Biden on forgiving student loan debt

And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
Then get rid of bankruptcy laws or allow bankruptcy laws to include all debt.

Holding people accountable is the way, you can get rid of bankruptcy laws, I’d be good with that.
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?
I doubt anyone has yet. But it will happen. If China replaces us as the biggest economy things will turn bad fast.
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

I agree with him. I'm not confident he will be able to hold the position without having to bend to his radical, woke base... but it's the right idea at the moment.

That's the problem I have with all of his 'Unity" talk. Sure, unity is great, but then when everything you do outside of the claim in non-unifying... the words are hollow. I think Biden says his platitudes but is very hollow in his meanings, much like his former presidential partner Barack Obama.

Well there is only so much a president can do with policy. EO's sure but they speak platitudes and try to coordinate with Congress who are the actual legislators. I think we give credit and blame to Presidents for many things that are out of their control. I'm glad to see Biden give a little push back against the far left progressive wing. Shows that he is reflecting on some balance in the tone that he is trying to set.
Well there is only so much a president can do with policy. EO's sure but they speak platitudes and try to coordinate with Congress who are the actual legislators. I think we give credit and blame to Presidents for many things that are out of their control. I'm glad to see Biden give a little push back against the far left progressive wing. Shows that he is reflecting on some balance in the tone that he is trying to set.

While I was very cynical, I gave him a shot when he claimed he wanted unity. However, as he stood by while Democrats and leftist leaders condemned all Conservatives and Trump voters as the most evil people.. and then he made broad, sweeping generalizations himself. Combine those with his aggressive EO's and sprint from compromise on issues.. and it was quickly clear he only says unity, he doesn't actually want it.

And that's fine, he doesn't have to have it. But he can't stand up there and claim it. He's a fraud in that case.

I think he could easily change overnight and pass the loan forgiveness next week, and no media would question him on it, because they are card-carrying Democrats and want it themselves.
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It increases the risk of not paying the debt, which increases treasury yields, which in turn gives government less tax money to spend on needs, this also makes US businesses look riskier and drives the cost of business increasing prices because of higher interest rates.

So it gives our money less spending power, it contributes to inflation, it drives up the cost of owning a home, which creates more homeless people which in turn drives up taxes and gives each and everyone of us less security.
Have you seen the debt effect revenues, interest rates, costs of biz, and inflation in recent years? We currently have the highest debt and deficit in our nations history so I'd imagine some of the cause and effects that you just laid out would be displayed through historical data.
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
Well there is only so much a president can do with policy. EO's sure but they speak platitudes and try to coordinate with Congress who are the actual legislators. I think we give credit and blame to Presidents for many things that are out of their control. I'm glad to see Biden give a little push back against the far left progressive wing. Shows that he is reflecting on some balance in the tone that he is trying to set.

While I was very cynical, I gave him a shot when he claimed he wanted unity. However, as he stood by while Democrats and leftist leaders condemned all Conservatives and Trump voters as the most evil people.. and then he made broad, sweeping generalizations himself. Combine those with his aggressive EO's and sprint from compromise on issues.. and it was quickly clear he only says unity, he doesn't actually want it.

And that's fine, he doesn't have to have it. But he can't stand up there and claim it. He's a fraud in that case.

I think he could easily change overnight and pass the loan forgiveness next week, and no media would question him on it, because they are card-carrying Democrats and want it themselves.
Biden stayed out of that noise. He said very little about Trump and the impeachment trial after he took the office. God, could you imagine if Biden Dems rioted at the capital had Trump won? How many tweets do you think Trump would've made trolling and talking shit about the Left?? 100s, 1000s by now?

I don't think his actions stand in the way of unity. Nothing he can ever do will be agreed upon by everybody. thats not possible and I don't think that is the qualifier of unity. You can have policy disagreements and vigorously debate. I believe he just wants us to start working with each other like we are all Americans and not Good vs Evil... despite the many evil elements we still have in our political system and country as a whole. Those voices need to be ignored
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
Well there is only so much a president can do with policy. EO's sure but they speak platitudes and try to coordinate with Congress who are the actual legislators. I think we give credit and blame to Presidents for many things that are out of their control. I'm glad to see Biden give a little push back against the far left progressive wing. Shows that he is reflecting on some balance in the tone that he is trying to set.

While I was very cynical, I gave him a shot when he claimed he wanted unity. However, as he stood by while Democrats and leftist leaders condemned all Conservatives and Trump voters as the most evil people.. and then he made broad, sweeping generalizations himself. Combine those with his aggressive EO's and sprint from compromise on issues.. and it was quickly clear he only says unity, he doesn't actually want it.

And that's fine, he doesn't have to have it. But he can't stand up there and claim it. He's a fraud in that case.

I think he could easily change overnight and pass the loan forgiveness next week, and no media would question him on it, because they are card-carrying Democrats and want it themselves.
Biden stayed out of that noise. He said very little about Trump and the impeachment trial after he took the office. God, could you imagine if Biden Dems rioted at the capital had Trump won? How many tweets do you think Trump would've made trolling and talking shit about the Left?? 100s, 1000s by now?

I don't think his actions stand in the way of unity. Nothing he can ever do will be agreed upon by everybody. thats not possible and I don't think that is the qualifier of unity. You can have policy disagreements and vigorously debate. I believe he just wants us to start working with each other like we are all Americans and not Good vs Evil... despite the many evil elements we still have in our political system and country as a whole. Those voices need to be ignored

Well, he can't say we are all "americans" when he communicates, and stands idly by as his base proclaims, that anyone who voted for or at all supported Trump is responsible for Capitol riots.

That's just painting the "other" people as subhuman.
While I was very cynical, I gave him a shot when he claimed he wanted unity. However, as he stood by while Democrats and leftist leaders condemned all Conservatives and Trump voters as the most evil people.. and then he made broad, sweeping generalizations himself.
That is hyperbole and looks like you were looking for a reason.
Well, he can't say we are all "americans" when he communicates, and stands idly by as his base proclaims, that anyone who voted for or at all supported Trump is responsible for Capitol riots
More hyperbole. His base isnt doing that. 81 million americans are not doing that. Not even most. Total fantasy.
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future
Well there is only so much a president can do with policy. EO's sure but they speak platitudes and try to coordinate with Congress who are the actual legislators. I think we give credit and blame to Presidents for many things that are out of their control. I'm glad to see Biden give a little push back against the far left progressive wing. Shows that he is reflecting on some balance in the tone that he is trying to set.

While I was very cynical, I gave him a shot when he claimed he wanted unity. However, as he stood by while Democrats and leftist leaders condemned all Conservatives and Trump voters as the most evil people.. and then he made broad, sweeping generalizations himself. Combine those with his aggressive EO's and sprint from compromise on issues.. and it was quickly clear he only says unity, he doesn't actually want it.

And that's fine, he doesn't have to have it. But he can't stand up there and claim it. He's a fraud in that case.

I think he could easily change overnight and pass the loan forgiveness next week, and no media would question him on it, because they are card-carrying Democrats and want it themselves.
Biden stayed out of that noise. He said very little about Trump and the impeachment trial after he took the office. God, could you imagine if Biden Dems rioted at the capital had Trump won? How many tweets do you think Trump would've made trolling and talking shit about the Left?? 100s, 1000s by now?

I don't think his actions stand in the way of unity. Nothing he can ever do will be agreed upon by everybody. thats not possible and I don't think that is the qualifier of unity. You can have policy disagreements and vigorously debate. I believe he just wants us to start working with each other like we are all Americans and not Good vs Evil... despite the many evil elements we still have in our political system and country as a whole. Those voices need to be ignored

Well, he can't say we are all "americans" when he communicates, and stands idly by as his base proclaims, that anyone who voted for or at all supported Trump is responsible for Capitol riots.

That's just painting the "other" people as subhuman.
Oh I don't think any serious people are saying ALL PEOPLE who voted for Trump are responsible for the capital attack. Thats a rather ludicrous claim. The pushback has been against promoting lies and false narratives that led to the Stop the Steal movement that led to the insurrection.

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