Biden must be impeached for blowing up the Nordstream pipeline (Or Nordstrom as KJP called it)

Germany is partly responsible. They should not have been relying on Russian LNG. Trump warned them at the UN and the Krauts laughed at him. Dumb fucks.
Trump has PLENTY of flaws, but he started exactly ZERO wars. Who is the last POTUS who can say that? Carter?

THE MIC hated Trump. They need war so they can buy bigger mansions and yachts.

Because he did Putin's dirty work. Trump is a traitor to the US.
My point is that the US destroyed the N2, and that is an act of war. Sooner or later Russia will have its revenge IMO. The Deep State that Biden is a puppet for has committed an act of war in international waters. The Germans are just now realizing they too have been harmed by US actions.

The US has done no such thing. Figures you would take the side of Putin against the US.
There is nothing about impeachment that needs to be proven in a court of law.

Neither thing Trump was impeached for was proven in a court of law, were you complaining about that?

Impeachment is a purely political process as designed by our founding fathers.

But it does mention high crimes and misdemeanors, so they didn't want people removed from high office for frivolous reasons.

We need proof before removing him from office. I don't entirely rule out the possibility of some sort of plausibly deniable covert operations, but I doubt Biden himself signed off on something so ballsy. He's cautious. He was against the Bin Laden raid and was hesitant to shoot down the balloon.
Do you believe in dot-connecting? Critical thinking?
Yes, do you? You clowns have ripped on him for a week for not having the gumption to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon as it floated all the way across the country, but somehow you believe that same president had the balls to order a bombing of a Russian pipeline in the middle of the ocean which could have triggered a larger scale war.
The key “Act of War” that Europe and NATO must deal with at this point is the actual war and invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s military.

Putin was warned not to invade prior to February 2022, and he was told there would be consequences if he did. His arrogance, the incompetence of his military, and the unexpected success of Ukrainians in throwing back Putin’s invasion, created this terrible “endless war” — which may yet expand to something much worse. If it does expand, it won’t be because of any individual act of sabotage like the “mysterious” blowing up of the NS pipelines.

NATO is still correctly limiting its assistance to Ukraine. NATO and the U.S. will have to reign in the Ukrainians at some point if the Russian army collapses in the next period. A big “if”! The Ukrainians must be prevented from seizing or openly attacking with Western weapons territory that belonged to Russia “pre-Maidan.” Probably, again assuming the Ukrainian leadership and army itself survive and re-take much of its territory in Donbas, a diplomatic solution allowing for at least a “right to self-determination” for Crimea will be a necessary part of a peace agreement.

I have elsewhere expressed my belief that Seymour Hersh in this case is probably correct that the NS pipelines were destroyed by the U.S. The operation was carried out without loss of life, and with the requisite “deniability.” The “fiction” that the U.S. is not a co-belligerent in this terrible war is actually important — diplomatically, especially if a road to peace is to exist in the future.

Those who think this likely U.S. postbellum “sabotage,” or provision of arms and financial aid to Ukraine, or economic sanctions against Russia, should somehow be equated with Russia’s own bloody invasion of this sovereign country, with its constant bombardments of Ukrainian civilian superstructure … are not thinking seriously.

The U.S. was driven out of Vietnam, and finally withdrew its huge invasion and occupation force there. In countless countries it was forced to stop acting like a colonial imperialist, though it still dominates much of the world “peacefully” through financial coercion, the appeal of rule of law “liberal capitalism,” and alliances — including military ones.

Putin mistakenly thought the U.S. under the Biden Administration was “weak.” He is learning his error. Some of our own simple-minded MAGA isolationists have similarly long thought “tough talk” and wrapping oneself in the U.S. Flag, along with admiration for tough guy dictators like Putin or even Trump’s declared admiration for “President for Life” XiJinping were good policy. They were not. Nothing can replace serious international encouragement of democratic societies, alliance building and “real politics.”

None of this means “liberal imperialism” does not exist, or that bipartisan U.S. neo-con warmongering has served us well. Far from it!

U.S. policy in the complicated situation in a Ukraine was imo wrong … for decades. I opposed the “Maidan Revolution” and sought a neutral Ukraine. But that time has passed. Putin’s invasion has changed everything. Now we must be realistic, prepared to provide aid and above all … look for realistic “off-ramps” from “endless war” when they present themselves. That time may be coming soon.
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The evidence is abundant. Biden and Nuland both announced on TV that the US would take out the pipeline. Seymour Hersh has presented evidence. The radar data shows NATO aircraft circling over the site in the days before it went off. Circling and descending and turning off their transponders during the BALTOPS 'training exercise'. The US government has a long well documented history of military aggression and constant deception. What more do you need? Your man Biden already announced what would happen.

It happened, and you're in denial. What's new?
Comrade, your links are missing. Can't find any translated from Russian?
Yes, do you? You clowns have ripped on him for a week for not having the gumption to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon as it floated all the way across the country, but somehow you believe that same president had the balls to order a bombing of a Russian pipeline in the middle of the ocean which could have triggered a larger scale war.
Russian troll farm material.
It’s odd you need it explained to you.

This thread thinks that Biden should be impeached for damaging Nordstream 1. Impeachment requires evidence. “Trust me bro” isn’t evidence.
Just making sure we are debating the same issue.

And yes, dumb Joe should be impeached and removed for his terrorist act of blowing up the pipeline.

If Russia did this to an American pipeline, you cocksucking imperialist warmongers would demand WWIII.
Biden did no such thing. Russia is the imperialist nation. We are giving Ukraine the means to defend themselves. You are a treasonous, anti-America traitor.
So not only do you know nothing about Hunter’s laptop, you know nothing about the pipeline. Lol.

I bet you think Russia blew up their own pipeline. Lol. Am I right?
Is that what they told you? You should have listened to the proceedings instead of letting people tell you what to think.
He got impeached over a phone call, and he had nothing to do with Jan 6th. You still believe in Russian collusion?
And what constitutes a "high crime" is up to the body at the time.

Sure it is, but that doesn't mean it was a good idea. The Framers were trying to make government more stable; I seriously doubt they would warm to the idea of an impeachment every 2 years or anytime Congress changes hands. They assumed people would exercise some judgment.
Sure it is, but that doesn't mean it was a good idea.

I never said it was a good idea. I do not think any of the impeachments in my lifetime were a good idea.

They assumed people would exercise some judgment.

They could never have envisioned what we are today where we have two parties that control the country and neither caring about anything but power for their party.
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He got impeached over a phone call, and he had nothing to do with Jan 6th. You still believe in Russian collusion?
It wasn’t just a phone call, it was a widespread effort to pressure Ukrainian officials to slander the Biden’s publicly in order to help his campaign.

There was substantial amounts of evidence.
And yes, dumb Joe should be impeached and removed for his terrorist act of blowing up the pipeline.
You might first want to prove that he did such a thing.

“Trust me bro” isn’t proof.
Biden never mentioned destroying them
Speaking to reporters on February 7, Biden said: "If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2." "We will bring an end to it,"

Members of the liberal cult are so far gone that they deny indisputable evidence of things Biden says.
It wasn’t just a phone call, it was a widespread effort to pressure Ukrainian officials to slander the Biden’s publicly in order to help his campaign.

There was substantial amounts of evidence.
There is more evidence Trump was right.

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