Average EV Car Prices Remain on Par with New Luxury Cars

Good for you. Some of us had jobs that required those computers so someone was buying them.

ANd you have to pay a whole fuck lot more for gas to drive around than I do for my electricity! LOL.

Even if I didn't buy an EV I wouldn't buy the gashog stupid vehicle you did. You don't take care of your money very well.

I am not an Uber driver or Hotel Courtesy shuttle so, unlike you, I don't need that.

If your kids lived within 300 miles you could do it in my car. You WILL need to gas up a LOT for your travels though.

I am driving for free for nearly 3 years now with almost no maintenance costs!

I haven't paid attention to gas prices for years now! LOLOL!

Enjoy paying more for gasoline, sucker!
I am very familiar, perhaps more than you with computers, as I was a computer science major in college in the early 80s.

I am glad that EV works for you. I don't have solar power because it is ridiculous to rely on that where I live. If I had installed solar, I would have had to replace it 3 times in just the past few months due to storms.

I can make my trip on one tank of gas. The only maintenance I have ever done is replace the original tires with new ones.

My wife just had hip replacement surgery. There is no way she could fold herself up to get in your tiny EV without passing out from the pain.

I carry three big dogs in my SUV. Can you do that?
They certainly are, CA--no small ICE sales after 2024, No ICE automobile sales after 2030. Similar laws in WA. That is government interjecting in the marketplace. If EVs are so good, they shouldn't have to cut existing technology to promote it. We had 8 track recorders in the 60s, they gave way to cassette, cd, and now digital jump drives--the government didn't have to push those, people clamored for the new technology because it was better. This current push of inferior, beta technology reminds me of how our government pushed the jab, even paying people to get it. Keep the government out of the marketplace.

Speak for yourself. I don't want the government involved in my life at all beyond public safety and defense.
STATEMENT: I don't want the government involved in my life at all beyond public safety and defense.
RESPONSE: The private sector is producing E Cars and E Trucks.
Widespread use of EV’s…. a bad idea for a problem we don’t have and wouldn’t work even if we did.
I bet horseless carriages cost a lot more than the ones that came before - the ones that used horses.
And when you can’t buy a replacement battery for your EV in 8 years because of planned obsolescence, the gas luxury cars will still be driving around.

View attachment 640545 Why electric cars are getting pricier even as batteries get cheaper
EV's on average cost 52% more

EV's on average cost 52% more

Weatherman's post - that EV prices have remained high because manufacturers are starting out with luxury vehicles before moving to mass market - fails to show any reason why EVs HAVE to be more expensive than ICE vehicles. Thanks.
Weatherman's post - that EV prices have remained high because manufacturers are starting out with luxury vehicles before moving to mass market - fails to show any reason why EVs HAVE to be more expensive than ICE vehicles. Thanks.
EV’s are more expensive because they have to be and they’ll force you to buy a new one every few years by obsolescence of the special batteries.
I only paid $37K for my Chevy Bolt. Hardly a luxury cost. And I got no price breaks on it. Got a modest tax incentive the following year.

All this complaint about EV's is so bizarre. It's like no one on here knows how expensive computers used to be! You folks are a hoot. A computer that was about 1/100th of what you have in your hand right now was several thousand dollars.

Hmm, I spent 19k for my car that gets 32 mpg. Thats half of what you paid and I go 3 times as far on a "fillup".
Hmm, I spent 19k for my car that gets 32 mpg. Thats half of what you paid and I go 3 times as far on a "fillup".

And you pay for a fill-up right? I don't. That's the beauty of it. I charge on my solar unit at home for free. I have been driving for about 3 years for free.

And somehow I'm the one that's not doing as well?
EV’s are more expensive because they have to be and they’ll force you to buy a new one every few years by obsolescence of the special batteries.
I must have missed something. Where was the demonstration that EVs "have to be" more expensive?
You trying to tell me you don't have an electric bill?

That is correct, sir. We generate an excess of electricity every month in order that we maintain about 1000kWh excess month over month.

We now live in a state that does require us to pay a fee for the upkeep of the grid which is $13 a month. But I have only paid an electricity bill for my electricity two times in the past 5 years. And prior to that our previous house also had solar and I didn't p ay more than 3 electricity bills in 8 years
Weatherman's post - that EV prices have remained high because manufacturers are starting out with luxury vehicles before moving to mass market - fails to show any reason why EVs HAVE to be more expensive than ICE vehicles. Thanks.
Because a fool and their money are soon parted.
And you pay for a fill-up right? I don't. That's the beauty of it. I charge on my solar unit at home for free. I have been driving for about 3 years for free.

And somehow I'm the one that's not doing as well?
Correct. But this is the thing about EV's and the conception the EV owners claim they're cheap to recharge.

You need to pay for the infrastructure to get into the position of claiming it's cheaper. So you need to spend 52% more upfront at the start to buy the EV (if you do it on a loan attracting interest, then it's dearer still). Then you need to buy the solar panel system. So if it runs your house as well, you need to proportion a slice of this to the car. Then you have had to be in a position to charge from home, a third of motorists can't.

So when you lump the true cost of owning an EV and the true cost of an ICE vehicle, then when adding in recharging/fueling, you need to drive over 200,000 miles before you hit breakeven. Before I hit 200,000 miles, I would need a new car.

It's taken me 20 years to hit 173,000 miles and if the car passes this year's MOT, I might get another year out of it.

If EV's are so good, you wouldn't need an incentive to buy one and ban by law the competition. So if ICE vehicles were allowed to compete with EV's, EV's in their current technological state would fizzle out.

We are entering a period in time where music downloads are being phased out by law because the new way is by cassette. Tape cassettes are so good, there's government incentives to buy them, and the competition is gradually being banned by law.
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Correct. But this is the thing about EV's and the conception the EV owners claim they're cheap to recharge.

You need to pay for the infrastructure to get into the position of claiming it's cheaper. So you need to spend 52% more upfront at the start to buy the EV (if you do it on a loan attracting interest, then it's dearer still). Then you need to buy the solar panel system. So if it runs your house as well, you need to proportion a slice of this to the car. Then you have had to be in a position to charge from home, a third of motorists can't.

So when you lump the true cost of owning an EV and the true cost of an ICE vehicle, then when adding in recharging/fueling, you need to drive over 200,000 miles before you hit breakeven. Before I hit 200,000 miles, I would need a new car.

It's taken me 20 years to hit 173,000 miles and if the car passes this year's MOT, I might get another year out of it.

If EV's are so good, you wouldn't need an incentive to buy one and ban by law the competition. So if ICE vehicles were allowed to compete with EV's, EV's in their current technological state would fizzle out.

We are entering a period in time where music downloads are being phased out by law because the new way is by cassette. Tape cassettes are so good, there's government incentives to buy them, and the competition is gradually being banned by law.
Why has the fossil fuel industry needed the hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies its received over the years?

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