Blacks drown at 5 times the rate of white people.

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Swim Lessons | YMCA of Metro Chicago Chicago apparently has pools.

Looks like there are pools in New York, too:

It's My Park Videos : New York City Department of Parks & Recreation : NYC Parks

And aren't both of those cities next to huge bodies of water?
OH YEAH! Chicago is built alongside THE GREAT FUCKING LAKES and NYC IS ON THE OCEAN.

So do you maintain that poor black people are not capable of ever removing themselves from their "land locked" residences, and perhaps driving, or taking a bus..or the water?

Who's the racists here?

Oh yeah, the morons who think that swimming lessons are a waste of time for a population that has 5 TIMES the drowning rate of another population.
Seriously, I'm going to link this thread to Rush. It will give him material for a year.
Yes, because they're fucking idiots.

We've already established that. What we're trying to figure out now is why the same people who think that we shouldn't protect these children in schools, or in the womb..also think there's no need to encourage them to engage in basic water safety classes?

Its pretty simple. You are a fucking idiot. Why would you learn to swim if you have no water near you?


You are the biggest loser, moron.

Look up the definition of rate moron. Maybe the haze will lift.
I know what rate means.

It means black people drown more often than they should, and you're arguing that they shouldn't teach their kids to swim..or that they're incapable of doing it.

And I'M the racist?
These kids have access to water. Hence their unusually high drown rate:

In pools, young black children drown at far higher rates - CBS News

"Swimming pools are a much greater danger to black children and teens than they are to other kids, a new government study shows.
Black children ages 5 to 19 drown in swimming pools at a rate more than five times that of white children, the research found. That suggests a lot of blacks are not learning to swim, said the lead author, Dr. Julie Gilchrist of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Swimming is a life-saving skill, not just another sport, she said.
The racial differences were smaller for drownings in lakes or other bodies of water. Experts think that's because relatively few blacks go boating or participate in other water activities
Drowning is a major cause of death in children and young adults, and researchers have long observed a higher rate in African-Americans. The report released Thursday looked at racial differences in far greater detail, by age and by where youths drown.
Among whites, drowning rates peak in toddlers but then decline dramatically around age 5 and stay down. Experts think that's a result of swimming lessons kicking in.
Among blacks, the drowning rate for toddlers is lower, but it doesn't drop off the same way as children get older.
An earlier study showed that nearly 60 percent of black children surveyed were unable to swim or felt uncomfortable in the deep end of a pool, compared to 31 percent of white kids."
If 1 out of 2 Black people drowned in a pool and 1 out of 5 white people drowned in a pool, who is dying at a higher rate? You really need to take a Stats class so you can understand how stats are used to prove points.

What makes you think I don't understand stats? I just gave you stats from the CDC. Are you saying they're wrong or they don't understand?

What makes you think I dont know the stats? You posted the stats in response to my reply. I read the OP already.

You're the one that initiated that stupid line of questioning.
No cogent human would ever say (or believe) that "Blacks can't swim."

But there are cultural reasons why fewer (by percentage) Blacks are regular recreational swimmers than "whites," and the question remains: why are they more likely to drown than "white" kids?

Are there any physiological reasons? Blacks being slightly less bouyant (due to more lean tissue)? Who knows?

But you can't even have a fucking discussion if every attempt to explain the difference results in being called a "racist."

You are making it way too difficult or you are racist. Why are white people so bad at rapping? Is there something different about their brains and mouths? Does that sound racist to you?

Because whites possess more talent.

And then they say something that leaves no question if they are racist or not.
My idol Ray Charles would probably just give one of his toothy out-loud laughs at such an ignorant generalisation. Tina would be right beside him, along with a host of creative, angelic Black talent.
So you are saying poor black people are stranded in waterless deserts? Unlike poor white people, who apparently must live near water?

Well alot of poor black folks live in inner cities which are usually not close to a beach and don't have many swimming pools, its just not something thats done often in city life.

That really doesn't matter, the fact is they drown at more than five times the rate. They have to be drowning somewhere.
Well alot of poor black folks live in inner cities which are usually not close to a beach and don't have many swimming pools, its just not something thats done often in city life.

Yes, because they're fucking idiots.

We've already established that. What we're trying to figure out now is why the same people who think that we shouldn't protect these children in schools, or in the womb..also think there's no need to encourage them to engage in basic water safety classes?

Its pretty simple. You are a fucking idiot. Why would you learn to swim if you have no water near you?

What makes you think they will never be near water?
I know what rate means.

It means black people drown more often than they should, and you're arguing that they shouldn't teach their kids to swim..or that they're incapable of doing it.

And I'M the racist?

You must be slightly off or something. No one is arguing against learning to swim. We are explaining the reason it happens. Most people that hardly play around water dont bother to learn how to swim. Are you really this dense all the time?
You are making it way too difficult or you are racist. Why are white people so bad at rapping? Is there something different about their brains and mouths? Does that sound racist to you?

Because whites possess more talent.

And then they say something that leaves no question if they are racist or not.
My idol Ray Charles would probably just give one of his toothy out-loud laughs at such an ignorant generalisation. Tina would be right beside him, along with a host of creative, angelic Black talent.

You say that because you have no sense of humor.
Yes, because they're fucking idiots.

We've already established that. What we're trying to figure out now is why the same people who think that we shouldn't protect these children in schools, or in the womb..also think there's no need to encourage them to engage in basic water safety classes?

Its pretty simple. You are a fucking idiot. Why would you learn to swim if you have no water near you?

What makes you think they will never be near water?

What makes you ask that question and who told you I thought that?
I know what rate means.

It means black people drown more often than they should, and you're arguing that they shouldn't teach their kids to swim..or that they're incapable of doing it.

And I'M the racist?

You must be slightly off or something. No one is arguing against learning to swim. We are explaining the reason it happens. Most people that hardly play around water dont bother to learn how to swim. Are you really this dense all the time?

No, you are claiming that there is no point to teaching black kids. Initially you said that was because there's no place deep enough to learn how to swim. But obviously, there IS or they wouldn't be DROWNING at such appalling rates.

They drown because people are too stupid to teach them to swim. And you are claiming that it isn't because they're stupid, but because there's no water.

Except there is water...they're drowning in it.

So you remain a fucking idiot.
So you are saying poor black people are stranded in waterless deserts? Unlike poor white people, who apparently must live near water?

Well alot of poor black folks live in inner cities which are usually not close to a beach and don't have many swimming pools, its just not something thats done often in city life.

That really doesn't matter, the fact is they drown at more than five times the rate. They have to be drowning somewhere.

Again take a stats class and it will help you understand what a rate is.
I know what rate means.

It means black people drown more often than they should, and you're arguing that they shouldn't teach their kids to swim..or that they're incapable of doing it.

And I'M the racist?

You must be slightly off or something. No one is arguing against learning to swim. We are explaining the reason it happens. Most people that hardly play around water dont bother to learn how to swim. Are you really this dense all the time?

No, you are claiming that there is no point to teaching black kids. Initially you said that was because there's no place deep enough to learn how to swim. But obviously, there IS or they wouldn't be DROWNING at such appalling rates.

They drown because people are too stupid to teach them to swim. And you are claiming that it isn't because they're stupid, but because there's no water.

Except there is water...they're drowning in it.

So you remain a fucking idiot.

Show me where I claimed that.
You must be slightly off or something. No one is arguing against learning to swim. We are explaining the reason it happens. Most people that hardly play around water dont bother to learn how to swim. Are you really this dense all the time?

No, you are claiming that there is no point to teaching black kids. Initially you said that was because there's no place deep enough to learn how to swim. But obviously, there IS or they wouldn't be DROWNING at such appalling rates.

They drown because people are too stupid to teach them to swim. And you are claiming that it isn't because they're stupid, but because there's no water.

Except there is water...they're drowning in it.

So you remain a fucking idiot.

Show me where I claimed that.

"Why are swimming skills important if you are never around water deep enough to swim in? "

Aschlep: #85
I can tell you exactly why it's the fault of white people: Swimming pools have always been the hangouts of white people, and in the south (during the activist civil right era) blacks were even attacked for entering swimming pools which were considered to be white domain.

You might say that was a couple of generations back, but parents are the driving force for their children to learn to swim, and without strong swimmers among the generation of the sixties and seventies there wouldn't be strong swimmers among the generations of the eighties and nineties, etc.

About the only place black people feel comfortable swimming along with whites is in the ocean. Therefore they do not become good swimmers and the water holds no attraction for them.

When I used to swim in public pools - at least here in Indiana - I thought it was remarkable that there were few to none black people there; and I thought this can't be good because there will be few of their kids learning to swim.
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No, you are claiming that there is no point to teaching black kids. Initially you said that was because there's no place deep enough to learn how to swim. But obviously, there IS or they wouldn't be DROWNING at such appalling rates.

They drown because people are too stupid to teach them to swim. And you are claiming that it isn't because they're stupid, but because there's no water.

Except there is water...they're drowning in it.

So you remain a fucking idiot.

Show me where I claimed that.

"Why are swimming skills important if you are never around water deep enough to swim in? "

Aschlep: #85

Context please.
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