Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

I guess a welder is afraid of welding due to wearing a mask or a baseball player afraid of the ball because they wear a cup or crossing guard afraid of cars for wearing an orange vest or anyone driving a car because they wear seatbelts.

Well, good luck to you.
False conflation 101

So silly
CDC number not mine. You’re embarrassing yourself. You don’t even know how supply chain works.

do the math. 767k divide by 120.2mil

120.2 Million​

Estimated Total Infections

101.8 Million​

Estimated Symptomatic Illnesses

6.2 Million​

Estimated Hospitalizations


Estimated Total Deaths

Last Updated: May 29, 2021
3.5 months ago figures and fatality figures long since greatly reduced by the CDC itself. Every time that inflated and erroneous number is posted the poster diminishes credibility which has been in the negative most of 2021 for those who constantly repeat it
CDC number not mine. You’re embarrassing yourself. You don’t even know how supply chain works.

do the math. 767k divide by 120.2mil

120.2 Million​

Estimated Total Infections

101.8 Million​

Estimated Symptomatic Illnesses

6.2 Million​

Estimated Hospitalizations


Estimated Total Deaths

Last Updated: May 29, 2021
You messin' with numbers again, ShortBus? Didn't you hurt yourself enough last time you went near numbers?

Here are the latest figures from the CDC...

Cases: 40,870,648
Deaths: 656,318
Survival Rate: 98.4%

You messin' with numbers again, ShortBus? Didn't you hurt yourself enough last time you went near numbers?

Here are the latest figures from the CDC...

Cases: 40,870,648
Deaths: 656,318
Survival Rate: 98.4%

120.2 Million​

Estimated Total Infections

101.8 Million​

Estimated Symptomatic Illnesses

6.2 Million​

Estimated Hospitalizations


Estimated Total Deaths

You’re such a stalker. LOL. OCD ridden fat fuck.
Alcoholism doesn’t infect others with alcoholism. Why pick an analogy that is so clearly different than a communicable disease?
Alcoholism causes drunk driving, absentee fathers and it is hereditary. It causes child and spousal abuse and bankruptcy. It does impact others.

Absolutely true about masks needing frequent changing/cleaning to be effective. Another poster (reliable data type poster) recently stated that a mask is effective for about half an hour and then needs changing. I wonder how many people are changing their masks every half an hour?
When if comes to mask, it all depends. It you're sweating, coughing, sneezing, or running, the mast filter material will become damp and will not be as near as effective. What you have to remember is that a mask is more a deterrent that preventive similar to covering your mouth when you sneeze. Staying staying away from people or vaccination are a good preventive as they reduce your chance of infections significantly lower than wearing a masks.

I use 7 different mask, one for each day of week washing them all on Sunday, replacing them after a hundred washings. If I am going into a crowd, I wear an N95. Only the N95 mask mask provide very good protection for the wearer. The other mask protect others much more than they protect the wearer.
Last edited:
Alcoholism causes drunk driving, absentee fathers and it is hereditary. It causes child and spousal abuse and bankruptcy. It does impact others.

And society fights those by making drunk driving, absentee fathers, and spousal abuse, illegal. Likewise, society fights the spread of a deadly communicable disease by enforcing actions meant to to curb the spread.
You messin' with numbers again, ShortBus? Didn't you hurt yourself enough last time you went near numbers?

Here are the latest figures from the CDC...

Cases: 40,870,648
Deaths: 656,318
Survival Rate: 98.4%

Those are only reported cases, and over half are not reported.
Often those with natural immunity are asymptomatic,, but often those with symptoms do not want to get on any lists, so self quarantine.
And society fights those by making drunk driving, absentee fathers, and spousal abuse, illegal. Likewise, society fights the spread of a deadly communicable disease by enforcing actions meant to to curb the spread.

Except curbing the spread just keeps the epidemic around longer, ensuring the vulnerable are more likely to get it and die.
The smallest death total is achieved by ending it as quickly as possible, before the vulnerable get infected, by deliberate infection acceleration among healthy volunteers

You can not "curb the spread" below a value of R0=1 unless you do a full quarantine, so there is then no advantage or point to "curb the spread" at all.
You are going to require the same number of infected, in order to reach herd immunity, but if you make it take longer, than it is more likely the vulnerable will get it.
You can't change the number of people whom will have to be infected.
All you can do is decide if vulnerable or healthy are the ones infected.
And society fights those by making drunk driving, absentee fathers, and spousal abuse, illegal. Likewise, society fights the spread of a deadly communicable disease by enforcing actions meant to to curb the spread.
It doesn’t make alcohol illegal though you OCD ridden fat fuck. 99.6% survival rate. Actions are social distancing, masks and those who have natural immunity are safe. Taking away someone’s choice is an interesting course of action and leads to a slippery slope in my opinion. But to each their own. Elections have consequences and this admin wants to be more authoritative. Such as the right of winners so let em do what they want and see what the people say in 2022. Fair?

The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to a large Israeli study that some scientists wish came with a “Don’t try this at home” label. The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19.
Alcoholism causes drunk driving, absentee fathers and it is hereditary. It causes child and spousal abuse and bankruptcy. It does impact others.

Wear a seatbelt and you don’t have to worry about drunk drivers. Just let them make their own choices. It’s none of your business.

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