Black republicans...who are they really?

So do you attribute your view that blacks can't make it on an even playing field to that they are lazier or less intelligent than whites?

THAT, is YOUR moronic conclusion (befitting of you and your cronies on here who will "cheer" at your collective stupidity.)

I support policies that do what I said. You support policies that say blacks can't make it without a handout. You're proving yet again you're the disingenuous political hack. You and Coal are just a couple of dependency whores teaming up to vote for the party offering you the biggest payoff
Of course voter ID laws target Democrats, you're the ones who do most cheating at the ballot. You know that too, which is why you fight laws making it harder for you to cheat

Good reminder to us democrats that during the 2010 and 2014 elections we must have "dropped the ball" and did not haul in dead people to vote for democrat candidates.......Promise that it won't happen again......:ahole-1:
And that's another great reason to abandon the Democrat party. They keep you chained to their crappy government education system that so failed your reading and reasoning skills

The above from someone who must have graduated from Oxford, right, moron?..........:ahole-1:
If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

For the record, you are saying that democrats are not racists, hypocrites, and talk down to and/or ignore African Americans?

Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. ...

Republicans elected the first ones - ever. You know, right after winning a war against the democrats who fought to preserve slavery.

Fast forward hundreds of years and today's Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could .. while the Democratic Party continues to open its doors to black people.

You have absolutely no argument that makes any sense whatsoever.

You and Coal are just a couple of dependency whores teaming up to vote for the party offering you the biggest payoff

True.......Could you work a bit harder since I need a new I-phone as a handout from you morons???
Blacks know that they don't like hypocrites, they don't like racists, and they don't like people who talk down to them and/or simply ignores them outright.........

If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

Imagine, a party that thinks blacks can compete with whites, gotta stop that, Bojangles. So how far behind whites do you think blacks capabilities are? What would make it fair for the blacks you think can't compete on their own? An extra half a GPA point? An extra $10K a year? How inferior exactly to whites do you think blacks are?

How 'inferior' do you think I am to you Jethro? :0) Do you think you're better educated, made more money .. what? I'm betting you'd be seriously wrong on both counts.

You're just some stupid ass butt-hurt clown afraid of your own shadow .. incapable of intelligent thought.

Feel free to step right up and demonstrate some that 'superiority' that you think you have .. because thus far, you post like a 12 years old punkette whining because no one like you.

Anything else to say about black republicans that I can easily destroy? :0) Step right up.

So when I keep saying blacks don't need the bar lowered, you keep hearing you are inferior. You have a mental condition. Not blacks, you.

And that's another great reason to abandon the Democrat party. They keep you chained to their crappy government education system that so failed your reading and reasoning skills. We have the same capabilities, that means you think we're inferior!!!! That passes for thinking for you? Seriously?

No one needs you to proclaim that we don't need the bar lowered and no one proclaims that we are inferior bur dumb ass republicans like you trying to say it by claiming that democrats say it .. when they don't. Too dumb to see how flimsy your disguise is. :0)

One more thing dummy .. I'm not a democrat.

See how dumb you are?
Of course voter ID laws target Democrats, you're the ones who do most cheating at the ballot. You know that too, which is why you fight laws making it harder for you to cheat

Good reminder to us democrats that during the 2010 and 2014 elections we must have "dropped the ball" and did not haul in dead people to vote for democrat candidates.......Promise that it won't happen again......:ahole-1:

Thanks, but I don't trust your promise. I'll support checking your ID when you try. Black or white or other
The racism here is the Democratic party view you parrot that blacks need a lower bar.

I think that Kaz is really into Limbo dancing.....or overdosed on Hannity and Beck.
Thanks, but I don't trust your promise. I'll support checking your ID when you try. Black or white or other

So, please tell us HOW republicans managed to win in 2012 and 2014.....Did we run out of dead people?....Or did you dig up such bodies as Breibart's to help you win??? Just curious......LOL
And that's another great reason to abandon the Democrat party. They keep you chained to their crappy government education system that so failed your reading and reasoning skills

The above from someone who must have graduated from Oxford, right, moron?..........:ahole-1:

University of Maryland (BS: double major in math & computer science)
Virginia Tech (MS: Computer Science & Applications)
University of Michigan (MBA: General Management)

Thanks for asking
Democrats have elected thousands of black legislators .. ...

Republicans elected the first ones - ever. You know, right after winning a war against the democrats who fought to preserve slavery.

Fast forward hundreds of years and today's Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could .. while the Democratic Party continues to open its doors to black people.

You have absolutely no argument that makes any sense whatsoever.

You're a lunatic

You're a grapefruit. :0)

None of this changes the fact that you're just too stupid to debate this issue.

You won't acknowledge the basic facts we're discussing. Republicans want the same rules. Democrats want to lower the bar. And you eat it up and turn around and call anyone who doesn't want to give you handouts a racist. That's why the word has no meaning anymore for what it is. Dependency whores like you have destroyed the term's practical use. It's just a political attack now. Well done, you're a friend of racists, you shelter them

Your 'facts' are bullshit meme's you choose to call facts. :lol: You're just too stupid to know the difference.

"Dependency whores" is what you think about black people .. even though I've most likely made more money then you .. a lot more .. and better educated.

Here's the bottom line Jethro .. black people hate you and the rest of your racist party. It doesn't matter how much you beg and whine, NEVER GOING TO VOTE FOR SHIT LIKE YOU. :lol:

Anything else? :lol:
If that were true, black people wouldn't vote at all.

Yeah it is true .. and we vote in numbers that elect presidents and defeat republicans. :0).

Imagine, a party that thinks blacks can compete with whites, gotta stop that, Bojangles. So how far behind whites do you think blacks capabilities are? What would make it fair for the blacks you think can't compete on their own? An extra half a GPA point? An extra $10K a year? How inferior exactly to whites do you think blacks are?

How 'inferior' do you think I am to you Jethro? :0) Do you think you're better educated, made more money .. what? I'm betting you'd be seriously wrong on both counts.

You're just some stupid ass butt-hurt clown afraid of your own shadow .. incapable of intelligent thought.

Feel free to step right up and demonstrate some that 'superiority' that you think you have .. because thus far, you post like a 12 years old punkette whining because no one like you.

Anything else to say about black republicans that I can easily destroy? :0) Step right up.

So when I keep saying blacks don't need the bar lowered, you keep hearing you are inferior. You have a mental condition. Not blacks, you.

And that's another great reason to abandon the Democrat party. They keep you chained to their crappy government education system that so failed your reading and reasoning skills. We have the same capabilities, that means you think we're inferior!!!! That passes for thinking for you? Seriously?

No one needs you to proclaim that we don't need the bar lowered and no one proclaims that we are inferior bur dumb ass republicans like you trying to say it by claiming that democrats say it .. when they don't. Too dumb to see how flimsy your disguise is. :0)

One more thing dummy .. I'm not a democrat.

See how dumb you are?

You're dumb enough to think that affirmative action isn't lowering the bar and when Democrats attack Republicans in the black community by saying they want to take away your welfare checks that is totally dependency whoring. Why is it people come from all over the world and make it here, and black "leaders" and white Democrats keep telling blacks the system is rigged so they need government to help them do it?

Government isn't going to help you do shit. The reverse, they are peddling dependency. There are so many opportunities and programs out there now. Democrats are just screwing you, and you don't see it
Kaz......just freaking tell them you're a libertarian already.
Thanks, but I don't trust your promise. I'll support checking your ID when you try. Black or white or other

So, please tell us HOW republicans managed to win in 2012 and 2014.....Did we run out of dead people?....Or did you dig up such bodies as Breibart's to help you win??? Just curious......LOL

How does that contradict anything I said?

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