Biden spending $50 million per year to store border wall material ready to install.

So? How many times did the house vote on a bill to revoke Obamacare knowing they didn't have the votes.

You know why? Because it goes on the public record who voted for it and who didn't.

If Repubs in the house draft a reasonable bill, as they campaigned on, and submitted it and the Senate over ruled it, then the public could hold democrats accountable.

Instead we have Gym Jordin playing the part of Trump's own personal hand puppet, and trying to punish Trump's enemies.

Where is the promised bill?
There is no bill necessary.

There is no clawing back the toothpaste out of the tube regarding outrageous spending. What President Trump spent in 2020 was necessary after shutting down the economy. What President Biden continued to spend was way over and above what was necessary. That helped to spark the massive inflation we see to this day.

What could be done? Biden could reverse all the Executive Orders he signed immediately upon taking office. You know, all those reversing the successful policies of President Trump.
I don't have time to catch you up on the conversation I was having with someone else.

Shoo, fly.
Thank you for confirming that you have nothing and have not posted anything resembling q working link to a reliable source supporting your goofy allegations.
There is no bill necessary.

There is no clawing back the toothpaste out of the tube regarding outrageous spending. What President Trump spent in 2020 was necessary after shutting down the economy. What President Biden continued to spend was way over and above what was necessary. That helped to spark the massive inflation we see to this day.
Another trumper who expects nothing from house Republicans except to be lied to about bills they never create.

What about what Trump spent before shitting down the economy?

"That’s not how it played out. When Trump took office in January 2017, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office was projecting that federal budget deficits would be 2% to 3% of our gross domestic product during Trump’s term. Instead, the deficit reached nearly 4% of gross domestic product in 2018 and 4.6% in 2019.

There were multiple culprits. Trump’s tax cuts, especially the sharp reduction in the corporate tax rate to 21% from 35%, took a big bite out of federal revenue. The CBO estimated in 2018 that the tax cut would increase deficits by about $1.9 trillion over 11 years.

Meanwhile, Trump’s claim that increased revenue from the tariffs would help eliminate (or at least reduce) our national debt hasn’t panned out. In 2018, Trump’s administration began hiking tariffs on aluminum, steel and many other products, launching what became a global trade war with China, the European Union and other countries."

What could be done? Biden could reverse all the Executive Orders he signed immediately upon taking office. You know, all those reversing the successful policies of President Trump.
I already explained the reason to submit bills even if you are the minority.
According to the majority of voters, things are getting fixed.

Another trumper who expects nothing from house Republicans except to be lied to about bills they never create.
As I said, no bill will put the toothpaste back in the tube.

What about what Trump spent before shitting down the economy?
What did he spend?

"That’s not how it played out. When Trump took office in January 2017, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office was projecting that federal budget deficits would be 2% to 3% of our gross domestic product during Trump’s term. Instead, the deficit reached nearly 4% of gross domestic product in 2018 and 4.6% in 2019.
When did China unleash COVID-19 on the world? January 2020?

There were multiple culprits. Trump’s tax cuts, especially the sharp reduction in the corporate tax rate to 21% from 35%, took a big bite out of federal revenue. The CBO estimated in 2018 that the tax cut would increase deficits by about $1.9 trillion over 11 years.
As you know, revenues have increased. The CBO is little more than a glorified calculator. They are required to use nothing more than what was submitted to them using static, not dynamic calculations. None of which is the real world. Educate yourself LEGITIMATELY, please!

Meanwhile, Trump’s claim that increased revenue from the tariffs would help eliminate (or at least reduce) our national debt hasn’t panned out. In 2018, Trump’s administration began hiking tariffs on aluminum, steel and many other products, launching what became a global trade war with China, the European Union and other countries."
The tariffs, as you know, were intended to SLOW imports and encourage the production of those products within our shores.

I already explained the reason to submit bills even if you are the minority.
Do you mean when they are unnecessary and meaningless?


Waste time and millions of dollars?
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As I said, no bill will put the toothpaste into the tube.

Meaning you don't understand why a minority party submits bills...for example multiple bills to overturn Obamacare.

What did he spend?

Read the link.

When did China unleash COVID-19 on the world? January 2020?

Look it up.

As you know, revenues have increased. The CBO is little more than a glorified calculator. They are required to use nothing more than what was submitted to them using static, not dynamic calculations. None of which is the real world. Educate yourself LEGITIMATELY, please!

According to the article you evidently didn't read, revenues went down after tax cuts for the rich were implemented.

The tariffs, as you know, were intended to SLOW imports and encourage the production of those products within our shores.

Tariffs are anti free market economy and they were implemented to compensate for a lack of revenue after the tax cuts...again, all the article.

Do you mean when they are unnecessary and meaningless?

Because it shows the party has solutions and if the bill looks good to the public, and Dems vote against it, then Republicans can point out there plan and it didn't get passed because of Dems. Then people will vote in Repubs because they have an answer to our inflation issues.

Kind of like the dozen or more times they tried to overturn Obamacare when Repubs knew they didn't have the votes.

Now Repubs are to lazy to even do that. They just sit and whine and point fingers.
Cute try!


As of June 20, 2023

But a majority of voters didn't like Trump so they voted for Biden to fix things.

This is more apparent in my original post but you left the context out and acted like I was basing it on polling data. It was based on the election results.

That may work for Trump humpers like Nostra who was salivating all over your post, but I saw through your post gaming.

Nice try though.

I will reiterate that the poll for direction of the country does not show why. You assume it is based on Biden so conversely, I can claim it is because of traitor Trump, sedition, sexual abuse, espionage, obstruction etc etc.
Nope. They think the country is headed in the wrong direction because of trump and his Trump humpers. Sedition, obstruction of documents, espionage, fake universities, fake charities, etc etc.

I think Biden is doing a decent job but trumpism is steering the country in the direction. The poll shows this.
Exactly, how does that work?

Show us exactly where the polls show President Biden is doing a "DECENT" job.

As of June 20, 2023
Exactly, how does that work?

Show us exactly where the polls show President Biden is doing a "DECENT" job.

As of June 20, 2023
I didn't say polls said he was doing a decent job, I said I think he is doing a decent job.

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