Black republicans...who are they really?

Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

Another stupid as shit government educated loser. He said nowhere the laws are targeted at minorities. They are targeting white Democrats too. None of you can be trusted, it has nothing to do with race, it has to do with your win at all costs mantra. Democracy only suits you when you win
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.

They know that all the above defines the Republican party.

Until the day that this is no longer true, Republicans will not make any inroads with more than a fraction of the black electorate.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.

They know that all the above defines the Republican party.

Until the day that this is no longer true, Republicans will not make any inroads with more than a fraction of the black electorate.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Democrats saying blacks need the bar lowered isn't talking down to them, Republicans saying they don't is. That sure isn't what the guy in your avatar said ... Think
So why do you blame Republicans for something the Democrats started that caused your 401K to go under?

Guy, the CRA had nothing to do with the housing crash. We've been over this.

I don't do code words.

A lot of time the topic are illegals. Other times the topic is immigration.

I have always tried to be clear that IMO, ALL THIRD WORLD IMMIGRATION is the problem, with Illegals being a subset of the problem.

That being said, THIRD WORLD IMMIGRATION IS A HUGE FACTOR in wage stagnation.

Um, no, the greed of the 1% is. Do your realize that their wild speculation evaporated 657 BILLION in wealth on Friday because they crapped themselves over the Brexit? That's $2000 for every man, woman and child in the US.

No, but it's those Mexicans working those lettuce-picking jobs. That's the problem. No, really. not that white people would pick lettuce no matter how much you pay them.

How do you know he does not really believe what he says?

Honestly, I would have more respect for him if he knew he was scamming you guys by telling you what you wanted to hear. Because you guys DESERVE to be scammed. But you might have a point. Gratitude is the hardest human emotion. The Japanese have five ways of saying "Thank you", and they all drip of resentment.
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

Another stupid as shit government educated loser. He said nowhere the laws are targeted at minorities. They are targeting white Democrats too. None of you can be trusted, it has nothing to do with race, it has to do with your win at all costs mantra. Democracy only suits you when you win

Go fuck yourself you fucking coward. EVERYBODY knows republicans are targeting groups that will never vote for them .. EVERYBODY knows that republicans hate non-white people .. AND, republicans have a history and record to prove it.

You being too much of a punk to admit obvious truth doesn't mean shit.
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

Another stupid as shit government educated loser. He said nowhere the laws are targeted at minorities. They are targeting white Democrats too. None of you can be trusted, it has nothing to do with race, it has to do with your win at all costs mantra. Democracy only suits you when you win

Go fuck yourself you fucking coward. EVERYBODY knows republicans are targeting groups that will never vote for them .. EVERYBODY knows that republicans hate non-white people .. AND, republicans have a history and record to prove it.

You being too much of a punk to admit obvious truth doesn't mean shit.

You're just parroting talking points spoon fed to you by liberal white elitists who want your votes. Self victimization for the cause. It's such an ugly thing:

Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

Imagine, a party that thinks blacks can compete with whites, gotta stop that, Bojangles. So how far behind whites do you think blacks capabilities are? What would make it fair for the blacks you think can't compete on their own? An extra half a GPA point? An extra $10K a year? How inferior exactly to whites do you think blacks are?
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.

Republicans suck in so many ways, but they want the same rules for blacks, whites and everyone else. Now Democrats dependency whoring with cash prizes and lowered bars, that's a terrible thing to keep doing to the black community
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Of course voter ID laws target Democrats, you're the ones who do most cheating at the ballot. You know that too, which is why you fight laws making it harder for you to cheat

Produce the massive cases of 'cheating' that you claim.

Let me help you out .. you're not going to do it .. don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

What cheating that's done is done through absentee ballots you ignorant fool. :0)

The good news is that it doesn't matter what you clowns do or who you try to keep away from the polls, Trump and the putrid Republican Party are in for a royal ass-kicking this election. ::0)
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

Wait.....there seems to be this idea that all black people live in the ghetto, they are all in prison, they all live in poverty, they all dropped out of school, and they all think alike and therefore need the Democrats............because they all look alike. That's pretty racist. Two off the top of my head and one cup of coffee: Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice.

Even if you stood back and said....the black guy is on Fox for his 15 minutes of fame, it is absolutely no different from the former attorney turned porn star turned serious news-ish wannabe white chic. Ok. Neither of them is a representation of the whole. If not one then the other is a strange world view. It's very black and white.

Why is it so hard for this country to recognize there are rich black people, middle class black people, and poor black people. There are black people with a range of educational levels. They come from a range of backgrounds. There is division.......just like white people. Independent thinking really screws with people's melons.
. Their are blacks who can't stand the thought of any black person gaining in this nation, and then separating themselves from the so called struggle. The struggle calls for all blacks regardless of their characters, educational levels, opinions, and other to remain as a tight but group in order to someday defeat their supposed arch enemy whitey. If to much of a split occurs, then they lose according to the thinking of those who require that blacks who are successful, must remain loyal to the struggle until they say otherwise. If blacks refuse the order, then they are considered as traitors and sell out's. What frustrates whites about all this that is talked about, is that they (the whites) seperate themselves from whites who would drag them down in life or cause terrible things to come upon them, and when they see blacks who do the same things then they are encouraged by them in that they would look into the character of their brother and sister, and then judge them based upon that, and not overlook it because they are black.

Gates and West wrote a book back in 1996 that stated they encountered the same issue and their answer (and I'm paraphrasing here) was: get bent.
. What did "get bent" mean ?

The book is comprised of two essays that critique DuBois' Talented Tenth theory and the 1948 Wilberforce University Speech. It's a struggle for identity and the impossibility of expectations/obligations towards a segment within the "community" and guilt. There was (and is) a huge gap between middle class blacks and those living in poverty. Keep in mind that DuBois never saw the progress of the Civil Rights Movement and he did not see the results of Affirmative Action. Gates is very pro-Affirmative Action because this was a vehicle that changed the socioeconomic status. Gates, from the get go, says racism should be confronted and not accepted-like ever-but that is vastly different from scapegoating whites when it really boils down to personal responsibility.

If you look then you will find the older people that went through the Civil Rights argue vehemently there are those throwing away everything that was fought for.

I am reminded of the time period when news broadcasters would flash so many pictures in the back ground of black violence and crimes committed within so many minutes or seconds even. They would discuss white crimes and still have the image of a black man in the background. It was insane. If that was all you saw then it would impact your perception and create this fear of black people. I think in some ways we have reverted to this in a different context. If the vast majority of media is presenting this one view then it is very, very easy to forget or miss entirely that there are other views. There is no unified voice. First you have to acknowledge there are other view points that exist and then you have to be willing to leave your comfort zone of information sources and listen.
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.

Republicans suck in so many ways, but they want the same rules for blacks, whites and everyone else. Now Democrats dependency whoring with cash prizes and lowered bars, that's a terrible thing to keep doing to the black community

Dude :lol: your schtick is getting comical. You don't give a rats ass about black people .. You're whining because blacks hate the Republican Party and republicans. :0) Try being an adult in this conversation.

You're whining because black people are never going to vote for you racist motherfuckers .. thus, you chances for electing a republican president are greatly diminished.

In a futile attempt to alter democracy, republicans invent shit like voter-id laws .. to no avail. :0)

You're whining dude .. whining to the wrong person because I hate republicans just like everybody else.
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Of course voter ID laws target Democrats, you're the ones who do most cheating at the ballot. You know that too, which is why you fight laws making it harder for you to cheat

Produce the massive cases of 'cheating' that you claim.

Let me help you out .. you're not going to do it .. don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

What cheating that's done is done through absentee ballots you ignorant fool. :0)

The good news is that it doesn't matter what you clowns do or who you try to keep away from the polls, Trump and the putrid Republican Party are in for a royal ass-kicking this election. ::0)

I'm not a Republican, my view is in my sig. So do you think blacks aren't smart enough to get an ID to vote or they are just too lazy to do it? You sure don't think much of black people. Why someone would bother to vote but wouldn't be willing to get a free ID to do it is beyond me. The Democrats are out there trying to lower the bar for you though
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too
The truth comes out — a Republican congressman boasts that voter ID laws are an asset to his party

Tuesday’s presidential primaries in Wisconsin were the first big elections held in the state following the implementation of the voter ID law signed by Gov. Scott Walker in 2011, and early indications are that a lot of people were denied their right to cast a vote. As the Nation’s Ari Berman writes, the strict ID requirements and lack of public education about the law resulted in massive registration lines and disenfranchisement among younger voters and minorities – demographics that typically vote Democratic. From a civic health standpoint, that’s not great news. But from the Republican standpoint, the law worked exactly as intended.

The purpose behind voter ID laws like the one in Wisconsin is, according to Republicans and conservatives, to fight the scourge of voter fraud. But that official line is nonsense: voter fraud is vanishingly rare in Wisconsin and elsewhere, and in those rare instances in which voter fraud does occur, it’s almost always done via absentee ballot, which in-person voter ID laws don’t affect. The true purpose of these laws to do exactly what Wisconsin’s law achieved on Tuesday: suppress the votes of traditionally Democratic voter groups. The evidence points to that truth, but even if you’re unwilling to believe the observable impacts of erecting barriers to ballot access, you can trust the words of Republican politicians who freely admit as much.

Speaking to a local TV station on Tuesday night, Wisconsin Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman boasted that the state’s voter ID law will help whoever the Republican presidential nominee is to win Wisconsin in the general election. “I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up,” Grothman said. “And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Wisconsin’s voter ID sham: Republican rep admits the law targets Democrats — it’s time for the rest of the GOP to say it, too

Any questions about why there are so few black republicans?

Amazing, isn't it......This republican moron in WI....along with the equally moronic republican from PA in 2012, actually managed to openly lift the curtain and reveal just how damn crooked the GOP is when it comes to disenfranchising minorities from voting.......

They're among the few on the Right who have the balls to speak their own evil truth.

The rest are cowards who fear their own shadows.

Republicans suck in so many ways, but they want the same rules for blacks, whites and everyone else. Now Democrats dependency whoring with cash prizes and lowered bars, that's a terrible thing to keep doing to the black community

Dude :lol: your schtick is getting comical. You don't give a rats ass about black people .. You're whining because blacks hate the Republican Party and republicans. :0) Try being an adult in this conversation.

You're whining because black people are never going to vote for you racist motherfuckers .. thus, you chances for electing a republican president are greatly diminished.

In a futile attempt to alter democracy, republicans invent shit like voter-id laws .. to no avail. :0)

You're whining dude .. whining to the wrong person because I hate republicans just like everybody else.

I'm "whining" that blacks are equal to whites and can compete fine with the same rules, got it. You know that's not true, you need the bar lowered, more handouts and you can't present IDs like everyone else can. That sure sounds like the whining ...
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?

Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. and a black president.

Democratic message boards are not filled with the racist ignorance found here and any and everywhere white republicans post.

What the fuck are you talking about?

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