Be careful what you wish for.


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2016

So this is a new stunt by Desantis. Drinking liberal tears being a good way to rile up your base. Having said that, I doubt that any of his supporters have really thought it true. Or actually care beyond the tears I was talking about. So I thought it would be interesting to do so.

First, let me say it's probably unconstitutional. The reason the actual malice standard exists is because without it, the press wouldn't be able to do their job. If any mistake in reporting even inadvertent onces, would make the press liable, reporting anything that you are not absolutely certain about is an unacceptable risk. In theory this is fine I have my doubts it wouldn't kill all reporting in practice though.

Practically speaking though it would be hilarious. I won't claim that the dreaded MSM wouldn't be affected.They sometimes make mistakes. But for those on the right the effects would be nothing less than devestating. Fox, OAN, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, all will have a choice. Fact check or be sued into oblivion.

So my inner demons would say bring it on Desantis. Let's see who's the "fake news" when giving fake news has actual consequences.
So my inner demons would say bring it on Desantis. Let's see who's the "fake news" when giving fake news has actual consequences.
He and others in the GQP are so desperate to please the base that they've developed a hyper-tunnel vision.

We'll see how America responds to their authoritarianism. The GQP's underperformance in the 2020 and 2022 elections may have provided a clue.
He and others in the GQP are so desperate to please the base that they've developed a hyper-tunnel vision.
We'll see how America responds to their authoritarianism. The GQP's underperformance in the 2020 and 2022 elections may have provided a clue.
The "free" press needs to be held to account for their obvious and provable bias and "fake news".
As for elections, 2024 is coming fast, we'll soon see how voters decide.
He and others in the GQP are so desperate to please the base that they've developed a hyper-tunnel vision.

We'll see how America responds to their authoritarianism. The GQP's underperformance in the 2020 and 2022 elections may have provided a clue.
To me it's just an hilarious piece of overreaching that would kill their entire media sphere. The fact that I'm seemingly the first to post something about this tells me something. After all it's their golden boy making the proposal.

It tells me that for the media consumers on the right this is not really being reported. Meaning those media know it would be the end of their business model.
The "free" press needs to be held to account for their obvious and provable bias and "fake news".
As for elections, 2024 is coming fast, we'll soon see how voters decide.
If you can prove that they purposefully lied about you. You can hold them to account. Dominion is doing so as we speak.
To me it's just an hilarious piece of overreaching that would kill their entire media sphere. The fact that I'm seemingly the first to post something about this tells me something. After all it's their golden boy making the proposal.

It tells me that for the media consumers on the right this is not really being reported. Meaning those media know it would be the end of their business model.
I see a real problem here, in that a free press is absolutely crucial to a free republic. But that makes an assumption, to some degree, that the press is making an attempt to be accurate, comprehensive and honest.

Instead, elements of what we consider "the press" are leading the country down the toilet.

In the financial world, there is an organization called FINRA that is industry-run and acts as a regulatory agency. All things considered, it does a pretty good job. I'm wondering if something similar can be utilized in the press. Something has to happen here, because it's still only getting worse.
I see a real problem here, in that a free press is absolutely crucial to a free republic. But that makes an assumption, to some degree, that the press is making an attempt to be accurate, comprehensive and honest.

Instead, elements of what we consider "the press" are leading down the toilet.

In the financial world, there is an organization called FINRA that is industry-run and acts as a regulatory agency. All things considered, it does a pretty good job. I'm wondering if something similar can be utilized in the press. Something has to happen here, because it's still only getting worse.
I think the problem is that partisanship has killed critical thinking for most people.

I remember some years ago Rachel Maddow got out of a defamation suit by making the claim others have made. " I'm not really reporting but entertaining so I can't be expected to do my due diligence when I speak" She still has millions watching her show. To me, at that point I will approach everything you say with extreme skepticism.

At the moment theirs inrefutable evidence that the Fox corporation lied to their viewers to get ratings. A week later the speaker of the house gives one of the people specifically implicated exclusive access to video footage and all the rightwingers on this board go " Now we will find out the truth"

The dissonance is mind boggling to me.
I think the problem is that partisanship has killed critical thinking for most people.

I remember some years ago Rachel Maddow got out of a defamation suit by making the claim others have made. " I'm not really reporting but entertaining so I can't be expected to do my due diligence when I speak" She still has millions watching her show. To me, at that point I will approach everything you say with extreme skepticism.

At the moment theirs inrefutable that the Fox corporation lied to their viewers to get ratings. A week later the speaker of the house gives one of the people specifically implicated exclusive access to video footage and all the rightwingers on this board go " Now we will find out the truth"

The dissonance is mind boggling to me.
Great point, because this goes much deeper than the press. The propagandists and semi-propagandists on both ends are simply filling demand.

I've been saying all along that my interest in this rolling disaster isn't political, it's sociological. We're not going to solve it politically. We have to examine a society that that freely exists in a symbiotic relationship with dishonest brokers. What does that say about us?
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Great point, because this goes much deeper than the press. The propagandists and semi-propagandists on both ends are simply filling demand.

I've been saying all along that my interest in this rolling disaster isn't political, it's sociological. We're not going to solve it politically. We have to examine a society that that freely exists in a symbiotic relationship with dishonest brokers. What does that say about us?
Simple. It says that the majority of people are cowards who rather walk over broken glass than challenge their own beliefs.
Great point, because this goes much deeper than the press. The propagandists and semi-propagandists on both ends are simply filling demand.

I've been saying all along that my interest in this rolling disaster isn't political, it's sociological. We're not going to solve it politically. We have to examine a society that that freely exists in a symbiotic relationship with dishonest brokers. What does that say about us?
Oh gheeze, here we go…..remind us Mac, of your credentials to assess anything sociologically?…
And there ya go.

These are authoritarians, just like the despots they adore.
Think about it….When, as an example, NBCs Meet the Press has a supremely biased host in Chuck Todd, and his panel consists of 2 other NBC hacks, a WaPo hack, and a Lincoln Project hack, you think it’s balanced?
Look at post 11, the one before yours.

That's where we are right now.
As I said theirs a sunken cost fallacy at play. If you spend all your time just reaffirming what you yourself belief and reject everything that doesn't as by definition false it's impossible to ever be wrong. It's comforting.

I do not believe it makes them authoritarian. What it does do is prime them to accept authoritarism as long as the authoritarian validates their beliefs.
What's amazing is your fucking PROJECTION!!!!!
I stand corrected and will agree to wait for the report. Thank you for a well considered rebuttal. They are rare on this board and deserve specific praise when they occur.
This is me yesterday. Conceding I was wrong. Doing so gracefully. And thanking the person for setting me straight.

I'll await any instance were you have done anything remotely similar on this board.
I've saved post 11 for posterity and future use.

This is where these people are, and it's dangerous.


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