BREAKING: CNN admit Paul Manafort was wiretapped

Looks like you forgot the time Bush shoved Bin Ladin in your face and you meekly consented to mass domestic surveillance.

Also if your man was not neck deep in Russia their suspicious communications with high ranking Russians would not be a problem. At some point someone brought some sort of evidence before the FISA court and it was enough that Judges, not Obama, said go ahead. You seem to not even be aware that the president cannot just order wiretapping.
Forget UBL?

UBL is irrelevant in regards to Obama's continuous violations of both Constitution and Law by illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the US Senate, and the USSC...
Do you actually think that this article validates any of that unsubstantiated conspiracy theory bullshit? This passed through legal channels, why are you not interested in the evidence presented in court that made FISA say go ahead? I for one am very curious.
Bullshit? So tell me snowflake, during which testimony was Clapper lying under oath, when he said Obama was not illegally spying on Americans or when he testified Obama was?
The question of the legality of any instance of domestic spying is for the lawyers to figure out, not us, but your man has expressed surprise that the president cannot just order surveillance on Americans. Seems you are unaware of this as well.
Nothing you just said takes away from the fact that Obama illegally spied in Americans, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC...that he illegally used the IRS against American citizens...that Clapper re-testified that Obama did spy on Americans so he could avoid Perjury charges for lying the qst time.

You failed to answer the question, or rather dstracted from it - which time was Clapper committing Perjury - his 1st or 2nd time testifying? :p
Unlike you I talk about what is known and clearly indicate when my post is conjecture or opinion. I do not pull "facts" out of my ass as you do. If I do not know the truth of a matter I use words like "alleged" or "seems to be". I have no special inside information nor do you. We are all just trying to figure this shit out but it seems you have already made up your mind about everything, fool.
This should surprise no one and there should be criminal consequences.

Obama spied on many political opponents. He is a huge part of the Swamp.
Sometimes, it really is amazing just to sit back and watch people desperately come up with narratives and convince themselves of their truth, entirely on the fly.

It's almost as if you guys think that if you can imagine a scenario that fits what you already want to believe in, then it magically becomes the god's own truth.
So the whole question of all of this - what was the time frame of that 2nd warrant?
Irrelevant, if the evidence was compelling enough for the first one it was good enough to renew the warrant. Manafort did not become less of a suspect just because he became directly involved in a campaign.
So you are saying, that there is no possible way that a legal wiretap used during the Trump campaign, could be used illegally against him to influence the election?
I suppose it could if there was anything that actually leaked that seemed to be based on NSA wiretaps. The only thing the Obama administration had to say was that the intelligence community was unanimous that Russia had launched an espionage op on our election.
Thank you. Then I will stand by the relevance of my previous post.
If it makes you happy but I fail to see the value of collecting dirt and then not using it. Even if they did spy on Trump they took all of it and buried it so deeply no one will ever see it. I recall no revelations about Trump that did not come from publicly accessible information or just plain old hearsay.
Their reasoning was because Manafort worked for the Party of Regions. BUT guess who else worked for the Party of Regions? The Podesta Group.

Obviously they were only targeting the Trump campaign.
That wasn't their reasoning. You made that up. Link?
This is huge. He was wiretapped before and after the election. Trump Was right about the Tower! Story is breaking everywhere.
Was Manafort living in Trump Tower when he was wiretapped?
Big difference between wiretapping Manafort and wiretapping Trump tower.
And a big difference between a court ordered warrent and Obama ordering it.
The stupidity in this thread is mind boggling.
Trumpsters are pretending that wiretapping occurred in the Trump Tower.
Forget UBL?

UBL is irrelevant in regards to Obama's continuous violations of both Constitution and Law by illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the US Senate, and the USSC...
Do you actually think that this article validates any of that unsubstantiated conspiracy theory bullshit? This passed through legal channels, why are you not interested in the evidence presented in court that made FISA say go ahead? I for one am very curious.
Bullshit? So tell me snowflake, during which testimony was Clapper lying under oath, when he said Obama was not illegally spying on Americans or when he testified Obama was?
The question of the legality of any instance of domestic spying is for the lawyers to figure out, not us, but your man has expressed surprise that the president cannot just order surveillance on Americans. Seems you are unaware of this as well.
Nothing you just said takes away from the fact that Obama illegally spied in Americans, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC...that he illegally used the IRS against American citizens...that Clapper re-testified that Obama did spy on Americans so he could avoid Perjury charges for lying the qst time.

You failed to answer the question, or rather dstracted from it - which time was Clapper committing Perjury - his 1st or 2nd time testifying? :p
Unlike you I talk about what is known and clearly indicate when my post is conjecture or opinion. I do not pull "facts" out of my ass as you do. If I do not know the truth of a matter I use words like "alleged" or "seems to be". I have no special inside information nor do you. We are all just trying to figure this shit out but it seems you have already made up your mind about everything, fool.
Bullshit. Once again you make false claims and deny reality like a good little snowflake.
Trump never said that Manafort was wiretapped. He said his own phones (Trump's Trump Tower phones) were wiretapped. Be smart
Manafort had a residence at Trump Towers.

He also has 4 other residences, and quite a number of offices as well.
I'm sure they were tapped as well...
And Trump told the truth.

These asswipes on the left...they keep thinking they are going to get Trump....and then they get hit in the face with their own stupidity....
False. Trump said that his own (Trump's) phones were wiretapped. If you can prove that Manafort used a phone that belonged to Trump, and if you can prove that Mannaforts residence in Virginia was not the one wiretapped, then you have a case.

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