Breaking: Protests Against Trump Across America

These are the people who complain it's their opponents who are hateful and violent. These are the same people who complain they can't score a job because the system is rigged against them.

Some of the ugliest hatefull people have posted on this thread..I hope you pray to your God for forgiveness of your sins...

The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.
Are you demented?
The postings have been exactly the OPPOSITE of what you just posted.
You are a phucking psycho.

You weren't here last night, scumbag. I was told I should be dead. I was told I should've been aborted (by a mod, no less!) I was told I deserved to die. Why? Because Trump won, apparently. I guess it's how you conservative demons like to celebrate -- by wishing death upon fellow Americans.
If you sat back and read your postings objectively you would know just how much of a waste of breath you are.
You come across as a completely self-absorbed asshole.
I am waiting for you to contribute one constructive idea to this forum, and if your postings up to this point are any indication, I will be waiting forever.

lol, here you go again. Yes, "Indeependent," we know you think I'm an asshole -- and I've already agreed with you. We've established this already, many times now.
I'm not saying they should "go away".

I'm saying they should grow the fuck up.
Protesting is part of America. That's long as they stay out of the street, don't get violent and get a paper to allow the protest.
I'm not saying they shouldn't. But I find it personally immature for anyone to criticize the results of an election. It's the utter lack of respect for the process, not the protest itself.
Wasn't it Trump himself who said he would not accept the results of the election if he didn't win?
Wasn't it you that called him out for it? Aren't you now endorsing thousands of protesters for doing the same thing?

Aren't you guilty of a double standard?
I am accusing you of the same

Celebrating a candidate who was protesting election results right up to the point he saw he was ahead......and then mocking those who are doing the same thing towards him
I never said I agreed with him.

(on that statement)
Some of the ugliest hatefull people have posted on this thread..I hope you pray to your God for forgiveness of your sins...

The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.
Are you demented?
The postings have been exactly the OPPOSITE of what you just posted.
You are a phucking psycho.

You weren't here last night, scumbag. I was told I should be dead. I was told I should've been aborted. I was told I deserved to die. Why? Because Trump won, apparently. I guess it's how you conservative demons like to celebrate -- by wishing death upon fellow Americans.
Oh like you didn't instigate the conflict.
Cut the shit, genius

I probably was my usual asshole self, but blaming ME for someone else telling me I should be dead is just about the most disgusting (yet somehow typical) think you, a conservative, can say.

They were reciprocating your overt hatred of anyone who disagrees with you.
You are a disgusting, immature piece of shit who has nothing but vicious contempt for anyone who disagrees with you by even a hair's breath.
When trump gets rid of illegals so that those jobs are filled with citizens, no self respecting person with a half a brain will expect the same job done by a citizen for anything less than twice what the illegal was making.
Some of the ugliest hatefull people have posted on this thread..I hope you pray to your God for forgiveness of your sins...

The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.

So you're despised. That's why you got your ass kicked in the election. People hate traitorous, lying pigs.

I wouldn't exactly call Hillary winning the national popular vote getting "my ass kicked." You've been particularly disgusting, revolting and sickening since he won. You have a screw loose.

Go celebrate. Oh yeah, you have no friends.
Loss of the Presidency, house, senate and two more governorships. Yeah that's an ass kicking.

Which leaves the left only violence to get their way like every other thug gets what he wants.

And yet, Trump couldn't win the national popular vote.

And yet, liberal propositions and questions won all across the country, ranging from increased gun control to legalizing Marijuana.

Only on planet conservatard does that constitute as an "ass kicking."
Which ones? Which lib proposals won.. And please, the ones in blue states don't count.
Oh, those voters are slitting their own wrists. As long as it does not effect my state, let those idiots drown in their own taxes and debt.
Stupidity of the left. Keep doing the same things over and over and expect a different result.
Newsflash...This is still a generally conservative country. Deal with it.
And stop trying to spin a loss into a win.
it's in very poor form.
Some of the ugliest hatefull people have posted on this thread..I hope you pray to your God for forgiveness of your sins...

The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.
Are you demented?
The postings have been exactly the OPPOSITE of what you just posted.
You are a phucking psycho.

You weren't here last night, scumbag. I was told I should be dead. I was told I should've been aborted (by a mod, no less!) I was told I deserved to die. Why? Because Trump won, apparently. I guess it's how you conservative demons like to celebrate -- by wishing death upon fellow Americans.
If you sat back and read your postings objectively you would know just how much of a waste of breath you are.
You come across as a completely self-absorbed asshole.
I am waiting for you to contribute one constructive idea to this forum, and if your postings up to this point are any indication, I will be waiting forever.

lol, here you go again. Yes, "Indeependent," we know you think I'm an asshole -- and I've already agreed with you. We've established this already, many times now.
Then expect people to treat you as such.
You have come close to wishing others dead and when they respond top you in kind you cry like a little ugly pimpled ass brat.
When trump gets rid of illegals so that those jobs are filled with citizens, no self respecting person with a half a brain will expect the same job done by a citizen for anything less than twice what the illegal was making.
Your point?
Make it.
4 states increased the min wage...the writing is on the wall. Time for business to actually pay...for once
Time for business to pay for once??? Do you realize how poor you would be without prosperous businesses? Cash poor businessmen can't pay their taxes which would mean you wouldn't get your Government handouts. No more tuition help, no more nutrition cards, no more section 8 housing, no more welfare, no more subsidies from uncle Sam at all. Then what will you do? I will tell you, you will be in food lines fighting for scraps. Think!!!!!! where does the freebies come from? They don't just fall out of the sky.
The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.
Are you demented?
The postings have been exactly the OPPOSITE of what you just posted.
You are a phucking psycho.

You weren't here last night, scumbag. I was told I should be dead. I was told I should've been aborted. I was told I deserved to die. Why? Because Trump won, apparently. I guess it's how you conservative demons like to celebrate -- by wishing death upon fellow Americans.
Oh like you didn't instigate the conflict.
Cut the shit, genius

I probably was my usual asshole self, but blaming ME for someone else telling me I should be dead is just about the most disgusting (yet somehow typical) think you, a conservative, can say.

They were reciprocating your overt hatred of anyone who disagrees with you.
You are a disgusting, immature piece of shit who has nothing but vicious contempt for anyone who disagrees with you by even a hair's breath.

Actually, no. I didn't instigate anything in that thread -- and even if I did, I didn't deserve that. Especially from a fucking mod. Koshergirl and Westwall are simply two disgusting degenerates who are utterly consumed with hatred and negative energy. They're demons.
and then mocking those who are doing the same thing towards him
Well, I'm mocking you for employing a double standard.

You were the first to mock him for it. You were the first to call him out on being wrong about it.

Now, you're the first to endorse people doing the same thing Trump did. And now you're the one lashing out at me for it.

Kudos. You're a flaming hypocrite.
Can you read? . Point? Business shall be paying american citizens a lot higher wages for the same exact work currently being done by illegals. That's the point. And if you disagree you are anti worker.
Some of the ugliest hatefull people have posted on this thread..I hope you pray to your God for forgiveness of your sins...

The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.
I love it, nothing like watching your kind unhinged!
The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.
Are you demented?
The postings have been exactly the OPPOSITE of what you just posted.
You are a phucking psycho.

You weren't here last night, scumbag. I was told I should be dead. I was told I should've been aborted (by a mod, no less!) I was told I deserved to die. Why? Because Trump won, apparently. I guess it's how you conservative demons like to celebrate -- by wishing death upon fellow Americans.
If you sat back and read your postings objectively you would know just how much of a waste of breath you are.
You come across as a completely self-absorbed asshole.
I am waiting for you to contribute one constructive idea to this forum, and if your postings up to this point are any indication, I will be waiting forever.

lol, here you go again. Yes, "Indeependent," we know you think I'm an asshole -- and I've already agreed with you. We've established this already, many times now.
Then expect people to treat you as such.
You have come close to wishing others dead and when they respond top you in kind you cry like a little ugly pimpled ass brat.

Nope. I would never wish death upon others because death isn't something you can come back from. Stop defending absolute scumbags, you moral-free cretin.
Did you hear this? The Canadian Immigration website crashed yesterday due to too many hits. LOL True.

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