Biden’s trillion-dollar spending spree will lead to financial collapse


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Here's the reason that the Dim's planned spending spree is utterly insane:

Biden’s trillion-dollar spending spree will lead to financial collapse

And even all that spending isn’t enough: Social Security’s “unfunded liabilities” — how much money the government would need today to make up the difference between the money that will be paid into Social Security in the future and the benefits that have been promised — is about $40 trillion.
How much is $40 trillion? It is all the money in the world — literally: All the cash in circulation, plus all the deposits in checking accounts and savings accounts, adds up to about $40 trillion. That is a big hole to climb out of.
Just as inflation can cause more inflation, one of the biggest drivers of today’s budget deficits are yesterday’s budget deficits. The federal government is currently spending more than half a trillion dollars a year on interest payments for money borrowed in the past — money that already has been spent.
Our budget game is one part musical chairs, one part Russian roulette, and somebody is going to have to lose when the music stops.
"Our budget game is one part musical chairs, one part Russian roulette, and somebody is going to have to lose when the music stops."

Awww....they missed a golden opportunity to end that sentence with "and the hammer drops."
Fear is a condition of weakness of the future which is why humans with grit are needed to get the job done..You'll know when the wealthy are tired of supporting US debt when they stop buying securities, bonds and T-bills.
Fear is a condition of weakness of the future which is why humans with grit are needed to get the job done..You'll know when the wealthy are tired of supporting US debt when they stop buying securities, bonds and T-bills.
Where will they put their money then?
He didn't spend $8 trillion, turd.

way more than that actually.

The outlays for the US Govt....

4.1 trillion in FY 2018
4.4 trillion in FY 2019
6.5 trillion in FY 2020
7.3 trillion in FY 2021
Here's the reason that the Dim's planned spending spree is utterly insane:

Biden’s trillion-dollar spending spree will lead to financial collapse

And even all that spending isn’t enough: Social Security’s “unfunded liabilities” — how much money the government would need today to make up the difference between the money that will be paid into Social Security in the future and the benefits that have been promised — is about $40 trillion.
How much is $40 trillion? It is all the money in the world — literally: All the cash in circulation, plus all the deposits in checking accounts and savings accounts, adds up to about $40 trillion. That is a big hole to climb out of.
Just as inflation can cause more inflation, one of the biggest drivers of today’s budget deficits are yesterday’s budget deficits. The federal government is currently spending more than half a trillion dollars a year on interest payments for money borrowed in the past — money that already has been spent.
Our budget game is one part musical chairs, one part Russian roulette, and somebody is going to have to lose when the music stops.

Of course it will... IT will always be the end of us when we spend money on the Amerian people but we can piss trillions down hell holes in the Middle East and that is OK...

Be a good lad and stop making such a fool of yourself...

US has grossly underinvested in both Physical and Human Infrastructure for decades while going to War and implementing tax cuts, this put US economy at a disadvantage... The War and Tax Cut guys can't admit they did anything wrong...

Major Wars are started by GOP Presidents and finished by Democratic ones... Now Bripat is pissed they don't get to flush more money on tax cuts for the rich instead the money is going on the middle and working class... Some people he likes to call scum..
Here's the reason that the Dim's planned spending spree is utterly insane:

Biden’s trillion-dollar spending spree will lead to financial collapse

And even all that spending isn’t enough: Social Security’s “unfunded liabilities” — how much money the government would need today to make up the difference between the money that will be paid into Social Security in the future and the benefits that have been promised — is about $40 trillion.
How much is $40 trillion? It is all the money in the world — literally: All the cash in circulation, plus all the deposits in checking accounts and savings accounts, adds up to about $40 trillion. That is a big hole to climb out of.
Just as inflation can cause more inflation, one of the biggest drivers of today’s budget deficits are yesterday’s budget deficits. The federal government is currently spending more than half a trillion dollars a year on interest payments for money borrowed in the past — money that already has been spent.
Our budget game is one part musical chairs, one part Russian roulette, and somebody is going to have to lose when the music stops.
It's no wonder all of your posts are built on a foundation of propaganda. The NY Post is owned by Murdoch and thus nothing in this tabloid can be taken seriously without an verification in other sources (sources that you have been brainwashed to believe are fake).
Where will they put their money then?
He didn't spend $8 trillion, turd.

No it won't because he will pay it back out the tax payers pocket.

First he announced very publicly all this money he is going to spend, then not long after he announced not so publicly that he wants banks to report to the IRS when someone has a transfer of over 600 dollars down from the previous 10,000.

They happen, but in general I don't believe in coincidence.
It's funny how spending on the U.S, is going to lead to financial collapse but spending trillions on useless wars wasn't going to.

It all should be paid for but just noting the hypocrisy.

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