BREAKING NEWS!!!!! A real shocker

So it's OK to piss off nut-jobs if you KNOW they are going to retaliate by murdering innocent people?

Don't tell me that we need to support free speech at all costs, tell the victims families.
What victims?

The only dead people are the terrorists

Maybe not in this case, but do you remember the Quran burning douche Terry Jones?

Afghan mob kills at least 12 UN workers in protest over Terry Jones’s Koran-burning

“Wait,” you say, “since when did Terry Jones burn a Koran?” Turns out he did it 12 days ago after some sort of kangaroo court/mock trial. I didn’t know about it until today; apparently, after being savaged last fall for condemning Jones’s provocation while devoting saturation coverage to it, most of the national media wisely decided to ignore him this time. Most, but not all: Someone must have picked up the story because, by last Thursday, our “friend” Hamid Karzai had formally denounced Jones’s act. Then, a week later, our “friends” in the Pakistani government denounced it too, replete with an open letter to the head of Interpol asking him to arrest Jones for the “violent crime” he supposedly committed. In other words, faced with a choice between pleasing local fundamentalists by publicizing a provocation they were trying to demagogue and alienating the fundies by ignoring it in order to avert a violent backlash, our “allies” decided to cover their own asses by stirring the pot. And let’s face it: Given the consequences these days in AfPak for being seen as soft on blasphemy, that’s a perfectly rational decision. Someone’s going to die....

Afghan mob kills at least 12 UN workers in protest over Terry Jones s Koran-burning Hot Air

Technically, I should be able to go up to an old lady who just lost her husband and call her a slut. Would you support THAT kind of free speech?

I wouldn't, If I ever saw that, I'd punch the stupid bastard in his face.
So you excuse the acts of animals on a moron that was not involved in their heinous act?

Get a grip bro
MLK used civil disobediance knowing it would incite haters to react. Was that justified? Sometimes the only way for exposing the haters is to bring them out in the open.

That folks, is the reason the 1st amendment exists.

the difference is that free expression in America is not oppressed and the event was not an act of civil disobedience.

a political activist didn't start a drawing contest because she felt the oppression of American laws.
On another thread I labeled Pamela Geller a "media whore"...because her stunt was not to champion free speech, but for her self-aggrandizing future as she makes the rounds of talk shows and so-called "lectures" on why (according to her) all Muslims are scum.

On that thread I was criticized for MY own right in voicing my opinion of this hate-mongering dingbat...... Go figure the hypocrisy.
MLK used civil disobediance knowing it would incite haters to react. Was that justified? Sometimes the only way for exposing the haters is to bring them out in the open.

That folks, is the reason the 1st amendment exists.

the difference is that free expression in America is not oppressed and the event was not an act of civil disobedience.

a political activist didn't start a drawing contest because she felt the oppression of American laws.
Actually people are feeling the oppression of those in power, whether through laws or actions. There wasn't the violence or even threats of violence when the Muslims held their 'respect the prophet meeting' in the same venue as Geller used.

Does that mean that there wasn't or isn't dissent to their message, just like with some of what has been presented as 'art' just to offend other believers? Should all be repudiated and forbidden?
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

supporting something is free, not supporting something is free, abusing either is free...

come and get it while it lasts !!!
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

No one's asking you to support it, or at least no one should be. But you SHOULD stand up and defend their right to say it. We have to defend all speech, especially now.
What does especially now mean? No one denied their right to be assholes so there is no free speech issue involved.
Personally, I have no use for any "religion". As far as I am concerned "religion" has nothing to do with 'spirituality". You can believe in God or anything else without a "religion". I believe that Enlightenment and Spirituality begin where religion ends. My philosophy is to find your own path, don't slavishly follow any "religion".

That being said- Islam is the worst of all the worlds religions. Unlike other religions, Muslims are intolerant and full of hatred, They will chop off your head if you don't comply with their narrow 7th century view of the world. They treat women like chatell, and despite their weak protestations that "Islam condemns violence", Muslims love it when an ISIS terrorist chops a Christian or Jews head off. They celebrate when a father kills his daughter in the name of "honor". The squirt in their Bishts whenever a husband beats his wife to a bloody pulp, or a gang rapes a "wanton" woman. They want to silence all criticism of their sick and twisted religion and will resort to violence as needed Not only is the violence condoned, it is celebrated and codified!! It's all for "Jihad"!! Blulololooolooo!!!! It really is disgusting.

Regarding Muslims that live in the USA, I will defend their right to believe in their twisted ideology. It sickens me, but it is their Constitutional right. Just don't complain when I eat a pork chop wrapped in bacon. Don't say a thing when I wipe my ass with your precious Qu'ran. And don't try to kill people for drawing cartoons of your pedophile prophet!!

I Defend everyone's right to FREE SPEECH, even those I disagree with.

As for Gellar, I admire her fearlessness. I hope she holds a "draw Muhammed" contest in every city on the country.
Free speech MUST carry a measure of responsibility.....

Keep in mind that we were fortunate that only those 2 would-be-terrorists were killed....but it could have been different. Bear in mind that Geller had a phalanx of security EXPECTING (and even luring) a terrorist act.

Unfortunately it's NOT over and innocent Americans will bear the blunt of retaliation for Geller's stunt..while she safely prances to the nearest bank to collect her "just rewards" for being a hate monger.
Free speech MUST carry a measure of responsibility.....

Keep in mind that we were fortunate that only those 2 would-be-terrorists were killed....but it could have been different. Bear in mind that Geller had a phalanx of security EXPECTING (and even luring) a terrorist act.

Unfortunately it's NOT over and innocent Americans will bear the blunt of retaliation for Geller's stunt..while she safely prances to the nearest bank to collect her "just rewards" for being a hate monger.

^ Muzzie appeaser
Free speech MUST carry a measure of responsibility.....

Keep in mind that we were fortunate that only those 2 would-be-terrorists were killed....but it could have been different. Bear in mind that Geller had a phalanx of security EXPECTING (and even luring) a terrorist act.

Unfortunately it's NOT over and innocent Americans will bear the blunt of retaliation for Geller's stunt..while she safely prances to the nearest bank to collect her "just rewards" for being a hate monger.

Should these types of exhibits be prohibited?

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