BREAKING: CNN admit Paul Manafort was wiretapped

They were tapping john podesta....hilary's guy too....

And Comey lied...again, under oath...
"Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!" - Trump in March one is above the law, especially a candidate for POTUS. And President Obama did not authorize a wire tap, it was authorized by the VISA Court - all of which makes you a liar.
Mr Sessions, prosecute that Obama!
How do you know how to type and yet cannot read? The article is talking about Manafort being under official investigation for a long time, not anything Obama did wrong, or any sort of illegality by his administration.
The shit droppings keep landing on your own heads. Are you now going to try to spin Trump was correct and his campaign was wiretapped by Obie but it was fine?

Trump didn't claim that his campaign was wiretapped, he claimed that he was wiretapped.
Possibly meaning himself - or people working directly for him. I dunno.

He said "me".

I think it's fairly safe to assume that he meant himself. But your desire figure out how to justify anything, in the service of Trump, is noted.

Irrelevant. If a sitting president tapped his party's opponent's campaign, he could be in deep shit. There would be little legal difference between that and the Watergate break-in.
There's no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump's campaign.
You don't know that!
This is huge. He was wiretapped before and after the election. Trump Was right about the Tower! Story is breaking everywhere.
Was Manafort living in Trump Tower when he was wiretapped?
Big difference between wiretapping Manafort and wiretapping Trump tower.
And a big difference between a court ordered warrent and Obama ordering it.

Hey, guys didn't know about his surveillance.....just are likely to find out even more people were under surveillance once the truth comes out.
Trump didn't claim that his campaign was wiretapped, he claimed that he was wiretapped.
Possibly meaning himself - or people working directly for him. I dunno.

He said "me".

I think it's fairly safe to assume that he meant himself. But your desire figure out how to justify anything, in the service of Trump, is noted.

Irrelevant. If a sitting president tapped his party's opponent's campaign, he could be in deep shit. There would be little legal difference between that and the Watergate break-in.
There's no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump's campaign.
You don't know that!
I know there's no evidence to support Trump's lie that Obama wiretapped Trump Towers.

Justice Department: No evidence Trump Tower was wiretapped - CNNPolitics
Their reasoning was because Manafort worked for the Party of Regions. BUT guess who else worked for the Party of Regions? The Podesta Group.

Obviously they were only targeting the Trump campaign.
How do people as STUPID as you survive day to day???
There was NO Tramp campaign in 2014, and Manafort didn't join the campaign until 2016.

Both the Podesta Group and Manafort worked for the Party of Regions in the past. Only one was targeted. Hell's bells the Podesta Group was lobbying directly for a Russian bank to get the sanctions lifted during the freaking election.

Only the Trump team was targeted.
Bingo! This was about bugging the Trump campaign...supervised by ....James Comey.
So the whole question of all of this - what was the time frame of that 2nd warrant?
Irrelevant, if the evidence was compelling enough for the first one it was good enough to renew the warrant. Manafort did not become less of a suspect just because he became directly involved in a campaign.
Remember those days when you called liberals a bunch of terrorist sympathizers because they did not like the shaky legal grounds that made the FISA courts the final say on the legality of any given surveillance? This is entirely legal because FISA said so. Don't like it? We told you so years ago when all you could do is kiss Bush ass.

You ARE terrorists.

And you illegally tapped the opposition campaign.

Remember when they drove Nixon from office for covering up that act?
I did not actually have anything to do with any of it, I do not work for the government. Quit personalizing your unfocused rage on me.

The point you are missing in the OPs article is that this wiretap was initiated before he was Trump's CM and was done legally by going through proper channels. That means evidence was presented to judges and they thought the wiretap was warranted. Watch as your pundits and congressmen do not say shit about this in the coming days, they know this is big trouble for them, not Obama. None of them really wants the evidence presented for this tap to ever come out. Trump might even be smart enough to not tweet about this.
FISA Washington D.C. Real good.
Their reasoning was because Manafort worked for the Party of Regions. BUT guess who else worked for the Party of Regions? The Podesta Group.

Obviously they were only targeting the Trump campaign.
How do people as STUPID as you survive day to day???
There was NO Tramp campaign in 2014, and Manafort didn't join the campaign until 2016.

Both the Podesta Group and Manafort worked for the Party of Regions in the past. Only one was targeted. Hell's bells the Podesta Group was lobbying directly for a Russian bank to get the sanctions lifted during the freaking election.

Only the Trump team was targeted.
Bingo! This was about bugging the Trump campaign...supervised by ....James Comey.

There was no "Trump campaign" in 2014.
"Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!" - Trump in March

He was wrong, the article clearly states that Manafort was being monitored as far back as 2014.

No.....the article also states they got another warrant.....

Read the statement again... Trump said they got a warrant after it was turned down by a court earlier. That's FALSE. They were granted one initially, then stopped, and then got another one when they felt they needed it.
Their reasoning was because Manafort worked for the Party of Regions. BUT guess who else worked for the Party of Regions? The Podesta Group.

Obviously they were only targeting the Trump campaign.
How do people as STUPID as you survive day to day???
There was NO Tramp campaign in 2014, and Manafort didn't join the campaign until 2016.

Both the Podesta Group and Manafort worked for the Party of Regions in the past. Only one was targeted. Hell's bells the Podesta Group was lobbying directly for a Russian bank to get the sanctions lifted during the freaking election.

Only the Trump team was targeted.
Bingo! This was about bugging the Trump campaign...supervised by ....James Comey.

There was no "Trump campaign" in 2014.
But their was in 2016 and wiretapping continued. Was Podesta wiretapped?
Their reasoning was because Manafort worked for the Party of Regions. BUT guess who else worked for the Party of Regions? The Podesta Group.

Obviously they were only targeting the Trump campaign.
How do people as STUPID as you survive day to day???
There was NO Tramp campaign in 2014, and Manafort didn't join the campaign until 2016.

Both the Podesta Group and Manafort worked for the Party of Regions in the past. Only one was targeted. Hell's bells the Podesta Group was lobbying directly for a Russian bank to get the sanctions lifted during the freaking election.

Only the Trump team was targeted.
Bingo! This was about bugging the Trump campaign...supervised by ....James Comey.
I see you found evidence of that -- how about sharing your evidence with the rest of the class.....
"Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!" - Trump in March

He was wrong, the article clearly states that Manafort was being monitored as far back as 2014.

No.....the article also states they got another warrant.....

Read the statement again... Trump said they got a warrant after it was turned down by a court earlier. That's FALSE. They were granted one initially, then stopped, and then got another one when they felt they needed it.
To spy on the Trump campaign.

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