Breaking: Andrew McCabe out at FBI

Dumbass Libs still don’t realize that the crooked Obama FBI clearing their own people of anything is like The Mob being asked to Investigate itself!

That is sickening, OldLady, and you should feel embarrassed.
Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.
What is sickening about it? Some of the things I say here I feel ashamed of myself for, but this isn't one of them.
So, discussing an insurance policy against Trump in his office with his lead investigators of both Clinton and Trump, isn’t cause for concern in your world?
That is sickening, OldLady, and you should feel embarrassed.
Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.
What is sickening about it? Some of the things I say here I feel ashamed of myself for, but this isn't one of them.
Calling Trump a crook after supporting Hillary is hysterical. How can you keep a straight face?

You've become a good little Trump-ologist - A majority of the Progs here didn't support or vote for Hillary.

But keep carrying the Donald water - it's cute!


What's "cute" is all of the liberals on this board that now claim they didn't support or vote for Hillary!

You're all the same people who claim that you're really moderates whenever liberals get a black eye on an issue. Have enough backbone to admit WHO and WHAT you are, Doc...either that or do some soul searching on whether you really should BE a liberal anymore!

I voted for her.
..and as he is booted out the door, the 1st US Cabinet Member in US history to Be CENSURED (For His Crimes) gives McCabe a glowing endorsement / compliment:

Eric Holder Praises FBI's Andrew McCabe After Ousting

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is, and has been, a dedicated public servant who has served this country well. Bogus attacks on the FBI and DOJ to distract attention from a legitimate criminal inquiry does long term, unnecessary damage to these foundations of our government.
— Eric Holder (@EricHolder)
January 29, 2018

That SOB was proven to have, like Mueller, hidden Russian crimes associated with their acquiring Uranium One in 2009. He was also caught dead-to-rights committing Felony Perjury under oath before Congress while trying to keep Obama's Fast and Furious scandal covered up, resulting in his Censure. His ass should be in prison right now, too.

Holder claims there have been 'bogus attacks' on the FBI and DOJ. but the PERJURER ignores the existing evidence that has exposed the crimes of those in the FBI and DOJ - Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Lynch...

Has the statute of Limitations run out on his ass, or can we still have him charged and sent to prison for his Perjury?
Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.

So you're in favor of the memo being released, Old Lady? Since you maintain that McCabe is innocent of any wrongdoing?
I have not been following "the memo." I lost respect for Nunes when he did his partisan and inappropriate run to Papa back at the beginning of the committee's investigation. It was so outrageous he had to excuse himself from further activity as it's chairman. So I am dubious about his ability to be fair in his presentation. Since I haven't seen it, I am not condemning it, of course not. That would be stupid. Perhaps you should wait, as well, though, before deciding that it is as important as the Sermon on the Mount.

The word is "recuse", a word that apparently does not appear in any liberal dictionaries.
You’d lose respect for anyone that would uphold the rule of law.

McCabe and his posse should face a firing squad.

Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.

So you're in favor of the memo being released, Old Lady? Since you maintain that McCabe is innocent of any wrongdoing?
I have not been following "the memo." I lost respect for Nunes when he did his partisan and inappropriate run to Papa back at the beginning of the committee's investigation. It was so outrageous he had to excuse himself from further activity as it's chairman. So I am dubious about his ability to be fair in his presentation. Since I haven't seen it, I am not condemning it, of course not. That would be stupid. Perhaps you should wait, as well, though, before deciding that it is as important as the Sermon on the Mount.

Again. Putinesque.
I’ll help:

Hillary Lost & You Voted For Her!



Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.
Funny that Obama 'worshippers' can't come up with anything original so they are stealing and attempting to project appropriate deity references (when applied to them) onto Republicans ... simply for pointing out the facts and evidence coming out against their traitors...
WTF are you saying, Easy? If you're going to insult me, at least do it in English.
Actually that is the typical Penalty for Treason.

And it’s time we start punishing people for it again!

You’d lose respect for anyone that would uphold the rule of law.

McCabe and his posse should face a firing squad.

Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.

So you're in favor of the memo being released, Old Lady? Since you maintain that McCabe is innocent of any wrongdoing?
I have not been following "the memo." I lost respect for Nunes when he did his partisan and inappropriate run to Papa back at the beginning of the committee's investigation. It was so outrageous he had to excuse himself from further activity as it's chairman. So I am dubious about his ability to be fair in his presentation. Since I haven't seen it, I am not condemning it, of course not. That would be stupid. Perhaps you should wait, as well, though, before deciding that it is as important as the Sermon on the Mount.

Again. Putinesque.
If you think you will win independents with the continued putinesque accusations, you might want to rethink that approach.
A lot of people deserve and should face the firing squad.

Lined up against a wall, shot, and buried in unmarked graves.

There it is.....Putinesque.

You have people here calling for the firing squad on LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS who have not even been accused of any crime. Think about that.

Independents? You think independents are with you?
Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.
Funny that Obama 'worshippers' can't come up with anything original so they are stealing and attempting to project appropriate deity references (when applied to them) onto Republicans ... simply for pointing out the facts and evidence coming out against their traitors...
WTF are you saying, Easy? If you're going to insult me, at least do it in English.
:p lol

Calm down, OL. You should know by now I am not one to insult you. On the contrary....

Look right above you post, at the post of the Trump-worshipping dweeb who tried to claim those who voted for Trump / and or those who continue to point out the evidence of crimes committed by Democrats consider Trump a 'god'.

I wasn't talking to / about you.
breaking news
Not exactly news since it's reported the guy was leaving when he had his time in for retirement. And Trump engaged with the Russians during the campaign, so besides your partisan bs, there's no real story.

But I don't understand why FBI personnel rules allow for an agent's spouse to be an elected official in politics. And for that matter, I don't understand why two agents having an affair and sharing office information on emails don't get fired.
Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.
Funny that Obama 'worshippers' can't come up with anything original so they are stealing and attempting to project appropriate deity references (when applied to them) onto Republicans ... simply for pointing out the facts and evidence coming out against their traitors...
WTF are you saying, Easy? If you're going to insult me, at least do it in English.
Prig! Good enough for you?
So, discussing an insurance policy against Trump in his office with his lead investigators of both Clinton and Trump, isn’t cause for concern in your world?
That is sickening, OldLady, and you should feel embarrassed.
Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.
What is sickening about it? Some of the things I say here I feel ashamed of myself for, but this isn't one of them.
Is that one of the Strozk texts? You got a link to that? I've never seen any of them.
You have people here calling for the firing squad on LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS who have not even been accused of any crime.
Much like treasonous little reality deniers are calling for the Impeachment of the President without ever proving a crime was ever committed warranting Mueller's witch hunt....

'Law ENFORCEMENT Officers'? Oh puh-lease.....

Criminally protected Hillary Clinton from indictment and prison for her crimes
- Criminally protected Hillary's aides from indictment and prison for their crimes
- Conspired, collaborated, broke laws, leaked classified, illegally unmasked Americans, illegally wire-tapped / spied on political opposition during an election, took bribes from Russians, hid Russian crimes, engaged in sedition, obstruction, AND TREASON!


STPFU (ST PARTISAN FU) with this BS, attempting to protect PROVEN TRAITTORS!
Can you even imagine rightwingers allowing Bill Clinton while under investigation threaten to fire Kenneth Starr or the Director overseeing the investigation of him or the FBI Director or deputy FBI director??

Your god is a crook, the real deal....
His supporters sound like Putin thugs more and more every day.

I have not read a single bit of evidence that McCabe has done anything wrong except get on the wrong side of Donald Trump for being married to a Democratic candidate for office and for being chosen by Comey, who Trump DID manage to fire. McCabe was cleared to remain on the Hillary investigation when his wife ran. He had nothing to do with her campaign except in the wild imaginations of conspiracy nuts; not that I've heard, anyway.
It is a crying shame what is happening to this country.

So you're in favor of the memo being released, Old Lady? Since you maintain that McCabe is innocent of any wrongdoing?
I have not been following "the memo." I lost respect for Nunes when he did his partisan and inappropriate run to Papa back at the beginning of the committee's investigation. It was so outrageous he had to excuse himself from further activity as it's chairman. So I am dubious about his ability to be fair in his presentation. Since I haven't seen it, I am not condemning it, of course not. That would be stupid. Perhaps you should wait, as well, though, before deciding that it is as important as the Sermon on the Mount.

The word is "recuse", a word that apparently does not appear in any liberal dictionaries.
I didn't think he formally recused himself, which is why I used "excused." He stepped aside but not off the committee. If I was wrong about that, I appreciate the correction.

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