first reply. It's offensive because:

1. You assume that only those religions exist.

2. It is nothing but shit stir.
I add a lot of "holier than thou" sense ... however, this is a case of "I'm sick of us v them bullshit". In these antitheist threads of yours you are doing the exact same thing preachers of several religions do that pisses me the hell off. You are taunting and preaching, nothing more.

No you don't, you are shooting from the hip like "amanda". If you bothered to read what I have written, you will see I have done no such thing. Look at my fourth post, and the following.

And threads (plural) are you talking about? This is the only one of started of late, and I'm not trying to preach to anybody about anything. I am genuinely interested in this, but you, being too quick off the mark, lump me in with the JB's of this world, and that's on you.

I'm still struggling to understand why two people who obviously take offense at this thread keep on posting on it. There are a tonne of threads on here I avoid like the plague due to similar reasons you're spouting here...yet here you are.Go figure...
Course they do...heh....Nothing wrong with that, long as they don't demand my kids get taught Bible class, or Koran class or whatever class at school......

This is offensive, and that's just your first reply. It's offensive because:

1. You assume that only those religions exist.

2. It is nothing but shit stir.

Note, I say "nothing wrong with that"...and you are pissed because I didn't mention EVERY religion? Of course I said what I said to stimulate debate, but I was not being offensive to anybody's religion. Just stating how I see it.

You are way too thin-skinned. Seriously...way to thin-skinned,....
I agree KK. They start threads like this and at the same time bash on my "why are libs grouchy" thread. The double standard is glaringly obvious. Everyone knows God isn't provable, just like the non-existence of God isn't provable. The whole thing is a fools errand.

Where are the great liberal thinkers here like editec and Jillian to put grumps in his place for starting such a non-sensical, divisive thread? Chilling in partisan hack land I'd wager. Makes me laugh when I'm called a partisan hack because I have no trouble speaking up as pro-choice when the subject comes up. I know I piss off my conservative friends when I do it, but I do it anyway. I guess that shows what a tool I am. I have several issues I'm liberal on, but that doesn't mean jack around here, especially when the name calling starts. What a bunch of loser jackasses.

The longer I'm here the more discouraged I become that anything like unity can ever emerge from this mess.

If this thread has become divisive it's down to you. If you look at my first few posts here, there is nothing inflammatory about them. It only got a little inflammatory when KK misconstrued what I said....Outsida that, any bad feelings on here can be put down to you coming on here all guns blazing...go figure...



The premise is divisive. This was a troll from the OP. KK didn't misconstrue anything, your subject line makes it all very clear.
The premise is divisive. This was a troll from the OP. KK didn't misconstrue anything, your subject line makes it all very clear.

No, it is argumentative, as is 99.9 percent of threads on this board. Divisive says to me I have gone out to blatantly flame or troll or belittle people, when nothing could be further from the truth...
Those who have a problem with people who believe in something higher than them, no matter what that something is, are jealous, in my opinion. They have nothing to look forward to so they try to make everyone else as miserable as they are. I would rather sleep at night believing in something beyond now than dread death because there is nothing after. So, even if I am wrong, at least I sleep better than those who are so against belief.

I have no problem with anybody who believe in something higher than themselves. In fact, I wish I did, but it fails logic IMO.

I sleep very well and am a very happy person (most of the time - after all, who is happy 100 percent of the time)...shrug
The premise is divisive. This was a troll from the OP. KK didn't misconstrue anything, your subject line makes it all very clear.

No, it is argumentative, as is 99.9 percent of threads on this board. Divisive says to me I have gone out to blatantly flame or troll or belittle people, when nothing could be further from the truth...


It's hard to believe that even you're swallowing that load.

It's hard to believe that even you're swallowing that load.

More proof that you're not a woman..

That aside, I note that neither your nor KK took exception to MS thread along similar lines. What's that about Partisan hackery again?

I also love how in that thread, in a post addressed to me, KK called herself a sage. I missed that. That was my RATFLMAO moment of the day. Thanks for the laugh KK - from somebody who believes smoking doesn't cause lung cancer. You do realise that Sage means "wise", right KK?

Anyway, if you have nothing but flaming and trolling to add "Amanda"....I'm done on the subject with you. You are nothing but a lying troll...and most of us know it ;)

It's hard to believe that even you're swallowing that load.

More proof that you're not a woman..

That aside, I note that neither your nor KK took exception to MS thread along similar lines. What's that about Partisan hackery again?

I also love how in that thread, in a post addressed to me, KK called herself a sage. I missed that. That was my RATFLMAO moment of the day. Thanks for the laugh KK - from somebody who believes smoking doesn't cause lung cancer. You do realise that Sage means "wise", right KK?

Anyway, if you have nothing but flaming and trolling to add "Amanda"....I'm done on the subject with you. You are nothing but a lying troll...and most of us know it ;)

OMFG... more proof? WTF are you talking about. You don't have ANY proof of ANYTHING.

I don't know what "MS thread" you're referring to... Microsoft, multiple sclerosis? No fucking idea what you're babbling about.

If you're so fucking done why are you posting here? Duh.

It's hard to believe that even you're swallowing that load.

More proof that you're not a woman..

That aside, I note that neither your nor KK took exception to MS thread along similar lines. What's that about Partisan hackery again?

I also love how in that thread, in a post addressed to me, KK called herself a sage. I missed that. That was my RATFLMAO moment of the day. Thanks for the laugh KK - from somebody who believes smoking doesn't cause lung cancer. You do realise that Sage means "wise", right KK?

Anyway, if you have nothing but flaming and trolling to add "Amanda"....I'm done on the subject with you. You are nothing but a lying troll...and most of us know it ;)

OMFG... more proof? WTF are you talking about. You don't have ANY proof of ANYTHING.

I don't know what "MS thread" you're referring to... Microsoft, multiple sclerosis? No fucking idea what you're babbling about.

If you're so fucking done why are you posting here? Duh.

I have no clue either, I think babbling is a good description now.

Grump, prove that no deity or power greater than us exists ... otherwise all these threads started asking for proof are just flames.
There is no irrefutable proof.

There isn't even any shaky proof.

But threads like these expose the shaky faith that some believers have.

Poor Amanduh.
I have no clue either, I think babbling is a good description now.

Grump, prove that no deity or power greater than us exists ... otherwise all these threads started asking for proof are just flames.

So why aren't you on Mad S's thread asking about who created the Earth? Can you say hypocrite? Why aren't you having a go at "a MAN duh" about her grumpy lib thread? Hypocrite again. You have no credibility on the "bait" subject . Just sounds like you hate athiests.

My whole point on this thread was this: You CAN'T prove or DISPROVE a god, however science has explained a myriad of things that were once thought to be in the realms of godhood. Religions, however, have yet to prove or explain a SINGLE thing about any of their beliefs...and there lies the rub...
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There is no irrefutable proof.

There isn't even any shaky proof.

But threads like these expose the shaky faith that some believers have.

Poor Amanduh.

What shaky faith would that be?

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