Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?


Foreign governments influencing would have the whole backing of their intelligence agencies and Military intelligence and intel they have collected for decades, and all of their spies and diplomats at their fingertips to use...

An official foreign employee working in a government job or embassy etc.... helping a campaign get already public information IS NOT THE SAME, and would not meet the level the Law covers...

even with a government agent, without something of ACTUAL VALUE changing hands, this wouldn't meet the requirements under this law either.

Windmills, lances, CHARGE!!!!!
Dearest hypocrites- WHERE is your OUTRAGE over Hillary's collusion with Ukraine that went on for MONTHS and involved payments?
You guys have overplayed the Hillary card. I don't care anymore. Investigate her yet again. Throw enough mud and maybe some will finally stick. What Hillary may have done doesn't excuse shit the Donald did.
Trump hasn't done anything, moron.
Neither did Hillary, dupe.
She sure as hell did. Comey listed her crimes and then let her off by lying about the statute.

Remember, I'm not some snowflake. I'm not required to believe your lies and idiocies.
Years and years, investigation after investigation. Millions of dollars spent. Charges? Zero. Convictions? Zero. Indictments? Zero. Just a huge container ship full of nothing-burgers. But we're supposed to believe every nutcase conspiracy theory about Hillary while ignoring everything happening with Trump. Sounds like you're the one short on truth and long on BS.

According to your standard, Charges? zero. Convictions, Zero, Indictments, zero. You just admitted that all the accusations against Trump are just "a huge container ship full of nothing-burgers."

However, Comey listed the crimes Hillary committed. Then he lied when he claimed her intent meant he couldn't charge her.
No Democratic president in history has ever had a hostile foreign government break the law to get them elected

No Democratic president in history has ever had key campaign members meet repeatedly with that hostile government

No Democratic president in history has ever had key members of their family actively pursue participating in that illegal action
You can't say no Democrat in history.

Remember, before the middle 1960's, Democrats were the conservative confederate "white" party. Just like Republicans are now.
Still no candidate before Trump met with a hostile government to obtain secrets to help get elected
ROFL! You're forgetting Ted Kennedy, moron. And labeling Russia a "hostile government" is purely a snowflake pretension. There's no official designation of "hostile." Russia is no more "hostile" than France.

A government that uses illegal means to influence elections is a hostile government
You mean illegal means like Obama used on Israel? What "illegal means" did Russia use to influence our elections?
Has anyone else noticed how these morons haven't answered the question regarding this supposed "information" Trump received from the Russians? Before you can even argue something has monetary value, you have to first identify that thing. Else, you can just say Trump received an invisible unicorn from the Russians in violation of campaign finance law!

This, in my opinion, has been the silliest and most ridiculous of all their claims since their election loss. Trump supposedly "colluded" with Russia to do something... we don't know what or how... They supposedly gave him information but we don't know what it was... other than, it somehow helped him defeat Hillary... but we also don't know how.
Has anyone else noticed how these morons haven't answered the question regarding this supposed "information" Trump received from the Russians? Before you can even argue something has monetary value, you have to first identify that thing. Else, you can just say Trump received an invisible unicorn from the Russians in violation of campaign finance law!

This, in my opinion, has been the silliest and most ridiculous of all their claims since their election loss. Trump supposedly "colluded" with Russia to do something... we don't know what or how... They supposedly gave him information but we don't know what it was... other than, it somehow helped him defeat Hillary... but we also don't know how.
On the other hand, Hillary did get information on Paul Manafort from Ukraine - information her campaign sought out and solicited.
bripat9643, post: 17734498
On top of that, it contains a number of lies. No got opposition research directly from a foreign government.

Point to the part of my question where I said they got opposition research from that meeting. It's no lie since I never said it. You must resort to lying.

"Can you name one single time a Democratic Presidential candidate agreed to meet in the hopes of acquiring opposition research directly from a foreign government regarded as adversarial to US interests, because that foreign government told them they wanted their candidate to win - to further the foreign governments goals against the US and its democratic institutions?

Now apologize. I did not lie.
You said "they hoped to get information directly from a foreign government." Of course, the "hoping" part is mind reading on your part. You have no idea what they "hoped for." You also don't know where they thought the information was actually going to come from. Your entire sleazy tirade is based on wishful thinking and mind reading. You haven't mentioned any crime that actually occurred or statute that was actually violated.
bripat9643, post: 17734498
No one in the Russian government told Trump they wanted him to win.

The email invite and coordination defined therein stated the Russian Government wanted to help Trump win by providing dirt on Hillary.

Are you saying it is not in the enail?

Again, the Russian government didn't write the email, so anything it says the Russian government is pure moonshine.
You said "they hoped to get information directly from a foreign government." Of course, the "hoping" part is mind reading on your part. You have no idea what they "hoped for." You also don't know where they thought the information was actually going to come from. Your entire sleazy tirade is based on wishful thinking and mind reading. You haven't mentioned any crime that actually occurred or statute that was actually violated.

Or.. identified ANY information that was obtained or action that was the result of a collusion.. OR how it effected the outcome of the election! NOTHING!
No Democratic president in history has ever had a hostile foreign government break the law to get them elected

No Democratic president in history has ever had key campaign members meet repeatedly with that hostile government

No Democratic president in history has ever had key members of their family actively pursue participating in that illegal action
You can't say no Democrat in history.

Remember, before the middle 1960's, Democrats were the conservative confederate "white" party. Just like Republicans are now.
Still no candidate before Trump met with a hostile government to obtain secrets to help get elected
ROFL! You're forgetting Ted Kennedy, moron. And labeling Russia a "hostile government" is purely a snowflake pretension. There's no official designation of "hostile." Russia is no more "hostile" than France.

A government that uses illegal means to influence elections is a hostile government
You mean illegal means like Obama used on Israel? What "illegal means" did Russia use to influence our elections?

Obama merely stated a preference in who wins in Israel. He did not provide one side with secret information to help them win
How do those Russian mind rays actually work as to causing a voter to pull the lever for Trump instead of Hillary?
bripat9643, post: 17735590
Again, the Russian government didn't write the email, so anything it says the Russian government is pure moonshine.

I did not say the Russian Government wrote the email, moron. DJTjr attended a meeting that glaringly stated that the Russian Government was being represented in the meeting and their intended prurpose was to help his daddy win.

Even Joe D'genova one of the most rabid hate filled RWNJ on hate talk radio since Watergate says Jr was a dumbass for attending the meeting and the excuse that he was inexperienced does set well with him. Trump's wanted to play in the big game then they should have prepared to play.
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How do those Russian mind rays actually work as to causing a voter to pull the lever for Trump instead of Hillary?

it's more than was an extensive campaign... a negative disinformation campaign towards Clinton, meant to enrage or discourage and influence Bernie Democratic voters and other independent and on the edge voters in to staying home or voting for a third party...done through false articles spread on facebook via Russian media articles like the RT and Sputnik, through living pawns and bots ...spread by them and also to include right wing media and Sanders bloggers, it was also the stolen emails released with strategic false narratives on wikileaks. and president Trump touting how much HE LOVED Wikileaks, 164 times in total in just the 30 days following the release of Podesta emails, which were strategically released the day donald trump's access hollywood pussy grabbing tape to deflect from trump's woes....... AND SO SO SO MUCH MORE that investigators are getting in to....
You can't say no Democrat in history.

Remember, before the middle 1960's, Democrats were the conservative confederate "white" party. Just like Republicans are now.
Still no candidate before Trump met with a hostile government to obtain secrets to help get elected
ROFL! You're forgetting Ted Kennedy, moron. And labeling Russia a "hostile government" is purely a snowflake pretension. There's no official designation of "hostile." Russia is no more "hostile" than France.

A government that uses illegal means to influence elections is a hostile government
You mean illegal means like Obama used on Israel? What "illegal means" did Russia use to influence our elections?

Obama merely stated a preference in who wins in Israel. He did not provide one side with secret information to help them win

"Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister"

Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu | American Military News

Shut up liar.

Obama merely stated a preference in who wins in Israel. He did not provide one side with secret information to help them win


Obama’s State Department gave $350,000 to a group called the “One Voice Movement (OVM),” for supporting “peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine.” However, the State Department then used leftover funds to organize an effort against Netanyahu’s reelection. OVM contracted out a group called “V15,” which in turned hired five campaign experts from the U.S., including Obama’s field director from his last presidential campaign. As the Weekly Standard’s Jim Swift wrote, “once the infrastructure was built, it was used in an attempt to topple the government of one of America’s closest allies.”

An investigation by the U.S. Senate found that the “State Department failed to adequately guard against the risk that resources built with government grants would be deployed for political purposes.” As with most investigations of Obama scandals, emails documenting this illegal election activity were destroyed. And, as usual, no one was held accountable.
Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

lol, keep inventing strawmen. You're good at it.

You misuse the term "straw man" way to much. Your starting to sound like JoeB, camp, camnpbell. It's unbecoming an old USMB dog like you.
"If it's what you say I love it". bripat9643, post: 17735580
You said "they hoped to get information directly from a foreign government." Of course, the "hoping" part is mind reading on your part. You have no idea what they "hoped for."

You are an absolute idiot. Hoping to get dirt on HRC from the Russian Government is putting it mildly.

Jr twerp said he would "love ❤️ it" as long as it was high level and sensitive information as part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump.

My god you are drowning in The Donald's Dupe Juice.

"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump," Goldstone wrote in the email to Trump Jr.

"If it's what you say I love it," Trump Jr. replied, according to the email he released."

Trump Jr. releases email chain on his Russian meeting -

You cannot dismiss the email. It is physical evidence. No mind reading required.
Still no candidate before Trump met with a hostile government to obtain secrets to help get elected
ROFL! You're forgetting Ted Kennedy, moron. And labeling Russia a "hostile government" is purely a snowflake pretension. There's no official designation of "hostile." Russia is no more "hostile" than France.

A government that uses illegal means to influence elections is a hostile government
You mean illegal means like Obama used on Israel? What "illegal means" did Russia use to influence our elections?

Obama merely stated a preference in who wins in Israel. He did not provide one side with secret information to help them win

"Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister"

Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu | American Military News

Shut up liar.

me thinks you should spend a few minutes informing and fact checking yourself instead of merely believing your right wing propaganda, meant to deceive.... :rolleyes:

"Obama has been sending taxpayer dollars, at least $350,000 to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for (the) election."
Bloggers on Monday, March 16th, 2015 in a blog post

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

read up on it, so you can understand WHY you and right wingers are wrong on this, at the link above...

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