Biden cruising to the finish line

Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Joe Biden is accused not rape, not groping. Both bad. But let's get the terms straight.
Pussygrabber Feb 28 2020: "virus will disappear like a miracle"
April 23, 2010 USA with biggest by far outbreak in world with 870,000 cases and 49, 000 dead... great job pussygrabber....
fuck dude - 2010? you're pissed cause trump went back 10 years in time?

if you're gonna act like your shit is good and all, you may want to make sure it actually is.

Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Yes, America always votes for almost dead, barely coherent pieces of shits who favor free shit for wetbacks.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

Well, maybe, we'll see. That's why we have elections.
Far better than the daffy old lying coot, we have now, that knows nothing of government and seems to disdain or half of Americans in general and willing to sacrifice all the older American for his economic goals. So, yea, pretty sure most American will prefer Joe over donald.
Trump hangs in there and takes the slings and arrows. From a biased media/entertainment racket. Progs have sacrificed hundreds of millions in real terms. And make things up like that statement you just made. If your belly goes hungry you will sell your family out.
Just stating my opinion. You state yours. Trump states his, like there was no Russian interference in the 2016 elections, the Russians did not work to get him elected, he didn't know Stormy Daniels or have anything to do with paying hush money to keep his cheating on his wife quiet before the election, the coronavius is not very serious, it's under control and we will wake up one day after it warms up and it will be gone.
Yes the media is bias. It would have been better for trump if we never knew he said any of the things he said, or did any of the things he has done, at least in his mind and yours.

They actually worked to get hillary elected.
Thank God they failed.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
lol tds trump 2020
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

Trump is no democrat
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
Electoral votes are lining up for Biden

Trump is open to attack for his mishandling of the Coronavirus
Only in your mind RW

Trump is not going to be too popular come November
Biden is not going to be too popular come November.
Trump has been screwing the pooch
Not too pretty
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

Well, maybe, we'll see. That's why we have elections.
Far better than the daffy old lying coot, we have now, that knows nothing of government and seems to disdain or half of Americans in general and willing to sacrifice all the older American for his economic goals. So, yea, pretty sure most American will prefer Joe over donald.
Trump hangs in there and takes the slings and arrows. From a biased media/entertainment racket. Progs have sacrificed hundreds of millions in real terms. And make things up like that statement you just made. If your belly goes hungry you will sell your family out.
Just stating my opinion. You state yours. Trump states his, like there was no Russian interference in the 2016 elections, the Russians did not work to get him elected, he didn't know Stormy Daniels or have anything to do with paying hush money to keep his cheating on his wife quiet before the election, the coronavius is not very serious, it's under control and we will wake up one day after it warms up and it will be gone.
Yes the media is bias. It would have been better for trump if we never knew he said any of the things he said, or did any of the things he has done, at least in his mind and yours.

They actually worked to get hillary elected.
Thank God they failed.
You uh, didn't see the Senate report that came out this week? I can link you you need it. We just weren't supposed to know about Russian interference in support of getting trump elected, but everybody, including the news media, the Senate, the House, the US intell agencies, foreign intell agencies all investigated and reported. It's pretty common knowlege. I thought you knew. But, it's OK, because Trump stood shoulder to shoulder with Putin at a international news conference on foreign soil and supported Putin's denial, as I'm sure you remember. Kinda give you a warm fury feeling, eh?
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...
Electoral votes are lining up for Biden

Trump is open to attack for his mishandling of the Coronavirus
Only in your mind RW

Trump is not going to be too popular come November
Biden is not going to be too popular come November.
Trump has been screwing the pooch
Not too pretty
Biden has been screwing his pooch Pelosi. OR maybe he's getting screwed by Pelosi or Obama's 'wife' Mike. Not too pretty.
Last edited:
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

Put up or shut up buddy. Give us undeniable evidence that Donald Trump has molested his daughter. I'm not going to Google anything, you're the fucking asshole that is making the claim, so either hand it over, or admit you're a liar !
Here is a photo of Trump getting an erection while he gets a lap dance from young Ivanka

View attachment 327075

you zoomed in enough to see if Trump had an erection in that pictue?

You're sicker than you claim he is.
You have to hear the audio

Grind harder....just like Daddy taught you

Again, proof or STFU.

Oh look at that, even snopes calls it bullshit. It's a fucking picture of Ivanka on Trumps lap AT A CONCERT. Absolutely no fucking proof of anything amiss between them so shut the fuck up you fucking piece of shit.

Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

Put up or shut up buddy. Give us undeniable evidence that Donald Trump has molested his daughter. I'm not going to Google anything, you're the fucking asshole that is making the claim, so either hand it over, or admit you're a liar !
Here is a photo of Trump getting an erection while he gets a lap dance from young Ivanka

View attachment 327075

you zoomed in enough to see if Trump had an erection in that pictue?

You're sicker than you claim he is.
You have to hear the audio

Grind harder....just like Daddy taught you

Good idea.

Link it, I'll listen to it.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

Put up or shut up buddy. Give us undeniable evidence that Donald Trump has molested his daughter. I'm not going to Google anything, you're the fucking asshole that is making the claim, so either hand it over, or admit you're a liar !
Here is a photo of Trump getting an erection while he gets a lap dance from young Ivanka

View attachment 327075

you zoomed in enough to see if Trump had an erection in that pictue?

You're sicker than you claim he is.
You have to hear the audio

Grind harder....just like Daddy taught you

Again, proof or STFU.
RW has a sick mind.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

Put up or shut up buddy. Give us undeniable evidence that Donald Trump has molested his daughter. I'm not going to Google anything, you're the fucking asshole that is making the claim, so either hand it over, or admit you're a liar !
Here is a photo of Trump getting an erection while he gets a lap dance from young Ivanka

View attachment 327075

You're sick!
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

Put up or shut up buddy. Give us undeniable evidence that Donald Trump has molested his daughter. I'm not going to Google anything, you're the fucking asshole that is making the claim, so either hand it over, or admit you're a liar !
Here is a photo of Trump getting an erection while he gets a lap dance from young Ivanka

View attachment 327075

you zoomed in enough to see if Trump had an erection in that pictue?

You're sicker than you claim he is.
You have to hear the audio

Grind harder....just like Daddy taught you

Again, proof or STFU.
RW has a sick mind.

Yeah he does.
Wonder if he ever went on the Lolita express?
He seems to be the perfect candidate for such a trip.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

Put up or shut up buddy. Give us undeniable evidence that Donald Trump has molested his daughter. I'm not going to Google anything, you're the fucking asshole that is making the claim, so either hand it over, or admit you're a liar !
Here is a photo of Trump getting an erection while he gets a lap dance from young Ivanka

View attachment 327075

you zoomed in enough to see if Trump had an erection in that pictue?

You're sicker than you claim he is.
You have to hear the audio

Grind harder....just like Daddy taught you

Again, proof or STFU.
RW has a sick mind.

Yeah he does.
Wonder if he ever went on the Lolita express?
He seems to be the perfect candidate for such a trip.

We know Clinton did, 26 times.
Biden enjoys a complete unification of dems behind him, he has been able to achieve this with a minimal amount of money, the current crisis helping him due to the gross incompetence and failure from the administration to deal with it, and every time impeached potus makes statements, he digs a bigger hole for himself. Americans are so ready for sane leadership that Biden can just stay home have a virtual convention and get a massive victory in november ...

Maybe. But a lot can happen between now and November. I make no predictions. If the virus flattens and is at least contained and the economy comes roaring back with plenty of jobs I can't see Trump losing. If enough people are still hurting by November Sleepy Joe Biden might pull it off.
I thought he was announcing his dementia was about to kill him.

He's not to far off.
Once my Mother reached the stage he's at she made it a couple more years.

While I agree Joe's marbles have left the building no real shrink can make a diagnosis of someone's mental health without a direct physical psychological exam one on one.
Not true, Biden has cognitive deficits, the pussygrabber was evaluated by a team of experts in Psychiatry/Psychology from Yale university and agreed pussygrabber in addition to cognitive deficits, suffers from severe schizoid, borderline, and histrionic personality disorders...

What "cognitive deficits" make you grope little girls?
at least Biden gropes girls not related to him, pussygrabber gropes his own daughter, what a pervert!!!

Give us evidence, or shut the fuck up !
Denial is a main feature of rw deplorables...

If you've got actual evidence that Trump has molested his daughter, then show it, or shut up !
Accusing someone of molesting their offspring is not something anyone should be fucking around with !
Now if you have evidence, actual evidence, then lets see it !
calm down deplorable, do yourself a favor and google it, you will also find links 'bout pussygrabber taking his daughter to the x-rated howard stern radio show to discuss lascivious subjects in a very perverted manner. sorry to break it to you, but your idol, the pussygrabber is the worst person u can find, even his chief of staff, mulvaney, calls him a horrible human being. In addition of being a sexual predator, he is a liar, a thief, a con man, etc. etc.

Put up or shut up buddy. Give us undeniable evidence that Donald Trump has molested his daughter. I'm not going to Google anything, you're the fucking asshole that is making the claim, so either hand it over, or admit you're a liar !
Here is a photo of Trump getting an erection while he gets a lap dance from young Ivanka

View attachment 327075

you zoomed in enough to see if Trump had an erection in that pictue?

You're sicker than you claim he is.
You have to hear the audio

Grind harder....just like Daddy taught you

If you ever accused me of such a thing I'd beat you to death.
And I ain't even kidding.
So you think that the American people will see a daffy old coot that can't string 3 words together and doesn't even know what state he's in, is the solution to what ails this country?

If Trump doesn't stop stepping on his own feet.

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