Average IQ Levels


Mongolia > USA


Are you making fun of Mongols?

They had a big empire, wouldn't that make them so superior in your eyes?

I mean clearly Germans with a little empire in comparison were vastly inferior against the Mongols who conquered huge parts of the World, right?

It's funny when Liberals like you support might is right.
The Poles are well established thieves in Europe. I guess that is a form of intelligence. :04:
The Poles are well established thieves in Europe. I guess that is a form of intelligence. :04:

Like the hysteria of Polish criminals in the UK?

There were in 2010 just over 6,700 Polish criminals in the UK, and it might sound massive, until you find out over 1,000,000 criminals are in the UK.

That means that close to 0.5% of the criminals were Polish in 2010 in the UK, but here's the thing about 500,000 Poles were in the UK, or about 1.0% of the UK n 2010.

So, actually Poles in 2010 were 2 X less likely to be criminals in the UK.

This proves that it's the shit-Brits whom are often of Sub-Human intelligence.

Yes, Shit-Brits are some of the most stupid f*cks I've ever seen in my life, they are obviously nearly completely incapable of logical thinking, they are easily mislead, and Polish criminals is just a small portion of it, they tend to be very pro-Muslim, and pro-Black despite them being the "Real Criminals"
Did I mention Brits are the ugliest trash in Europe?

Unlike the Poles, which kept getting conquered over and over and over again.

There is no saying that "The sun doesn't set on the Polish Empire."

So I guess Jews are the most stupid people ever, by your logic?

Jews were getting conquered over, and over again, by Babylon, Egypt, Greeks, by Romans, by Arabs, by Byzantines, and by Persians etc.

Jews were without a nation for 1,000's of years almost all of the time.

Jews couldn't even stop from being killed everywhere they went.

Obviously Jews are dumb, they couldn't hold their nation, they were even too dumb to even get along without everybody hating them, and wishing to kill them.
The Poles are well established thieves in Europe. I guess that is a form of intelligence. :04:

The well established thieves of Europe are Anglo - Saxons (English / Germans)

England = Anglo - Saxon (Germanic's) stole from Celts like the Welsh.
England = Stole American lands.
England = Stole Australia lands.
England = Stole New Zealand lands.
England = Stole India lands
England = Stole Persian lands
England = Stole African lands.
England = Stole Arab lands.
England = Stole million, or so Black slaves.

Germany = Looting mass amount of wealth, and treasures in WW2, even 20% European art was stolen.
Germany = Stole millions of Slaves in WW2.
Germany = Stole Jewish gold, and wealth in WW2.
Germany = Stole Prussia from Old Prussians like Lithuanians, then stole the name Prussia.
Germany = Stole Livonia from Old Livonians like Estonians, then stole the name Livonia as the Livonia Order.
Germany = Stole Namibia.
Some charts I found. I have no idea where they came from, but you can make your own conclusions about them. What's particularly interesting is California..


Unsurprisingly your chart comes from a neonazi website and is thus inadmissible as evidence of anything other than somebody's ability to color within the lines.

Source.. Why the Decline of America’s Average IQ is a Cause for Concern

You are a dumbass of the highest degree. Just because the map was once used on that site, doesn't mean it originated there.

A tineye search shows that is was also used on hundreds of other websites, but gives no indication that it originated where you stated.
That's the earliest use as far as Google images is concerned.

Your use of personal insult, dosnit make you feel tough? Does it make you feel better about yourself or your life?

I personally think it is an indication that you know I'm right, I have defeated you, and there's nothing you can do about it but insult me

Not hardly. The map did not come from some "neo-nazi" website. You "defeated" nobody and you're still wrong.

Some charts I found. I have no idea where they came from, but you can make your own conclusions about them. What's particularly interesting is California..


the map clearly shows that the further south and west one goes, the more likely one is to run into stupid people.

this is not exactly a news flash.

Like the the South-West with a lot of Mexicans, or the Southern states with a lot of Blacks?
The Poles are well established thieves in Europe. I guess that is a form of intelligence. :04:

Polish have some good products, actually... How about Africans? (If you Liberals claim Africans are equal, and Polish are dumb, prove it)

Polish products from Poland I've tried.

1.) The Witcher video game. (Very good video game)

2.) Dead Island video game (Very good video game)

3.) Loyd Tea (Best Tea I've had)

4.) Mokate (Very good Instant Cappucino)

5.) Baks Krupnik (Best Honey Alcohol I've had)

6.) Lech ( Decent beer)

7.) Okocim (Decent beer)

8.) Tyskie (Decent beer)

9.) Warka (Decent beer)

10.) Zyweic (Decent beer)

11.) Sobieski Vodka (Decent Vodka)

Polish products from Poland I've heard are good.

1.) Solaris Buses.

2.) Vigo System sensors

3.) Izzy Bike

4.) Zortrax 3D printers

5.) Nowy Styl furniture

6.) Inglot Cosmetics

7.) Ammono Gallium Nitride.

8.) Irena Eris Cosmetics.

9.) Słowińscy Sp. windows doors.

10.)PESA Yahts

11.)Omni3D 3D Printers.
Thanks for confirming that you're an idiot. :thup:

ANTIFA types such as yourself are almost always are so rude, obnoxious, and illogical.
Wrong as usual......


David Becker, Richard Lynn, and Henreich Rindermann IQ maps all show similar patterns in Iraq vs Saudis in IQ scores.

Now, I asked you to explain why that is?

Presumably Iraq is culturally nearly identical to Saudis, but probably made worse than Saudis by"War" furthermore in terms of education, health, nutrition, poverty, economy etc. Iraq clearly is in worse shape than Saudis.

I asked you to explain this, and you start mouthing off like a twit.

Yes, there's patterns being documented.

Becker's IQ map.


Lynn's IQ map.


Rindermann's IQ map.

Nice cut and paste, means absolutely nothing without the complete background, how about taking a stab at book learnin'.......... Not that I think you're capable.......

The culture argument is really BS.

Examples include.

A.) The IQ of Black Jamaica, and the Black Congo are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

B.) The IQ of White America, and White Finland are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

C.) Culturally White America, and Black America would probably have more in common "Culturally" rather than White Finland. (But, not in IQ.)

D.) Culturally Black Jamaica, and White Britain probably have more in common with each other, rather than with White Hungary, or Black Mozambique, why is it in each case the IQ fits closest with the race, rather than the culture?

E.) Culturally Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A would be sort of in between White Christian Americans, and Israelis, but the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A falls higher than both.

F.) Native Americans from Alaska have IQ's more similar to Native Americans in Peru, than White people in Argentina do to Peru, or White people in Alaska do to Native Americans in Alaska.

G.) In Brazil, like the U.S.A, the IQ hierarchy is #1 Asian, #2 Whites, #3 Browns (Mestizos) #4 Blacks (African descent) The problem here, is that in Brazil they all tend to have been there awhile, and are all thus "Culturally Brazilian" and same often holds true in the U.S.A too.

H.) In Brazil, like everywhere else be it the U.S.A, or the UK, or in Asia vs White countries, the IQ patterns of Asians vs Whites are different, with Asians doing better on Spatial Ability, and Whites doing better on Verbal ability.

Here's the thing most Asians, and Whites have been in Brazil for a long time.

Shall I keep going on, and on?
Keep digging if you wish, it's really funny to watch. Like I said, simple things for simple minds :lol:
ANTIFA types such as yourself are almost always are so rude, obnoxious, and illogical.
Wrong as usual......


David Becker, Richard Lynn, and Henreich Rindermann IQ maps all show similar patterns in Iraq vs Saudis in IQ scores.

Now, I asked you to explain why that is?

Presumably Iraq is culturally nearly identical to Saudis, but probably made worse than Saudis by"War" furthermore in terms of education, health, nutrition, poverty, economy etc. Iraq clearly is in worse shape than Saudis.

I asked you to explain this, and you start mouthing off like a twit.

Yes, there's patterns being documented.

Becker's IQ map.


Lynn's IQ map.


Rindermann's IQ map.

Nice cut and paste, means absolutely nothing without the complete background, how about taking a stab at book learnin'.......... Not that I think you're capable.......

The culture argument is really BS.

Examples include.

A.) The IQ of Black Jamaica, and the Black Congo are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

B.) The IQ of White America, and White Finland are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

C.) Culturally White America, and Black America would probably have more in common "Culturally" rather than White Finland. (But, not in IQ.)

D.) Culturally Black Jamaica, and White Britain probably have more in common with each other, rather than with White Hungary, or Black Mozambique, why is it in each case the IQ fits closest with the race, rather than the culture?

E.) Culturally Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A would be sort of in between White Christian Americans, and Israelis, but the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A falls higher than both.

F.) Native Americans from Alaska have IQ's more similar to Native Americans in Peru, than White people in Argentina do to Peru, or White people in Alaska do to Native Americans in Alaska.

G.) In Brazil, like the U.S.A, the IQ hierarchy is #1 Asian, #2 Whites, #3 Browns (Mestizos) #4 Blacks (African descent) The problem here, is that in Brazil they all tend to have been there awhile, and are all thus "Culturally Brazilian" and same often holds true in the U.S.A too.

H.) In Brazil, like everywhere else be it the U.S.A, or the UK, or in Asia vs White countries, the IQ patterns of Asians vs Whites are different, with Asians doing better on Spatial Ability, and Whites doing better on Verbal ability.

Here's the thing most Asians, and Whites have been in Brazil for a long time.

Shall I keep going on, and on?
Keep digging if you wish, it's really funny to watch. Like I said, simple things for simple minds :lol:
Let's see if you can do a slightly complex task (well slightly complex for me..........probably impossible for you) without looking it up, what is culture, what does it encompass and what does it influence/interact with within the cultural sphere?
Wrong as usual......


David Becker, Richard Lynn, and Henreich Rindermann IQ maps all show similar patterns in Iraq vs Saudis in IQ scores.

Now, I asked you to explain why that is?

Presumably Iraq is culturally nearly identical to Saudis, but probably made worse than Saudis by"War" furthermore in terms of education, health, nutrition, poverty, economy etc. Iraq clearly is in worse shape than Saudis.

I asked you to explain this, and you start mouthing off like a twit.

Yes, there's patterns being documented.

Becker's IQ map.


Lynn's IQ map.


Rindermann's IQ map.

Nice cut and paste, means absolutely nothing without the complete background, how about taking a stab at book learnin'.......... Not that I think you're capable.......

The culture argument is really BS.

Examples include.

A.) The IQ of Black Jamaica, and the Black Congo are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

B.) The IQ of White America, and White Finland are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

C.) Culturally White America, and Black America would probably have more in common "Culturally" rather than White Finland. (But, not in IQ.)

D.) Culturally Black Jamaica, and White Britain probably have more in common with each other, rather than with White Hungary, or Black Mozambique, why is it in each case the IQ fits closest with the race, rather than the culture?

E.) Culturally Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A would be sort of in between White Christian Americans, and Israelis, but the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A falls higher than both.

F.) Native Americans from Alaska have IQ's more similar to Native Americans in Peru, than White people in Argentina do to Peru, or White people in Alaska do to Native Americans in Alaska.

G.) In Brazil, like the U.S.A, the IQ hierarchy is #1 Asian, #2 Whites, #3 Browns (Mestizos) #4 Blacks (African descent) The problem here, is that in Brazil they all tend to have been there awhile, and are all thus "Culturally Brazilian" and same often holds true in the U.S.A too.

H.) In Brazil, like everywhere else be it the U.S.A, or the UK, or in Asia vs White countries, the IQ patterns of Asians vs Whites are different, with Asians doing better on Spatial Ability, and Whites doing better on Verbal ability.

Here's the thing most Asians, and Whites have been in Brazil for a long time.

Shall I keep going on, and on?
Keep digging if you wish, it's really funny to watch. Like I said, simple things for simple minds :lol:
Let's see if you can do a slightly complex task (well slightly complex for me..........probably impossible for you) without looking it up, what is culture, what does it encompass and what does it influence/interact with within the cultural sphere?

A.) I thought Liberal Individualists supported individuals rather than cultures.

B.) Explain why Women are less violent, more nurturing, more submissive, more flamboyant in just about every single culture, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?

C.) Explain why Gays are more flamboyant in just about every single culture, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?

D.) Explain why Blacks are more aggressive, criminal, flamboyant, love dancing more, love to party more, and more overt, and loud regardless of where they go, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?
Given that IQ exams rely heavily on how well you assimilate general knowledge, it’s more indicative of the quality of education rather than actual intelligence.
Plus IQ is not related to wisdom nor morality.

Hitler had a high IQ, as did Himmler, Goebbels etc.

So, indeed, you are correct on the whole.

However, when it comes to societal function then more intelligence is better.

That yes more intelligent societies have less problems overall.

That yes more intelligent societies build more great things overall.

I'd argue that while both intelligence, and morality are important, that intelligence makes our lives better more than morality by a slight margin.

Yes, Music, Art, Literature, Computers, Cell phones, Heating, AC, Plumbing, Toilets, Electricity, Medicine, Agriculture, Good food, etc. etc. all come from at least some kind of intelligence be it directly, or indirectly.

Ultimately Humanity's strength isn't really morality, Humanity's strength is it's intelligence.
ANTIFA types such as yourself are almost always are so rude, obnoxious, and illogical.
Wrong as usual......


David Becker, Richard Lynn, and Henreich Rindermann IQ maps all show similar patterns in Iraq vs Saudis in IQ scores.

Now, I asked you to explain why that is?

Presumably Iraq is culturally nearly identical to Saudis, but probably made worse than Saudis by"War" furthermore in terms of education, health, nutrition, poverty, economy etc. Iraq clearly is in worse shape than Saudis.

I asked you to explain this, and you start mouthing off like a twit.

Yes, there's patterns being documented.

Becker's IQ map.


Lynn's IQ map.


Rindermann's IQ map.

Nice cut and paste, means absolutely nothing without the complete background, how about taking a stab at book learnin'.......... Not that I think you're capable.......

The culture argument is really BS.

Examples include.

A.) The IQ of Black Jamaica, and the Black Congo are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

B.) The IQ of White America, and White Finland are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

C.) Culturally White America, and Black America would probably have more in common "Culturally" rather than White Finland. (But, not in IQ.)

D.) Culturally Black Jamaica, and White Britain probably have more in common with each other, rather than with White Hungary, or Black Mozambique, why is it in each case the IQ fits closest with the race, rather than the culture?

E.) Culturally Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A would be sort of in between White Christian Americans, and Israelis, but the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A falls higher than both.

F.) Native Americans from Alaska have IQ's more similar to Native Americans in Peru, than White people in Argentina do to Peru, or White people in Alaska do to Native Americans in Alaska.

G.) In Brazil, like the U.S.A, the IQ hierarchy is #1 Asian, #2 Whites, #3 Browns (Mestizos) #4 Blacks (African descent) The problem here, is that in Brazil they all tend to have been there awhile, and are all thus "Culturally Brazilian" and same often holds true in the U.S.A too.

H.) In Brazil, like everywhere else be it the U.S.A, or the UK, or in Asia vs White countries, the IQ patterns of Asians vs Whites are different, with Asians doing better on Spatial Ability, and Whites doing better on Verbal ability.

Here's the thing most Asians, and Whites have been in Brazil for a long time.

Shall I keep going on, and on?
Keep digging if you wish, it's really funny to watch. Like I said, simple things for simple minds :lol:

Blacks in Africa dance more than other races, they are loud, sing a lot this is their culture, indeed.

Blacks in America hold such qualities, as do ones in the UK, or Jamaica, or Haiti, etc. etc.

Latinos with more Black blood like Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Colombians, or Brazilians hold more such qualities than other Latinos who in comparison lack Black blood like Guatemalans,Peruvians, Mexicans, or Ecuadorians.

How can this pattern repeat, and repeat, and repeat over, and over again in totally alienated cultures?

Could biology be a strong promoter of culture?
David Becker, Richard Lynn, and Henreich Rindermann IQ maps all show similar patterns in Iraq vs Saudis in IQ scores.

Now, I asked you to explain why that is?

Presumably Iraq is culturally nearly identical to Saudis, but probably made worse than Saudis by"War" furthermore in terms of education, health, nutrition, poverty, economy etc. Iraq clearly is in worse shape than Saudis.

I asked you to explain this, and you start mouthing off like a twit.

Yes, there's patterns being documented.

Becker's IQ map.


Lynn's IQ map.


Rindermann's IQ map.

Nice cut and paste, means absolutely nothing without the complete background, how about taking a stab at book learnin'.......... Not that I think you're capable.......

The culture argument is really BS.

Examples include.

A.) The IQ of Black Jamaica, and the Black Congo are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

B.) The IQ of White America, and White Finland are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

C.) Culturally White America, and Black America would probably have more in common "Culturally" rather than White Finland. (But, not in IQ.)

D.) Culturally Black Jamaica, and White Britain probably have more in common with each other, rather than with White Hungary, or Black Mozambique, why is it in each case the IQ fits closest with the race, rather than the culture?

E.) Culturally Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A would be sort of in between White Christian Americans, and Israelis, but the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A falls higher than both.

F.) Native Americans from Alaska have IQ's more similar to Native Americans in Peru, than White people in Argentina do to Peru, or White people in Alaska do to Native Americans in Alaska.

G.) In Brazil, like the U.S.A, the IQ hierarchy is #1 Asian, #2 Whites, #3 Browns (Mestizos) #4 Blacks (African descent) The problem here, is that in Brazil they all tend to have been there awhile, and are all thus "Culturally Brazilian" and same often holds true in the U.S.A too.

H.) In Brazil, like everywhere else be it the U.S.A, or the UK, or in Asia vs White countries, the IQ patterns of Asians vs Whites are different, with Asians doing better on Spatial Ability, and Whites doing better on Verbal ability.

Here's the thing most Asians, and Whites have been in Brazil for a long time.

Shall I keep going on, and on?
Keep digging if you wish, it's really funny to watch. Like I said, simple things for simple minds :lol:
Let's see if you can do a slightly complex task (well slightly complex for me..........probably impossible for you) without looking it up, what is culture, what does it encompass and what does it influence/interact with within the cultural sphere?

A.) I thought Liberal Individualists supported individuals rather than cultures.

B.) Explain why Women are less violent, more nurturing, more submissive, more flamboyant in just about every single culture, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?

C.) Explain why Gays are more flamboyant in just about every single culture, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?

D.) Explain why Blacks are more aggressive, criminal, flamboyant, love dancing more, love to party more, and more overt, and loud regardless of where they go, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?
Avoidance as expected, it doesn't fit into your narrative so it doesn't exist....... So predictable. :lmao:
ANTIFA types such as yourself are almost always are so rude, obnoxious, and illogical.
Wrong as usual......


David Becker, Richard Lynn, and Henreich Rindermann IQ maps all show similar patterns in Iraq vs Saudis in IQ scores.

Now, I asked you to explain why that is?

Presumably Iraq is culturally nearly identical to Saudis, but probably made worse than Saudis by"War" furthermore in terms of education, health, nutrition, poverty, economy etc. Iraq clearly is in worse shape than Saudis.

I asked you to explain this, and you start mouthing off like a twit.

Yes, there's patterns being documented.

Becker's IQ map.


Lynn's IQ map.


Rindermann's IQ map.

Nice cut and paste, means absolutely nothing without the complete background, how about taking a stab at book learnin'.......... Not that I think you're capable.......

The culture argument is really BS.

Examples include.

A.) The IQ of Black Jamaica, and the Black Congo are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

B.) The IQ of White America, and White Finland are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

C.) Culturally White America, and Black America would probably have more in common "Culturally" rather than White Finland. (But, not in IQ.)

D.) Culturally Black Jamaica, and White Britain probably have more in common with each other, rather than with White Hungary, or Black Mozambique, why is it in each case the IQ fits closest with the race, rather than the culture?

E.) Culturally Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A would be sort of in between White Christian Americans, and Israelis, but the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A falls higher than both.

F.) Native Americans from Alaska have IQ's more similar to Native Americans in Peru, than White people in Argentina do to Peru, or White people in Alaska do to Native Americans in Alaska.

G.) In Brazil, like the U.S.A, the IQ hierarchy is #1 Asian, #2 Whites, #3 Browns (Mestizos) #4 Blacks (African descent) The problem here, is that in Brazil they all tend to have been there awhile, and are all thus "Culturally Brazilian" and same often holds true in the U.S.A too.

H.) In Brazil, like everywhere else be it the U.S.A, or the UK, or in Asia vs White countries, the IQ patterns of Asians vs Whites are different, with Asians doing better on Spatial Ability, and Whites doing better on Verbal ability.

Here's the thing most Asians, and Whites have been in Brazil for a long time.

Shall I keep going on, and on?
Keep digging if you wish, it's really funny to watch. Like I said, simple things for simple minds :lol:

I'm unaware of any culture where 100% murder, or 0% murder overtime.

Thus, how can murder be cultural, all too much if there's no murder culture?

Most poor people don't murder, some rich people do murder.

How can it be culture, how could it be poverty?

Sure, culture, and poverty probably do have influences there, but obviously biology would be more important.
Wrong as usual......


David Becker, Richard Lynn, and Henreich Rindermann IQ maps all show similar patterns in Iraq vs Saudis in IQ scores.

Now, I asked you to explain why that is?

Presumably Iraq is culturally nearly identical to Saudis, but probably made worse than Saudis by"War" furthermore in terms of education, health, nutrition, poverty, economy etc. Iraq clearly is in worse shape than Saudis.

I asked you to explain this, and you start mouthing off like a twit.

Yes, there's patterns being documented.

Becker's IQ map.


Lynn's IQ map.


Rindermann's IQ map.

Nice cut and paste, means absolutely nothing without the complete background, how about taking a stab at book learnin'.......... Not that I think you're capable.......

The culture argument is really BS.

Examples include.

A.) The IQ of Black Jamaica, and the Black Congo are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

B.) The IQ of White America, and White Finland are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

C.) Culturally White America, and Black America would probably have more in common "Culturally" rather than White Finland. (But, not in IQ.)

D.) Culturally Black Jamaica, and White Britain probably have more in common with each other, rather than with White Hungary, or Black Mozambique, why is it in each case the IQ fits closest with the race, rather than the culture?

E.) Culturally Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A would be sort of in between White Christian Americans, and Israelis, but the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A falls higher than both.

F.) Native Americans from Alaska have IQ's more similar to Native Americans in Peru, than White people in Argentina do to Peru, or White people in Alaska do to Native Americans in Alaska.

G.) In Brazil, like the U.S.A, the IQ hierarchy is #1 Asian, #2 Whites, #3 Browns (Mestizos) #4 Blacks (African descent) The problem here, is that in Brazil they all tend to have been there awhile, and are all thus "Culturally Brazilian" and same often holds true in the U.S.A too.

H.) In Brazil, like everywhere else be it the U.S.A, or the UK, or in Asia vs White countries, the IQ patterns of Asians vs Whites are different, with Asians doing better on Spatial Ability, and Whites doing better on Verbal ability.

Here's the thing most Asians, and Whites have been in Brazil for a long time.

Shall I keep going on, and on?
Keep digging if you wish, it's really funny to watch. Like I said, simple things for simple minds :lol:

I'm unaware of any culture where 100% murder, or 0% murder overtime.

Thus, how can murder be cultural, all too much if there's no murder culture?

Most poor people don't murder, some rich people do murder.

How can it be culture, how could it be poverty?

Sure, culture, and poverty probably do have influences there, but obviously biology would be more important.

Nope, not gonna let you try to drive the discussion back to your circular "logic".
Nice cut and paste, means absolutely nothing without the complete background, how about taking a stab at book learnin'.......... Not that I think you're capable.......

The culture argument is really BS.

Examples include.

A.) The IQ of Black Jamaica, and the Black Congo are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

B.) The IQ of White America, and White Finland are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

C.) Culturally White America, and Black America would probably have more in common "Culturally" rather than White Finland. (But, not in IQ.)

D.) Culturally Black Jamaica, and White Britain probably have more in common with each other, rather than with White Hungary, or Black Mozambique, why is it in each case the IQ fits closest with the race, rather than the culture?

E.) Culturally Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A would be sort of in between White Christian Americans, and Israelis, but the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A falls higher than both.

F.) Native Americans from Alaska have IQ's more similar to Native Americans in Peru, than White people in Argentina do to Peru, or White people in Alaska do to Native Americans in Alaska.

G.) In Brazil, like the U.S.A, the IQ hierarchy is #1 Asian, #2 Whites, #3 Browns (Mestizos) #4 Blacks (African descent) The problem here, is that in Brazil they all tend to have been there awhile, and are all thus "Culturally Brazilian" and same often holds true in the U.S.A too.

H.) In Brazil, like everywhere else be it the U.S.A, or the UK, or in Asia vs White countries, the IQ patterns of Asians vs Whites are different, with Asians doing better on Spatial Ability, and Whites doing better on Verbal ability.

Here's the thing most Asians, and Whites have been in Brazil for a long time.

Shall I keep going on, and on?
Keep digging if you wish, it's really funny to watch. Like I said, simple things for simple minds :lol:
Let's see if you can do a slightly complex task (well slightly complex for me..........probably impossible for you) without looking it up, what is culture, what does it encompass and what does it influence/interact with within the cultural sphere?

A.) I thought Liberal Individualists supported individuals rather than cultures.

B.) Explain why Women are less violent, more nurturing, more submissive, more flamboyant in just about every single culture, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?

C.) Explain why Gays are more flamboyant in just about every single culture, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?

D.) Explain why Blacks are more aggressive, criminal, flamboyant, love dancing more, love to party more, and more overt, and loud regardless of where they go, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?
Avoidance as expected, it doesn't fit into your narrative so it doesn't exist....... So predictable. :lmao:

1.) Twin studies confirmed that about 3/4th of intelligence was genetic.

2.) Genetic testing confirmed that there's a whole bunch of genes which promote education attainment.

So, why should we believe that only poverty, or only culture, or only nutrition, or only the economy etc. are the determiners of intelligence?
The culture argument is really BS.

Examples include.

A.) The IQ of Black Jamaica, and the Black Congo are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

B.) The IQ of White America, and White Finland are similar, what do they have in common "Culturally" exactly?

C.) Culturally White America, and Black America would probably have more in common "Culturally" rather than White Finland. (But, not in IQ.)

D.) Culturally Black Jamaica, and White Britain probably have more in common with each other, rather than with White Hungary, or Black Mozambique, why is it in each case the IQ fits closest with the race, rather than the culture?

E.) Culturally Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A would be sort of in between White Christian Americans, and Israelis, but the IQ of Ashkenazi Jews in the U.S.A falls higher than both.

F.) Native Americans from Alaska have IQ's more similar to Native Americans in Peru, than White people in Argentina do to Peru, or White people in Alaska do to Native Americans in Alaska.

G.) In Brazil, like the U.S.A, the IQ hierarchy is #1 Asian, #2 Whites, #3 Browns (Mestizos) #4 Blacks (African descent) The problem here, is that in Brazil they all tend to have been there awhile, and are all thus "Culturally Brazilian" and same often holds true in the U.S.A too.

H.) In Brazil, like everywhere else be it the U.S.A, or the UK, or in Asia vs White countries, the IQ patterns of Asians vs Whites are different, with Asians doing better on Spatial Ability, and Whites doing better on Verbal ability.

Here's the thing most Asians, and Whites have been in Brazil for a long time.

Shall I keep going on, and on?
Keep digging if you wish, it's really funny to watch. Like I said, simple things for simple minds :lol:
Let's see if you can do a slightly complex task (well slightly complex for me..........probably impossible for you) without looking it up, what is culture, what does it encompass and what does it influence/interact with within the cultural sphere?

A.) I thought Liberal Individualists supported individuals rather than cultures.

B.) Explain why Women are less violent, more nurturing, more submissive, more flamboyant in just about every single culture, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?

C.) Explain why Gays are more flamboyant in just about every single culture, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?

D.) Explain why Blacks are more aggressive, criminal, flamboyant, love dancing more, love to party more, and more overt, and loud regardless of where they go, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?
Avoidance as expected, it doesn't fit into your narrative so it doesn't exist....... So predictable. :lmao:

1.) Twin studies confirmed that about 3/4th of intelligence was genetic.

2.) Genetic testing confirmed that there's a whole bunch of genes which promote education attainment.

So, why should we believe that only poverty, or only culture, or only nutrition, or only the economy etc. are the determiners of intelligence?
Still with the pathetic attempt to drive the argument into your circular logic and debunked "science" :rofl:
Keep digging if you wish, it's really funny to watch. Like I said, simple things for simple minds :lol:
Let's see if you can do a slightly complex task (well slightly complex for me..........probably impossible for you) without looking it up, what is culture, what does it encompass and what does it influence/interact with within the cultural sphere?

A.) I thought Liberal Individualists supported individuals rather than cultures.

B.) Explain why Women are less violent, more nurturing, more submissive, more flamboyant in just about every single culture, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?

C.) Explain why Gays are more flamboyant in just about every single culture, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?

D.) Explain why Blacks are more aggressive, criminal, flamboyant, love dancing more, love to party more, and more overt, and loud regardless of where they go, is there some kind of biology behind it perhaps?
Avoidance as expected, it doesn't fit into your narrative so it doesn't exist....... So predictable. :lmao:

1.) Twin studies confirmed that about 3/4th of intelligence was genetic.

2.) Genetic testing confirmed that there's a whole bunch of genes which promote education attainment.

So, why should we believe that only poverty, or only culture, or only nutrition, or only the economy etc. are the determiners of intelligence?
Still with the pathetic attempt to drive the argument into your circular logic and debunked "science" :rofl:

Debunk this punk?

IQ is inherited, suggests twin study

Debunk this punk?

Genetics and educational attainment

So, the Liberal agenda is what?

Mouth off, insult, call it ignorant, rinse, repeat, when they are who's ignorant, it's they who can't debate, it's they who are uncivilized to the point of being incapable of having a straight forward conversation without obnoxious insults.

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