Bond Market Braces For $ 1 Trillion Tsunami Of Treasuries This Year

All you have to do to fix the CDS problem is regulate them like insurance. Require an insurable interest.


But to this day, they are STILL not required to have an insurable interest.

Because we have a lot of ignoramuses who think they are not a threat (zero sum).

All you have to do to fix the CDS problem is regulate them like insurance. Require an insurable interest.

Nah. Make them trade on an exchange.
That, too. I've said that many times.

1. Repeal FSMA of 1999 and the CFMA of 2000.

2. Regulate CDS the same way insurance is regulated, and ban naked CDS outright. A buyer of CDS must establish an insurable interest.

3. Require OTC derivatives to be traded on a public exchange.

They also need to have an insurable interest.
Please explain in simple English. If someone had too many Bond funds in a target date IRA fund.........I am told those funds are constantly buying and selling Bonds?

will the overall balance drop 1%? 10%? 50%?
It all depends how leveraged the fund is. It all depends what deritatives they have hedged with.
Yeah. Probably not this year.

But you never know. Someone's derivatives could explode (a la Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers) and light the fuse sooner.

Someone's derivatives could explode (a la Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers)

Bear Stearns and Lehman's collapse had nothing to do with derivatives.

Oh they most certainly did!

I guess you really were in a coma.

Oh they most certainly did!

Prove they failed because of derivatives and not because of bonds.
See: Post 130.


Bear Stearns sponsored two hedge funds through its subsidiary, Bear Stearns Asset Management. The main fund, the High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Fund, was made up of complex derivatives backed by home mortgages. During most of its life it was highly profitable but as the housing market began to stutter in late 2006 the returns suffered. This fund was leveraged at 35 times its invested funds.

During most of its life it was highly profitable but as the housing market began to stutter in late 2006 the returns suffered. This fund was leveraged at 35 times its invested funds.

They were leveraged at 35 times and the "housing market began to stutter".
And we're not discussing why 2 hedge funds failed, we were discussing why Bear Stearns and Lehman failed.
Now you are being deliberately obtuse.

The hedge funds were a SPV of Bear Stearns. And the derivatives were what brought them down.

Read the links I have provided, for chrissakes!
More often than not, I have referred to the Global Derivatives Bubble than I have the Subprime Mortgage Bubble.

That is because the derivatives were the force multiplier which made the crash as big as it was.

If all we had was a mortgage bubble, it would not have been nearly as bad.

In fact, we would not have even had a bubble of any kind were it not for the derivatives fever created and fed by the financial services industry.

In order to keep the feeding frenzy for derivatives going, Wall Street had to get as many warm bodies to borrow money as possible so they could build their derivatives on top of those loans.
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.
Kinda funny you had to throw in there "other than obie". I mean seriously other than that other fucking guy we had over the eight years we claimed didn't actually add any debt and all of what he did was due to Bush at the other end of the scale Trump is now responsible for obie's spending.

Is thre any point in history you're actually going to blame the floppy eared fag for the checks he wrote?
Dissecting The Bear Stearns Hedge Fund Collapse

  • Step #2: Use leverage to buy more CDOs than you can pay for with capital alone. Because these CDOs pay an interest rate over and above the cost of borrowing, every incremental unit of leverage adds to the total expected return. So, the more leverage you employ, the greater the expected return from the trade.
  • Step #3: Use credit default swaps as insurance against movements in the credit market. Because the use of leverage increases the portfolio's overall risk exposure, the next step is to purchase insurance on movements in credit markets. These "insurance" instruments are called credit default swaps, and are designed to profit during times when credit concerns cause the bonds to fall in value, effectively hedging away some of the risk.
  • Step #4: Watch the money roll in. When you net out the cost of the leverage (or debt) to purchase the 'AAA' rated subprime debt, as well as the cost of the credit insurance, you are left with a positive rate of return, which is often referred to as "positive carry" in hedge fund lingo.

Dissecting The Bear Stearns Hedge Fund Collapse

Derivatives galore!
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.
Kinda funny you had to throw in there "other than obie". I mean seriously other than that other fucking guy we had over the eight years we claimed didn't actually add any debt and all of what he did was due to Bush at the other end of the scale Trump is now responsible for obie's spending.

Is thre any point in history you're actually going to blame the floppy eared fag for the checks he wrote?
I have spent the last six years on this forum talking about debt and how to pay if off.

I've actually made more proposals of exactly what spending to cut more than anyone else on this forum. In fact, it is quite possible I have done so more than everyone on this forum put together.

So nice try, retard.

My point about Trump and the GOP is how you tards have been kept completely in the dark about how much they are spending.

Not one of you parroting tards has made so much as a PEEP about Trump's spending, after whining for eight years about Obama's.

The ONLY reason we are staring at yet an other government shutdown is because Trump and the GOP spend spend spend spend and spend.

Wake the fuck up, idiot.
Last edited:
Kinda funny you had to throw in there "other than obie".
Why is that funny? No one spent more than Obama. That's a fact.

What's really funny is that you tards have not noticed that Trump is the second biggest spender in American history.

You've been dead silent about it. You know why? Because you parrot what you are told to parrot, and your hack media hasn't told you about Trump's spending.

All of which proves none of you actually gives a flying fuck about our debt until you are told to whine on cue.
U.S. household wealth fell by about $16.4 trillion of net worth from its peak in spring 2007, about six months before the start of the recession, to when things hit bottom in the first quarter of 2009, according to figures from the Federal Reserve.

America's lost trillions

"Zero sum game". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

The only possible explanation is a coma.
The company’s credit default swaps are generally cited as playing a major role in the collapse, losing AIG $30 billion.


“Think about home insurance,” McDonald says. “If you’ve sold insurance on a house, and the house burns to the ground, you have to pay. The insurance seller has the same risk as an uninsured homeowner.” Likewise, if the bonds AIG insured did not pay out, the company was on the hook for those losses.

What Went Wrong at AIG?

"Zero sum game". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

The only possible explanation is a coma.
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.
Kinda funny you had to throw in there "other than obie". I mean seriously other than that other fucking guy we had over the eight years we claimed didn't actually add any debt and all of what he did was due to Bush at the other end of the scale Trump is now responsible for obie's spending.

Is thre any point in history you're actually going to blame the floppy eared fag for the checks he wrote?
I have spent the last six years on this forum talking about debt and how to pay if off.

I've actually made more proposals of exactly what spending to cut more than anyone else on this forum. In fact, it is quite possible I have done so more than everyone on this forum put together.

So nice try, retard.

My point about Trump and the GOP is how you tards have been kept completely in the dark about how much they are spending.

Not one of you parroting tards has made so much as a PEEP about Trump's spending, after whining for eight years about Obama's.

The ONLY reason we are staring at yet an other government shutdown is because Trump and the GOP spend spend spend spend and spend.

Wake the fuck up, idiot.
Trump is bringing the spending down. Imagine how much we could save of the democrats stopped making us pay for illegals to be here. The only reason the government will shut down is because the democrats place illegals over citizens.
Lehman: One Big Derivatives Mess

In 2003, legendary investor Warren E. Buffett called derivatives "weapons of mass destruction." Buffett predicted that the complex financial instruments would morph, mutate, and multiply "until some event makes their toxicity clear." The failure of Lehman Brothers (LEHMQ) may have been the disaster he imagined.

It HAS to be a coma.
Kinda funny you had to throw in there "other than obie".
Why is that funny? No one spent more than Obama. That's a fact.

What's really funny is that you tards have not noticed that Trump is the second biggest spender in American history.

You've been dead silent about it. You know why? Because you parrot what you are told to parrot, and your hack media hasn't told you about Trump's spending.

All of which proves none of you actually gives a flying fuck about our debt until you are told to whine on cue.
Isn't second big spender a step down from the biggest one? I'd like him to hit about 50th on the big spender list but in order to that you would probably freak out. At least the numbers are going down.
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.
Kinda funny you had to throw in there "other than obie". I mean seriously other than that other fucking guy we had over the eight years we claimed didn't actually add any debt and all of what he did was due to Bush at the other end of the scale Trump is now responsible for obie's spending.

Is thre any point in history you're actually going to blame the floppy eared fag for the checks he wrote?
I have spent the last six years on this forum talking about debt and how to pay if off.

I've actually made more proposals of exactly what spending to cut more than anyone else on this forum. In fact, it is quite possible I have done so more than everyone on this forum put together.

So nice try, retard.

My point about Trump and the GOP is how you tards have been kept completely in the dark about how much they are spending.

Not one of you parroting tards has made so much as a PEEP about Trump's spending, after whining for eight years about Obama's.

The ONLY reason we are staring at yet an other government shutdown is because Trump and the GOP spend spend spend spend and spend.

Wake the fuck up, idiot.
Trump is bringing the spending down.
Wrong. Trump's deficit is higher than the year before, and the year before, and the year before that.

You see? You've been kept deliberately in the dark!
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.
Kinda funny you had to throw in there "other than obie". I mean seriously other than that other fucking guy we had over the eight years we claimed didn't actually add any debt and all of what he did was due to Bush at the other end of the scale Trump is now responsible for obie's spending.

Is thre any point in history you're actually going to blame the floppy eared fag for the checks he wrote?
I have spent the last six years on this forum talking about debt and how to pay if off.

I've actually made more proposals of exactly what spending to cut more than anyone else on this forum. In fact, it is quite possible I have done so more than everyone on this forum put together.

So nice try, retard.

My point about Trump and the GOP is how you tards have been kept completely in the dark about how much they are spending.

Not one of you parroting tards has made so much as a PEEP about Trump's spending, after whining for eight years about Obama's.

The ONLY reason we are staring at yet an other government shutdown is because Trump and the GOP spend spend spend spend and spend.

Wake the fuck up, idiot.
Trump is bringing the spending down. Imagine how much we could save of the democrats stopped making us pay for illegals to be here. The only reason the government will shut down is because the democrats place illegals over citizens.

pay attention you dumbass, Trumps tax cuts just soaked $1.5 TRILLION into the debt ..
Since taking over the purse strings, the GOP has been increasing our deficits every year.

And the tards are completely in the dark about it. As so kindly evidenced by their posts in this and other topics this week.
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.
Kinda funny you had to throw in there "other than obie". I mean seriously other than that other fucking guy we had over the eight years we claimed didn't actually add any debt and all of what he did was due to Bush at the other end of the scale Trump is now responsible for obie's spending.

Is thre any point in history you're actually going to blame the floppy eared fag for the checks he wrote?
I have spent the last six years on this forum talking about debt and how to pay if off.

I've actually made more proposals of exactly what spending to cut more than anyone else on this forum. In fact, it is quite possible I have done so more than everyone on this forum put together.

So nice try, retard.

My point about Trump and the GOP is how you tards have been kept completely in the dark about how much they are spending.

Not one of you parroting tards has made so much as a PEEP about Trump's spending, after whining for eight years about Obama's.

The ONLY reason we are staring at yet an other government shutdown is because Trump and the GOP spend spend spend spend and spend.

Wake the fuck up, idiot.
Trump is bringing the spending down. Imagine how much we could save of the democrats stopped making us pay for illegals to be here. The only reason the government will shut down is because the democrats place illegals over citizens.

pay attention you dumbass, Trumps tax cuts just soaked $1.5 TRILLION into the debt ..
It's too much trouble for the tard to read the topic and the links. He has been carefully programmed to be deaf, dumb, and blind.

Ignorance is bliss.
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.
Kinda funny you had to throw in there "other than obie". I mean seriously other than that other fucking guy we had over the eight years we claimed didn't actually add any debt and all of what he did was due to Bush at the other end of the scale Trump is now responsible for obie's spending.

Is thre any point in history you're actually going to blame the floppy eared fag for the checks he wrote?
I have spent the last six years on this forum talking about debt and how to pay if off.

I've actually made more proposals of exactly what spending to cut more than anyone else on this forum. In fact, it is quite possible I have done so more than everyone on this forum put together.

So nice try, retard.

My point about Trump and the GOP is how you tards have been kept completely in the dark about how much they are spending.

Not one of you parroting tards has made so much as a PEEP about Trump's spending, after whining for eight years about Obama's.

The ONLY reason we are staring at yet an other government shutdown is because Trump and the GOP spend spend spend spend and spend.

Wake the fuck up, idiot.
Trump is bringing the spending down.
Wrong. Trump's deficit is higher than the year before, and the year before, and the year before that.

You see? You've been kept deliberately in the dark!
Why did you cut my quote short? Was the rest something you couldn't handle?
Trump hates being second. Especially to Obama.

I am confident the Naked Emperor will succeed in outspending Obama.
Dipshits misspelled Treasuries: Bond market braces for $ 1 trillion tsunami of Treasurys this year

Trump's Tard Herd has been deliberately kept in the dark to the fact that Trump ran up $666 billion in new debt last year. That's the highest deficit of any President in American history other than Obama.

And now, another trillion is about to hit the fan.

You see, pseudocons think if you keep adding more to your credit card, your payments don't have to go up.

In fact, Trump just lowered their credit card payment (tax "reform").

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a Ponzi scheme. Trump is issuing debt (borrowing) to pay off the national credit card!

I shit you not.

The tax "reform" transferred $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

As if that isn't a big enough clusterfuck, at today's yields there probably isn't enough demand for Trump's trillion dollar treasuries.

So interest rates will have to rise to entice our enemies to loan us more money.

There are an astronomical number of financial derivatives which will implode if that happens. Derivatives with face values approaching triple digit trillions.

“If demand for U.S. fixed income doesn’t double over the coming years then U.S. long rates will move higher, credit spreads will widen, the dollar will fall, and stocks will likely go down as foreigners move out of depreciating U.S. assets,” said Torsten Slok, chief international economist for Deutsche Bank, in a note.

I warned you. I told you the last time the GOP controlled the whole government they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse.
Kinda funny you had to throw in there "other than obie". I mean seriously other than that other fucking guy we had over the eight years we claimed didn't actually add any debt and all of what he did was due to Bush at the other end of the scale Trump is now responsible for obie's spending.

Is thre any point in history you're actually going to blame the floppy eared fag for the checks he wrote?
I have spent the last six years on this forum talking about debt and how to pay if off.

I've actually made more proposals of exactly what spending to cut more than anyone else on this forum. In fact, it is quite possible I have done so more than everyone on this forum put together.

So nice try, retard.

My point about Trump and the GOP is how you tards have been kept completely in the dark about how much they are spending.

Not one of you parroting tards has made so much as a PEEP about Trump's spending, after whining for eight years about Obama's.

The ONLY reason we are staring at yet an other government shutdown is because Trump and the GOP spend spend spend spend and spend.

Wake the fuck up, idiot.
Trump is bringing the spending down.
Wrong. Trump's deficit is higher than the year before, and the year before, and the year before that.

You see? You've been kept deliberately in the dark!
Why did you cut my quote short? Was the rest something you couldn't handle?
The rest was built on a false premise

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