Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?

"If it's what you say I love ❤️ it,"

bripat9643, post: 17739214
Trump isn't responsible for what Goldstone wrote, douche bag.

Trump is responsible for his response to what Goldstone wrote. If Trump Jr were a patriot he should have responded,

"fuck you I want nothing to do with anything the Russian government is doing to interfere in an American presidential election." I will be sending this email to the FBI.

Instead, the sleazy money grubbing 'Trump First! baboon, that he is responded thusly:

Direct Quote: "If it's what you say I love it,"

To this information from Goldstone:

"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump,"
Let him explain it then what he meant.

As for evidence, the declassified Security report said they did. If it was wrong, why hasn't the bipartisan, Republican-run Intelligence committees said so?

Declassified security report said they did WHAT? Tried to influence? That's what everyone at USMB who has posted in the Political forum has done. That's what every candidate does. It's what every campaign rally, political ad and debate is about. It's called "politics" and that's what "campaigns" do... attempt to influence the election.
Let him explain it then what he meant.

As for evidence, the declassified Security report said they did. If it was wrong, why hasn't the bipartisan, Republican-run Intelligence committees said so?

Declassified security report said they did WHAT? Tried to influence? That's what everyone at USMB who has posted in the Political forum has done. That's what every candidate does. It's what every campaign rally, political ad and debate is about. It's called "politics" and that's what "campaigns" do... attempt to influence the election.
Fine. You are free to believe the Russians are our friends, that they did nothing wrong and that Putin is just a Teddy Bear.

I'll continue to support the assessment of our military and intelligence communities.
Let him explain it then what he meant.

As for evidence, the declassified Security report said they did. If it was wrong, why hasn't the bipartisan, Republican-run Intelligence committees said so?

Declassified security report said they did WHAT? Tried to influence? That's what everyone at USMB who has posted in the Political forum has done. That's what every candidate does. It's what every campaign rally, political ad and debate is about. It's called "politics" and that's what "campaigns" do... attempt to influence the election.
Fine. You are free to believe the Russians are our friends, that they did nothing wrong and that Putin is just a Teddy Bear.

I'll continue to support the assessment of our military and intelligence communities.

I didn't say the Russians were our friends. I didn't say they did nothing wrong. I didn't say Putin was a Teddy Bear. Didn't say I don't support the assessment of our military intelligence community. Why are you putting words in my mouth? Why can't you just answer my fucking question?
Let him explain it then what he meant.

As for evidence, the declassified Security report said they did. If it was wrong, why hasn't the bipartisan, Republican-run Intelligence committees said so?

Declassified security report said they did WHAT? Tried to influence? That's what everyone at USMB who has posted in the Political forum has done. That's what every candidate does. It's what every campaign rally, political ad and debate is about. It's called "politics" and that's what "campaigns" do... attempt to influence the election.
Fine. You are free to believe the Russians are our friends, that they did nothing wrong and that Putin is just a Teddy Bear.

I'll continue to support the assessment of our military and intelligence communities.

I didn't say the Russians were our friends. I didn't say they did nothing wrong. I didn't say Putin was a Teddy Bear. Didn't say I don't support the assessment of our military intelligence community. Why are you putting words in my mouth? Why can't you just answer my fucking question?
Correct, you didn't say any of those things yet you are the one defending the Russians. Why?

I did answer your fucking question. Here, let me make it bigger: I'll continue to support the assessment of our military and intelligence communities
Boss, post: 17739827,
That's what every candidate does.

That is not true: no candidate or candidate's staff in history until June 2016 has agreed to privately meet, (using the word L❤️VE,) with a foreign agent offering the campaign something similar to this:

"......obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump,"
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Didn't say I don't support the assessment of our military intelligence community.

Trump doesn't support the assessment of the intelligence community. He calls it a witch hunt. He fired the FBI Director as he told the Russians to take the pressure off. Why are you defending him?
This is how they roll and why I am about done with talking about it
Because you had a bad outcome does not mean something bad or nefarious was done to you
Let him explain it then what he meant.

As for evidence, the declassified Security report said they did. If it was wrong, why hasn't the bipartisan, Republican-run Intelligence committees said so?

Declassified security report said they did WHAT? Tried to influence? That's what everyone at USMB who has posted in the Political forum has done. That's what every candidate does. It's what every campaign rally, political ad and debate is about. It's called "politics" and that's what "campaigns" do... attempt to influence the election.
Fine. You are free to believe the Russians are our friends, that they did nothing wrong and that Putin is just a Teddy Bear.

I'll continue to support the assessment of our military and intelligence communities.

I didn't say the Russians were our friends. I didn't say they did nothing wrong. I didn't say Putin was a Teddy Bear. Didn't say I don't support the assessment of our military intelligence community. Why are you putting words in my mouth? Why can't you just answer my fucking question?
Correct, you didn't say any of those things yet you are the one defending the Russians. Why?

I did answer your fucking question. Here, let me make it bigger: I'll continue to support the assessment of our military and intelligence communities

Where did I defend the Russians? I asked you a fucking question!

Now, I don't give a damn what YOU support. The "report" you linked is full of leftist rhetoric. Sorry.. it just is. Maybe it was put together by deep state Obama cronies? Maybe it was Establishment Never-Trumpers? I have no idea... but they keep talking about "Russian attempts to influence" as if influencing elections is somehow a new phenomenon and an illicit one.... it's NOT... it's the nature of politics... it's what politics is all about! Every single thing about any political campaign is about influencing the election!

Again.... CYBER THREATS... attempting to hack into voter rolls or actual voting machines... yeah, that's fucking WRONG! That's not "influencing" an election, that's "interfering with the process" and a very serious matter. So let's distinguish what the fuck we're talking about here.

I mean, seriously... what do you think we're all doing here daily? Are we not attempting to influence elections? I can only speak for myself but that's been my clear goal and objective... to influence the outcome of the election! And there's nothing preventing foreigners from this, USMB has many foreign members who actively attempt to influence the outcome of elections.... that's politics!
Nothing illegal about meeting
with a foreign national for information or employing them to work in Information Technology during your campaign.

Pakistani Suspects In House IT Probe Received $4 Million From Dem Reps

Apparently they were skilled hackers. Why would The DNC hire Foreign Pakistani Hackers to work in Information Technology giving them full access to everything?
and what does that deflection have to do with the tea in China? NOTHING!

This is about campaigns not working with foreign govts, who have the power of their nation's intelligence agencies, Military intelligence, spies, bots, hackers, unlimited money, their gvt press etc, at their finger tips...and the election law, that covers that, specifically.
bripat9643, post: 17739214
You added "as long as it was high level and sensitive information as part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump.' that's how we know you're a sleazy douche bag liar.

You are an idiot.

Here is the direct quote from Son of Orange Drumpf's released email.

"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump," Goldstone wrote in the email to Trump Jr.

Sorry I didn't copy the adjective "very" from the original which says, "very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump,"

Enjoy the Judge Napolitano commentary I am going to post following this:

Again, Goldstone wrote it, not Trump.

Just admit you're a moron now.
Go judge go:

“The question is, is this enough to commence a criminal investigation? Answer, yes,” Napolitano said on Fox News. “Because it is suspicious that they met with these people, that they didn’t consult a lawyer, that one of these people was a former KGB, GRU, that’s the Russian intelligence arm, Russian military intelligence arm, and didn’t tell anybody about it.”

Even Fox Analyst .... Thinks Jr. Went Too Far Evan Vucci/AP. Esme Cribb. July 17, 2017 5:02 pm
I like Napolitano, but he's wrong in this case. He's the only legal expert I've seen who claims a law was broken.
The Original Tree, post: 17739394
Nothing illegal about meeting
with a foreign national for information or employing them to work in Information Technology during your campaign.

Who says they were foreign nationals? Did you make that lie up all on your own?
We all know that Liberals do not respect The Truth, and that lying is just a tool for them to get what they want.

Read it and weep. Another Lefty Know Nothing Liar Exposed Again.

Pakistani Suspects In House IT Probe Received $4 Million From Dem Reps

Meet The Awan Brothers From Pakistan: They Ran DNC Congress Computers, Committed Treason

House Dems Paid $4M to Pakistani IT Professionals Under Criminal Probe

Three Muslim Brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan Fired From Congress – May Be Linked to DNC Leaks

Why Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz Protecting A Pakistani Wikileaks Suspect | The Resurgent
Go Judge Go!

"Napolitano said that an inquiry would be justified because “often these nonviolent criminal events don’t happen all at once, they happen in stages.”

“It is a crime to receive something of value when you are a campaign official from a foreign person or a foreign government,” he said, adding that if Trump Jr. received anything from the meeting, “That would have been a felony. That would have been the completion of a crime.”

Even Fox Analyst .... Thinks Jr. Went Too Far Evan Vucci/AP. Esme Cribb. July 17, 2017 5:02 pm

Hey, Stalin's butt plug. Information is not considered "something of value" in campaign finance law. Otherwise you could not read a foreign newspaper, or like Comey did talk to an Ex British spy, or like The DNC did go to the Ukranian Embassy to get dirt on Trump. Hillary Clinton could not have met with Russian businessmen or taken $145 Million from Putin in to The Clinton Foundation.

Quit being an idiot.
Nothing illegal about meeting
with a foreign national for information or employing them to work in Information Technology during your campaign.

Pakistani Suspects In House IT Probe Received $4 Million From Dem Reps

Apparently they were skilled hackers. Why would The DNC hire Foreign Pakistani Hackers to work in Information Technology giving them full access to everything?
and what does that deflection have to do with the tea in China? NOTHING!

This is about campaigns not working with foreign govts, who have the power of their nation's intelligence agencies, Military intelligence, spies, bots, hackers, unlimited money, their gvt press etc, at their finger tips...and the election law, that covers that, specifically.
You mean like The DNC and members of Clinton's campaign who went to THE UKRANIAN EMBASSY to get dirt on Trump from Ukranian Spies?
bripat9643, post: 17740822,
I like Napolitano, but he's wrong in this case. He's the only legal expert I've seen who claims a law was broken.

He did not say a law was broken. He said it was enough to commence a criminal investigation because their activity is suspicious. He is correct. Your opinion is tinged by partisan gullibility.
Still trying to stretch for a gotcha moment.

So if information has value, and CNN reports that most of Europe preferred Hillary over Trump, are they then guilty of breaking this law?

did the rest of Europe Promise Hillary dirt on trump and arrange secret meetings to talk about it?

usually that information itself is illegal, such as classified materials.

And that was about classified materials.

And she had clearance to see classified materials, so that wasn't a problem.

The press did Hillary's job for her, both domestic and international.

She didn't have clearance to store them outside of certified equipment.
Information is not considered "something of value" in campaign finance law. Otherwise you could not read a foreign newspaper, or like Comey did talk to an Ex British spy, or like The DNC did go to the Ukranian Embassy to get dirt on Trump. Hillary Clinton could not have met with Russian businessmen or taken $145 Million from Putin in to The Clinton Foundation.

None of what you said comes close to what DJTjr, Manafort, and Kushner did. Your Ukraine issue is bullshit as explained earlier.

Ukraine released the dirt publically. The DNC did not pursue it.

Comey was not a campaign official.

The Clinton Foundation has nothing to do with a campaign.

Napolitano says you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
Trump had a secret meeting with Putin
At the G20.

The Orange Clown, Putin and Putin's translator were in on the conversation but no other Americans. Our Clown was the lone American with Putin for an hour.

I hope Trump was begging for asylum for him and Jr and Kushner.
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