Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?

"If it's what you say I love it". bripat9643, post: 17735580
You said "they hoped to get information directly from a foreign government." Of course, the "hoping" part is mind reading on your part. You have no idea what they "hoped for."

You are an absolute idiot. Hoping to get dirt on HRC from the Russian Government is putting it mildly.

Jr twerp said he would "love ❤️ it" as long as it was high level and sensitive information as part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump.

My god you are drowning in The Donald's Dupe Juice.

"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump," Goldstone wrote in the email to Trump Jr.

"If it's what you say I love it," Trump Jr. replied, according to the email he released."

Trump Jr. releases email chain on his Russian meeting -

You cannot dismiss the email. It is physical evidence. No mind reading required.
he. Trump junior, also indicated info like this would be better released, later in the summer! :eek:
ROFL! You're forgetting Ted Kennedy, moron. And labeling Russia a "hostile government" is purely a snowflake pretension. There's no official designation of "hostile." Russia is no more "hostile" than France.

A government that uses illegal means to influence elections is a hostile government
You mean illegal means like Obama used on Israel? What "illegal means" did Russia use to influence our elections?

Obama merely stated a preference in who wins in Israel. He did not provide one side with secret information to help them win

"Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister"

Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu | American Military News

Shut up liar.
me thinks you should spend a few minutes informing and fact checking yourself instead of merely believing your right wing propaganda, meant to deceive.... :rolleyes:

"Obama has been sending taxpayer dollars, at least $350,000 to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for (the) election."
Bloggers on Monday, March 16th, 2015 in a blog post

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

read up on it, so you can understand WHY you and right wingers are wrong on this, at the link above...

Me knows you are too quick to accept anything you think exonerates your magic negro, there are hundreds of source that back that up. You are summarily dismissed.
ROFL! You're forgetting Ted Kennedy, moron. And labeling Russia a "hostile government" is purely a snowflake pretension. There's no official designation of "hostile." Russia is no more "hostile" than France.

A government that uses illegal means to influence elections is a hostile government
You mean illegal means like Obama used on Israel? What "illegal means" did Russia use to influence our elections?

Obama merely stated a preference in who wins in Israel. He did not provide one side with secret information to help them win

"Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister"

Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu | American Military News

Shut up liar.
me thinks you should spend a few minutes informing and fact checking yourself instead of merely believing your right wing propaganda, meant to deceive.... :rolleyes:

"Obama has been sending taxpayer dollars, at least $350,000 to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for (the) election."
Bloggers on Monday, March 16th, 2015 in a blog post

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

read up on it, so you can understand WHY you and right wingers are wrong on this, at the link above...

NGO connected to Obama’s 2008 campaign used U.S. tax dollars trying to oust Netanyahu
Opinion | NGO connected to Obama’s 2008 campaign used U.S. tax dollars trying to oust Netanyahu

You're dismissed liar.
How do those Russian mind rays actually work as to causing a voter to pull the lever for Trump instead of Hillary?

it's more than was an extensive campaign... a negative disinformation campaign towards Clinton, meant to enrage or discourage and influence Bernie Democratic voters and other independent and on the edge voters in to staying home or voting for a third party...done through false articles spread on facebook via Russian media articles like the RT and Sputnik, through living pawns and bots ...spread by them and also to include right wing media and Sanders bloggers, it was also the stolen emails released with strategic false narratives on wikileaks. and president Trump touting how much HE LOVED Wikileaks, 164 times in total in just the 30 days following the release of Podesta emails, which were strategically released the day donald trump's access hollywood pussy grabbing tape to deflect from trump's woes....... AND SO SO SO MUCH MORE that investigators are getting in to....

So you are taking the fact that there was a lot of dirt swirling around out there about Clinton from a variety of sources and over many years... funnelling all that into some kind of Trump/Russia conspiracy which changed the outcome of the election?

Look... We already KNOW that Bernie Sanders was sabotaged by the DNC. They didn't need "fake news" for that, they simply rigged the game against him from the outset. You want to investigate some "collusion"? There's your opportunity!

Yes... the people who hated Hillary Clinton did everything in their power to hurt her presidential campaign. The same thing happened to Trump! The difference is, you're trying to pin everything on a Trump/Russia collusion that you have ZERO evidence of. You can't even adequately define this "secret information" that Trump supposedly received.

At this point, you people are a pathetic running joke. You've jumped from one fantastic conspiracy to another without any evidence and your baseless claims continue to morph and change over time. Do you really believe the average independent voter out there is going to buy this dementia? I think you are burying yourselves politically with this and I'm more than happy to step out of your way and let you continue!
How do those Russian mind rays actually work as to causing a voter to pull the lever for Trump instead of Hillary?

it's more than was an extensive campaign... a negative disinformation campaign towards Clinton, meant to enrage or discourage and influence Bernie Democratic voters and other independent and on the edge voters in to staying home or voting for a third party...done through false articles spread on facebook via Russian media articles like the RT and Sputnik, through living pawns and bots ...spread by them and also to include right wing media and Sanders bloggers, it was also the stolen emails released with strategic false narratives on wikileaks. and president Trump touting how much HE LOVED Wikileaks, 164 times in total in just the 30 days following the release of Podesta emails, which were strategically released the day donald trump's access hollywood pussy grabbing tape to deflect from trump's woes....... AND SO SO SO MUCH MORE that investigators are getting in to....
Just a plethora of negative innuendo, fantasy and speculation
How did the Russians effect the outcome of the election OTHER THAN
Trying to do so? The great question that feelings addled liberals cannot answer
Last edited:
A government that uses illegal means to influence elections is a hostile government
You mean illegal means like Obama used on Israel? What "illegal means" did Russia use to influence our elections?

Obama merely stated a preference in who wins in Israel. He did not provide one side with secret information to help them win

"Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister"

Obama Spent U.S. Taxpayer Money Trying To Oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu | American Military News

Shut up liar.
me thinks you should spend a few minutes informing and fact checking yourself instead of merely believing your right wing propaganda, meant to deceive.... :rolleyes:

"Obama has been sending taxpayer dollars, at least $350,000 to fund anti-Likud, anti-Netanyahu groups in Israel for (the) election."
Bloggers on Monday, March 16th, 2015 in a blog post

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

read up on it, so you can understand WHY you and right wingers are wrong on this, at the link above...

NGO connected to Obama’s 2008 campaign used U.S. tax dollars trying to oust Netanyahu
Opinion | NGO connected to Obama’s 2008 campaign used U.S. tax dollars trying to oust Netanyahu

You're dismissed liar.
yeah sure! BEFORE Netanyahu even announced he would run!!! :rolleyes: they must have been psychics! :lol:

please read the fact check I provided a link for...or any fact checker you can find on this... :)
yeah sure! BEFORE Netanyahu even announced he would run!!! :rolleyes: they must have been psychics! :lol:

please read the fact check I provided a link for...or any fact checker you can find on this...

Don't need a "fact checker" on this, we had a Senate hearing.

Yes, Obama's State Department attempted to influence the Israeli elections.
How do those Russian mind rays actually work as to causing a voter to pull the lever for Trump instead of Hillary?

it's more than was an extensive campaign... a negative disinformation campaign towards Clinton, meant to enrage or discourage and influence Bernie Democratic voters and other independent and on the edge voters in to staying home or voting for a third party...done through false articles spread on facebook via Russian media articles like the RT and Sputnik, through living pawns and bots ...spread by them and also to include right wing media and Sanders bloggers, it was also the stolen emails released with strategic false narratives on wikileaks. and president Trump touting how much HE LOVED Wikileaks, 164 times in total in just the 30 days following the release of Podesta emails, which were strategically released the day donald trump's access hollywood pussy grabbing tape to deflect from trump's woes....... AND SO SO SO MUCH MORE that investigators are getting in to....

So you are taking the fact that there was a lot of dirt swirling around out there about Clinton from a variety of sources and over many years... funnelling all that into some kind of Trump/Russia conspiracy which changed the outcome of the election?

Look... We already KNOW that Bernie Sanders was sabotaged by the DNC. They didn't need "fake news" for that, they simply rigged the game against him from the outset. You want to investigate some "collusion"? There's your opportunity!

Yes... the people who hated Hillary Clinton did everything in their power to hurt her presidential campaign. The same thing happened to Trump! The difference is, you're trying to pin everything on a Trump/Russia collusion that you have ZERO evidence of. You can't even adequately define this "secret information" that Trump supposedly received.

At this point, you people are a pathetic running joke. You've jumped from one fantastic conspiracy to another without any evidence and your baseless claims continue to morph and change over time. Do you really believe the average independent voter out there is going to buy this dementia? I think you are burying yourselves politically with this and I'm more than happy to step out of your way and let you continue!
no we don't already know the DNC sabotaged the Sanders campaign....we know what the Russians with help, WROTE about the emails and spun about the emails while leaving critical parts out of their stories that were clear in the emails... they LEAD YOU to believing their spin about excerpts in the a simple message asking what is Parkinsons and treatment for it turned in to Hillary dying from Parkinson's disease bull crud...And Podesta going to a pizza party turned in to a pedophile ring run by Podesta out of a pizzaria in DC bull crud....same thing with accusations against the DNC and sanders, they took emails that were written around the time of candidates barely announcing their runs and played that they were written AFTER Bernie had rallies and was gaining speed, 8 months after he was first out there and th DNCer'sr comments were actually made, giving the impression this happened near the end of the contest, which infuriated his followers. ...just so much bull crap like that....and it was much more compliated...they had specific marketing direction. of where to concentrate their propaganda and when to do it, coordinated efforts.

this is just a couple of unclassified examples....the classified version is what I am hoping they will some day, show us...
yeah sure! BEFORE Netanyahu even announced he would run!!! :rolleyes: they must have been psychics! :lol:

please read the fact check I provided a link for...or any fact checker you can find on this...

Don't need a "fact checker" on this, we had a Senate hearing.

Yes, Obama's State Department attempted to influence the Israeli elections.
prove it, with dates
yeah sure! BEFORE Netanyahu even announced he would run!!! :rolleyes: they must have been psychics! :lol:

please read the fact check I provided a link for...or any fact checker you can find on this...

Don't need a "fact checker" on this, we had a Senate hearing.

Yes, Obama's State Department attempted to influence the Israeli elections.
prove it, with dates
I, too, am fan of accuracy and facts. Favoring one side or the other is fine but where did Russia come out publicly and side with Trump or against Hillary? Why all the subterfuge? Did the US hack the oppoents server in Israel and release the data on Wiki leaks?

Why do so many self-proclaimed "Americans" hate the United States, claim to be American but don't trust our own military and intelligence people BUT trust Russia to be truthful? WTF?

I wonder if some members on this forum are not Americans at all but are fucking Russians. Let's hope the NSA tracks down these people to verify if they are foreign agents.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

No, nobody has ever made that claim.

What Trump did was to go get the Russian government to make up wild bullshit. Trump got Russia to do his lying.

What other countries do you think should be given the right to tamper with US elections. Maybe we should just open up the polls and let everyone in Russia, China, Canada, Mexico and every country vote in US elections.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

No, nobody has ever made that claim.

What Trump did was to go get the Russian government to make up wild bullshit. Trump got Russia to do his lying.

What other countries do you think should be given the right to tamper with US elections. Maybe we should just open up the polls and let everyone in Russia, China, Canada, Mexico and every country vote in US elections.
Name one lie the Russians made about your stupid lying kuuunt in a pants suit. You stupid fucking piece of shit.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

No, nobody has ever made that claim.

What Trump did was to go get the Russian government to make up wild bullshit. Trump got Russia to do his lying.

What other countries do you think should be given the right to tamper with US elections. Maybe we should just open up the polls and let everyone in Russia, China, Canada, Mexico and every country vote in US elections.
Name one lie the Russians made about your stupid lying kuuunt in a pants suit. You stupid fucking piece of shit.
Translation: Yes, the Russians hacked the emails and revealed Hillary's corruption.

Awesome and agreed.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

No, nobody has ever made that claim.

What Trump did was to go get the Russian government to make up wild bullshit. Trump got Russia to do his lying.

What other countries do you think should be given the right to tamper with US elections. Maybe we should just open up the polls and let everyone in Russia, China, Canada, Mexico and every country vote in US elections.
Name one lie the Russians made about your stupid lying kuuunt in a pants suit. You stupid fucking piece of shit.
No irrational dupe hate there, based on 25 years of bs, all investigated and nothing.

It seems the Lynch/Bill meetings "importance" was a russian fake news story, and got the idiot GOP Comey to basically throw the election.

In addition, of course, there were months of Russian leaks of e-mails of DNC etc staffers BSing that Fox and RWer pundits- and even ratings mad journalists made mountains out of...all those who've seen the classified evidence agree.
Trying to influence something is not the same as actually doing so. It's not the effort but rather the outcome. Libs think dog and pony shows are real and that effort and outcome always match up
Gotta become adults one of these days people
Trying to influence something is not the same as actually doing so. It's not the effort but rather the outcome. Libs think dog and pony shows are real and that effort and outcome always match up
Gotta become adults one of these days people
Sorry, but bullshit. If North Korea shot a nuke at us and we shot it down, are you seriously going to claim "It's not the effort but rather the outcome"???

The Russians tried to fuck with our election process. That's not right and that's not something we should just be sweeping under the rug. Anyone who says the Russians are our friends and the CIA is our enemy is probably a fucking Russian....or just a fucking moron.
Trying to influence something is not the same as actually doing so. It's not the effort but rather the outcome. Libs think dog and pony shows are real and that effort and outcome always match up
Gotta become adults one of these days people
Sorry, but bullshit. If North Korea shot a nuke at us and we shot it down, are you seriously going to claim "It's not the effort but rather the outcome"???

The Russians tried to fuck with our election process. That's not right and that's not something we should just be sweeping under the rug. Anyone who says the Russians are our friends and the CIA is our enemy is probably a fucking Russian....or just a fucking moron.
The usual profanity fest from libs who have no other means to express themselves
See you all were shielded from the wins and losses of competition because your coddled and fragile psyches could only handle participation
Outcome and effort are not the same.
So you think your fantastic loss can only be explained by something fantasytastic-the Russians. Feeling that someone must have done dirty is not the same as them saying they did which is not the same as actually trying which is not the same as effectively doing
You feel this concoction is the butt salve for your loss
How many people pushed the lever for Trump instead of Hillary because Of Russians? As you delight in saying, she won the popular
There are no Russians , grow up and show up and get on with life
Trying to influence something is not the same as actually doing so. It's not the effort but rather the outcome. Libs think dog and pony shows are real and that effort and outcome always match up
Gotta become adults one of these days people
Sorry, but bullshit. If North Korea shot a nuke at us and we shot it down, are you seriously going to claim "It's not the effort but rather the outcome"???

The Russians tried to fuck with our election process. That's not right and that's not something we should just be sweeping under the rug. Anyone who says the Russians are our friends and the CIA is our enemy is probably a fucking Russian....or just a fucking moron.
The usual profanity fest from libs who have no other means to express themselves
See you all were shielded from the wins and losses of competition because your coddled and fragile psyches could only handle participation
Outcome and effort are not the same.
So you think your fantastic loss can only be explained by something fantasytastic-the Russians. Feeling that someone must have done dirty is not the same as them saying they did which is not the same as actually trying which is not the same as effectively doing
You feel this concoction is the butt salve for your loss
How many people pushed the lever for Trump instead of Hillary because Of Russians? As you delight in saying, she won the popular
There are no Russians , grow up and show up and get on with life
Who are you calling a "lib"? Anyone to the Left of your far right position or just anyone who disagrees with your narrow point of view?

I'm tired of anti-American fuckwads coming onto this forum posing as "patriots" then shitting all over our nation and our national defense. A $50K Hellfire missile is worth the price for taking out foreign terrorists and saboteurs.

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