BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

reminds me of Nixon

William Jefferson Clinton fired FBI Director Bill Sessions in the 90s
it was recommended by the attny general in the bush1 admin, before bill Clinton's inauguration that FBI Director bill sessions be fired for improprieties.

Bill Sessions was NOT INVESTIGATING President Clinton

No, he wasn't. Why do you make these things up?
president trump's campaign /administration employees....
In fact you don't even know if there are any active investigations by the Justice Department concerning anyone in the Trump campaign or administration. What is clear from your posts is that you simply have no idea why you are so hostile to the President and so you make up stories to try to justify your irrational hostility.
He and most others here that are libs are fed daily by the media.
reminds me of Nixon

William Jefferson Clinton fired FBI Director Bill Sessions in the 90s
it was recommended by the attny general in the bush1 admin, before bill Clinton's inauguration that FBI Director bill sessions be fired for improprieties.

Bill Sessions was NOT INVESTIGATING President Clinton

No, he wasn't. Why do you make these things up?
president trump's campaign /administration employees....
In fact you don't even know if there are any active investigations by the Justice Department concerning anyone in the Trump campaign or administration. What is clear from your posts is that you simply have no idea why you are so hostile to the President and so you make up stories to try to justify your irrational hostility.

"Make up stories" like .......... "three million illegals voted"?
Or like "O'bama tapped my wires"?
Or like "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan"?
Or like "I never went bankrupt"?
Or like "thousands of people dancing on rooftops"?
Or like the Central Park Five?
Or like "we have Trump steaks"?
Or like "climate change is a hoax invented by China"?
Or like "I was always against the Iraq war"?
Or like "I never settle out of court"?
Or like "I got a letter from the NFL"?.
Or like "I wasn't snorting, I had a bad microphone"?

Poster please.....
William Jefferson Clinton fired FBI Director Bill Sessions in the 90s
it was recommended by the attny general in the bush1 admin, before bill Clinton's inauguration that FBI Director bill sessions be fired for improprieties.

Bill Sessions was NOT INVESTIGATING President Clinton

No, he wasn't. Why do you make these things up?
president trump's campaign /administration employees....
In fact you don't even know if there are any active investigations by the Justice Department concerning anyone in the Trump campaign or administration. What is clear from your posts is that you simply have no idea why you are so hostile to the President and so you make up stories to try to justify your irrational hostility.

"Make up stories" like .......... "three million illegals"?
Or like "O'bama tapped my wires"?
Or like "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan"?
Or like "I never went bankrupt"?
Or like "thousands of people dancing on rooftops"?
Or like the Central Park Five?
Or like "we have Trump steaks"?
Or like "climate change is a hoax invented by China"?
Or like "I was always against the Iraq war"?
Or like "I got a letter from the NFL"?.
Or like "I wasn't snorting, I had a bad microphone"?

Poster please.....
You douche nozzles better hope Trump doesn't declare whiplash a preexisting condition! :)
All these 'Nixon' references are bullshit. There is no smoking gun, there are no tapes. Trump is not the subject of a criminal investigation, he's not colluding with the Russians. He's not a Russian agent, that's all bullshit.
William Jefferson Clinton fired FBI Director Bill Sessions in the 90s
it was recommended by the attny general in the bush1 admin, before bill Clinton's inauguration that FBI Director bill sessions be fired for improprieties.

Bill Sessions was NOT INVESTIGATING President Clinton

No, he wasn't. Why do you make these things up?
president trump's campaign /administration employees....
In fact you don't even know if there are any active investigations by the Justice Department concerning anyone in the Trump campaign or administration. What is clear from your posts is that you simply have no idea why you are so hostile to the President and so you make up stories to try to justify your irrational hostility.

"Make up stories" like .......... "three million illegals voted"?
Or like "O'bama tapped my wires"?
Or like "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan"?
Or like "I never went bankrupt"?
Or like "thousands of people dancing on rooftops"?
Or like the Central Park Five?
Or like "we have Trump steaks"?
Or like "climate change is a hoax invented by China"?
Or like "I was always against the Iraq war"?
Or like "I never settle out of court"?
Or like "I got a letter from the NFL"?.
Or like "I wasn't snorting, I had a bad microphone"?

Poster please.....
In other words you acknowledge that the claims Comey was fired because of investigations he was leading would effect the Trump administration are just made up stories.
Kind of like he fired yates for bringing Russian collusion to light.


He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a
Kind of like he fired yates for bringing Russian collusion to light.


He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"
reminds me of Nixon

Reagan too but when it all finally floats to the top, trump will be the most corrupt, most crooked in our history.

Even he says he will get away with anything from pussy grabbing, killing people on 5th ave, Peeping Tom on young women, Pay for Play and more.


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You will have president Trump for 4 to 8 years. Then probably his daughter for 4 to 8 years.
reminds me of Nixon

Reagan too but when it all finally floats to the top, trump will be the most corrupt, most crooked in our history.

Even he says he will get away with anything from pussy grabbing, killing people on 5th ave, Peeping Tom on young women, Pay for Play and more.


Sent from my iPad using
You will have president Trump for 4 to 8 years. Then probably his daughter for 4 to 8 years.
You could bottle that optimism and sell it. :D:D:D

He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a

He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"
Bring out the head of the pin you have your evidence on and show us.
reminds me of Nixon

Reagan too but when it all finally floats to the top, trump will be the most corrupt, most crooked in our history.

Even he says he will get away with anything from pussy grabbing, killing people on 5th ave, Peeping Tom on young women, Pay for Play and more.


Sent from my iPad using
You will have president Trump for 4 to 8 years. Then probably his daughter for 4 to 8 years.
You could bottle that optimism and sell it. :D:D:D
Yes and I feel it for our country once again. After the last 8 years of the American hating president.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"
Bring out the head of the pin you have your evidence on and show us.
If you need evidence of the unlawfulness of the Muslim ban, look no further than our own constitution.
Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a
Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"
Bring out the head of the pin you have your evidence on and show us.
If you need evidence of the unlawfulness of the Muslim ban, look no further than our own constitution.
But it was lawful when Obama did the exact same thing.
reminds me of Nixon

Reagan too but when it all finally floats to the top, trump will be the most corrupt, most crooked in our history.

Even he says he will get away with anything from pussy grabbing, killing people on 5th ave, Peeping Tom on young women, Pay for Play and more.


Sent from my iPad using
You will have president Trump for 4 to 8 years. Then probably his daughter for 4 to 8 years.
You could bottle that optimism and sell it. :D:D:D
Yes and I feel it for our country once again. After the last 8 years of the American hating president.
he hated america? Thats why he saved our economy from collapse and extended health care to millions?
HMMM, logic tells us that "America Hating Presidents" would do things like strip healthcare from millions. (sounds like a GOP critter to me)
Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a
Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"
Bring out the head of the pin you have your evidence on and show us.
If you need evidence of the unlawfulness of the Muslim ban, look no further than our own constitution.
Nonsense. The president can ban travel from foreign countries whenever it is needed. Many presidents have done just that.
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"
Bring out the head of the pin you have your evidence on and show us.
If you need evidence of the unlawfulness of the Muslim ban, look no further than our own constitution.
But it was lawful when Obama did the exact same thing.
fake news. Obama NEVER did the "exact same thing"
I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a
I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"
Bring out the head of the pin you have your evidence on and show us.
If you need evidence of the unlawfulness of the Muslim ban, look no further than our own constitution.
But it was lawful when Obama did the exact same thing.
fake news. Obama NEVER did the "exact same thing"
Just because you say he didn't (he did) means nothing. You can't tell the truth about anything.

What's really frightening is when i search for "Obama's travel ban" all that comes up are Trumps name and how Trump is worse that Obama. Tell me that's not media bias and downright lying!
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"
Bring out the head of the pin you have your evidence on and show us.
If you need evidence of the unlawfulness of the Muslim ban, look no further than our own constitution.
Nonsense. The president can ban travel from foreign countries whenever it is needed. Many presidents have done just that.
But they may not discriminate based on religion or nationality.
Trumps loud mouth is what got him in trouble. Calling to "ban all muslims" shows his intent is unconstitutional.
Once again trump is his own worst enemy.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"
Bring out the head of the pin you have your evidence on and show us.
If you need evidence of the unlawfulness of the Muslim ban, look no further than our own constitution.
But it was lawful when Obama did the exact same thing.
fake news. Obama NEVER did the "exact same thing"
Just because you say he didn't (he did) means nothing. You can't tell the truth about anything.

What's really frightening is when i search for "Obama's travel ban" all that comes up are Trumps name and how Trump is worse that Obama. Tell me that's not media bias and downright lying!
back up your claims.
Obama slowed Iraqi refugees while he expanded vetting. There was never a month Iraqi refugees couldn't enter the country.
There are major differences between Trump's immigration ban and Obama's 2011 policy
I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Sorry I don't think our AG should be defending the indefensible. It's unconstitutional. In confirmation hearings AGs are asked if they will stand up against unlawful moves by the WH, and Yates said yes. She didn't lie, she did what she had promised. The AG is a
I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president"
Bring out the head of the pin you have your evidence on and show us.
If you need evidence of the unlawfulness of the Muslim ban, look no further than our own constitution.
Nonsense. The president can ban travel from foreign countries whenever it is needed. Many presidents have done just that.
But they may not discriminate based on religion or nationality.
Trumps loud mouth is what got him in trouble. Calling to "ban all muslims" shows his intent is unconstitutional.
Once again trump is his own worst enemy.
He never banned all muslims. Only ones from certain countries just like Obama did. Terrorist countries all. Why do want more murdering savages here?

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