Biden on forgiving student loan debt

And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

I explained how it directly affects me. The debt affects nearly everything. Interest rates such as how a retiree used to be able to live off interest on their savings. Now there is no interest.

I was looking at an older pic yesterday. 50 years appx. Banks were advertising 7% on savings. A retiree could do pretty well on that. Now they can't.
Then that makes everything okay?
Yep! It does, in a way. Lessons learned. Now lets work on tuition costs and public tuition.

I disagree, we should not be in the business of bailing out corporations, funding businesses that can’t stand on their own and irresponsible people that take on debt and think they can default and have the taxpayers pay for it. It hasn’t worked yet and unless deficits don’t really matter.
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

So is your claim deficits don’t matter?
Oh I don't think any serious people are saying ALL PEOPLE who voted for Trump are responsible for the capital attack. Thats a rather ludicrous claim. The pushback has been against promoting lies and false narratives that led to the Stop the Steal movement that led to the insurrection.

Our self-proclaimed unobjective "journalists" certainly are, and they hold a lot of weight on the leftism front.

Don Lemon: "If you voted for Trump, you voted for the person who the Klan supported. You voted for the person who Nazis support. You voted for the person who the alt-right supports. You voted for the person who incited a crowd to go into the Capitol and potentially take the lives of lawmakers ... You voted on that side, and the people in Washington are continuing to vote on that side,"
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
So what did you think of Bidens response to the question?

As I said. We tax payers will pick up the tab for anyone wanting to go to college. I think it sucks. Why should other people pay for someone to go to college??
Community College is not a college, but an educational institution that is merely an extension of high school, which our tax dollars are already paying for. Many of the bloggers on this site, for example, could use more education to mature them mentally and socially. I think that crime in our country would be reduced as the thinking process becomes more developed and jobs become more available to those who continue their education. Now, there are kids going through the motions in high school with no motivation to improve themselves. They get out of high school and continue along the same road as before--off to the local pub for some brew and bullshit, and easily manipulated with no hope for the future.

in a college setting.
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
Then get rid of bankruptcy laws or allow bankruptcy laws to include all debt.
The idea of eliminating the interest is an interesting one. We have Federal Reserve Notes. Fiat currency printed by our mints by order of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned by private wealthy people. They set the rates and it causes misery for people. We can change the law and make the Fiat currency a Bank owned by the government or the people. We can call the currency bills some other United States Notes. We can then be better with the interest people pay. We would have to be more stringent on the payback also as they pay less for their loans. Interest on debt is demonic. The predatory loans and the loans that even private businesses like auto dealers and others are disgraceful And they lie when they give you the loans. Cashing checks to anything else has been corrupted. And many people are stuck in this cycle.

“The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created great unemployment and dissatisfaction. Within a year, the poor houses were filled. The hungry and homeless walked the streets everywhere. The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the International Bankers was probably the Prime reason for the Revolutionary War.” - Benjamin Franklin
I hope he doesn’t. It will just promote schools to charge more.
If you want to solve that issue then stop guaranteeing student loan debt. A student who gets a business degree is a lot more likely to pay off debts than one who gets a degree in music and ends up working at Burger King. Paying $100k for a degree in music is nuts but its even more nuts if you take out $100k worth of debt to pay for it. Colleges charge it because of Gov't approved loans. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
I hope he doesn’t. It will just promote schools to charge more.
If you want to solve that issue then stop guaranteeing student loan debt. A student who gets a business degree is a lot more likely to pay off debts than one who gets a degree in music and ends up working at Burger King. Paying $100k for a degree in music is nuts but its even more nuts if you take out $100k worth of debt to pay for it. Colleges charge it because of Gov't approved loans. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

The worst is a liberal arts degree, what the hell is that? It is pretty much they went to school for four years and they didn’t know what they wanted to do.
I hope he doesn’t. It will just promote schools to charge more.
If you want to solve that issue then stop guaranteeing student loan debt. A student who gets a business degree is a lot more likely to pay off debts than one who gets a degree in music and ends up working at Burger King. Paying $100k for a degree in music is nuts but its even more nuts if you take out $100k worth of debt to pay for it. Colleges charge it because of Gov't approved loans. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Good points.
I hope he doesn’t. It will just promote schools to charge more.
If you want to solve that issue then stop guaranteeing student loan debt. A student who gets a business degree is a lot more likely to pay off debts than one who gets a degree in music and ends up working at Burger King. Paying $100k for a degree in music is nuts but its even more nuts if you take out $100k worth of debt to pay for it. Colleges charge it because of Gov't approved loans. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

It's NOT your place to decide what is nuts for others. There are many who would choose a life of music even if it meant taking longer to pay off their loans than a corrupt life as a stock broker.

I would miss fewer in music than I ever would in finance. Finance has cost the taxpayers trillions at that.
I hope he doesn’t. It will just promote schools to charge more.
If you want to solve that issue then stop guaranteeing student loan debt. A student who gets a business degree is a lot more likely to pay off debts than one who gets a degree in music and ends up working at Burger King. Paying $100k for a degree in music is nuts but its even more nuts if you take out $100k worth of debt to pay for it. Colleges charge it because of Gov't approved loans. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

It's NOT your place to decide what is nuts for others. There are many who would choose a life of music even if it meant taking longer to pay off their loans than a corrupt life as a stock broker.

I would miss fewer in music than I ever would in finance. Finance has cost the taxpayers trillions at that.

Go study music! Just don't expect me to pay off the debt you accrued to do it.
I hope he doesn’t. It will just promote schools to charge more.
If you want to solve that issue then stop guaranteeing student loan debt. A student who gets a business degree is a lot more likely to pay off debts than one who gets a degree in music and ends up working at Burger King. Paying $100k for a degree in music is nuts but its even more nuts if you take out $100k worth of debt to pay for it. Colleges charge it because of Gov't approved loans. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

It's NOT your place to decide what is nuts for others. There are many who would choose a life of music even if it meant taking longer to pay off their loans than a corrupt life as a stock broker.

I would miss fewer in music than I ever would in finance. Finance has cost the taxpayers trillions at that.
If you need to borrow for that music degree it makes more sense to get it from a cheap school...
I hope he doesn’t. It will just promote schools to charge more.
If you want to solve that issue then stop guaranteeing student loan debt. A student who gets a business degree is a lot more likely to pay off debts than one who gets a degree in music and ends up working at Burger King. Paying $100k for a degree in music is nuts but its even more nuts if you take out $100k worth of debt to pay for it. Colleges charge it because of Gov't approved loans. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

It's NOT your place to decide what is nuts for others. There are many who would choose a life of music even if it meant taking longer to pay off their loans than a corrupt life as a stock broker.

I would miss fewer in music than I ever would in finance. Finance has cost the taxpayers trillions at that.
But the point is that you have to be able to earn enough money to pay back the loan. I am sure most would love a luxury car but not all can afford it. You want to play music? Do it. You want to borrow $100k plus to pay it back? Show how you will via future earnings.

When we advise on debt to our clients, we make sure they have the pro forma cash flow to repay it. That is how lending works, except for when applying for student loans. You're wrong. Again.
I hope he doesn’t. It will just promote schools to charge more.
If you want to solve that issue then stop guaranteeing student loan debt. A student who gets a business degree is a lot more likely to pay off debts than one who gets a degree in music and ends up working at Burger King. Paying $100k for a degree in music is nuts but its even more nuts if you take out $100k worth of debt to pay for it. Colleges charge it because of Gov't approved loans. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

It's NOT your place to decide what is nuts for others. There are many who would choose a life of music even if it meant taking longer to pay off their loans than a corrupt life as a stock broker.

I would miss fewer in music than I ever would in finance. Finance has cost the taxpayers trillions at that.

Go study music! Just don't expect me to pay off the debt you accrued to do it.

When are you going to start paying off our $28 trillion in debt?

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