Black republicans...who are they really?

Exactly my point. the rest of us subsidize your business. Thank you for admitting that.

So we should have some reasonable expectations on how you conduct yourself.

Wait a minute, how do the rest of us subsidize a business? WTF did I even hint at that?
You guys blame us for everything even your own failures.

The other day you guys were saying places like Detroit suck because they are run by liberals. Now you're claiming cities and states run by cons suck because of liberals? What an intellectually dishonest simpleton you are

For right wingers "blaming liberals" for all that may be wrong with our society, is a hell of a lot easier (and dumber) than coming to term with their own screwed up mindset.

They can't even spell introspective. :0) They no idea what that means.
Yea but don't you think blacks in places like Chicago Detroit Newark Compton and Ferguson are guilty of this too?

I think mlk would give young black men this same advice. Be well spoken. Get an education. Don't have kids and then don't raise them right. In other words stop giving whites reasons to discriminate. For example If a well spoken black doesn't get the job it looks racist but when the black guy can't speak intelligently you give whites justification why they didn't hire the black.

Not really. Well spoken folks of every race miss out on the jobs. Goin the extra mile to be worth hiring for the job means allot to. Having reasonable expectations going in means allot as well. You ain't going to be hired right up to the top just because. Success requires work, good work requires a good work ethic. The gangsta thug needs to stop being canonized as a saint. And that brings I full circle. If a black guy gets pants that fit, pulls out the grill and go's and works his peers call him an uncle Tom or house ******, when in fact all the guy is doing is making an honest buck. The left has trained minorities to be victims and if that were ever to change it would be the end of the Democrat party as it is and has been for years.
As somebody who works close with industry, and in fact, worked at a shoe manufacturer at one time, I can tell you you're not going to make a pair of Nike shoes for a dollar. That doesn't even come close for the cost of the material.

My mistake. I meant that the costg for the labor in each pair of Nike shoes is 25 cents, not the total costs of production.

If it cost less to sell direct than to distribute through warehouses, I'm sure business would have done it long ago. But guess what? More and more warehouses are opening up. The ones I pick up and deliver to are busy places. In fact, I usually just sit in my truck and wait for them to get done because those tow motor drivers are maniacs. I don't want to be anywhere near them the way they drive. But they are trying to catch up on the trucks so their customers don't have to pay layover time.

Warehouses are a convenient and steady purchaser of things that the owners think will sell locally. I am speaking of economic necessity which I am assuming that slashing employees wages would be.

If a business cuts their profit margin, they also cut the worth of their stock. Businesses heavily rely on investors to operate. Yes, they can cut into their profit margin to have better paying jobs, but at the same time, they will lose investors.

Stocks these days very often dont even pay a dividend, and their value is purely speculative.

Good paying jobs all boil down to the consumer, not Republicans, not Democrats, not anybody but the US consumer. When we make the decision that US jobs come first before cost, that's when we will see more work coming back to the US, and more stores carrying US made products. Until such time, we can sit back and point fingers at everybody except ourselves.

Consumption is part of the problem, but also the incentives we are currently giving corporations to offshore their profits and keep them there.
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
That's how the left works. They find a few issues and then if you don't go for them they out you or ostracize you, that's how they keep that. Those policies are not good for blacks. Blacks and liberals run the majority black areas and cities and yet they are still hell holes. I love how people like you are so duplicitous, by saying things in black areas are so bad we need more programs, but if a Republican points out how bad black areas are, they are stereotyping an racist. Hmmmm you guys have it both ways.
Things were getting better for blacks in Detroit and flint then Republicans invented NAFTA and sent those jobs overseas.

All for corporate profits and cheap consumer goods.

Sadly this is true. Slick willy gets the heat for this, but really it was big daddy bush's baby. Bill only signed the deal and made it permanent.
I love how people like you are so duplicitous, by saying things in black areas are so bad we need more programs, but if a Republican points out how bad black areas are, they are stereotyping an racist. Hmmmm you guys have it both ways.

On the contrary there, right winger,........... democrats DO call for remedies to the squalor that exists in some cities, while your ilk simply points out that black areas of cities are filled with propensity for crime, low levels of education, dismal housing, etc.....AND then simply offer NOTHING to ameliorate the situation. Lip service by republicans versus some policies to make the situation a bit better is what separates these 2 major parties......and then you wonder why???

Bull shit. Libs have ran the show for ever and have done shit but give poor people and their children poisonous water to drink and DMZ's to live in then try and blame Republicans.
Yet another case of you liberal slave masters using fear in place of the whip to keep your slaves in line. A minimum wage increase will only cut jobs at McDonalds, and this crap with voter ID laws is just that, crap. You have to have I'd to get food stamps moron. Getting I'd is free. You lib racist need to come up with new matreial.

Be proud, right wingers, of having this nitwit in your midst.......

Raising the minimum wage....according to this tantamount to "enslaving" people.
Seocndly, the implication by this idiot is clear........since you need an ID to get food stamps, you should not bitch about showing that ID when voting........AS if voter ID laws impact ONLY people on food stamps.

Continue to be ignorant or show your ignorance, because you are trying to suggest that the minimum wage law should now be used as a living wage law instead of a introductory ground floor wage law ? The socialist communist style managers/ceo's of these companies do love your idiotic position taken on this. Why ? Because they look at it to say "OK", we will make the minimum wage a living wage across the board then, and that will be set as the labor rate for laborers. If want more one will have to move up into management.

They are loving it, because if the government starts forcing companies to set the labor rate for labor at a specific living wage, and it is to be considered a living wage not based upon a structural pay grade system that is usually run freely by any company, then they are enacting socialist policies when doing this or they are opening the gates for companies to happily go along with it all.

The labor force don't need blanketing socialist policy making, but what it needs is investigations that look into companies that do not have a structural pay grade system, and are trying to use blanket socialist policies to cheat their achieving employees out of their just rewards or a fair share in the profits that should be given under an independent structural pay grade system. The pay grade system should be a system that is unique to the specific company or corporation worked for, and not one that the government should have it's nose in, other than making sure a company is running a structural pay grade system where there is an entrance pay, and then a ladder system after that in which ends with an exit strategy if the employee remains loyal for years & years to the company. No need to dictate anything, but merely just maybe ask that companies demonstrate good practices & policies for their employees.

What a bunch of rambling inanities. Raising the minimum wage does NOT amount to paying someone a living wage. You may notice that many workers in food joints or Wall Marts, are not just high school kids working part-time during summer months....many, if not most,of these people have families to support and management at these pseudo-slave companies know darn well that support for these families has to be given through government support in subsidizing the meager wages AND in the provision of health and other benefits.

We have long left it up to these companies to do "the right thing"....and all we've gotten in return is millionaires becoming billionaires and poor people becoming even more destitute......

......and right wing nitwits "wonder" why most minorities don't trust any of your empty rhetoric???

Again, it's the fault of you Democrats in the new KKK that keep people in those jobs by training them to be victims. You convince them they are worthless so they stay there, get them hooked on government bennifets and keep them there so you can say that if they elect anyone else they will lose all the free stuff. Pretty much cracking your whip you racist trash.
You guys blame us for everything even your own failures.

The other day you guys were saying places like Detroit suck because they are run by liberals. Now you're claiming cities and states run by cons suck because of liberals? What an intellectually dishonest simpleton you are

For right wingers "blaming liberals" for all that may be wrong with our society, is a hell of a lot easier (and dumber) than coming to term with their own screwed up mindset.

They can't even spell introspective. :0) They no idea what that means.
Yea but don't you think blacks in places like Chicago Detroit Newark Compton and Ferguson are guilty of this too?

I think mlk would give young black men this same advice. Be well spoken. Get an education. Don't have kids and then don't raise them right. In other words stop giving whites reasons to discriminate. For example If a well spoken black doesn't get the job it looks racist but when the black guy can't speak intelligently you give whites justification why they didn't hire the black.

Not really. Well spoken folks of every race miss out on the jobs. Goin the extra mile to be worth hiring for the job means allot to. Having reasonable expectations going in means allot as well. You ain't going to be hired right up to the top just because. Success requires work, good work requires a good work ethic. The gangsta thug needs to stop being canonized as a saint. And that brings I full circle. If a black guy gets pants that fit, pulls out the grill and go's and works his peers call him an uncle Tom or house ******, when in fact all the guy is doing is making an honest buck. The left has trained minorities to be victims and if that were ever to change it would be the end of the Democrat party as it is and has been for years.
Blacks read this shit and laugh. Sorry they realize you are fos. Your schtick sounds good but you have no idea what the facts on the ground are.

It's like Republicans claiming they could solve our Isis problem. Sure they could, NOT!
Yesterday, a heated "debate" (well, as much of a debate that can be had in this mostly right wing forum) was had about one poster's friend who, as a liberal, spoke about a right wing friend who claimed that a good part of the hatred toward Obama was based on race.

I do NOT believe that opposition toward Obama is wholly based on race.....however, to deny that some racism does not exist toward Obama's presidency, would be equally naive.

So, what would make someone who is black and relatively intelligent, embrace the GOP platform that is often enmeshed in policies that are not for the betterment of the black voting bloc?

I am reminded of a passage in Milton's Paradise Lost where Lucifer explains why he chose to defy God's wishes (and PLEASE, I do not mean even remotely to equate a black republican to the devil......but the analogy is still sound.) ........Anyway, through Milton's prose, Lucifer explains that he would rather be a "king in hell" than just one of many other angel standing beside the throne of God.

What I'm getting at is that for SOME blacks who have chosen to embrace right wing policies may do so because the notoriety gained by such a stance is much more self serving than to be one of the vast majority of blacks who side with the left ideology. In other words, if you want to get on the FOX channels or the Rush radio talk shows, your chances are vastly improved if you claim that you are an arch conservative AND black.
That's how the left works. They find a few issues and then if you don't go for them they out you or ostracize you, that's how they keep that. Those policies are not good for blacks. Blacks and liberals run the majority black areas and cities and yet they are still hell holes. I love how people like you are so duplicitous, by saying things in black areas are so bad we need more programs, but if a Republican points out how bad black areas are, they are stereotyping an racist. Hmmmm you guys have it both ways.
Things were getting better for blacks in Detroit and flint then Republicans invented NAFTA and sent those jobs overseas.

All for corporate profits and cheap consumer goods.

Sadly this is true. Slick willy gets the heat for this, but really it was big daddy bush's baby. Bill only signed the deal and made it permanent.
Name 1 Republican that was ever against unregulated free trade.

I bet you there were Democrats that didn't sign NAFTA but I bet every Republican voted in favor
You guys blame us for everything even your own failures.

The other day you guys were saying places like Detroit suck because they are run by liberals. Now you're claiming cities and states run by cons suck because of liberals? What an intellectually dishonest simpleton you are

For right wingers "blaming liberals" for all that may be wrong with our society, is a hell of a lot easier (and dumber) than coming to term with their own screwed up mindset.

They can't even spell introspective. :0) They no idea what that means.
Yea but don't you think blacks in places like Chicago Detroit Newark Compton and Ferguson are guilty of this too?

I think mlk would give young black men this same advice. Be well spoken. Get an education. Don't have kids and then don't raise them right. In other words stop giving whites reasons to discriminate. For example If a well spoken black doesn't get the job it looks racist but when the black guy can't speak intelligently you give whites justification why they didn't hire the black.

Not really. Well spoken folks of every race miss out on the jobs. Goin the extra mile to be worth hiring for the job means allot to. Having reasonable expectations going in means allot as well. You ain't going to be hired right up to the top just because. Success requires work, good work requires a good work ethic. The gangsta thug needs to stop being canonized as a saint. And that brings I full circle. If a black guy gets pants that fit, pulls out the grill and go's and works his peers call him an uncle Tom or house ******, when in fact all the guy is doing is making an honest buck. The left has trained minorities to be victims and if that were ever to change it would be the end of the Democrat party as it is and has been for years.
Blacks read this shit and laugh. Sorry they realize you are fos. Your schtick sounds good but you have no idea what the facts on the ground are.

It's like Republicans claiming they could solve our Isis problem. Sure they could, NOT!

Um, no one can solve black people's problems. That's not even governments job. Government has promised to fix stuff for black people for decades and all blacks have got for their support is poisoned water, food stamps and not much more. The fact that black people like Herman Cain and Ben Carson are hated so much is because they are not victims. Democrats needs the minorities to remain victims so they have a voting block. Without victims there is no Democrat party.
The answer is indeed as obvious as the nose on your face .. republicans hate black people .. they are racist .. as evidenced by all the hate and vitriol that spills out all over this board daily.

At one time nearly all African-Americans were republicans .. WHAT HAPPENED?

Why do all non-white groups reject the Republican Party?>

Quit talking like you are speaking for every black in America with this Republicans hate blacks bullshit. That's your opinion and you are entitled to it, but keep your lies to yourself.

Blacks are not coming to USMB to determine how much Republicans love them. You have yet to show an example of the RNC doing anything that displayed race or hatred.

If blacks are coming to this site to find out how much republicans love them .. you'd have to be a complete moron to believe they would come away feeling good about you and your ilk. :lol: You dumb motherfuckers insult black people all day long.

There is a lot of truth to be found among the policies of entitlements, where Republicans are labeled through Democrat rhetoric as being more successful with the rich needing to pay their share. Democrats feel this nation still needs affirmative action, and there is an appreciation for a policy where the color of your skin gives you an edge over everyone else. Why wouldn't blacks like that advantage? The administration was also on the side of reducing standards on promotional tests, there is evidence that supports that. So why wouldn't blacks honestly vote for a party that makes things easier through both of these prior examples, and the party's belief that you are simply "entitled"?

Now threaten to take these initiatives away, and allow individuals to simply run based on their own abilities, and you're deemed a racist for not falling in line with liberal ideology. Run as a black conservative with an alternative message and you are labeled by the left as an Uncle Tom. There is where the true racism ls found.

By the way, I'm still waiting for these "mountains of truth" that you have brought up, but are rather illusive and reluctant to mention in your response.
The answer is indeed as obvious as the nose on your face .. republicans hate black people .. they are racist .. as evidenced by all the hate and vitriol that spills out all over this board daily.

At one time nearly all African-Americans were republicans .. WHAT HAPPENED?

Why do all non-white groups reject the Republican Party?>

Quit talking like you are speaking for every black in America with this Republicans hate blacks bullshit. That's your opinion and you are entitled to it, but keep your lies to yourself.

Blacks are not coming to USMB to determine how much Republicans love them. You have yet to show an example of the RNC doing anything that displayed race or hatred.

If blacks are coming to this site to find out how much republicans love them .. you'd have to be a complete moron to believe they would come away feeling good about you and your ilk. :lol: You dumb motherfuckers insult black people all day long.

There is a lot of truth to be found among the policies of entitlements, where Republicans are labeled through Democrat rhetoric as being more successful with the rich needing to pay their share. Democrats feel this nation still needs affirmative action, and there is an appreciation for a policy where the color of your skin gives you an edge over everyone else. Why wouldn't blacks like that advantage? The administration was also on the side of reducing standards on promotional tests, there is evidence that supports that. So why wouldn't blacks honestly vote for a party that makes things easier through both of these prior examples, and the party's belief that you are simply "entitled"?

Now threaten to take these initiatives away, and allow individuals to simply run based on their own abilities, and you're deemed a racist for not falling in line with liberal ideology. Run as a black conservative with an alternative message and you are labeled by the left as an Uncle Tom. There is where the true racism ls found.

By the way, I'm still waiting for these "mountains of truth" that you have brought up, but are rather illusive and reluctant to mention in your response.

No I don't answer lists of stupid questions from republicans.

You claim that Conservative policies are racist yet you can't spell out what is so wrong with them, why is that?

If you don't actually know the difference between democratic and republican policy

I know the difference, you on the other hand are unable to spell it out, you claim they are stupid questions...

Why in the Hell would any black person want to associate with racists?

Good question, that's why I can't understand why you would vote for liberals? Name just a few Liberal policies that benefit Blacks over Whites?

He doesn't have to answer those questions because he has nothing to provide. He's just all talk of hatred toward the Republican Party, but he will never give you any specifics as to what policies Democrats offer that make them much more appealing over Republicans. I've mentioned a few, but he is rather afraid to acknowledge them or provide any of his own.
For right wingers "blaming liberals" for all that may be wrong with our society, is a hell of a lot easier (and dumber) than coming to term with their own screwed up mindset.

They can't even spell introspective. :0) They no idea what that means.
Yea but don't you think blacks in places like Chicago Detroit Newark Compton and Ferguson are guilty of this too?

I think mlk would give young black men this same advice. Be well spoken. Get an education. Don't have kids and then don't raise them right. In other words stop giving whites reasons to discriminate. For example If a well spoken black doesn't get the job it looks racist but when the black guy can't speak intelligently you give whites justification why they didn't hire the black.

Not really. Well spoken folks of every race miss out on the jobs. Goin the extra mile to be worth hiring for the job means allot to. Having reasonable expectations going in means allot as well. You ain't going to be hired right up to the top just because. Success requires work, good work requires a good work ethic. The gangsta thug needs to stop being canonized as a saint. And that brings I full circle. If a black guy gets pants that fit, pulls out the grill and go's and works his peers call him an uncle Tom or house ******, when in fact all the guy is doing is making an honest buck. The left has trained minorities to be victims and if that were ever to change it would be the end of the Democrat party as it is and has been for years.
Blacks read this shit and laugh. Sorry they realize you are fos. Your schtick sounds good but you have no idea what the facts on the ground are.

It's like Republicans claiming they could solve our Isis problem. Sure they could, NOT!

Um, no one can solve black people's problems. That's not even governments job. Government has promised to fix stuff for black people for decades and all blacks have got for their support is poisoned water, food stamps and not much more. The fact that black people like Herman Cain and Ben Carson are hated so much is because they are not victims. Democrats needs the minorities to remain victims so they have a voting block. Without victims there is no Democrat party.
Ha ha GOP gov Rick Snyder appoints an emergency financial manager and poisoned flint.

I won't even take you seriously now. I was going to agree with your first point then you went Coco for Coco puffs.

But blacks do need to fix the problem no matter who's at fault. They don't need to vote GOP but they do need to take your advice on the importance of family. That's step 1. How do you stop young black women from getting pregnant by young black men who won't be good fathers? This is who's producing most of the criminals.

And if they can do it maybe white trash will copy them. They already copy everything blacks do.
Raising the minimum wage....according to this tantamount to "enslaving" people.

Why is it you don't understand what a vicious circle this creates? Spell out the benefits vs. the consequences?

Seocndly, the implication by this idiot is clear........since you need an ID to get food stamps, you should not bitch about showing that ID when voting

Common sense didn't make it into your DNA did it? You need ID to do the most minor things, yet you seem to think ID for voting is irrelevant? You can't drive without it, you can't buy alcoholic beverages without it, you can't leave or enter a country legally without it, you can't enter a public school with out it, and the list goes on and on and on...

Does your tongue get you in trouble in your real life as much as it does here?

Don't you know how much the left loves regulations? Except when they are found on the reviewing end of them., then they throw their tantrums over government interference.
They can't even spell introspective. :0) They no idea what that means.
Yea but don't you think blacks in places like Chicago Detroit Newark Compton and Ferguson are guilty of this too?

I think mlk would give young black men this same advice. Be well spoken. Get an education. Don't have kids and then don't raise them right. In other words stop giving whites reasons to discriminate. For example If a well spoken black doesn't get the job it looks racist but when the black guy can't speak intelligently you give whites justification why they didn't hire the black.

Not really. Well spoken folks of every race miss out on the jobs. Goin the extra mile to be worth hiring for the job means allot to. Having reasonable expectations going in means allot as well. You ain't going to be hired right up to the top just because. Success requires work, good work requires a good work ethic. The gangsta thug needs to stop being canonized as a saint. And that brings I full circle. If a black guy gets pants that fit, pulls out the grill and go's and works his peers call him an uncle Tom or house ******, when in fact all the guy is doing is making an honest buck. The left has trained minorities to be victims and if that were ever to change it would be the end of the Democrat party as it is and has been for years.
Blacks read this shit and laugh. Sorry they realize you are fos. Your schtick sounds good but you have no idea what the facts on the ground are.

It's like Republicans claiming they could solve our Isis problem. Sure they could, NOT!

Um, no one can solve black people's problems. That's not even governments job. Government has promised to fix stuff for black people for decades and all blacks have got for their support is poisoned water, food stamps and not much more. The fact that black people like Herman Cain and Ben Carson are hated so much is because they are not victims. Democrats needs the minorities to remain victims so they have a voting block. Without victims there is no Democrat party.
Ha ha GOP gov Rick Snyder appoints an emergency financial manager and poisoned flint.

I won't even take you seriously now. I was going to agree with your first point then you went Coco for Coco puffs.

But blacks do need to fix the problem no matter who's at fault. They don't need to vote GOP but they do need to take your advice on the importance of family. That's step 1. How do you stop young black women from getting pregnant by young black men who won't be good fathers? This is who's producing most of the criminals.

And if they can do it maybe white trash will copy them. They already copy everything blacks do.

Sorry dude, the water in flint was poisoned for years. Democrats ran it while it was poisoned. See, places Democrats run tend to have really nice parks, but shitty roads. It's a fact.
The answer is indeed as obvious as the nose on your face .. republicans hate black people .. they are racist .. as evidenced by all the hate and vitriol that spills out all over this board daily.

At one time nearly all African-Americans were republicans .. WHAT HAPPENED?

Why do all non-white groups reject the Republican Party?>

Quit talking like you are speaking for every black in America with this Republicans hate blacks bullshit. That's your opinion and you are entitled to it, but keep your lies to yourself.

Blacks are not coming to USMB to determine how much Republicans love them. You have yet to show an example of the RNC doing anything that displayed race or hatred.

If blacks are coming to this site to find out how much republicans love them .. you'd have to be a complete moron to believe they would come away feeling good about you and your ilk. :lol: You dumb motherfuckers insult black people all day long.

There is a lot of truth to be found among the policies of entitlements, where Republicans are labeled through Democrat rhetoric as being more successful with the rich needing to pay their share. Democrats feel this nation still needs affirmative action, and there is an appreciation for a policy where the color of your skin gives you an edge over everyone else. Why wouldn't blacks like that advantage? The administration was also on the side of reducing standards on promotional tests, there is evidence that supports that. So why wouldn't blacks honestly vote for a party that makes things easier through both of these prior examples, and the party's belief that you are simply "entitled"?

Now threaten to take these initiatives away, and allow individuals to simply run based on their own abilities, and you're deemed a racist for not falling in line with liberal ideology. Run as a black conservative with an alternative message and you are labeled by the left as an Uncle Tom. There is where the true racism ls found.

By the way, I'm still waiting for these "mountains of truth" that you have brought up, but are rather illusive and reluctant to mention in your response.
So are you guys saying you would implement tough love on welfare recipients? This is one thing I like about conservatives. They want to get people off welfare. Especially people who abuse the system.

Bill signed welfare reform no reason to think hillary won't go along with Paul Ryan's plans.

I would love to evaluate and help every person on welfare get off it.

Many welfare recipients would and could survive if welfare were taken away.

I even know a guy who was raised a government hating Republican who was always a slacker even as a kid. Now he's on disability but he also sells guns on the net. I'd rather him make minimum wage working from home than just give him social security for 70 years
Raising the minimum wage....according to this tantamount to "enslaving" people.

Why is it you don't understand what a vicious circle this creates? Spell out the benefits vs. the consequences?

Seocndly, the implication by this idiot is clear........since you need an ID to get food stamps, you should not bitch about showing that ID when voting

Common sense didn't make it into your DNA did it? You need ID to do the most minor things, yet you seem to think ID for voting is irrelevant? You can't drive without it, you can't buy alcoholic beverages without it, you can't leave or enter a country legally without it, you can't enter a public school with out it, and the list goes on and on and on...

Does your tongue get you in trouble in your real life as much as it does here?

Don't you know how much the left loves regulations? Except when they are found on the reviewing end of them., then they throw their tantrums over government interference.
Not all regulations are bad or good. Stop talking about regulations like it's a bad word. It shows us you're a rush or foxbot
No I don't answer lists of stupid questions from republicans.

You claim that Conservative policies are racist yet you can't spell out what is so wrong with them, why is that?

If you don't actually know the difference between democratic and republican policy

I know the difference, you on the other hand are unable to spell it out, you claim they are stupid questions...

Why in the Hell would any black person want to associate with racists?

Good question, that's why I can't understand why you would vote for liberals? Name just a few Liberal policies that benefit Blacks over Whites?

He doesn't have to answer those questions because he has nothing to provide. He's just all talk of hatred toward the Republican Party, but he will never give you any specifics as to what policies Democrats offer that make them much more appealing over Republicans. I've mentioned a few, but he is rather afraid to acknowledge them or provide any of his own.
Do you have any idea how much unions did for places like Detroit and flint?

And then your party sent those good paying jobs mexico and china.

Then ask us what you did? Wow! Or ask them to vote for you.

You mistake black people who want jobs for the small minority who get and prefer welfare.

You don't think they'd rather make $30,000 plus healthcare rather than be on welfare? How insulting. Don't expect us to vote for Ben carson or Herman Cain with that attitude
The answer is indeed as obvious as the nose on your face .. republicans hate black people .. they are racist .. as evidenced by all the hate and vitriol that spills out all over this board daily.

At one time nearly all African-Americans were republicans .. WHAT HAPPENED?

Why do all non-white groups reject the Republican Party?>

Quit talking like you are speaking for every black in America with this Republicans hate blacks bullshit. That's your opinion and you are entitled to it, but keep your lies to yourself.

Blacks are not coming to USMB to determine how much Republicans love them. You have yet to show an example of the RNC doing anything that displayed race or hatred.

If blacks are coming to this site to find out how much republicans love them .. you'd have to be a complete moron to believe they would come away feeling good about you and your ilk. :lol: You dumb motherfuckers insult black people all day long.

There is a lot of truth to be found among the policies of entitlements, where Republicans are labeled through Democrat rhetoric as being more successful with the rich needing to pay their share. Democrats feel this nation still needs affirmative action, and there is an appreciation for a policy where the color of your skin gives you an edge over everyone else. Why wouldn't blacks like that advantage? The administration was also on the side of reducing standards on promotional tests, there is evidence that supports that. So why wouldn't blacks honestly vote for a party that makes things easier through both of these prior examples, and the party's belief that you are simply "entitled"?

Now threaten to take these initiatives away, and allow individuals to simply run based on their own abilities, and you're deemed a racist for not falling in line with liberal ideology. Run as a black conservative with an alternative message and you are labeled by the left as an Uncle Tom. There is where the true racism ls found.

By the way, I'm still waiting for these "mountains of truth" that you have brought up, but are rather illusive and reluctant to mention in your response.
So are you guys saying you would implement tough love on welfare recipients? This is one thing I like about conservatives. They want to get people off welfare. Especially people who abuse the system.

Bill signed welfare reform no reason to think hillary won't go along with Paul Ryan's plans.

I would love to evaluate and help every person on welfare get off it.

Many welfare recipients would and could survive if welfare were taken away.

I even know a guy who was raised a government hating Republican who was always a slacker even as a kid. Now he's on disability but he also sells guns on the net. I'd rather him make minimum wage working from home than just give him social security for 70 years

Here is the thing, there are generational welfare recipients who are to old or to lazy to be trained to do anything other then collect welfare. These people should be the ones who pick up rash in parks and along the roads. With others, offer some counseling on going and getting a job. Maybe spend some time showing these folks are worth something more then a platinum grill.
No I don't answer lists of stupid questions from republicans.

You claim that Conservative policies are racist yet you can't spell out what is so wrong with them, why is that?

If you don't actually know the difference between democratic and republican policy

I know the difference, you on the other hand are unable to spell it out, you claim they are stupid questions...

Why in the Hell would any black person want to associate with racists?

Good question, that's why I can't understand why you would vote for liberals? Name just a few Liberal policies that benefit Blacks over Whites?

He doesn't have to answer those questions because he has nothing to provide. He's just all talk of hatred toward the Republican Party, but he will never give you any specifics as to what policies Democrats offer that make them much more appealing over Republicans. I've mentioned a few, but he is rather afraid to acknowledge them or provide any of his own.
Do you have any idea how much unions did for places like Detroit and flint?

And then your party sent those good paying jobs mexico and china.

Then ask us what you did? Wow! Or ask them to vote for you.

You mistake black people who want jobs for the small minority who get and prefer welfare.

You don't think they'd rather make $30,000 plus healthcare rather than be on welfare? How insulting. Don't expect us to vote for Ben carson or Herman Cain with that attitude

Yeah, those unions drove it right into the ground, poisoned the water, and moved most of the operation to Mexico. Where are the unions now? As for the black folks who want jobs, all the jobs they would go for are snatched by the Democrats new class of victims, illegal Mexicans.

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