Biden Yesterday: ISIS Not an Existential Threat to US

Spoon fed propaganda. If their hands weren't ridiculously tied with stupid rules of engagement you wouldn't have your propaganda.
This is a direct result of fighting wars in a liberal pc fashion. You send our soldiers to war in highly populated areas, civilians are going to die. Deal with it & stop hating on the men & women that protect our country faggot.

Fuck you asswipe.

And the faggot thing is a projection on your part as most of you conservative assholes are faggots. Didn't you spend time in prison? Didn't your fucking hero Carson say that makes you gay? Deal with it.

We sent these soldiers over, and by we I mean mostly you because I was dead set against it, to kill INNOCENT civilians. And actually? INNOCENT IRAQI MILITARY. Iraq had zero, zip, nothing to do with 9/11. They had no "weapons of mass destruction" and there was absolutely no reason to invade. It was a fucking war crime. Do you get that? This country did something criminal. Do you get that? And we are too strong to be policed. And we aren't self policing. So guess what?

These folks want justice.

And revenge. And it's because of fucks like you.

Yup, America created the terrorists who have been fighting the same cause for A THOUSAND YEARS.

You're a clueless idiot. The very definition of a modern liberal

We could have been friends with them but Reagan got cheap and made them our enemies.

Charlie Wilson's War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know you don't think America or the West has any responsibility in all this. Like Israel is to the Palestinians, we are sooo good to the Arab world. They should love us, right?

We could have been their friends???????

My God you liberals are on a permanent LSD high

Spoon fed propaganda. If their hands weren't ridiculously tied with stupid rules of engagement you wouldn't have your propaganda.
This is a direct result of fighting wars in a liberal pc fashion. You send our soldiers to war in highly populated areas, civilians are going to die. Deal with it & stop hating on the men & women that protect our country faggot.

Fuck you asswipe.

And the faggot thing is a projection on your part as most of you conservative assholes are faggots. Didn't you spend time in prison? Didn't your fucking hero Carson say that makes you gay? Deal with it.

We sent these soldiers over, and by we I mean mostly you because I was dead set against it, to kill INNOCENT civilians. And actually? INNOCENT IRAQI MILITARY. Iraq had zero, zip, nothing to do with 9/11. They had no "weapons of mass destruction" and there was absolutely no reason to invade. It was a fucking war crime. Do you get that? This country did something criminal. Do you get that? And we are too strong to be policed. And we aren't self policing. So guess what?

These folks want justice.

And revenge. And it's because of fucks like you.

Yup, America created the terrorists who have been fighting the same cause for A THOUSAND YEARS.

You're a clueless idiot. The very definition of a modern liberal


You are the idiot.

We haven't been around for 1000 years.

And Christians have been fighting everyone for ever.

Here's a helpful video.

No shit dumbfuck, that was my point. They have been around forever fighting their disgusting religious war. America has not.

And don't bother with your asinine propaganda videos. I will never watch any videos posted by traitorous & cowardly America haters such as yourself.

Spoon fed propaganda. If their hands weren't ridiculously tied with stupid rules of engagement you wouldn't have your propaganda.
This is a direct result of fighting wars in a liberal pc fashion. You send our soldiers to war in highly populated areas, civilians are going to die. Deal with it & stop hating on the men & women that protect our country faggot.

Fuck you asswipe.

And the faggot thing is a projection on your part as most of you conservative assholes are faggots. Didn't you spend time in prison? Didn't your fucking hero Carson say that makes you gay? Deal with it.

We sent these soldiers over, and by we I mean mostly you because I was dead set against it, to kill INNOCENT civilians. And actually? INNOCENT IRAQI MILITARY. Iraq had zero, zip, nothing to do with 9/11. They had no "weapons of mass destruction" and there was absolutely no reason to invade. It was a fucking war crime. Do you get that? This country did something criminal. Do you get that? And we are too strong to be policed. And we aren't self policing. So guess what?

These folks want justice.

And revenge. And it's because of fucks like you.

Yup, America created the terrorists who have been fighting the same cause for A THOUSAND YEARS.

You're a clueless idiot. The very definition of a modern liberal


You are the idiot.

We haven't been around for 1000 years.

And Christians have been fighting everyone for ever.

Here's a helpful video.

No shit dumbfuck, that was my point. They have been around forever fighting their disgusting religious war. America has not.

And don't bother with your asinine propaganda videos. I will never watch any videos posted by traitorous & cowardly America haters such as yourself.

Coming from a Jailbird?

Seriously..doesn't bother me that you think someone is cowardly or hates American.

You're a fucking criminal.
Spoon fed propaganda. If their hands weren't ridiculously tied with stupid rules of engagement you wouldn't have your propaganda.
This is a direct result of fighting wars in a liberal pc fashion. You send our soldiers to war in highly populated areas, civilians are going to die. Deal with it & stop hating on the men & women that protect our country faggot.

Fuck you asswipe.

And the faggot thing is a projection on your part as most of you conservative assholes are faggots. Didn't you spend time in prison? Didn't your fucking hero Carson say that makes you gay? Deal with it.

We sent these soldiers over, and by we I mean mostly you because I was dead set against it, to kill INNOCENT civilians. And actually? INNOCENT IRAQI MILITARY. Iraq had zero, zip, nothing to do with 9/11. They had no "weapons of mass destruction" and there was absolutely no reason to invade. It was a fucking war crime. Do you get that? This country did something criminal. Do you get that? And we are too strong to be policed. And we aren't self policing. So guess what?

These folks want justice.

And revenge. And it's because of fucks like you.
Yup, America created the terrorists who have been fighting the same cause for A THOUSAND YEARS.

You're a clueless idiot. The very definition of a modern liberal

You are the idiot.

We haven't been around for 1000 years.

And Christians have been fighting everyone for ever.

Here's a helpful video.

No shit dumbfuck, that was my point. They have been around forever fighting their disgusting religious war. America has not.

And don't bother with your asinine propaganda videos. I will never watch any videos posted by traitorous & cowardly America haters such as yourself.

Coming from a Jailbird?

Seriously..doesn't bother me that you think someone is cowardly or hates American.

You're a fucking criminal.

My criminal record has nothing to do with your cowardly hate America attitude.
Fuck you asswipe.

And the faggot thing is a projection on your part as most of you conservative assholes are faggots. Didn't you spend time in prison? Didn't your fucking hero Carson say that makes you gay? Deal with it.

We sent these soldiers over, and by we I mean mostly you because I was dead set against it, to kill INNOCENT civilians. And actually? INNOCENT IRAQI MILITARY. Iraq had zero, zip, nothing to do with 9/11. They had no "weapons of mass destruction" and there was absolutely no reason to invade. It was a fucking war crime. Do you get that? This country did something criminal. Do you get that? And we are too strong to be policed. And we aren't self policing. So guess what?

These folks want justice.

And revenge. And it's because of fucks like you.
Yup, America created the terrorists who have been fighting the same cause for A THOUSAND YEARS.

You're a clueless idiot. The very definition of a modern liberal

You are the idiot.

We haven't been around for 1000 years.

And Christians have been fighting everyone for ever.

Here's a helpful video.

No shit dumbfuck, that was my point. They have been around forever fighting their disgusting religious war. America has not.

And don't bother with your asinine propaganda videos. I will never watch any videos posted by traitorous & cowardly America haters such as yourself.

Coming from a Jailbird?

Seriously..doesn't bother me that you think someone is cowardly or hates American.

You're a fucking criminal.

My criminal record has nothing to do with your cowardly hate America attitude.

I don't have a hate America attitude. Quite the opposite. I've never committed a crime in my life. Never tried to cheat anyone and have lived in accordance to American laws, paid American taxes, participate in American elections, sat on a jury and registered for the draft.

Unlike you.

Fucking Criminal scum.
Yup, America created the terrorists who have been fighting the same cause for A THOUSAND YEARS.

You're a clueless idiot. The very definition of a modern liberal

You are the idiot.

We haven't been around for 1000 years.

And Christians have been fighting everyone for ever.

Here's a helpful video.

No shit dumbfuck, that was my point. They have been around forever fighting their disgusting religious war. America has not.

And don't bother with your asinine propaganda videos. I will never watch any videos posted by traitorous & cowardly America haters such as yourself.

Coming from a Jailbird?

Seriously..doesn't bother me that you think someone is cowardly or hates American.

You're a fucking criminal.

My criminal record has nothing to do with your cowardly hate America attitude.

I don't have a hate America attitude. Quite the opposite. I've never committed a crime in my life. Never tried to cheat anyone and have lived in accordance to American laws, paid American taxes, participate in American elections, sat on a jury and registered for the draft.

Unlike you.

Fucking Criminal scum.

Tell me more lies coward. Course I'm not as stupid as your liberal brethren so I won't believe any of it.

You're just a little punk behind a keyboard. When faced with reality you distort it to suit your agenda of blaming America for everything. Only a complete moron blames America for a group that has existed since the beginning of time. You despise the fact that the Christians became civilized while the Muslims still wallow in barbarism.

You're a clueless fool
ISIS are the very people conservatives were cheering killing in droves when they weren't radicalized.

Now they are radicalized.


yeah and who's fault is that? could it be because Obama and your chickenshit party bombed the hell of the Middle east the whole time he's been holding his "peace prize". and people like you just sat by and watched it. not a peep out of you anti-war phony's how he was creating more terrorist.

You are the idiot.

We haven't been around for 1000 years.

And Christians have been fighting everyone for ever.

Here's a helpful video.

No shit dumbfuck, that was my point. They have been around forever fighting their disgusting religious war. America has not.

And don't bother with your asinine propaganda videos. I will never watch any videos posted by traitorous & cowardly America haters such as yourself.

Coming from a Jailbird?

Seriously..doesn't bother me that you think someone is cowardly or hates American.

You're a fucking criminal.

My criminal record has nothing to do with your cowardly hate America attitude.

I don't have a hate America attitude. Quite the opposite. I've never committed a crime in my life. Never tried to cheat anyone and have lived in accordance to American laws, paid American taxes, participate in American elections, sat on a jury and registered for the draft.

Unlike you.

Fucking Criminal scum.

Tell me more lies coward. Course I'm not as stupid as your liberal brethren so I won't believe any of it.

You're just a little punk behind a keyboard. When faced with reality you distort it to suit your agenda of blaming America for everything. Only a complete moron blames America for a group that has existed since the beginning of time. You despise the fact that the Christians became civilized while the Muslims still wallow in barbarism.

You're a clueless fool

Only punk here is you.

Bet you know all about being a punk. And a bitch.

See? Even Carson has your number.
No shit dumbfuck, that was my point. They have been around forever fighting their disgusting religious war. America has not.

And don't bother with your asinine propaganda videos. I will never watch any videos posted by traitorous & cowardly America haters such as yourself.

Coming from a Jailbird?

Seriously..doesn't bother me that you think someone is cowardly or hates American.

You're a fucking criminal.
My criminal record has nothing to do with your cowardly hate America attitude.

I don't have a hate America attitude. Quite the opposite. I've never committed a crime in my life. Never tried to cheat anyone and have lived in accordance to American laws, paid American taxes, participate in American elections, sat on a jury and registered for the draft.

Unlike you.

Fucking Criminal scum.
Tell me more lies coward. Course I'm not as stupid as your liberal brethren so I won't believe any of it.

You're just a little punk behind a keyboard. When faced with reality you distort it to suit your agenda of blaming America for everything. Only a complete moron blames America for a group that has existed since the beginning of time. You despise the fact that the Christians became civilized while the Muslims still wallow in barbarism.

You're a clueless fool

Only punk here is you.

Bet you know all about being a punk. And a bitch.

See? Even Carson has your number.

Is this all you have? Nothing on topic just wet dreams about man man sex? Typical lowbrow drivel from flip flop wearing pansies. Go suck some code pink wrinkled pussy traitor
Bring back memories? Convict?

More propaganda drivel from our resident America hater.

Fuck off loser

Losers go to prison.


Tell me more coward

What more do you need to know?

Did they call you Maytag in prison? Or Wifey..

Either way I guess you washing your man's socks..amirite?

What is it with you morons on the left and faggot prison sex? You all are completely obsessed with the subject. Then you have the fact that you know jack shit about prison life but suspect that your own cowardly attitudes are the norm.

News flash. Outside of losing my freedom prison was a cake walk. 3 years of paid vacation that actually straightened out my life as compared to all the brothers who use the place as a retirement home at the age of 22. They are your voting base, your Plantation and they are too fucking stupid to figure out people like you use them for personal political gain.

But please tell me more about your faggot sex fantasies coward....
Bring back memories? Convict?

More propaganda drivel from our resident America hater.

Fuck off loser

Losers go to prison.


Tell me more coward

What more do you need to know?

Did they call you Maytag in prison? Or Wifey..

Either way I guess you washing your man's socks..amirite?

What is it with you morons on the left and faggot prison sex? You all are completely obsessed with the subject. Then you have the fact that you know jack shit about prison life but suspect that your own cowardly attitudes are the norm.

News flash. Outside of losing my freedom prison was a cake walk. 3 years of paid vacation that actually straightened out my life as compared to all the brothers who use the place as a retirement home at the age of 22. They are your voting base, your Plantation and they are too fucking stupid to figure out people like you use them for personal political gain.

But please tell me more about your faggot sex fantasies coward....

You're the one who started with the faggot shit, remember?

Or is your brain so addled from prison gay sex you don't remember.

Anyways, seems you are cleaning toilets now adays, right?

Hard to get away from the smell of shit once it's in the blood, ain't it?
Is there a bigger America hating coward on this board than Sallow? Who incidentally is called SWALLOW by most but as a person not obsessed with gay sex I've refrained from the asinine juvenile insults. Shame he isn't mature enough to reciprocate

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