Black republicans...who are they really?

1. You will gain back what you lose in the next midterrms. You just won't have the white house or get to appoint anti choice supreme's who wont' overturn Citizens United. Do you even know what that is?

2. We can't have a a GOP President passing Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation.

3. Has everyone forgot Dennis Hastert Tom Delay & Bush caused the last great recession? And we want to give control back to the GOP after Obama got the economy back on track? Fuck you guys really. No one who's not a partisan is buying that.

1. Less and less as time goes on.

2. We can have a GOP congress supporting Trump in deporting illegals and bringing back manufacturing jobs.

3. So, which is it? IS Trump the same old, same old, or a radical departure?
Corporations care about one thing, shareholders profits. That is it. It wasn't always this way. They used to have a social contract with workers. Thru unions and labor laws the middle class grew. Long story short the GOP is all about making things in China and mexico and selling it here. That's good for shareholders, remember? That's good for consumers, remember? So I'm glad your party is being forced to tariff their corporate masters. I'll see it when I believe it.

1. The Adversarial Relationship between Management and Unions was not about any "Caring" on the part of management.

2. Free Trade was/is a part of a lot of Conservative Ideologies. BUT it has long ago became a national consensus. The last dem I heard speak out seriously against it was Gephardt, and he got his ass kicked in the dem primaries for his trouble.

This election Trump is against it, and Hillary is for it.

3 Our party is not being forced to do anything. Trump put forth his positions and the Party membership followed willingly, even eagerly.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.
On some things I lean right

Your views on race and sexes is very regressive.
Just remember, Archie Bunker was a conservative not a liberal. You agreed with Archie and I agreed with Meathead. And I'm Meathead all grown up and I still understand the difference between Republicans and Democrats. I haven't lost all sense of We the People. I am not every man for himself. Even when my parents croak and I go from the working class to the investor class, I'll still be a liberal. Just like my VP brother even understands the GOP are full of shit and he's voting Hillary too. Not all rich people are greedy racist ignorant religious white people but that's who runs your party.

You know who I bet turn into Republicans, but don't admit it because they would lose all street cred? Black athletes. They pay a shit load in taxes and too many of them go broke. What does an athlete get after taxes on $1 million dollars? 600,000? After the agent gets paid $500K?

So you are basing your politics on a 40 year old sitcom stereotype? That would make you regressive. What topics did I agree with Bunker on?

Then you go off the black athletes will switch to Republican because of money? That is a great Bunker statement. You are really saying blacks have no real conviction. That again is a racist attitude.

Again, I don't vote a straight party ticket, like you have already admitted to. So it isn't my party.

I have no clue as to why you brought your parents into the discussion, or your brother, that is strange.
I agree with black athletes who become Republicans. Let's say you make $1 million a year for 5 years. If Democrats will tax you an extra $100k a year than Republicans would, that's $500k difference. That's a nest egg.

My brothers a pretty smart guy. He so wants to believe or hope or say that Republicans policies work for everyone but clearly it doesn't. Even rich guys who are honest and not greedy get that. Ones who aren't worried about being able to continue to make money tend to be more liberal. That's why people who made their own money tend to be more generous than people who come from old money

We all took a ten year step back because of bushanomics. And then you want to reward the GOP for 8 years of obstruction. You never punished them for it. Why?

And it is every voting age American who doesnt vote's fault. The corporations win because we've given up. Tax everyone $100 if they don't vote. Or give everyone who does a $100 stimulus check. Then things would change.

Meathead, so what does a 40 year old sitcom have to do with today's politics? What about Hollywood elitist, why aren't they Republicans, why would black athletes and not white athletes become Republicans. I'm not sure why race would come into play on your statement. Again you lie with the "bushanomics" BS. As I stated before if you really think the collapse of 2008 was just one person or one party's fault, you have no clue on how economics and policies cause the economy to roll, also economies have cyclical ups and downs to go with it.

Obama never punished the bankers, can you guess why? That tells us Obama is bought and paid for by the rich.

Then you want to bribe people to vote? Lol! You really want to sell elections.

Your politics are based on a 40 year old sitcom and you compare yourself to a meathead, then you come up with crazy ideas. You need to quit smoking the meth.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Let's get one of thing straight. I don't smoke crack OK? Crack is for poor people OK? Crack is wack. Whitney Houston quote.

Famous Actors who get paid millions per film feel they can always make more money. Athletes are done if they get hurt or lose a step. How many NFL players go broke?

Did it ever dawn on you maybe black people might be voting for the right party and it's you who's wrong?

Or maybe GOP is right for you but not from their perspective? God forbid any of us disagree with you
It is way too late for that, the destiny of this nation will be decided on the REpublcian vs Democrat model, within the next two election cycles at most.

No it's not too late. That is just more fearmongering from partisans who want you to keep voting for THEIR party.

I respectfully disagree.

The strategy of the Left is very sound, and imo, is nearly unstoppable at this point in time.

If we fail to defeat it soon, we never will, and our future will be shitty and ever shittier.

We don't have time to build up a new party.
1. You will gain back what you lose in the next midterrms. You just won't have the white house or get to appoint anti choice supreme's who wont' overturn Citizens United. Do you even know what that is?

2. We can't have a a GOP President passing Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell legislation.

3. Has everyone forgot Dennis Hastert Tom Delay & Bush caused the last great recession? And we want to give control back to the GOP after Obama got the economy back on track? Fuck you guys really. No one who's not a partisan is buying that.

The recession of 2008 was caused by many things that happened over a longer period of time than when Bush took office. Why you whackadoodles continue with the myth is pretty funny. There are credible ties of the Clinton administration to the recession of 08. That said it wasn't just one man or President, again many years created recession.

Which party do you want controlling the house and senate?

Do you want the supreme Court to be left center or right? The Republicans should appoint Obamas moderate pick. If not I want hillary. Do you want a right wing supreme Court? Do you want citizens united overturned?

Meathead, I want the President and the House and the Senate the opposite. The Supreme Court I want a moderate right. I don't want a leftist in there. Why do you keep asking me about Citizens United, I have told you my opinion over and over. If you have memory issues, you need to see a doctor.
Your views on race and sexes is very regressive.
Just remember, Archie Bunker was a conservative not a liberal. You agreed with Archie and I agreed with Meathead. And I'm Meathead all grown up and I still understand the difference between Republicans and Democrats. I haven't lost all sense of We the People. I am not every man for himself. Even when my parents croak and I go from the working class to the investor class, I'll still be a liberal. Just like my VP brother even understands the GOP are full of shit and he's voting Hillary too. Not all rich people are greedy racist ignorant religious white people but that's who runs your party.

You know who I bet turn into Republicans, but don't admit it because they would lose all street cred? Black athletes. They pay a shit load in taxes and too many of them go broke. What does an athlete get after taxes on $1 million dollars? 600,000? After the agent gets paid $500K?

So you are basing your politics on a 40 year old sitcom stereotype? That would make you regressive. What topics did I agree with Bunker on?

Then you go off the black athletes will switch to Republican because of money? That is a great Bunker statement. You are really saying blacks have no real conviction. That again is a racist attitude.

Again, I don't vote a straight party ticket, like you have already admitted to. So it isn't my party.

I have no clue as to why you brought your parents into the discussion, or your brother, that is strange.
I agree with black athletes who become Republicans. Let's say you make $1 million a year for 5 years. If Democrats will tax you an extra $100k a year than Republicans would, that's $500k difference. That's a nest egg.

My brothers a pretty smart guy. He so wants to believe or hope or say that Republicans policies work for everyone but clearly it doesn't. Even rich guys who are honest and not greedy get that. Ones who aren't worried about being able to continue to make money tend to be more liberal. That's why people who made their own money tend to be more generous than people who come from old money

We all took a ten year step back because of bushanomics. And then you want to reward the GOP for 8 years of obstruction. You never punished them for it. Why?

And it is every voting age American who doesnt vote's fault. The corporations win because we've given up. Tax everyone $100 if they don't vote. Or give everyone who does a $100 stimulus check. Then things would change.

Meathead, so what does a 40 year old sitcom have to do with today's politics? What about Hollywood elitist, why aren't they Republicans, why would black athletes and not white athletes become Republicans. I'm not sure why race would come into play on your statement. Again you lie with the "bushanomics" BS. As I stated before if you really think the collapse of 2008 was just one person or one party's fault, you have no clue on how economics and policies cause the economy to roll, also economies have cyclical ups and downs to go with it.

Obama never punished the bankers, can you guess why? That tells us Obama is bought and paid for by the rich.

Then you want to bribe people to vote? Lol! You really want to sell elections.

Your politics are based on a 40 year old sitcom and you compare yourself to a meathead, then you come up with crazy ideas. You need to quit smoking the meth.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Let's get one of thing straight. I don't smoke crack OK? Crack is for poor people OK? Crack is wack. Whitney Houston quote.

Famous Actors who get paid millions per film feel they can always make more money. Athletes are done if they get hurt or lose a step. How many NFL players go broke?

Did it ever dawn on you maybe black people might be voting for the right party and it's you who's wrong?

Or maybe GOP is right for you but not from their perspective? God forbid any of us disagree with you

Meathead, so why did you say black athletes? You didn't say athletes, you said black athletes.

You can disagree, I get tired of the lies. The economy was a result of decades of mistakes and poor policies. You seem to want to fix blame on one side, that is whackadoodlestuff. That puts you in the same category as 911 conspiracies, stolen election nutjobs, birther idiots and so on. The partisan BS is really getting old.
Just remember, Archie Bunker was a conservative not a liberal. You agreed with Archie and I agreed with Meathead. And I'm Meathead all grown up and I still understand the difference between Republicans and Democrats. I haven't lost all sense of We the People. I am not every man for himself. Even when my parents croak and I go from the working class to the investor class, I'll still be a liberal. Just like my VP brother even understands the GOP are full of shit and he's voting Hillary too. Not all rich people are greedy racist ignorant religious white people but that's who runs your party.

You know who I bet turn into Republicans, but don't admit it because they would lose all street cred? Black athletes. They pay a shit load in taxes and too many of them go broke. What does an athlete get after taxes on $1 million dollars? 600,000? After the agent gets paid $500K?

So you are basing your politics on a 40 year old sitcom stereotype? That would make you regressive. What topics did I agree with Bunker on?

Then you go off the black athletes will switch to Republican because of money? That is a great Bunker statement. You are really saying blacks have no real conviction. That again is a racist attitude.

Again, I don't vote a straight party ticket, like you have already admitted to. So it isn't my party.

I have no clue as to why you brought your parents into the discussion, or your brother, that is strange.
I agree with black athletes who become Republicans. Let's say you make $1 million a year for 5 years. If Democrats will tax you an extra $100k a year than Republicans would, that's $500k difference. That's a nest egg.

My brothers a pretty smart guy. He so wants to believe or hope or say that Republicans policies work for everyone but clearly it doesn't. Even rich guys who are honest and not greedy get that. Ones who aren't worried about being able to continue to make money tend to be more liberal. That's why people who made their own money tend to be more generous than people who come from old money

We all took a ten year step back because of bushanomics. And then you want to reward the GOP for 8 years of obstruction. You never punished them for it. Why?

And it is every voting age American who doesnt vote's fault. The corporations win because we've given up. Tax everyone $100 if they don't vote. Or give everyone who does a $100 stimulus check. Then things would change.

Meathead, so what does a 40 year old sitcom have to do with today's politics? What about Hollywood elitist, why aren't they Republicans, why would black athletes and not white athletes become Republicans. I'm not sure why race would come into play on your statement. Again you lie with the "bushanomics" BS. As I stated before if you really think the collapse of 2008 was just one person or one party's fault, you have no clue on how economics and policies cause the economy to roll, also economies have cyclical ups and downs to go with it.

Obama never punished the bankers, can you guess why? That tells us Obama is bought and paid for by the rich.

Then you want to bribe people to vote? Lol! You really want to sell elections.

Your politics are based on a 40 year old sitcom and you compare yourself to a meathead, then you come up with crazy ideas. You need to quit smoking the meth.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Let's get one of thing straight. I don't smoke crack OK? Crack is for poor people OK? Crack is wack. Whitney Houston quote.

Famous Actors who get paid millions per film feel they can always make more money. Athletes are done if they get hurt or lose a step. How many NFL players go broke?

Did it ever dawn on you maybe black people might be voting for the right party and it's you who's wrong?

Or maybe GOP is right for you but not from their perspective? God forbid any of us disagree with you

Meathead, so why did you say black athletes? You didn't say athletes, you said black athletes.

You can disagree, I get tired of the lies. The economy was a result of decades of mistakes and poor policies. You seem to want to fix blame on one side, that is whackadoodlestuff. That puts you in the same category as 911 conspiracies, stolen election nutjobs, birther idiots and so on. The partisan BS is really getting old.
Then vote. And stop talking politics.
So you are basing your politics on a 40 year old sitcom stereotype? That would make you regressive. What topics did I agree with Bunker on?

Then you go off the black athletes will switch to Republican because of money? That is a great Bunker statement. You are really saying blacks have no real conviction. That again is a racist attitude.

Again, I don't vote a straight party ticket, like you have already admitted to. So it isn't my party.

I have no clue as to why you brought your parents into the discussion, or your brother, that is strange.
I agree with black athletes who become Republicans. Let's say you make $1 million a year for 5 years. If Democrats will tax you an extra $100k a year than Republicans would, that's $500k difference. That's a nest egg.

My brothers a pretty smart guy. He so wants to believe or hope or say that Republicans policies work for everyone but clearly it doesn't. Even rich guys who are honest and not greedy get that. Ones who aren't worried about being able to continue to make money tend to be more liberal. That's why people who made their own money tend to be more generous than people who come from old money

We all took a ten year step back because of bushanomics. And then you want to reward the GOP for 8 years of obstruction. You never punished them for it. Why?

And it is every voting age American who doesnt vote's fault. The corporations win because we've given up. Tax everyone $100 if they don't vote. Or give everyone who does a $100 stimulus check. Then things would change.

Meathead, so what does a 40 year old sitcom have to do with today's politics? What about Hollywood elitist, why aren't they Republicans, why would black athletes and not white athletes become Republicans. I'm not sure why race would come into play on your statement. Again you lie with the "bushanomics" BS. As I stated before if you really think the collapse of 2008 was just one person or one party's fault, you have no clue on how economics and policies cause the economy to roll, also economies have cyclical ups and downs to go with it.

Obama never punished the bankers, can you guess why? That tells us Obama is bought and paid for by the rich.

Then you want to bribe people to vote? Lol! You really want to sell elections.

Your politics are based on a 40 year old sitcom and you compare yourself to a meathead, then you come up with crazy ideas. You need to quit smoking the meth.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Let's get one of thing straight. I don't smoke crack OK? Crack is for poor people OK? Crack is wack. Whitney Houston quote.

Famous Actors who get paid millions per film feel they can always make more money. Athletes are done if they get hurt or lose a step. How many NFL players go broke?

Did it ever dawn on you maybe black people might be voting for the right party and it's you who's wrong?

Or maybe GOP is right for you but not from their perspective? God forbid any of us disagree with you

Meathead, so why did you say black athletes? You didn't say athletes, you said black athletes.

You can disagree, I get tired of the lies. The economy was a result of decades of mistakes and poor policies. You seem to want to fix blame on one side, that is whackadoodlestuff. That puts you in the same category as 911 conspiracies, stolen election nutjobs, birther idiots and so on. The partisan BS is really getting old.
Then vote. And stop talking politics.

Looks like Meathead gets tired of his ass getting kicked over and over again. Sorry, Meathead but you give me tons of ammo.

I mean look at you making the statement above it black athletes and not all athletes, pretty racist man.
I agree with black athletes who become Republicans. Let's say you make $1 million a year for 5 years. If Democrats will tax you an extra $100k a year than Republicans would, that's $500k difference. That's a nest egg.

My brothers a pretty smart guy. He so wants to believe or hope or say that Republicans policies work for everyone but clearly it doesn't. Even rich guys who are honest and not greedy get that. Ones who aren't worried about being able to continue to make money tend to be more liberal. That's why people who made their own money tend to be more generous than people who come from old money

We all took a ten year step back because of bushanomics. And then you want to reward the GOP for 8 years of obstruction. You never punished them for it. Why?

And it is every voting age American who doesnt vote's fault. The corporations win because we've given up. Tax everyone $100 if they don't vote. Or give everyone who does a $100 stimulus check. Then things would change.

Meathead, so what does a 40 year old sitcom have to do with today's politics? What about Hollywood elitist, why aren't they Republicans, why would black athletes and not white athletes become Republicans. I'm not sure why race would come into play on your statement. Again you lie with the "bushanomics" BS. As I stated before if you really think the collapse of 2008 was just one person or one party's fault, you have no clue on how economics and policies cause the economy to roll, also economies have cyclical ups and downs to go with it.

Obama never punished the bankers, can you guess why? That tells us Obama is bought and paid for by the rich.

Then you want to bribe people to vote? Lol! You really want to sell elections.

Your politics are based on a 40 year old sitcom and you compare yourself to a meathead, then you come up with crazy ideas. You need to quit smoking the meth.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Let's get one of thing straight. I don't smoke crack OK? Crack is for poor people OK? Crack is wack. Whitney Houston quote.

Famous Actors who get paid millions per film feel they can always make more money. Athletes are done if they get hurt or lose a step. How many NFL players go broke?

Did it ever dawn on you maybe black people might be voting for the right party and it's you who's wrong?

Or maybe GOP is right for you but not from their perspective? God forbid any of us disagree with you

Meathead, so why did you say black athletes? You didn't say athletes, you said black athletes.

You can disagree, I get tired of the lies. The economy was a result of decades of mistakes and poor policies. You seem to want to fix blame on one side, that is whackadoodlestuff. That puts you in the same category as 911 conspiracies, stolen election nutjobs, birther idiots and so on. The partisan BS is really getting old.
Then vote. And stop talking politics.

Looks like Meathead gets tired of his ass getting kicked over and over again. Sorry, Meathead but you give me tons of ammo.

I mean look at you making the statement above it black athletes and not all athletes, pretty racist man.
I know.

But you ain't kicking the shit out of shit. If I felt the need to explain I would but I see when theres no point and I move on.
1. Less and less as time goes on.

2. We can have a GOP congress supporting Trump in deporting illegals and bringing back manufacturing jobs.

3. So, which is it? IS Trump the same old, same old, or a radical departure?
Corporations care about one thing, shareholders profits. That is it. It wasn't always this way. They used to have a social contract with workers. Thru unions and labor laws the middle class grew. Long story short the GOP is all about making things in China and mexico and selling it here. That's good for shareholders, remember? That's good for consumers, remember? So I'm glad your party is being forced to tariff their corporate masters. I'll see it when I believe it.

1. The Adversarial Relationship between Management and Unions was not about any "Caring" on the part of management.

2. Free Trade was/is a part of a lot of Conservative Ideologies. BUT it has long ago became a national consensus. The last dem I heard speak out seriously against it was Gephardt, and he got his ass kicked in the dem primaries for his trouble.

This election Trump is against it, and Hillary is for it.

3 Our party is not being forced to do anything. Trump put forth his positions and the Party membership followed willingly, even eagerly.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?
Your views on race and sexes is very regressive.
Just remember, Archie Bunker was a conservative not a liberal. You agreed with Archie and I agreed with Meathead. And I'm Meathead all grown up and I still understand the difference between Republicans and Democrats. I haven't lost all sense of We the People. I am not every man for himself. Even when my parents croak and I go from the working class to the investor class, I'll still be a liberal. Just like my VP brother even understands the GOP are full of shit and he's voting Hillary too. Not all rich people are greedy racist ignorant religious white people but that's who runs your party.

You know who I bet turn into Republicans, but don't admit it because they would lose all street cred? Black athletes. They pay a shit load in taxes and too many of them go broke. What does an athlete get after taxes on $1 million dollars? 600,000? After the agent gets paid $500K?

So you are basing your politics on a 40 year old sitcom stereotype? That would make you regressive. What topics did I agree with Bunker on?

Then you go off the black athletes will switch to Republican because of money? That is a great Bunker statement. You are really saying blacks have no real conviction. That again is a racist attitude.

Again, I don't vote a straight party ticket, like you have already admitted to. So it isn't my party.

I have no clue as to why you brought your parents into the discussion, or your brother, that is strange.
I agree with black athletes who become Republicans. Let's say you make $1 million a year for 5 years. If Democrats will tax you an extra $100k a year than Republicans would, that's $500k difference. That's a nest egg.

My brothers a pretty smart guy. He so wants to believe or hope or say that Republicans policies work for everyone but clearly it doesn't. Even rich guys who are honest and not greedy get that. Ones who aren't worried about being able to continue to make money tend to be more liberal. That's why people who made their own money tend to be more generous than people who come from old money

We all took a ten year step back because of bushanomics. And then you want to reward the GOP for 8 years of obstruction. You never punished them for it. Why?

And it is every voting age American who doesnt vote's fault. The corporations win because we've given up. Tax everyone $100 if they don't vote. Or give everyone who does a $100 stimulus check. Then things would change.

Meathead, so what does a 40 year old sitcom have to do with today's politics? What about Hollywood elitist, why aren't they Republicans, why would black athletes and not white athletes become Republicans. I'm not sure why race would come into play on your statement. Again you lie with the "bushanomics" BS. As I stated before if you really think the collapse of 2008 was just one person or one party's fault, you have no clue on how economics and policies cause the economy to roll, also economies have cyclical ups and downs to go with it.

Obama never punished the bankers, can you guess why? That tells us Obama is bought and paid for by the rich.

Then you want to bribe people to vote? Lol! You really want to sell elections.

Your politics are based on a 40 year old sitcom and you compare yourself to a meathead, then you come up with crazy ideas. You need to quit smoking the meth.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Let's get one of thing straight. I don't smoke crack OK? Crack is for poor people OK? Crack is wack. Whitney Houston quote.

Famous Actors who get paid millions per film feel they can always make more money. Athletes are done if they get hurt or lose a step. How many NFL players go broke?

Did it ever dawn on you maybe black people might be voting for the right party and it's you who's wrong?

Or maybe GOP is right for you but not from their perspective? God forbid any of us disagree with you

What you describe is not the block voting we see from blacks.

This thread was created to attack black republicans for being Uncle Toms.

That is not a reasonable difference on policy.

That is social pressure to conform.
1. Less and less as time goes on.

2. We can have a GOP congress supporting Trump in deporting illegals and bringing back manufacturing jobs.

3. So, which is it? IS Trump the same old, same old, or a radical departure?
Corporations care about one thing, shareholders profits. That is it. It wasn't always this way. They used to have a social contract with workers. Thru unions and labor laws the middle class grew. Long story short the GOP is all about making things in China and mexico and selling it here. That's good for shareholders, remember? That's good for consumers, remember? So I'm glad your party is being forced to tariff their corporate masters. I'll see it when I believe it.

1. The Adversarial Relationship between Management and Unions was not about any "Caring" on the part of management.

2. Free Trade was/is a part of a lot of Conservative Ideologies. BUT it has long ago became a national consensus. The last dem I heard speak out seriously against it was Gephardt, and he got his ass kicked in the dem primaries for his trouble.

This election Trump is against it, and Hillary is for it.

3 Our party is not being forced to do anything. Trump put forth his positions and the Party membership followed willingly, even eagerly.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

I didn't waste my time with either. Both sides telling us lies. Pointless to watch.
Corporations care about one thing, shareholders profits. That is it. It wasn't always this way. They used to have a social contract with workers. Thru unions and labor laws the middle class grew. Long story short the GOP is all about making things in China and mexico and selling it here. That's good for shareholders, remember? That's good for consumers, remember? So I'm glad your party is being forced to tariff their corporate masters. I'll see it when I believe it.

1. The Adversarial Relationship between Management and Unions was not about any "Caring" on the part of management.

2. Free Trade was/is a part of a lot of Conservative Ideologies. BUT it has long ago became a national consensus. The last dem I heard speak out seriously against it was Gephardt, and he got his ass kicked in the dem primaries for his trouble.

This election Trump is against it, and Hillary is for it.

3 Our party is not being forced to do anything. Trump put forth his positions and the Party membership followed willingly, even eagerly.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?
We must be too dumb to know the truth like you do.

POLL: Hillary Clinton scores 7-point bump after DNC
1. The Adversarial Relationship between Management and Unions was not about any "Caring" on the part of management.

2. Free Trade was/is a part of a lot of Conservative Ideologies. BUT it has long ago became a national consensus. The last dem I heard speak out seriously against it was Gephardt, and he got his ass kicked in the dem primaries for his trouble.

This election Trump is against it, and Hillary is for it.

3 Our party is not being forced to do anything. Trump put forth his positions and the Party membership followed willingly, even eagerly.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?
We must be too dumb to know the truth like you do.

POLL: Hillary Clinton scores 7-point bump after DNC

I didn't say that the Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks DON'T WORK.

They work great.

With the minor wrinkle of tearing this nation apart, basing policy on lies, and people dying because real issues are ignored or misdiagnosed in order to make them fit the narrative.

But that has never bothered you lefties before, so, sorry for bringing it up.

It just weights on my mind. I know you don't care.
Corporations care about one thing, shareholders profits. That is it. It wasn't always this way. They used to have a social contract with workers. Thru unions and labor laws the middle class grew. Long story short the GOP is all about making things in China and mexico and selling it here. That's good for shareholders, remember? That's good for consumers, remember? So I'm glad your party is being forced to tariff their corporate masters. I'll see it when I believe it.

1. The Adversarial Relationship between Management and Unions was not about any "Caring" on the part of management.

2. Free Trade was/is a part of a lot of Conservative Ideologies. BUT it has long ago became a national consensus. The last dem I heard speak out seriously against it was Gephardt, and he got his ass kicked in the dem primaries for his trouble.

This election Trump is against it, and Hillary is for it.

3 Our party is not being forced to do anything. Trump put forth his positions and the Party membership followed willingly, even eagerly.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

I didn't waste my time with either. Both sides telling us lies. Pointless to watch.
Typical under informed voter who's already made up his mind.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?
We must be too dumb to know the truth like you do.

POLL: Hillary Clinton scores 7-point bump after DNC

I didn't say that the Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks DON'T WORK.

They work great.

With the minor wrinkle of tearing this nation apart, basing policy on lies, and people dying because real issues are ignored or misdiagnosed in order to make them fit the narrative.

But that has never bothered you lefties before, so, sorry for bringing it up.

It just weights on my mind. I know you don't care.

It was you guys who decided to use god guns and racism to divide us. It worked for GW Bush now it's backfiring on you. Sucks to be you. This started with Bush v Gore but here is an example of how you guys divided us to win 2004:

Michael G. Verich served eight terms as a Democratic member of the Ohio legislature, representing economically distressed Youngstown. That should make him a natural supporter of Democratic standard-bearer John F. Kerry, who is blitzing the Rust Belt with attacks on the Bush Administration for offshoring American jobs.

So who is Verich backing in November? George W. Bush

Verich is just the sort of social conservative that President Bush's campaign strategists want to win over -- or discourage from voting entirely -- when they launch a cultural offensive in several crucial swing states. The goal is to drive a wedge between Kerry and fence-straddling voters by making his "Massachusetts values" more important than Bush's record on job creation and the deficit.

For most voters in November, a candidate's positions on "God, guns, and gays" -- the trinity of so-called values issues that Southern Republicans have perfected to hammer liberal opponents -- won't matter as much as the economy or the Iraq war. "[But] taken together, the whole cluster of cultural issues could be as important as either national security or economic security" in some battlegrounds, says GOP pollster Whit Ayres

Facing another election likely to be decided by razor-thin margins, Kerry's best hope is that war and unemployment will overshadow "God, guns, and gays" in the minds of swing voters. But in case they don't, expect to see plenty of photos of JohnKerry dressed in hunter orange.
Corporations care about one thing, shareholders profits. That is it. It wasn't always this way. They used to have a social contract with workers. Thru unions and labor laws the middle class grew. Long story short the GOP is all about making things in China and mexico and selling it here. That's good for shareholders, remember? That's good for consumers, remember? So I'm glad your party is being forced to tariff their corporate masters. I'll see it when I believe it.

1. The Adversarial Relationship between Management and Unions was not about any "Caring" on the part of management.

2. Free Trade was/is a part of a lot of Conservative Ideologies. BUT it has long ago became a national consensus. The last dem I heard speak out seriously against it was Gephardt, and he got his ass kicked in the dem primaries for his trouble.

This election Trump is against it, and Hillary is for it.

3 Our party is not being forced to do anything. Trump put forth his positions and the Party membership followed willingly, even eagerly.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
1. The Adversarial Relationship between Management and Unions was not about any "Caring" on the part of management.

2. Free Trade was/is a part of a lot of Conservative Ideologies. BUT it has long ago became a national consensus. The last dem I heard speak out seriously against it was Gephardt, and he got his ass kicked in the dem primaries for his trouble.

This election Trump is against it, and Hillary is for it.

3 Our party is not being forced to do anything. Trump put forth his positions and the Party membership followed willingly, even eagerly.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

I didn't waste my time with either. Both sides telling us lies. Pointless to watch.
Typical under informed voter who's already made up his mind.

Meathead, you already made up your mind who to vote for BEFORE you watched either convention. Because you follow the politics of a sitcom that played on TV 40 years ago.

So you didn't watch either convention with an open mind, hence you are just as under informed as myself.
1. The Adversarial Relationship between Management and Unions was not about any "Caring" on the part of management.

2. Free Trade was/is a part of a lot of Conservative Ideologies. BUT it has long ago became a national consensus. The last dem I heard speak out seriously against it was Gephardt, and he got his ass kicked in the dem primaries for his trouble.

This election Trump is against it, and Hillary is for it.

3 Our party is not being forced to do anything. Trump put forth his positions and the Party membership followed willingly, even eagerly.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?
If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?
We must be too dumb to know the truth like you do.

POLL: Hillary Clinton scores 7-point bump after DNC

I didn't say that the Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks DON'T WORK.

They work great.

With the minor wrinkle of tearing this nation apart, basing policy on lies, and people dying because real issues are ignored or misdiagnosed in order to make them fit the narrative.

But that has never bothered you lefties before, so, sorry for bringing it up.

It just weights on my mind. I know you don't care.

It was you guys who decided to use god guns and racism to divide us. It worked for GW Bush now it's backfiring on you. Sucks to be you. This started with Bush v Gore but here is an example of how you guys divided us to win 2004:

Michael G. Verich served eight terms as a Democratic member of the Ohio legislature, representing economically distressed Youngstown. That should make him a natural supporter of Democratic standard-bearer John F. Kerry, who is blitzing the Rust Belt with attacks on the Bush Administration for offshoring American jobs.

So who is Verich backing in November? George W. Bush

Verich is just the sort of social conservative that President Bush's campaign strategists want to win over -- or discourage from voting entirely -- when they launch a cultural offensive in several crucial swing states. The goal is to drive a wedge between Kerry and fence-straddling voters by making his "Massachusetts values" more important than Bush's record on job creation and the deficit.

For most voters in November, a candidate's positions on "God, guns, and gays" -- the trinity of so-called values issues that Southern Republicans have perfected to hammer liberal opponents -- won't matter as much as the economy or the Iraq war. "[But] taken together, the whole cluster of cultural issues could be as important as either national security or economic security" in some battlegrounds, says GOP pollster Whit Ayres

Facing another election likely to be decided by razor-thin margins, Kerry's best hope is that war and unemployment will overshadow "God, guns, and gays" in the minds of swing voters. But in case they don't, expect to see plenty of photos of JohnKerry dressed in hunter orange.

First of all, thank you for a substantive response that actually addresses the topic.

Second of all, trying to focus a campaign on issues that you feel you are strong on is not the same as being divisive.

Gun control, for example is a real issue. I believe that a President Kerry, even if he did not directly move gun control forward would appoint judges that would be more open to it.

That is not divisive like telling your voters that your opponent is Hitler and is out to oppress and kill them.
I can tell you didn't listen to any of the dnc convention.

If I missed anything that challenged anything I posted above, you would have presented it, instead of making vague noises.

Instead you try to pretend that there is a challenge.

Nah. Why educate you on our strategy? You'll find out soon enough.

I notice us liberals watched the RNC and dnc but the cons here only watched the RNC. That's all you needed to hear.

I wish more cons were good people like you and papageorge.

Your strategy is the same as ever.

Race Card, Fear mongering and personal attacks.

Did I miss anything?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Regressive Left, trying to stop discussion and dialogue.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is there to discuss?

We've heard all the RW talking points before. I could write your posts for you.

Time for talking has past .. now its time for political action regardless of what republicans think and have to say.

Your party is diminished, aging, rapidly shrinking, and an evolving American population does not favor republicans or the RW.

All the hate the RW has been spewing is coming back to bite them in the ass. Republicans hate everybody.

Why talk NOW. What is there to talk about?

To call you on your bullshit so those who are new to the scene have access to the Truth.

Especially young white people who have been indoctrinated to believe in the Myth of American Racism and will be paying the price for sins their distant ancestors committed, maybe.

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