Biden Economy Keeps Rolling

Blind partisanship is ignoring the fact that inflation has been reduced from 9 percent to under 3, that more jobs have been created by this administration that Trumps and that's excuding the ones returned after the pandemc, that wages are higher and the price gouging by private businsses that have kept prices high.

Blind partisanship is ignoring that trump inherited a growing economy to credit him for building one, and ignoring the year 2020 where his mismanagement of the pandemic killed the economy.
Thank you for the standard far left partisan talking points response and proving my point. You should send that response to CNN and MSNBC you could probably get your own show at the very least a spot as a contributor.
You're comparing the year of the shutdown with the 3 years after.
That is funny.
Why are you complaining about Biden not reversing Trump's increase while he adds more?
Oh, right, you're not. Because you're clueless. Like Biden.
Fauxbertarians gonna faux.
Thank you for the standard far left partisan talking points response and proving my point. You should send that response to CNN and MSNBC you could probably get your own show at the very least a spot as a contributor.
There's reason that he's known as "IQ2". :laugh2:
Sure...businesspeople have no control over prices...and landlords have no control over rent...

Yet, business people's and landlords incomes keep soaring...

You must be an idiot if you think anyone believes your BS

Moron ^^^

Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

You can make with a monkey, maybe your children will stand a chance.

270,000 jobs AGAIN

Let’s understand… 180,000 jobs created is a good month

The Biden economy keeps topping that

And also understand, the jobs lost under Trump from Covid were replaced years

It's sad that so many people miss reality.

All most of us can say is, lol! You like the economy, then vote for Biden and his friends.

You people realize that you have been ousted, don't you?

Yeah, I get it. You can hide because nobody knows who you are, lol. You can claim the sun actually rises in the West, and sets in the East, and when it doesn't, you hide and laugh, because you convinced enough people to believe your nonsense.

In all honesty...........what far Leftists are, are akin to the SCAM calls you get on your phone. They are just trying to convince you of anything they need to, lol.

There is not one of them that wants to debate if life was better back then, or now. What they ALL want to talk about is.....wait for it....a CONVICTED FELON, lol.

This tells you how weak they really are. They need a crutch. They can NOT win without their crutch of RACISM, or SEXISM, or maybe HOMOPHOBIA, lol.

Realize that these people are getting close to incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial.

People like IM2, Mac daddy, and a bunch of the rest as of now, are spitting into the wind. Hold the election today, and Biden/Obama people are OUT!

Remember this as we move forward----------->these SHILLS jobs are NOT to tell you how good their candidate is, but BAAAAAD your dude is, lol.

Why is that?

Because they have no choice but to try and convince you why to vote AGAINST someone.............instead of why you should vote FOR SOMEONE!

This is how the left works..........negativity.

LOOK at IM2s posts, lol. If you are anything near white.......or maybe even a light brown, you are a RACIST if you do not agree with him; and even if you do agree, if your color is off according to him, forget about it.

DO YOU want to see a RACIST? You have one on here, and it is..........nope, they will delete this post, lol.

What you people on the fence need to understand is-----> these people are blowing smoke up your a** on here. They are trying to convince you to buy into their nonsense. Notice, all the MAGA people link to where you should go. The LEFT, not so much.

Why is that?

Because the Left doesn't want to insist they are all in, and give you a place you can check their accuracy. They would rather insist you should not be with Trump, then claim how bad he is.

You know MAC Daddy 58, yes?

For those of you who believe in the Mackster, the SQUAD, Chuckie Shumer, and the rest of your peeps...........I suggest you INVEST under the Mackdaddy! Mac is an INVESTOR, and tells people how to invest their hard earned money to increase their wealth.

Soooooooooooo, if you believe in MAC-A-Doodle, insist he tells you where to go to invest with him-)

Personally, I think he is a phony-e-baloney, but if he is actually what he says he is..............lets see him put his logic on the line by trying to get clients. Hey, every lEFTIST on this board would flock to him; don't you agree? Doesn't make a difference if they made, or lost money......they are SIMPATICO, lol.

You up for this MAC1978? You can make a financial killing-) Just let the people know if your logic wins, you are siphoning off some off their profits.........meaning you are a LEECH! But hey, whatever trips your trigger-)
Bidenomics is rolling………steamrolling the poor and working folks.
There were no recessions between the Great Recession that ended the BushIi Admin and the Trump/covid recession

FALSE! United States GDP Growth Rate
DECLINING GDP growth. As occured 3 times in the Obama and Biden administrations, including RIGHT NOW.

As the NBER definition of a recession is somewhat vague, economists often consider at least two consecutive quarters of declining U.S. GDP as a simple indicator of a recession.
In 1974, economist Julius Shiskin came up with a few rules of thumb to define a recession: The most popular was two consecutive quarters of declining GDP. A healthy economy expands over time, so two quarters in a row of contracting output suggests there are serious underlying problems, according to Shiskin. This definition of a recession became a common standard over the years.

Recession: Definition, Causes, Effects & Solutions

In economics, a recession means a decline in economic growth. More specifically, it is when an economy experiences two consecutive quarters of economic decline.
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DECLINING GDP growth. As occured 3 times in the Obama nd Biden administrations, including RIGHT NOW.

As the NBER definition of a recession is somewhat vague, economists often consider at least two consecutive quarters of declining U.S. GDP as a simple indicator of a recession.
In 1974, economist Julius Shiskin came up with a few rules of thumb to define a recession: The most popular was two consecutive quarters of declining GDP. A healthy economy expands over time, so two quarters in a row of contracting output suggests there are serious underlying problems, according to Shiskin. This definition of a recession became a common standard over the years.

What Is A Recession?

A recession is a significant decline in economic activity that lasts for months or even years. Experts declare a recession when a nation’s economy experiences negative gross domestic product (GDP), rising levels of unemployment, falling retail sales, and contracting measures of income and manufactur

Recession: Definition, Causes, Effects & Solutions

In economics, a recession means a decline in economic growth. More specifically, it is when an economy experiences two consecutive quarters of economic decline.
A recession is two consecutive quarters of NEGATIVE GDP growth

Even that is not a definitive definition. An actual recession requires several other indicators

270,000 jobs AGAIN

Let’s understand… 180,000 jobs created is a good month

The Biden economy keeps topping that

And also understand, the jobs lost under Trump from Covid were replaced years ago
The majority of which are government jobs. Does anyone here actually think we need right now is more government? Those aren’t wealth producing jobs. They’re the exact opposite.

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