Black republicans...who are they really?

Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?

Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. and a black president.

Democratic message boards are not filled with the racist ignorance found here and any and everywhere white republicans post.

What the fuck are you talking about?

The racism here is the Democratic party view you parrot that blacks need a lower bar. And again, name black legislators from white Democrat districts ...
Nope, the GOP was supporting such laws before the Dems were, and continued to support such laws up to the present day.

To your stupid spin....ADD "delusion".......(exactly which party is making it more difficult for minorities to vote?)

Your spin on Voter ID is noted.

Who desegregated the schools of the South to achieve educational equality?
If they don't keep blacks scared,

Without even realizing it......this right winger calls blacks ignorant and naive since [supposedly] democrats can scare them so damn easily............(every once in a while, some right wingers manage to show how truly racist they really are)

Nothing I said indicated that what the democrats did was easy.

Nothing I said indicated that blacks are more easily scared than whites.

That was all bullshit you made up so you have an excuse to call me names.

Well, fuck you too, asshole.
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?

Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. ...

Republicans elected the first ones - ever. You know, right after winning a war against the democrats who fought to preserve slavery.
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.

Republicans suck in so many ways, but they want the same rules for blacks, whites and everyone else. Now Democrats dependency whoring with cash prizes and lowered bars, that's a terrible thing to keep doing to the black community

Dude :lol: your schtick is getting comical. You don't give a rats ass about black people .. You're whining because blacks hate the Republican Party and republicans. :0) Try being an adult in this conversation.

You're whining because black people are never going to vote for you racist motherfuckers .. thus, you chances for electing a republican president are greatly diminished.

In a futile attempt to alter democracy, republicans invent shit like voter-id laws .. to no avail. :0)

You're whining dude .. whining to the wrong person because I hate republicans just like everybody else.

I'm "whining" that blacks are equal to whites and can compete fine with the same rules, got it. You know that's not true, you need the bar lowered, more handouts and you can't present IDs like everyone else can. That sure sounds like the whining ...

:lol: Like most on the Right .. you sir are incredibly stupid .. with the brain of a 12 year-old.

"you need the bar lowered, more handouts and you can't present IDs like everyone else can."

Quite obviously you don't think we are equal .. don't think we can make our own sound political decisions .. YET, the president is black .. which wwould have NEVER happened if we voted for republicans.

YET, this election, as have and will many national elections, turn on what black voters will do. We are living in an era where black voters play kingmaker in American elections .. but you think we aren't smart enough to know who not to vote for. :lol::lol::lol:
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?

Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. ...

Republicans elected the first ones - ever. You know, right after winning a war against the democrats who fought to preserve slavery.

Fast forward hundreds of years and today's Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could .. while the Democratic Party continues to open its doors to black people.

You have absolutely no argument that makes any sense whatsoever.
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

According to your article, it's public education? So how does one get a public education? They read a newspaper.

So how is it that white Republicans knew about the new law and black Democrats didn't? Did Republicans refuse vendors to sell blacks and young people newspapers? Did they restrict them from news internet sites? Did Republicans prohibit Democrat politicians or the DNC from contacting their voters about new changes in the law?

There is no question why there are few black Republicans if blacks fail to exercise their responsibilities and blame the problems they didn't address on other people.
kaz said:
I'm "whining" that blacks are equal to whites and can compete fine with the same rules, got it. You know that's not true, you need the bar lowered, more handouts and you can't present IDs like everyone else can.

Quite obviously you don't think we are equal ..

That I don't think blacks need the bar lowered means I "obviously" don't think they are equal?


Are you black as coal, or stupid as shit?

You are the worst thing for the black community, telling them the system is rigged against them, they can't make it on their own without the bar lowered. And you're a dream for actual bigotry. When you come out with the ridiculous shit all the time that Republicans are racists and throw the word around like that, it has clearly desensitized most people to the attack. Actual bigotry does still exist. But by using the accusation as a political weapon, real bigots can hide behind that. No one takes the accusation seriously anymore because it just sounds politically motivated, which most of the time, it is. You should want to expose actual bigotry, not hide it
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If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?

Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. ...

Republicans elected the first ones - ever. You know, right after winning a war against the democrats who fought to preserve slavery.

Fast forward hundreds of years and today's Republican would re-institute slavery if it could .. while the Democratic Party continues to open its doors to black people.

You have absolutely no argument that makes any sense whatsoever.

You are not black, just blue. Make no mistake, rich old democrats like Hillary laugh their fat asses off at you in private; laugh until the pantsuit pops a seam. You are the epitome of a useful fool.
If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?

Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. ...

Republicans elected the first ones - ever. You know, right after winning a war against the democrats who fought to preserve slavery.

Fast forward hundreds of years and today's Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could .. while the Democratic Party continues to open its doors to black people.

You have absolutely no argument that makes any sense whatsoever.

You're a lunatic
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

Imagine, a party that thinks blacks can compete with whites, gotta stop that, Bojangles. So how far behind whites do you think blacks capabilities are? What would make it fair for the blacks you think can't compete on their own? An extra half a GPA point? An extra $10K a year? How inferior exactly to whites do you think blacks are?

How 'inferior' do you think I am to you Jethro? :0) Do you think you're better educated, made more money .. what? I'm betting you'd be seriously wrong on both counts.

You're just some stupid ass butt-hurt clown afraid of your own shadow .. incapable of intelligent thought.

Feel free to step right up and demonstrate some that 'superiority' that you think you have .. because thus far, you post like a 12 years old punkette whining because no one like you.

Anything else to say about black republicans that I can easily destroy? :0) Step right up.
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

Imagine, a party that thinks blacks can compete with whites, gotta stop that, Bojangles. So how far behind whites do you think blacks capabilities are? What would make it fair for the blacks you think can't compete on their own? An extra half a GPA point? An extra $10K a year? How inferior exactly to whites do you think blacks are?

How 'inferior' do you think I am to you Jethro? .....

Try reading slowly and carefully, Blue. He said just the opposite.
Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?

Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. ...

Republicans elected the first ones - ever. You know, right after winning a war against the democrats who fought to preserve slavery.

Fast forward hundreds of years and today's Republican would re-institute slavery if it could .. while the Democratic Party continues to open its doors to black people.

You have absolutely no argument that makes any sense whatsoever.

You are not black, just blue. Make no mistake, rich old democrats like Hillary laugh their fat asses off at you in private; laugh until the pantsuit pops a seam. You are the epitome of a useful fool.

:lol: What fucking pussies you dumb motherfuckers are.

I beat your ass senseless in argument .. then you run to "I'm not black" :lol:

Yes I am you stupid motherfucker .. and I just put the virtual cyber boot up your ass.

Try again. :0)

I don't do code words.

A lot of time the topic are illegals. Other times the topic is immigration.

I have always tried to be clear that IMO, ALL THIRD WORLD IMMIGRATION is the problem, with Illegals being a subset of the problem.

That being said, THIRD WORLD IMMIGRATION IS A HUGE FACTOR in wage stagnation.

Um, no, the greed of the 1% is. Do your realize that their wild speculation evaporated 657 BILLION in wealth on Friday because they crapped themselves over the Brexit? That's $2000 for every man, woman and child in the US.

No, but it's those Mexicans working those lettuce-picking jobs. That's the problem. No, really. not that white people would pick lettuce no matter how much you pay them.

The 1% is supporting HIllary this election. They seem to disagree with you on how big of a factor those Mexicans are to their income.

How do you know he does not really believe what he says?

Honestly, I would have more respect for him if he knew he was scamming you guys by telling you what you wanted to hear. Because you guys DESERVE to be scammed. But you might have a point. Gratitude is the hardest human emotion. The Japanese have five ways of saying "Thank you", and they all drip of resentment.

So, you are retracting your racist Uncle Tom accusation. Good.

Can we, for once, not have the lib forget about this and start running the same line of jive tomorrow as though?[/QUOTE]
Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?

Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. ...

Republicans elected the first ones - ever. You know, right after winning a war against the democrats who fought to preserve slavery.

Fast forward hundreds of years and today's Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could .. while the Democratic Party continues to open its doors to black people.

You have absolutely no argument that makes any sense whatsoever.

You're a lunatic

You're a grapefruit. :0)

None of this changes the fact that you're just too stupid to debate this issue.
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

Imagine, a party that thinks blacks can compete with whites, gotta stop that, Bojangles. So how far behind whites do you think blacks capabilities are? What would make it fair for the blacks you think can't compete on their own? An extra half a GPA point? An extra $10K a year? How inferior exactly to whites do you think blacks are?

How 'inferior' do you think I am to you Jethro? :0) Do you think you're better educated, made more money .. what? I'm betting you'd be seriously wrong on both counts.

You're just some stupid ass butt-hurt clown afraid of your own shadow .. incapable of intelligent thought.

Feel free to step right up and demonstrate some that 'superiority' that you think you have .. because thus far, you post like a 12 years old punkette whining because no one like you.

Anything else to say about black republicans that I can easily destroy? :0) Step right up.

So when I keep saying blacks don't need the bar lowered, you keep hearing you are inferior. You have a mental condition. Not blacks, you.

And that's another great reason to abandon the Democrat party. They keep you chained to their crappy government education system that so failed your reading and reasoning skills. We have the same capabilities, that means you think we're inferior!!!! That passes for thinking for you? Seriously?
So do you attribute your view that blacks can't make it on an even playing field to that they are lazier or less intelligent than whites?

THAT, is YOUR moronic conclusion (befitting of you and your cronies on here who will "cheer" at your collective stupidity.)
For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?

Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. ...

Republicans elected the first ones - ever. You know, right after winning a war against the democrats who fought to preserve slavery.

Fast forward hundreds of years and today's Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could .. while the Democratic Party continues to open its doors to black people.

You have absolutely no argument that makes any sense whatsoever.

You're a lunatic

You're a grapefruit. :0)

None of this changes the fact that you're just too stupid to debate this issue.

You won't acknowledge the basic facts we're discussing. Republicans want the same rules. Democrats want to lower the bar. And you eat it up and turn around and call anyone who doesn't want to give you handouts a racist. That's why the word has no meaning anymore for what it is. Dependency whores like you have destroyed the term's practical use. It's just a political attack now. Well done, you're a friend of racists, you shelter them

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