Breaking: NBC reporting Trump on the way to Walter Reed

I'd give good money now if some reporters would go up to key democrats now and ask them if they think it a curious coincidence that the ONE PERSON closest to Trump most accessible to them most likely to get him infected JUST HAPPENED to come down with Covid, almost as if AN ATTEMPT WERE BEING MADE ON THE POTUS'S LIFE! And would THEY be willing for formally and publicly denounce that they in no way had anything to do with it?

Then listen to the crickets.
Biden was physically close to Trump a few days ago. Biden wants Trump's job. Did Biden intentionally give Covid to Trump?
“I don’t wear a mask like him. Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from him and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

The majority of the PLANET was not wearing a mask for about 5 MONTHS, so why hasn't the majority of the PLANET already got or had COVID-19? Remember they are NOW saying that wearing a mask does NOT STOP you getting COVID-19 it just apparently stops you BREATHING on OTHERS or COUGHING at OTHERS.
did you know?

President Reagan was treated for colon cancer at Walter Reed in 1985

i never knew that before
This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose

If The Donald dies, REMEMBER ALL this crowd of Leftists will be on the STREETS CELEBRATING.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Saddam Hussein.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Osama bin Laden.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Fidel Castro.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS Leader)

REMEMBER: They WOULD CELEBRATE the death of Donald Trump.

This is ALL EVERYONE needs to KNOW about WHAT they ARE. They are human SCUM. They are human SCUM.

Goddamn RIght. The Reich Wing 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Facist is getting what he so fucking richly deserve.

Fuck Him. He has killed over 200,000 Innocent Men, Women and Children with his Indifference, and his Ineptitude. Let that Son of Fucking Whore Die.
You're retarded.

No not retarded, just consumed by evil. Notice though that POS did NOT mention that the Democrat Governor of New York has been responsible for a MASSIVE percentage of the COVID-19 deaths by putting HOSPITAL PATIENTS who had COVID-19 in Care Homes with the ELDERLY who did NOT have COVID-19.

You see their HATE of The Donald is insane and unhinged and everything else, this crowd are NOT to be considered HUMAN anymore and so remember that when the TIME arrives, they are not HUMAN, they are OBJECTS to be eradicated by ANY means.

Kinda like a virus.
“I don’t wear a mask like him. Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from him and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

The majority of the PLANET was not wearing a mask for about 5 MONTHS, so why hasn't the majority of the PLANET already got or had COVID-19? Remember they are NOW saying that wearing a mask does NOT STOP you getting COVID-19 it just apparently stops you BREATHING on OTHERS or COUGHING at OTHERS.

Yea exactly.

Or maybe we can start listening to the CDC.
I'd give good money now if some reporters would go up to key democrats now and ask them if they think it a curious coincidence that the ONE PERSON closest to Trump most accessible to them most likely to get him infected JUST HAPPENED to come down with Covid, almost as if AN ATTEMPT WERE BEING MADE ON THE POTUS'S LIFE! And would THEY be willing for formally and publicly denounce that they in no way had anything to do with it?

Then listen to the crickets.
Biden was physically close to Trump a few days ago. Biden wants Trump's job. Did Biden intentionally give Covid to Trump?

In several of Biden's more recent events on camera he's been wheezing and coughing and having difficulty breathing, they were all from about a WEEK before the Debate and the footage was posted at this forum, on YouTube etc Biden has looked and sounded like a Walking Corpse for MONTHS.
Do you see anyone laughing, you petulant child?
The rest of the world, you blind ass.

Do us a favor and start a thread with links to all the places around the world laughing cause Trump is in the hospital? You can start here by posting just one.
i am here in germany having a good time.

Gee, I can't think of many things more comforting than your being 10,000 miles away.
shows either your lack of imagination, or that you are truly afraid of me. is it because i repeatedly laughed at you for not being able to understand percent increase? i can do this again. from germany. lol

No, I just like my trash far enough out of sight that I can't smell it.
how does that work on an internet message board, hero?

yeah, people all over the world laugh at you and your clown in chief.

You're right. I CAN still smell you.

Too bad Trump will have the last laugh again, Nazi.
seems like a personal problem. maybe a brain tumor.
“I don’t wear a mask like him. Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from him and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

The majority of the PLANET was not wearing a mask for about 5 MONTHS, so why hasn't the majority of the PLANET already got or had COVID-19? Remember they are NOW saying that wearing a mask does NOT STOP you getting COVID-19 it just apparently stops you BREATHING on OTHERS or COUGHING at OTHERS.

Yea exactly.

Or maybe we can start listening to the CDC.

You know the CDC recently updated all their COVID-19 stuff and it said that 96% of those with COVID-19 recover, but of course keep drinking the Kool-Aid that this is literally the return of the Bubonic Plague or whatever. Unless you are OLD and SICK or you have PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS you are going to recover from COVID-19, this is why the World Wide Death Total is so low, there are 7,8 BILLION on this Planet and we have ONLY 1 MILLION dead and those for majority part were going to die of either Old Age OR their Pre-Existing Health Issue anyway. There is NO need to DESTROY the FUTURE of BILLIONS of HEALTHY peoples for all this shit.

MORE peoples are going to die from having all the Lockdowns and losing their jobs and having their entire LIFE RUINED.

In the history of the PLANET we have NEVER Quarantined the YOUNG AND THE HEALTHY or the MIDDLE AGED AND THE HEALTHY, you do NOT Quarantine HEALTHY peoples, doing so DAMAGES the Immune System that is supposed to be there to BUILD up resistance to fight INFECTIONS and a VIRUS.

You Quarantined the OLD AND THE SICK and those who ALREADY HAVE PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS and EVERYONE ELSE is supposed to go and live their lives as NORMAL. Throughout HISTORY that is what has been done.
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This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose

If The Donald dies, REMEMBER ALL this crowd of Leftists will be on the STREETS CELEBRATING.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Saddam Hussein.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Osama bin Laden.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Fidel Castro.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS Leader)

REMEMBER: They WOULD CELEBRATE the death of Donald Trump.

This is ALL EVERYONE needs to KNOW about WHAT they ARE. They are human SCUM. They are human SCUM.
Let me get this straight. You want us to be more concerned for Trump than any of you has ever been for anyone else that has sickened and died from this disease? You have bumped your head. We just went through months of watching the entire right refuse to mourn for the loss of 200.000 Americans because it might make Trump look bad. I save my sympathy for good people who deserve it.
Spare us. Democrats don’t give a shit about COVID patients beyond the glee they feel when one gets infected because it keeps the country locked down.

Now fuck off.
So many people on Twitter are Tweeting that they hope he dies, then they delete the tweet.

Why are they deleting their tweets. We have free speech. Show the world your true colors. Thats what we are all about. Dont pussyfoot.
Do you see anyone laughing, you petulant child?
The rest of the world, you blind ass.

Do us a favor and start a thread with links to all the places around the world laughing cause Trump is in the hospital? You can start here by posting just one.
i am here in germany having a good time.

Gee, I can't think of many things more comforting than your being 10,000 miles away.
shows either your lack of imagination, or that you are truly afraid of me. is it because i repeatedly laughed at you for not being able to understand percent increase? i can do this again. from germany. lol

No, I just like my trash far enough out of sight that I can't smell it.
how does that work on an internet message board, hero?

yeah, people all over the world laugh at you and your clown in chief.
Pissing ourselves in Wales.

The same wankers who were dancing in the street when RBG died now want consideration for the fat pig who killed 200000 citizens.
Right wing empathy only works one way.
This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose

If The Donald dies, REMEMBER ALL this crowd of Leftists will be on the STREETS CELEBRATING.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Saddam Hussein.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Osama bin Laden.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Fidel Castro.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS Leader)

REMEMBER: They WOULD CELEBRATE the death of Donald Trump.

This is ALL EVERYONE needs to KNOW about WHAT they ARE. They are human SCUM. They are human SCUM.
Let me get this straight. You want us to be more concerned for Trump than any of you has ever been for anyone else that has sickened and died from this disease? You have bumped your head. We just went through months of watching the entire right refuse to mourn for the loss of 200.000 Americans because it might make Trump look bad. I save my sympathy for good people who deserve it.
Spare us. Democrats don’t give a shit about COVID patients beyond the glee they feel when one gets infected because it keeps the country locked down.

Now fuck off.
The right surrendered the moral highground to follow a deeply flawed amoral sack of shit. You fuck off.
Do you see anyone laughing, you petulant child?
The rest of the world, you blind ass.

Do us a favor and start a thread with links to all the places around the world laughing cause Trump is in the hospital? You can start here by posting just one.
i am here in germany having a good time.

Gee, I can't think of many things more comforting than your being 10,000 miles away.
shows either your lack of imagination, or that you are truly afraid of me. is it because i repeatedly laughed at you for not being able to understand percent increase? i can do this again. from germany. lol

No, I just like my trash far enough out of sight that I can't smell it.
how does that work on an internet message board, hero?

yeah, people all over the world laugh at you and your clown in chief.
Pissing ourselves in Wales.

The same wankers who were dancing in the street when RBG died now want consideration for the fat pig who killed 200000 citizens.
Right wing empathy only works one way.

what people were dancing in the street when RBG died. Who is the welsh fat pig to which you allude?
One of his advisors came out to a mic on the front lawn of the White House and that is what he said. I saw the video. Not sure the point you are trying to make.

Lucy was intimating that there is a conspiracy regarding Regeneron because he had "mild symptoms."

Simply because you are told that he had mild symptoms doesn't mean he has mild symptoms. They could be much more serious.

I think if they are taking him to Walter Reed, it isn't because he has mild symptoms. And if they are more serious, I doubt it's because of Regeneron.

Remember, this is a guy who was pushing hydroxychloroquine as a silver bullet when there was zero empirical proof that it was.
“I don’t wear a mask like him. Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from him and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”

The majority of the PLANET was not wearing a mask for about 5 MONTHS, so why hasn't the majority of the PLANET already got or had COVID-19? Remember they are NOW saying that wearing a mask does NOT STOP you getting COVID-19 it just apparently stops you BREATHING on OTHERS or COUGHING at OTHERS.
Uh, given you’re referring to the timeframe at the beginning of the year, the answer would be low prevalence of circulating virus in the community.

This isn’t complicated
So many people on Twitter are Tweeting that they hope he dies, then they delete the tweet.

Why are they deleting their tweets. We have free speech. Show the world your true colors. Thats what we are all about. Dont pussyfoot.
Maybe they are afraid they will lose their jobs. Live by cancel bitten in the ass by cancel culture.

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