BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

Comey should consider himself fortunate

Putin is killing those Russians with knowledge of the Trump collusion
Is anybody else still laughing as hard as I am?

A month ago, all you heard from progressives is how Comey ruined it for Aunt Hilda and should be fired. Today they are appalled Trump fired Comey. The thinking of these people...........its what keeps people coming back to these forums. Every day they give you something absurd you can poke them square in the eye with!! Its priceless stuff.........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Still..........most laughable news of the week is all those EPA science fools getting fired. Four days later still laughing about more k00k monopoly at EPA.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Trump just sent a 59 missile message to the directors of all the intelligence agencies and anyone else involved in this Russia investigation: If you make the details of any investigation public, particularly if it's about a presidential candidate, you're toast. Good message to send, don't you think?, with findings in the Russian investigation coming down the pike at some point.

Comey has been between a rock and a hard place since Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton in her plane. I wonder if she did it purposely, knowing SHE was going to be between the rock and the hard place no matter what the decision and deciding she'd get out of it by doing something that would allow her to bow out of the decision.
Does anyone but me remember her saying she wasn't recusing herself but that she would accept the recommendations of the FBI in the Clinton Email Investigation? Comey did what he thought was right, informing the public of the findings in a highly publicized investigation involving the woman about to be nominated as candidate for President. Does anyone actually believe that the American public would have accepted only, "The investigation is concluded and there will be no prosecution." Yeah, right.

Trump has the right to fire him; nothing we can do about it now. As much as I think the collusion piece of the Russia investigation is 99% partisan, there is no doubt in my mind that in order for it to go forward with any credibility, an independent prosecutor will have to be appointed. That is going to prolong this damned thing even further and that is not a good thing in my book or in Trump's, I imagine.

He'll probably hire some puke like Christy or Giuliani or that cowboy that is on Fox all the time. Yuck, yuck and yuck.
"If we don't get a special prosecutor, every American will rightfully suspect that the decision to fire #Comey was part of a cover-up." - Chuck The Clown Schumer

Awesome. Shows the duplicity of the left. When Comy had a job y'all wanted him gone. His stupid ass gets the axe and all of a sudden y'all want a goon squad.
Is anybody else still laughing as hard as I am?

A month ago, all you heard from progressives is how Comey ruined it for Aunt Hilda and should be fired. Today they are appalled Trump fired Comey. The thinking of these people...........its what keeps people coming back to these forums. Every day they give you something absurd you can poke them square in the eye with!! Its priceless stuff.........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Still..........most laughable news of the week is all those EPA science fools getting fired. Four days later still laughing about more k00k monopoly at EPA.:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Well, no more liberal kook monopoly. We have some weird kind of monopoly for the next three and a half years or so.

he fired the man who has him under investigation
Kind of like he fired yates for bringing Russian collusion to light.


He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the FED. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.
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Funny Fake News: Comey named as Special Prosecutor
Did you mean to say "jailhouse lawyer" instead? if that's true, he'll never make it.

You're not only a damn liar, you're stupid too.

Speak for yourself.

FU! I always speak for myself; I don't need a lemming to follow as do those so poorly inarticulate they can't understand sarcasm and resort to emoticons, as do you.
AG Yates tells Trump he should fire Flynn because he could be blackmailed by the Russians and that he lied to Pence which caused Pence to look like an idiot. Trump takes 18 days to fire him. AG Sessions tells Trump he should fire Comey, and Trump fires him on the same day... Anyone else see a problem with this?

Only those who choose to see, the willfully ignorant and biddable who represent the majority of the hoi polloi who voted for Trump, and have not yet recanted, see only what they want to see.

he fired the man who has him under investigation
Kind of like he fired yates for bringing Russian collusion to light.


He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.
Kind of like he fired yates for bringing Russian collusion to light.


He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.

huh? Her "private view"? Her job was to advise, not to defend!

He fired her for not doing her job. In the real world, that would get anyone fired from any (legal) job in America.
No, he fired her for doing her job.

Which is policy making or deciding on constitutionality of the EO?
Yates position put her as the top lawyer for the WH. Her job is not to blindly cosign what trump does and says out of fear of "betraying him." She felt that the order was unlawful (rightfully so) then it would have been NOT doing her job to defend it.

I disagree. While her private view might have been that the order was unlawful, her public view was supposed to be to defend the laws, orders and regulations of the United States of America. A JUDGE was supposed to rule on the lawfulness of the order.

huh? Her "private view"? Her job was to advise, not to defend!

Didn't take a civics class, did you?
Trump is an ingrate! Comey got him elected , and this is how he's treated !?
We the people got Trump elected. We rejected the disease of liberalism.

Oh don't be silly. You know better.

Or maybe you can lie to yourself that he didn't lose by 3 million votes.


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Since when does the popular vote elect the president? keep lying boy, no one believes a word you fools say.

After the epic beating we put on the left the last 7 years they grasp for made up shit like the "popular vote". Tune in next week when they claim to have won the pantsuit vote.

Popular vote is not "made up shit" ---- it's how democracies work around the world.
Well, except for here and Pakistan.

Now "three million illegals' --- THAT's some made up shit.

How do we know?
You can count and quantify, down to the last single vote, the number 65,844,610 and the number 62,979,636. You can compare them, add them, subtract them and percentage them. They're certified concrete results.

With "three million illegals" you ain't got a damn thing. You've got some blogger who looked at the numbers above, did the subtraction to determine how many he'd need to come up with a fantasy "alternate fact", and splooged it all over the internets on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.

And that's how you make up shit.

Personally if I were one of the Gullibles who bought this bullshit I'd want to play it down and kinda forget I ever got suckered by it. But maybe that 's just me.
Trump is an ingrate! Comey got him elected , and this is how he's treated !?
We the people got Trump elected. We rejected the disease of liberalism.

Oh don't be silly. You know better.

Or maybe you can lie to yourself that he didn't lose by 3 million votes.


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Since when does the popular vote elect the president? keep lying boy, no one believes a word you fools say.

After the epic beating we put on the left the last 7 years they grasp for made up shit like the "popular vote". Tune in next week when they claim to have won the pantsuit vote.

Popular vote is not "made up shit" ---- it's how democracies work around the world.
Well, except for here and Pakistan.

Now "three million illegals' --- THAT's some made up shit.

How do we know?
You can count and quantify, down to the last single vote, the number 65,844,610 and the number 62,979,636. You can compare them, add them, subtract them and percentage them. They're certified concrete results.

With "three million illegals" you ain't got a damn thing. You've got some blogger who looked at the numbers above, did the subtraction to determine how many he'd need to come up with a fantasy "alternate fact", and splooged it all over the internets on the basis of no evidence whatsoever.

And that's how you make up shit.

Personally if I were one of the Gullibles who bought this bullshit I'd want to play it down and kinda forget I ever got suckered by it. But maybe that 's just me.
You've been told a thousand times the United States is not a democracy. Why must you continue to lie?
"The president has accepted the recommendation of the Attorney General and the deputy Attorney General regarding the dismissal of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation," Spicer told reporters in the briefing room.

Gotta love it. Hours earlier it was all "oh the Resident has complete confidence in the Director", then after the spin cycle it's all "well these guys tell me to fire him, I don't have the power to tell them I have complete confidence..."

Can't make this up.
"The president has accepted the recommendation of the Attorney General and the deputy Attorney General regarding the dismissal of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation," Spicer told reporters in the briefing room.

Gotta love it. Hours earlier it was all "oh the Resident has complete confidence in the Director", then after the spin cycle it's all "well these guys tell me to fire him, I don't have the power to tell them I have complete confidence..."

Can't make this up.
Sure you can. You make shit up all the time. Then you pretend it's some glorious statement of truth, but it's not. It's just another lie. By you. Comey was an incompetent fool. Trump was his boss. End of story. The truthful story anyway.
reminds me of Nixon

William Jefferson Clinton fired FBI Director Bill Sessions in the 90s
it was recommended by the attny general in the bush1 admin, before bill Clinton's inauguration that FBI Director bill sessions be fired for improprieties.

Bill Sessions was NOT INVESTIGATING President Clinton

No, he wasn't. Why do you make these things up?
president trump's campaign /administration employees....
In fact you don't even know if there are any active investigations by the Justice Department concerning anyone in the Trump campaign or administration. What is clear from your posts is that you simply have no idea why you are so hostile to the President and so you make up stories to try to justify your irrational hostility.

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