Black republicans...who are they really?

So, ol' Blue there claims to speak for African Americans, and decries "racists, hypocrites, and those who talk down to/ignore" black voters. However.........we've had a President for almost 8 years now (or is it 1000? feels like) who has some African heritage, but who has:

- Very publicly jumped to racist conclusions on several occasions

- Claimed to be personally concerned about the condition of African Americans, but presided over a dramatic and precipitous worsening of said condition during his time in office

- Affected the speaking voice of a 'homie' from the hood, a southern preacher, or a Boston Brahmin depending on his audience (would he ever use a phrase like "the back of the queue" with an African American audience the way he did in London? Nooo)

- Never once missed a round of golf or a moment's sleep over the nightly slaughter of African Americans on the streets of Chicago and other cities

There's your racist, indifferent, hypocritical, pandering and ignoring right there. Want to bet ol' Blue voted for him twice? Doesn't add up.
Republicans elected the first ones - ever. You know, right after winning a war against the democrats who fought to preserve slavery.

Fast forward hundreds of years and today's Republican Party would re-institute slavery if it could .. while the Democratic Party continues to open its doors to black people.

You have absolutely no argument that makes any sense whatsoever.

You're a lunatic

You're a grapefruit. :0)

None of this changes the fact that you're just too stupid to debate this issue.

You won't acknowledge the basic facts we're discussing. Republicans want the same rules. Democrats want to lower the bar. And you eat it up and turn around and call anyone who doesn't want to give you handouts a racist. That's why the word has no meaning anymore for what it is. Dependency whores like you have destroyed the term's practical use. It's just a political attack now. Well done, you're a friend of racists, you shelter them

Your 'facts' are bullshit meme's you choose to call facts. :lol: You're just too stupid to know the difference.

"Dependency whores" is what you think about black people .. even though I've most likely made more money then you .. a lot more .. and better educated.

Here's the bottom line Jethro .. black people hate you and the rest of your racist party. It doesn't matter how much you beg and whine, NEVER GOING TO VOTE FOR SHIT LIKE YOU. :lol:

Anything else? :lol:

I called you and the lily white Democrat dependency whores. How does that say what I think about "black people?" Sounds more like a stick up your ass
How do you know it is mainly Republicans using H-1B visas?
Out of the top 10 companies using them, 4 are Indian companies, 2 of which are under investigation for H-1B abuse, and one of those contracting with a company that has contributed more to Dems than Reps starting 2010. The other one I don't know who they were contracting with.
Out of the other 6 one gave equally to Dems and Reps, the others solidly support Dems.
You may support the same rules for blacks as whites but given the 300 year head start Whites have, those rules are slanted in your favor as a group. Blacks, being allowed to enter the competition rather late have had to fight an uphill battle against hostile "conservatives" bent on keeping them near the bottom rungs of society..

And just how have Republicans tired to do that?

Did Republicans fight school vouchers that helped many blacks to get a better education so they could pander to their union base?

Did Republicans pass unconstitutional law that states we can import all these illegals that take jobs primarily away from blacks?

Did Republicans preach about keeping abortions that killed more black babies than blacks alive in the US today?

Did Republicans support and promote single-parent households that is in direct proportion to many blacks living in poverty today?

So tell us. How did Republicans try to keep blacks on the bottom rung of society?

Don't substitute the word "conservative" for republicans. I used the word conservative for a reason. RW White conservatives can be either democrat or republican and the lines between party affiliation are blurred in a historical perspective. Why is that axiom so hard for you to fathom?

School vouchers is a prime example of conservative duplicity. You are not concerned about Blacks getting a good education, if you did you certainly wouldn't suggest using a voucher system. Several voucher experiments have failed dismally already.

I blame both democrats and republicans for loss of jobs to illegals but Blacks don't miss jobs they never had. There are more poor Whites than the entire Black population and they are affected more than Blacks are by illegal immigrants. But lets not stop there. Haven't you seen the threads here on USMB where RWers were crying about the H-1B visa program taking STEM jobs from American workers? And who is hiring those illegals that are taking American jobs? Republicans will do anything to screw American labor out of a few dollars.

Black poverty does not encompass the entire Black community. Most Blacks are NOT poor.What gave you that idea? Blacks have done well on the "democratic plantation" and are now proud co-owners of it.
University of Maryland (BS: double major in math & computer science)
Virginia Tech (MS: Computer Science & Applications)
University of Michigan (MBA: General Management)

Thanks for asking

Regardless of education, you're still a moron....Weren't you the one who bitched about the US "crappy government education system" ??? LOL
What do you think affirmative action is, dim wit?

It is NOT what YOU right wingers think it is....and I can say that as a white person.

Since you're too dumb to EVER understand the reasons for an affirmative action initiative, stay as dumb and racist as you are now......and find better ways to escape that label that suits you so very well.
Thanks, but I don't trust your promise. I'll support checking your ID when you try. Black or white or other

So, please tell us HOW republicans managed to win in 2012 and 2014.....Did we run out of dead people?....Or did you dig up such bodies as Breibart's to help you win??? Just curious......LOL

How does that contradict anything I said?

Play suits you.....
University of Maryland (BS: double major in math & computer science)
Virginia Tech (MS: Computer Science & Applications)
University of Michigan (MBA: General Management)

Thanks for asking

Regardless of education, you're still a moron....Weren't you the one who bitched about the US "crappy government education system" ??? LOL

I was referring to grade school, idiot
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.

More proof that the far left are the true racists and promoters of hate!
What do you think affirmative action is, dim wit?

It is NOT what YOU right wingers think it is....and I can say that as a white person.

Since you're too dumb to EVER understand the reasons for an affirmative action initiative, stay as dumb and racist as you are now......and find better ways to escape that label that suits you so very well.

Yes, that racism I keep advocating that blacks are as capable as anyone else and don't need a lower bar. Where do I come up with crap like that. You know better, blacks aren't like everyone else and can't be expected to meet the same standards, and you know that because you aren't a racist.

That wacky liberal dictionary, full of useful wackinitions ...
More proof that the far left are the true racists and promoters of hate!

I knew I shouldn't have used three syllable words that are beyond right wingers' comprehension levels. Sorry !!!
Thanks, but I don't trust your promise. I'll support checking your ID when you try. Black or white or other

So, please tell us HOW republicans managed to win in 2012 and 2014.....Did we run out of dead people?....Or did you dig up such bodies as Breibart's to help you win??? Just curious......LOL

How does that contradict anything I said?

Play suits you.....

How does the Republicans winning two elections contradict that I said Democrats cheat more? I'm not playing dumb, you are dumb
I'm a libertarian already!

Most libertarians are nothing but republicans who are too ashamed to admit it.

Why would I be ashamed to admit I was a Republican? I'm not one because I'm against government implementing social policy and our way overuse of the military. I want a smaller, defensive military, not an active meddling one as you support as long as a Democrat is behind the steering wheel. I don't know any Republicans who are ashamed to admit it. This is another inane talking point the Democrat party put in your mouth. It's Democrat masturbation
How does the Republicans winning two elections contradict that I said Democrats cheat more? I'm not playing dumb, you are dumb

If your other half of the brain were functioning, you'd understand that after claiming that democrats "cheat" at the CANNOT explain how the hell you won in two midterm elections.....

Just go back in ironing your pointed hood.
I'm a libertarian already!

Most libertarians are nothing but republicans who are too ashamed to admit it.

Which is why the Democrats are all up in implementing that old free market internationally and on the domestic front.
How does the Republicans winning two elections contradict that I said Democrats cheat more? I'm not playing dumb, you are dumb

If your other half of the brain were functioning, you'd understand that after claiming that democrats "cheat" at the CANNOT explain how the hell you won in two midterm elections.....

Just go back in ironing your pointed hood.

Seriously? The fuck is wrong with you?

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