Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

It doesn’t make alcohol illegal though you OCD ridden fat fuck. 99.6% survival rate. Actions are social distancing, masks and those who have natural immunity are safe. Taking away someone’s choice is an interesting course of action and leads to a slippery slope in my opinion. But to each their own. Elections have consequences and this admin wants to be more authoritative. Such as the right of winners so let em do what they want and see what the people say in 2022. Fair?

The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to a large Israeli study that some scientists wish came with a “Don’t try this at home” label. The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19.
People lose choices when they affect others' safety. This is not new, ShortBus. You getting drunk doesn't necessarily affect others. You getting drunk and then driving does. So the law protects others against drunk drivers. Same with masks.
People lose choices when they affect others' safety. This is not new, ShortBus. You getting drunk doesn't necessarily affect others. You getting drunk and then driving does. So the law protects others against drunk drivers. Same with masks.
We do not believe you. You lied over and over as to have a great life on the backs of others. Equality that has a real trickle down theory. With you at the top.
People lose choices when they affect others' safety. This is not new, ShortBus. You getting drunk doesn't necessarily affect others. You getting drunk and then driving does. So the law protects others against drunk drivers. Same with masks.
You not getting vaccinated if you already had the virus doesn’t necessarily affect others either. Yes or no?
How many of those deaths have happened on Bidden's watch? I read recently that up to 3,000 a DAY are still dying under Joe!
And really probably more than half would have died anyway from old age or cancer or other debilitating conditions that COVID19 may have exacerbated.
You’re making my point. Besides natural immunity is sufficient. I understand and support the need for vaccines but not for those who already had the virus.
I understand and support the need for vaccination mandates.

I suppose you didn’t pick up on how ridiculous some of your rhetoric sounds when it’s reflected back at you. Figures.
People lose choices when they affect others' safety. This is not new, ShortBus. You getting drunk doesn't necessarily affect others. You getting drunk and then driving does. So the law protects others against drunk drivers. Same with masks.

"If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask." - Joe Biden, 2021
We do not believe you. You lied over and over as to have a great life on the backs of others. Equality that has a real trickle down theory. With you at the top.
So then don't believe me. Who cares? Don't wear a mask.
You’re making my point. Besides natural immunity is sufficient. I understand and support the need for vaccines but not for those who already had the virus.

He's mocking you, ShortBus. You proved to be too stupid to get it.

And really probably more than half would have died anyway from old age or cancer or other debilitating conditions that COVID19 may have exacerbated.
Bullshit. These are the increases of deaths from one year to the next. Hundreds of thousands more were not as close to death as you pretend...

2016: 31,618
2017: 69,255
2018: 25,702
2019: 15,633
2020: 503,976

That's not a yes or no question. It depends on when you caught it. Same with the vaccine.
My antibodies didn’t decline since March 2020. Vaccines we don’t know about but in Europe those who had the virus are only getting one booster not two like in the US. My issue is that the Biden administration doesn’t differentiate between those who had the virus and those that didn’t. I got my vaccine so it’s irrelevant but it does create distrust in many because of this. Look like a Pharma money grab.
Bullshit. These are the increases of deaths from one year to the next. Hundreds of thousands more were not as close to death as you pretend...

2016: 31,618​
2017: 69,255​
2018: 25,702​
2019: 15,633​
2020: 503,976​
I said it exacerbated it. But those persons were not healthy to begin with.

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