Biden Yesterday: ISIS Not an Existential Threat to US

More propaganda drivel from our resident America hater.

Fuck off loser

Losers go to prison.

Tell me more coward
What more do you need to know?

Did they call you Maytag in prison? Or Wifey..

Either way I guess you washing your man's socks..amirite?
What is it with you morons on the left and faggot prison sex? You all are completely obsessed with the subject. Then you have the fact that you know jack shit about prison life but suspect that your own cowardly attitudes are the norm.

News flash. Outside of losing my freedom prison was a cake walk. 3 years of paid vacation that actually straightened out my life as compared to all the brothers who use the place as a retirement home at the age of 22. They are your voting base, your Plantation and they are too fucking stupid to figure out people like you use them for personal political gain.

But please tell me more about your faggot sex fantasies coward....

You're the one who started with the faggot shit, remember?

Or is your brain so addled from prison gay sex you don't remember.

Anyways, seems you are cleaning toilets now adays, right?

Hard to get away from the smell of shit once it's in the blood, ain't it?
Cleaning toilets? Lol I haven't touched tools in quite some time. That's what employees are for. Course I know that's hard for you to grasp since you spent so much of Obama's presidency bumming & looking for work.
Is there a bigger America hating coward on this board than Sallow? Who incidentally is called SWALLOW by most but as a person not obsessed with gay sex I've refrained from the asinine juvenile insults. Shame he isn't mature enough to reciprocate
Meh. You can check the thread you started with the insult gay boi.

Since you seem to have not left your gay shit behind or at least keep it private..this is where we come to an end.

Your little keyboard commando sissy boy thing has become dull. I don't know how your boyfriend put up with you in the cell. You must be good at something.
Is there a bigger America hating coward on this board than Sallow? Who incidentally is called SWALLOW by most but as a person not obsessed with gay sex I've refrained from the asinine juvenile insults. Shame he isn't mature enough to reciprocate
Meh. You can check the thread you started with the insult gay boi.

Since you seem to have not left your gay shit behind or at least keep it private..this is where we come to an end.

Your little keyboard commando sissy boy thing has become dull. I don't know how your boyfriend put up with you in the cell. You must be good at something.

How many posts in a row now about gay sex? 8?10?

Rent a video fool
The Soviet Union. Now THERE was an existential threat. Mutually Assured Destruction.

Now we have a bunch of pansies shitting their pants over 30,000 dipshits in the Middle East.

"Dey gonna wipe us out, man!"
The Kurds have estimated that they are around 2-3 hundred thousand strong. Also, I saw a report that hundreds of smaller cells try to join each month.
I guess its hard to really know.
ISIS is about 30,000 to 40,000 strong.

The idea ISIS is 300,000 strong is laughable. Hysterically so. It's hyperbolic fearmongering bullshit.

And they aren't here.

Even if they were 300,000 strong, which they aren't, they still would not be an existential threat.
Maybe so. But how do you know any different? The fuckin media that you bash all the time?
I wont sit here and say they are not here. I would imagine the people of Troy didn't think Greeks were hiding int he horse either..
The thing about IS is, they are well funded, organized and smart. Obviously.
When I said they aren't here, I was obviously talking about the entire ISIS force of 30 to 40 thousand.

I'm sure ISIS has big plans for an attack in the US. So I say again, they are a threat, but they are not an existential threat. Not even close. You have to have several pounds of brain damage to believe ISIS is somehow capable of destroying America.

The dumb misinformed totalitarian-minded dipshits we see on this forum are a greater threat to America in that respect. They have a greater ability to fundamentally change this country for the worse out of their irrational fears than ISIS does.

And when the day comes that ISIS succeeds in an attack on the US, you will see exactly what I mean.
So Obama chose his words carefully.
Because ISIS is not eliminated, dipshit. They still hold territory. Territory from which these people are running.

They are running from Assad and from ISIS.

There is still a WAR on in Syria.

Don't expose your stupidity so publicly.
Don't call me dipshit you condescending prick. Did I hit a nerve.

It's obviously not contained and Obama is a weak lying piece of shit.
I call stupid people stupid, because you are stupid.

The "contained" context was that ISIS has been losing territory, and that's a fact, stupid person.

Those refugees have been running away since long before last week, idiot.
Lol maybe if you call me stupid a few more times you win a prize.

You're the one looking stupid with your constant defense of the terrorist in chief
I am in constant defense of the facts. It isn't my fault there are so many stupid people parroting bullshit and shitting their pants in fear.

ISIS is not an existential threat. Now change your pants.

It's quite obvious, ISIS terrorist will infect themselves with Ebola and mingle in with the refugees. Then the shits will really hit the fan, Republican will be running the halls waving their arm, demanding Obama do something..........

not so far out a thought-----the people of homesland security consider the possibility------suicide bug vector. By contracting a fatal communicable disease-----any muslim can mingle and kill lots of kaffirin----thus obtaining a free pass to JANNAH
Do people really believe that ISIS threatens the very existence of the United States?

I don't but they do have terrorists all over the world.

Paris and Mali are cases in point.

They have many followers all over the world as well and some home grown American's as well.

Would they ever directly attack America? Nope but they would stage terror attacks and anyone who thinks they can't is a fool.

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