Bleeding-Heart Suckers!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
How many times must our, soft-hearted Liberals be told that the welfare statistics, e.g., "47 million in poverty,"...are totally bogus.

It is a major ploy designed to accrue votes for the corrupt Democrat machine.

Check this out:

1. "Out-of-towners live large at free shelters

2. The Plaza — and the city’s homeless shelters. “People pay $3,000 for an apartment here, and I get to live here for free!” said Michal Jablonowski, 25, who moved back to the city from his native Poland three years ago and is now staying in a Bowery shelter.

3. “I have food. I have health care. It’s great,’’ Jablonowski said. “Here, the city supports you. ....’’ “We get breakfast, lunch and dinner. We have a microwave and TV. They do the laundry for free,” Jablonowski said he even gets a prepaid cellphone — allowing 1,000 texts and 300 minutes a month — through Medicaid and boasted,
“I’m going to get my teeth fixed.”

4. “The shelters are really nice. You have clean sheets. You get to watch TV and stay in the warm. Homeless people have it so good, they don’t want to look for a job.’’

5. “You can arrive in your private jet at Kennedy Airport, take a private limousine and go straight to the shelter system, walk in the door and we’ve got to give you shelter,” the mayor fumed.

6. Taxpayers shell out $3,000 a month to feed, house and provide other services to each homeless person. The average stay in a city shelter is as long as nine months — although there’s no limit.

7. “Some people in here have it better than people working 9 to 5, because they’re not paying rent. I’ve stayed in hostels worse. I call this four stars,” said William Sullivan, who came to the city from LA for a job that fell through. “Everyone in this place has a silver spoon in their mouth. You get fed three to four meals a day, and the food here is great.”

8. “New York is New York! That’s why people come here,” said Amy Kaufman, 41, who is staying in a city-funded Chelsea shelter. “I go to the library, and I go sightseeing a lot in Times Square and Chelsea. I like it here. “I’m staying here for a while because the housing options are better. Michigan is in a recession right now.”

9.. “Survival in Florida was a lot harder than here. There are a lot more resources here for homeless, especially in terms of housing and finding transitional housing,” said Steve Rios, 49, who came up from the Sunshine State. “I left Florida because the environment of the shelters and rules weren’t as good. In Florida, they throw you out quick...."

10. Rios, who is staying at the BRC homeless shelter on West 25th Street, says they give him everything he needs.“We get a cafeteria, a bed and clothing. My case worker is helping me prepare a package for housing,” he said." For free ?four-star? accommodations, come to New York City -

This is "FDR-Heaven".....
....the actualization of his 'Second Bill of Rights.'

And, of can go on forever, as long as those greedy rich pay their fair share.
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would Jesus have whipped the money changers if they were using the government of the time to feed hungry people?

This county habors the worst christains in the world.

I love the Ghandi quote of when he was asked what he thought about christainity in America.

His answer was "It would be a good idea".

Jesus would not condon your black hearted post
would Jesus have whipped the money changers if they were using the government of the time to feed hungry people?

This county habors the worst christains in the world.

I love the Ghandi quote of when he was asked what he thought about christainity in America.

His answer was "It would be a good idea".

Jesus would not condon your black hearted post
The Lord helps those who help themselves. Remember that, shit for brains.

The Lord would not condone fleecing others while you sit on your dead beat ass.
Your kidding right tm? Homeless people are living better than alot of people working. In the bible it stats, if you don't work you don't eat.
How many times must our, soft-hearted Liberals be told that the welfare statistics, e.g., "47 million in poverty," totally bogus.

Better tell that to Mitt Romney. He apparently doesn't know.
what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?
The Lord helps those who help themselves. Remember that, shit for brains.

The Lord would not condone fleecing others while you sit on your dead beat ass.

Where'd you hear that? Did you write your own Bible? Nothing you said sounds very Christian!
what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?

Jesus died for our sins, so that through him we can go to heaven. He didn't die so that a lazy person could live high on the hog, on other peoples dime.
what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?

Are you one of our good Christians....

...or did you vote twice for Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and Barack 'I favor infanticide' Obama?

Just a question.

You don't have to answer if the answer would be embarrassing.....
what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?

Jesus died for our sins, so that through him we can go to heaven. He didn't die so that a lazy person could live high on the hog, on other peoples dime.

Matthew 6:26

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Once again we have someone who wants to tell us about Jesus, but doesn't sound very Christian!
would Jesus have whipped the money changers if they were using the government of the time to feed hungry people?

This county habors the worst christains in the world.

I love the Ghandi quote of when he was asked what he thought about christainity in America.

His answer was "It would be a good idea".

Jesus would not condon your black hearted post

Are you familiar with these Gandhi quotes?

“Hitler killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs.” ~ George Orwell’s “Reflections on Gandhi,” Partisan Review, Jan. 1949

As to whether the Jews should have committed “collective suicide” by offering themselves to Hitler: “Yes, that would have been heroism.” ~ George Orwell’s “Reflections on Gandhi,” Partisan Review, Jan. 1949

Is that your view, as well? isn't, is it.

You see, you are just as wrong to believe Gandhi to be correct as a general statement as to believe that it is moral to support everyone in every condition.

Now....aren't you glad you learned something today?
how christainy of you to be a black heart con who spews hate on people wanting to help others
what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?

Are you one of our good Christians....

...or did you vote twice for Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and Barack 'I favor infanticide' Obama?

Just a question.

You don't have to answer if the answer would be embarrassing.....

I am an atheist.

There is NO proof of gods exsistance except in the brains of man.

Jesus was one of our greatest human philosophers.

He preached LOVE not hate.

he whipped the money changers for NOT treating the poor as human beings.

Your party spits all over the poor all day long
The right needs to QUIT pretending Jesus said to NOT help people through government.

He would have siad it was a great idea
what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?

Jesus died for our sins, so that through him we can go to heaven. He didn't die so that a lazy person could live high on the hog, on other peoples dime.

Matthew 6:26

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Once again we have someone who wants to tell us about Jesus, but doesn't sound very Christian!
2 thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
what good are christains to society that piss all over what Jesus fought and died for?

Are you one of our good Christians....

...or did you vote twice for Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and Barack 'I favor infanticide' Obama?

Just a question.

You don't have to answer if the answer would be embarrassing.....

I am an atheist.

There is NO proof of gods exsistance except in the brains of man.

Jesus was one of our greatest human philosophers.

He preached LOVE not hate.

he whipped the money changers for NOT treating the poor as human beings.

Your party spits all over the poor all day long

It's telling that you chose not to comment on "... Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and Barack 'I favor infanticide' Obama?" do know that Gandhi based his ideas of civil disobedience on an American philosopher...Henry David Thoreau.
did Jesus say that?

was he for the guy too old or sick to be allowed to starve to death?

the orphan too?
Are you one of our good Christians....

...or did you vote twice for Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and Barack 'I favor infanticide' Obama?

Just a question.

You don't have to answer if the answer would be embarrassing.....

I am an atheist.

There is NO proof of gods exsistance except in the brains of man.

Jesus was one of our greatest human philosophers.

He preached LOVE not hate.

he whipped the money changers for NOT treating the poor as human beings.

Your party spits all over the poor all day long

It's telling that you chose not to comment on "... Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....

...and Barack 'I favor infanticide' Obama?" This is called baring false witness do know that Gandhi based his ideas of civil disobedience on an American philosopher...Henry David Thoreau.

Your a black heart con who pretends to be a christian and only finds hate in the words spoken by Jesus

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