Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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Boss, you are totally done here. We've taken too many trips with you out to the woodshed, and I'm bored with your losing debate. See you on the next one. It's been fun.
Trump was a democrat during the times of those accusations you leftist have made against him. So why did yall love him then and not now?
Did I ever say I loved Trump? You just made up another lie. Lol! You are so off balance you just spew one lie on top of another. Boss, you got the Trump fever bad.
LEFTIST, IN GENERAL, did I say you did personally?
Really? Who are the Leftist today, right this minute, who love Trump?
Dude try not to twist what I said
Go back restructure your sentence to actually fit what I said.
I already did. I don't have to twist anything. You're the one on the ropes. Same question you can't answer. Scratch that question. Answer the first one about Obama? Lol!
no, the search is on you those comments of obama is on record and I'm not searching for common knowledge things obama said. You're questioning it go fetch.
Boss, do you have any idea how utterly ridiculous you are looking with that question? You failed to prove your lie, then you go to plan B to cover it up. Please, give it a rest. You have no idea how foolish you look right now.
Your dodge is noted.
:auiqs.jpg:"Dodge?" How can I dodge my question I asked you that you can't answer? Boss you have totally lost it.
No you're dodging what I said not your question but keep trying you might get there.
You never said anything and you never will. You still haven't answered my question, because you know you can't, because you know you are a liar.
Really I haven't said anything?
Here once again obama's hate-filled rhetoric that caused cops to be assassinated
The cops acted stupid,
sending in the DOJ on several police shootings
If I had a son he would be like Trayvon
dude, you act as if obama's 8 years is ancient history.
OH and it also emboldened city mayors to allow the protestors space to destroy.
Facts make a leftist run
Boss, you are totally done here. We've taken too many trips with you out to the woodshed, and I'm bored with your losing debate. See you on the next one. It's been fun.
Boss, do you have any idea how utterly ridiculous you are looking with that question? You failed to prove your lie, then you go to plan B to cover it up. Please, give it a rest. You have no idea how foolish you look right now.
Your dodge is noted.
:auiqs.jpg:"Dodge?" How can I dodge my question I asked you that you can't answer? Boss you have totally lost it.
No you're dodging what I said not your question but keep trying you might get there.
You never said anything and you never will. You still haven't answered my question, because you know you can't, because you know you are a liar.
Really I haven't said anything?
Here once again obama's hate-filled rhetoric that caused cops to be assassinated
The cops acted stupid,
sending in the DOJ on several police shootings
If I had a son he would be like Trayvon
dude, you act as if obama's 8 years is ancient history.
OH and it also emboldened city mayors to allow the protestors space to destroy.
What? Are you high? That's your argument? Obama is 110% spot on. Racism has been a thing in this country for centuries. That isn't a statement of hate, that is a statement of historical fact. And I know you don't want to lock horns with me about those facts.:auiqs.jpg: That's it, because of Treyvon?
Your dodge is noted.
:auiqs.jpg:"Dodge?" How can I dodge my question I asked you that you can't answer? Boss you have totally lost it.
No you're dodging what I said not your question but keep trying you might get there.
You never said anything and you never will. You still haven't answered my question, because you know you can't, because you know you are a liar.
Really I haven't said anything?
Here once again obama's hate-filled rhetoric that caused cops to be assassinated
The cops acted stupid,
sending in the DOJ on several police shootings
If I had a son he would be like Trayvon
dude, you act as if obama's 8 years is ancient history.
OH and it also emboldened city mayors to allow the protestors space to destroy.
What? Are you high? That's your argument? Obama is 110% spot on. Racism has been a thing in this country for centuries. That isn't a statement of hate, that is a statement of historical fact. And I know you don't want to lock horns with me about those facts.
Nope obama was wanting to raise racial tension
You never let a good crisis go to waste
Your dodge is noted.
:auiqs.jpg:"Dodge?" How can I dodge my question I asked you that you can't answer? Boss you have totally lost it.
No you're dodging what I said not your question but keep trying you might get there.
You never said anything and you never will. You still haven't answered my question, because you know you can't, because you know you are a liar.
Really I haven't said anything?
Here once again obama's hate-filled rhetoric that caused cops to be assassinated
The cops acted stupid,
sending in the DOJ on several police shootings
If I had a son he would be like Trayvon
dude, you act as if obama's 8 years is ancient history.
OH and it also emboldened city mayors to allow the protestors space to destroy.
Facts make a leftist run
Boss, you are totally done here. We've taken too many trips with you out to the woodshed, and I'm bored with your losing debate. See you on the next one. It's been fun.
I never run from liars. I just get bored from humiliating them when they box themselves in.
:auiqs.jpg:"Dodge?" How can I dodge my question I asked you that you can't answer? Boss you have totally lost it.
No you're dodging what I said not your question but keep trying you might get there.
You never said anything and you never will. You still haven't answered my question, because you know you can't, because you know you are a liar.
Really I haven't said anything?
Here once again obama's hate-filled rhetoric that caused cops to be assassinated
The cops acted stupid,
sending in the DOJ on several police shootings
If I had a son he would be like Trayvon
dude, you act as if obama's 8 years is ancient history.
OH and it also emboldened city mayors to allow the protestors space to destroy.
Facts make a leftist run
Boss, you are totally done here. We've taken too many trips with you out to the woodshed, and I'm bored with your losing debate. See you on the next one. It's been fun.
I never run from liars. I just get bored from humiliating them when they box themselves in.
You ran, but not from a liar but from facts. Your delusion makes you see anything you don't agree with as a lie.
Whackos with guns, and an agenda haven’t cost me anything. Invaders cost us all daily. And there isn’t a single attempt Trump has made to address the illegals issue that the left hasn’t resisted.
So? The Left is wrong on this issue..big surprise.
So is most of the Right though...just in a different way. Also not a surprise.
The POTUS is the actor here..the guy with the hammer. he could order raids..across the nation at employers of Illegals. He could convene 14.7 deportation courts---and authorize the hiring of additional judges. He could arrest illegals in droves..without notice and without the help of the locals. He could do all of this with a stroke of a pen.
No Congress needed. He is the chief LEO on our nation...all he need do is enforce the the same time he could paper the barrio's with fliers in Spanish..telling illegals that if they self-deport..they can still be considered for immigration..but if they are deported..lifetime ban.

He could instruct the INS to crack down on visa overstays..of whatever country..and get them deported as well.

The Democrats could not do a thing..within the law to stop him.

Yet he does nothing..for fear of public opinion.

So whining about the just a bit silly---on this issue Trump is a paper tiger..and everyone with a brain knows it.
This is probably at least somewhat true but Jesus Christ man look how badly the media paints him as a racist for the things he’s already done (or not done based on your point of view). He’s always going to be fighting a losing battle with the overall public because the major media is hell bent on destroying his character any way possible. I mean you’ve GOT to be able to see that, no?

trump has no character & has been racist for decades, going back to him & his daddy getting sued for housing discrimination.
Yeah I have the mainstream media too :rolleyes:
So, it's the "mainstream medias' fault for exposing Trump for the monster that he is? Are you fucking kidding me? We don't need any media to figure that out. We have our own eyes and ears to know what we need to know about Trump, minus the media.
The left are the stupidest people on the face on the earth. Nothing you people say has any basis in reality, you’re all a bunch of reactionary, emotionally driven morons and when trump wins another term I hope you cry yourselves to sleep every night until his term ends
So? The Left is wrong on this issue..big surprise.
So is most of the Right though...just in a different way. Also not a surprise.
The POTUS is the actor here..the guy with the hammer. he could order raids..across the nation at employers of Illegals. He could convene 14.7 deportation courts---and authorize the hiring of additional judges. He could arrest illegals in droves..without notice and without the help of the locals. He could do all of this with a stroke of a pen.
No Congress needed. He is the chief LEO on our nation...all he need do is enforce the the same time he could paper the barrio's with fliers in Spanish..telling illegals that if they self-deport..they can still be considered for immigration..but if they are deported..lifetime ban.

He could instruct the INS to crack down on visa overstays..of whatever country..and get them deported as well.

The Democrats could not do a thing..within the law to stop him.

Yet he does nothing..for fear of public opinion.

So whining about the just a bit silly---on this issue Trump is a paper tiger..and everyone with a brain knows it.
This is probably at least somewhat true but Jesus Christ man look how badly the media paints him as a racist for the things he’s already done (or not done based on your point of view). He’s always going to be fighting a losing battle with the overall public because the major media is hell bent on destroying his character any way possible. I mean you’ve GOT to be able to see that, no?

trump has no character & has been racist for decades, going back to him & his daddy getting sued for housing discrimination.
Yeah I have the mainstream media too :rolleyes:
So, it's the "mainstream medias' fault for exposing Trump for the monster that he is? Are you fucking kidding me? We don't need any media to figure that out. We have our own eyes and ears to know what we need to know about Trump, minus the media.
The left are the stupidest people on the face on the earth. Nothing you people say has any basis in reality, you’re all a bunch of reactionary, emotionally driven morons and when trump wins another term I hope you cry yourselves to sleep every night until his term ends
Given the idiocy of this post, conservatives are in no position to refer to others as ‘stupid’ or ‘morons.
Lone Wolves are weak minded faggots who see no way out of a situation. Only a feeble mind would tie Trump to this tragedy, as only a weak mind would use Trump as a reason to do it.
******* and wetbacks murder each other in droves every day in the inner city though...not a word about that from ****** and wetback 'leaders'

‘How do you stop these people?’: Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric looms over El Paso massacre

The question is no longer whether President Trump will respond to a mass shooting as other presidents once did, but whether he contributed to the carnage.
Interpretive horse shit.
Trump's desire to enforce borders and rule of law led to the massacre of 20? Bit of a twist don't you think?

Trump’s demonization of people led to it.
Then what about the mass shootings before Trump? What caused those?

Other republic pols.

Versus the Communist pols who are spewing hatred all the time?

Look at that kunt AOC,

{Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) late Monday said that President Trump's divisive rhetoric on immigration was "directly responsible" for the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas that left at least 22 people dead. The freshman New York congresswoman made the comments while speaking at a vigil in Brooklyn for the victims of the shooting in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio, according to the New York Daily News. “I’m tired of the questioning if the president is racist. He is,” Ocasio-Cortez told a crowd of about 500 people, the newspaper noted. }}
Demagogic Clown: AOC Declares Trump 'Directly Responsible' for El Paso Mass Shooting

Fucking pig, she is no different than Adolf Hitler or Pol Pot, a festering canker sore.

You Communists have NO room to talk about others, you are the most shameful piles of shit in the nation, Utter demagogues without a shred of decency, enemies of America and anything decent in this world.

Wow, the scumbag press lies again - and about something this important.

Even at this moment the Fascist fucks over at CNN are claiming this was a "white nationalist Trump supporter."
If CNN wants to make this a fight between white nationalist Trump supporters and foreign invaders, I truly wish them luck. It's a fight we need to have.

I support the NATION of America, the United States. IF the traitor democrats don't like it, fuck them. These Marxist scum democrats are wearing damned thin.
You support the nation of Right-wing, white nationalist terrorism, if you support Trump. The single biggest threat to national security. It is now a bigger threat than international terrorism.

Hate Map

I support AMERICA, that means you are my enemy - since you are an enemy of the Republic and the Constitution it's based on.
This is probably at least somewhat true but Jesus Christ man look how badly the media paints him as a racist for the things he’s already done (or not done based on your point of view). He’s always going to be fighting a losing battle with the overall public because the major media is hell bent on destroying his character any way possible. I mean you’ve GOT to be able to see that, no?

trump has no character & has been racist for decades, going back to him & his daddy getting sued for housing discrimination.
Yeah I have the mainstream media too :rolleyes:
So, it's the "mainstream medias' fault for exposing Trump for the monster that he is? Are you fucking kidding me? We don't need any media to figure that out. We have our own eyes and ears to know what we need to know about Trump, minus the media.
The left are the stupidest people on the face on the earth. Nothing you people say has any basis in reality, you’re all a bunch of reactionary, emotionally driven morons and when trump wins another term I hope you cry yourselves to sleep every night until his term ends
Given the idiocy of this post, conservatives are in no position to refer to others as ‘stupid’ or ‘morons.
it takes an ignorant person to be a leftist
This is probably at least somewhat true but Jesus Christ man look how badly the media paints him as a racist for the things he’s already done (or not done based on your point of view). He’s always going to be fighting a losing battle with the overall public because the major media is hell bent on destroying his character any way possible. I mean you’ve GOT to be able to see that, no?

trump has no character & has been racist for decades, going back to him & his daddy getting sued for housing discrimination.
Yeah I have the mainstream media too :rolleyes:
So, it's the "mainstream medias' fault for exposing Trump for the monster that he is? Are you fucking kidding me? We don't need any media to figure that out. We have our own eyes and ears to know what we need to know about Trump, minus the media.
The left are the stupidest people on the face on the earth. Nothing you people say has any basis in reality, you’re all a bunch of reactionary, emotionally driven morons and when trump wins another term I hope you cry yourselves to sleep every night until his term ends
Given the idiocy of this post, conservatives are in no position to refer to others as ‘stupid’ or ‘morons.
There’s nothing left to debate with you. Everything you people want is based on a narrow minded emotionally driven position that never critically breaks down the topic to predict outcomes and decide what makes the most sense to do. It’s always a reaction to something with you people, whatever feels good to do. And the cognitive dissonance? It’s off the charts. There’s no getting through to you people.
Attorney General William P. Barr issued the following statement:

"The Justice Department joins in mourning with the people of El Paso, Texas. Those who commit such atrocities should be held accountable swiftly and to the fullest extent the law allows."
Statement from Attorney General William P. Barr on Today's Shooting in El Paso, Texas
Yeah how about being left hanging in the public square on view for at least one week or maybe two for everyone to see ??

People can then walk by with their young, and say to them that "this is what you get when you commit atrocities" in America.

The stinch of the rotting corpse should add to the scene, and the young and old need to smell it in order to get the idea of how disgusting it is, and how disgusting it was in what the the perp did as he hang there with his tongue hanging out, and his eyes bulging out from his henious act.
big day tomorrow good night try a little harder next time

looks like we came full circle, jethro.... 'sonny'? haaaaa...............

Breaking News - Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot
Yes, registered democrat got it. The shooter was an environmentalist (tree hugger) Shooters belief predated Trump meaning his hatred came from obama.
You are dealing with me you're going to loose and look foolish sonny

lol... still calling me 'sonny', 'eh?

you're lazy AND ignorant....
Yes Sonny you are lazy

how many females are called sonny? lol.............................................


you = lazy & ignorant.
My disclaimer stands, thankyouverymuch.
Unless your "disclaimer" stated that thegatewaypundit was the one who altered that page to make up fake news, then your "disclaimer," along with the rest of your post, is complete nonsense.
It appeared in an earlier post. But be my guest, jump right in. The concrete floor to the pool is closer than it looks. <giggle>
No worries, I already posted evidence that page was created after Crusius was arrested. Righties are dumb. They'll ignore reality anyway and believe that really is Crusius' MyLife page.
You're status climbing again, Mr. Faun. You use people like stepping stones, i.e. "righties are dumb." How high up on the evolutionary ladder do you think that will pull you? One whole millimeter? :rolleyes:
I mean seriously, Trump can't even pretend he gives a shit after getting the city name wrong. He could care less. If his concern was genuine he wouldn't get everything wrong. When he's doing something illegal for his benefit, he doesn't get that wrong does he? It's all relative.

he did the same thing with the fire in 'paradise' - instead he called it 'pleasure'. he is incapable of having any interest with what is past the tip of his cheeto dusted nose.
Attorney General William P. Barr issued the following statement:

"The Justice Department joins in mourning with the people of El Paso, Texas. Those who commit such atrocities should be held accountable swiftly and to the fullest extent the law allows."
Statement from Attorney General William P. Barr on Today's Shooting in El Paso, Texas
Yeah how about being left hanging in the public square on view for at least one week or maybe two for everyone to see ??

People can then walk by with their young, and say to them that "this is what you get when you commit atrocities" in America.

The stinch of the rotting corpse should add to the scene, and the young and old need to smell it in order to get the idea of how disgusting it is, and how disgusting it was in what the the perp did as he hang there with his tongue hanging out, and his eyes bulging out from his henious act.
Not going to happen. Plz consider laying off the mind-altering substance that is clouding your brain's reason center. Thx.
big day tomorrow good night try a little harder next time

looks like we came full circle, jethro.... 'sonny'? haaaaa...............

Breaking News - Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot
Yes, registered democrat got it. The shooter was an environmentalist (tree hugger) Shooters belief predated Trump meaning his hatred came from obama.
You are dealing with me you're going to loose and look foolish sonny

lol... still calling me 'sonny', 'eh?

you're lazy AND ignorant....
Yes Sonny you are lazy

how many females are called sonny? lol.............................................


you = lazy & ignorant.
like I'm supposed to know you're a female for all I know you're a Russian Bot
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