Biden expresses disapproval of jury verdict by saying he is angry and concerned over it

It is still a free country. He can express his dismay on the verdict, but he accepts that the "Jury has spoken." I don't think he will spend the next year talking about a "fraudulent verdict" or whine about someone cheating. Biden respects the rule of law. trump....not so much.
Nope. The president doesn’t say we must respect the jury verdict and that he is angry about it In the same sentence. He actually should have kept his mouth shut entirely, but liberals like to appease criminals and thugs, liKe the BLM monsters.
Listening to the online scanner feed for Kenosha right now, and it's pretty quiet tonight.

I guess the white pedo leftists overestimated how many black folks were willing to burn down their own neighborhoods, because a white minor being found innocent of shooting a convicted white child-rapist.
I didn’t think of that, but having a minor child kill a child rapist, even in self-defense, is sort of poetic, isn’t it?
Based on what? The jury which he's shitting on sat in court, heard the evidence and legal arguments unlike Biden. Then Biden determines the jury got it all wrong? :eusa_hand:
He can express his disagreement. But he said....

"We have to abide by" the Rittenhouse verdict. Unlike your godly, former Liar in Chief, he did not demean the jury. He did not demean the judge. He did not trash the defendant after the verdict. He respects the rule of law. He is not a whiny baby orange loser.
Biden had better lawyer-up.....because Rittenhouse is gonna sue his poopy butt off.
Don't forget, the federal government gets a "bite of the prosecution" by charging civil rights violations.

There may also be Federal laws that call other facts into question beyond the scope of any State law. A state may try a defendant for murder, after which the Federal government might try the same defendant for a Federal crime (perhaps a civil rights violation or a kidnapping) connected to the same act. The officers of the Los Angeles Police Department who were charged with assaulting Rodney King in 1991 were acquitted by a jury of the Superior Courts of California, but some were later convicted and sentenced in Federal court for violating King's civil rights.
Just great. The ”president” has to weigh in on a jury verdict - which was the CORRECT decision! - by saying he is among those who are angry over It. IOW, our leftist government is still pandering to the violent BLM criminal thugs and taking their side when they are within inches of killing a teenager, and the teen saves his own life in self-defense.

Think about it. He pays lip service to respecting the jury verdict, but he has to add that he disagrees with it and is angry the kid wasn’t convicted.

This worm needs to be dragged out of the white house and ground under someone's heel.
The fat former guy's no longer there in the WH.
Is Xiden going to have one of those screaming episodes so he can spew stupid at high volume.
you being stupid, the comment was and is about beijing xiden---duh
He can express his disagreement. But he said....

"We have to abide by" the Rittenhouse verdict. Unlike your godly, former Liar in Chief, he did not demean the jury. He did not demean the judge. He did not trash the defendant after the verdict. He respects the rule of law. He is not a whiny baby orange loser.

Not like they came to the wrong conclusion or anything, but that's because he doesn't have the balls to say if something is wrong if it is.
He can express his disagreement. But he said....

"We have to abide by" the Rittenhouse verdict. Unlike your godly, former Liar in Chief, he did not demean the jury. He did not demean the judge. He did not trash the defendant after the verdict. He respects the rule of law. He is not a whiny baby orange loser.
He said he’s angry about it! Did he review the evidence that he would be in a position to know the verdict should be? I guarantee you that he didn’t watch the video showing clear as day Kyle running for his life, being chased by BLM thugs.
How about that...

The guy who murdered US Aid workers and 10 children says he's disappointed a kid who defended himself from being killed was found innocent....


And besides. Bi-Dung supports the Cartel's human trafficking by doing zilch, nada, not a damned thing towards securing our So. Border!
Who the hell would listen to this criminal accomplice anymore??
Now all the leftist will turn to CNN and MSNBC, who was reprimanded for harassing the jury, to why their feelings were right and the facts were wrong. It’s really all the crave.
Oh, jeez. The panderer-in-chief called the kid a white supremacist. THAT doesn’t influence a jury? And now he’s signaling that if an angry mob of BLM thugs go on a destructive rampage tonight, well, he understands their anger?

Besides, by saying “we must respect the verdict of the jury” while adding in he is angry about it shows disrespect. It just shows the degree to which liberals side with violent, criminal BLM thugs.

No disrespect. Difference of opinion. He said he doesn't like the verdict, but will still respect it. Do I have to point out what Trump thought of the valid result of an election.
can't wait for all the SCUM demonRATS and the msm to be sued ....lots of reasons...
If by getting upset, you mean pointing out how Biden sides with the BLM thugs so we can discuss it, then OK.
No. He didn't. At least not in anything posted here.
I heard Nadler say there needs to be a federal investigation. They aren't going to leave that poor boy alone.

You know what?

Nadler and the disgusting Rats can shove their federal investigation where the sun don't shine!:mad-61:

And they better leave that boy alone! he has been acquitted. :eusa_clap:

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