Biden must be impeached for blowing up the Nordstream pipeline (Or Nordstrom as KJP called it)

What’s most ironic about this whole thing is the D Party claimed Trump was so unstable he might get us into nuclear war. Yet, we see dumb Joe doing exactly that and the D Party supports him (R Party does too).

Yet somehow partisans of the two criminal gangs think the parties oppose each other when in fact, they march in unison.

Trump has PLENTY of flaws, but he started exactly ZERO wars. Who is the last POTUS who can say that? Carter?

THE MIC hated Trump. They need war so they can buy bigger mansions and yachts.
He committed an act of war against Russia without Congressional approval.

Impeachable offense.

He must be impeached. This was reckless and he may have started WWIII.

If you were concerned about Trump and NOKO, you should be freaking out over Biden attacking Russia.
Everywhere except this thread apparently.

You pretend things exist and attack people who don't adhere to your delusions (or lies). This is weakness on your part.
You call me delusional yet you’re completely blind to USG wars and imperialism. Dumb.
Amazing how people like you just believe whatever you want without a shred of evidence.
These daily, non-stop, back-to-back conspiracy theories only make it more difficult to identify real problems. It's not as if the Dems are innocent little angels. We definitely don't give much credence to the idea of "the boy who cried wolf".
Cult fucks…pretend Trump was POTUS when the Nordstream was blowed the fuck up.

You call me delusional yet you’re completely blind to USG wars and imperialism. Dumb.
You’re deflecting from the topic.

You’re either delusional or a liar.

The “evidence” is everywhere yet totally absent from the thread discussing it. Suspicious.
What fact have I denied? Isn’t it a fact that Nordstream 1 is a different pipeline than Nordstream 2?
Do you know how far apart those two pipelines are?

Did you see Biden's and Nuland's statements on the matter?
Biden said they'd end Nordstream 2 and they did through regulatory government means. The pipe that was damaged was Nordstream 1.

You aren't connecting dots, you're fabricating them.

If I'm not mistaken, both pipelines were damaged.
You’re deflecting from the topic.

You’re either delusional or a liar.

The “evidence” is everywhere yet totally absent from the thread discussing it. Suspicious.
Tell me the topic please?

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